6:40pm Jan 5 2010
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((eklipse o.O Appearance and looks are the same thing...))
9:58pm Jan 5 2010
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((Eklipse, nice picture sizes! -claps-)) With the early morning rays of sun beaming through into the warriors den Courgarclaw gave a great yawn. Climbing to her paws, Cougarclaw arched her back and purred at the feeling of taunt muscles. I wonder if my rude apprentice is ready to actually work today. Lately she notcied that all the apprentices' were quite out of behavior. They're all close to Patchpaw, so I guess it's ok that they get a little flighty...Then again, in her opinion, Courgarclaw thought that Cheetahpaw was being too lofty. I just can't teach him anything and he's always running off on me, or being lazy. I need to talk to Eaglestar, wait now it's Fallenwind that I need to talk to...well I need to talk to somecat about this wild one. He's getting on my nerves and being my first apprentice a bit too hard on me. Flicking her tail in dismission, Cougarclaw quietly walked out of the warrirors den. Her ears flattened when the bright light flashed into her dark-topaz eyes. Blinking rapidly, Cougarclaw stood still and adjusted to the sunny day. I think newleaf is coming, and we didn't even get snow! Padding forward with Cougarclaw saw Fallenwind and Leopardheart near the medicine cat den. She had heard a camotion but it wasn't her business to deal with. Between the two of them, they will solve anything.
Just call me Siri.
8:03am Jan 6 2010
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((I havent played Jadewing in a while o.O)) Jadewing padded up to where Duskkit, Birdkit, and Ravenkit were all sitting together. "Hello kids" ((fail TT_TT# school))
7:04pm Jan 6 2010 (last edited on 6:34pm Jan 7 2010)
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(( XD East, nice. -sarcastic-)) While on her march to find Cheetahpaw, Cougarclaw saw Jadewind speaking to her kits. I wonder what it's like to be a mother. Cougarclaw hadn't really known her mother, she was merely nursed then let go to find her own path. She had only kept in contact with her brother, who was still a rogue. I bet it's nice to have kin around, no matter how silly or annoying. "Jadewing," she mewed as she approched, "How have you been?"
Just call me Siri.
7:45pm Jan 6 2010
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((omg i failed. I called them kit They are paws now)) "Very good" Jadewing purred, "Do you want to go hunting with me?"
8:59pm Jan 6 2010
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((NEWSFLAASH,VERY IMPORTANT!# Cheetahpaw is in the aprentices den! XDD))
12:29pm Jan 7 2010 (last edited on 12:33pm Jan 7 2010)
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Rainfeather walked out of her den, redstorm walked up to her."I need a plump vole.. For Jayflight." he meowed. yu could tell he was engoying that she had to do aprentice taskes. Rainfeather returned with a medium sised mouse and droped it infront of him. "Uh.. yes... I said an plump mouse. Go fetch anotehr one." he meowed angerly. Rainfeather returned witha huge sised mouse, adn droped it at his feet. her head facing down looking at ehr paws."That is alot better, you can go now.." he meowed.
12:31pm Jan 7 2010 (last edited on 12:34pm Jan 7 2010)
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Eaglestar padded up to Rainfeather and mewed, "I am sorry to have to say this, but because of what you have done to Ivynose, I ave to strip you of your appretice." Swallowing she meowed again, more cclearly this time, "Redstorm will take over your duties." Dipping her head before she left she added, "That is all"
12:41pm Jan 7 2010 (last edited on 4:23pm Jan 7 2010)
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Rainfeathers eyes widdend,"w-what?! Why!?" she looked down at her claws, "Oh.. yes... right" she meowed quietly, she turned and padded away, looking at the ground as she walked, she sat behind the medicine den. The golden rock shawn in the sun, she raked her claws on the orange stone."Why?...." she meowed sadley. some thing moved in the gress. she looked into the gress trying to figure out what made suck movement. a little snake emerged from the gress, its beady black eyes staring into hers, its little tounge battering between its mouth. "Hey, little guy..."she meowed softly "I wont hurt you.." The little snake he was black and had a blue underbelly. It looked at her then climbed her paw till it to her solder, she stared at it. "You like me?" she asked supriesed, the little snake moved around her neck and stayed there like an amulet, "You don't ming if I walk around with you," she meowed, the little black snake nodded. "W-wait?! you understood me?!" the little snake nodded again. "Well that is good." she meowed as she began to walk, her white spotted silver pelt shawn against the light, "Jayflight, is there anything I can do for you?" she meowed. Jayflight looked at her, then the little snake slowly. "no-no, I am fine" she meowed quickly as she pushed nightkit away.
6:40pm Jan 7 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Jan 7 2010)
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((Now Siri is really confused, they can talk to dogs and snakes? And some of the kits don't like to eat birds? -even though kits only drink milk for the first 5-6 weeks of their life- T3T I give up on understanding anything. -Kinda wishes she read all the books- maybe that would help.)) Cougarlcaw meowed, "That would be great!" Walking next to Jadewing, Cougarclaw couldn't help but huff, "Cheetahpaw never listens to me." Ginving a shy glance at Jadewing Cougarclaw asked, "Is it because I'm not good?" Shuffling her paws, Cougarclaw hated how insecure she was about being a mentor.
Just call me Siri.
7:31pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((They cant talk to other animals.. they speak another tongue. Maybe Rainfeather is a Parselmouth o.O)) "Not good?" Jadewing asked shocked, "Of course not! Apprentices are almost equal to the work of kits. They are impossible to control sometimes." Eaglestar hated to have to do that to Rainfeather. She boundd off to Redstorm who was alseep in the Warrirs den. Prodding him in the side with her paw se meowed, "Guess what?"
7:52pm Jan 7 2010
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((I guess.)) Cougarclaw blinker her appreciation to Jadewing. "I needed to hear that," she mewed. "It's been tough lately." I'm just glad that it isn't my fault for Cheetahpaw's rude behavior. Though he's such a sweet cat. Right before they were going to leave, Cougarclaw meowed, "Wait! I'll be right back." Dashing to the apprentice den, Courgarclaw yowled with affection, "Where is my lazy apprentice?" When she spotted him she continued, "We need to go hunting." Flicking her tail for him to follow, she called over her shoulder. "Oh, and Jadewing with be coming along."
Just call me Siri.
8:22pm Jan 7 2010
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((I m am gunna RP Dovefire, Ivynose and Eaglestar's brother I put him in in the beginning but never put a Bio for him. He is white, tip of hiss tail is black, ears anre black, and has huge black paws like Blackstar. He is also albino...)) Dovefire bounded out of the warrior den feeling more refreshed than ever. Touching Eaglestar's shoulder with his nose before he took in a deep breaeth.He paddded over to Cougarclaw and meowed, "You going hunting with Cheetahpaw? Mind if I join you?"
8:33pm Jan 7 2010
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Cheetahpaw nodded. "What about Graypaw?" He asked.
9:36pm Jan 7 2010
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Cougarclaw looked at Swiftdarkness's apprentice and replied, "If he would like." Swiftdarkness hasn't been doing a good job mentoring but it's exciting for him to be a father. With a soft look on her face Cougarclaw nodded at Dovefire, "Of course you can come too. The more the merrier!" Looking at the fresh-kill pile she thought, I think we need to have even more. "Cheetahpaw," she said, "I really would like Graypaw to come with. He needs his stalking method improved, I believe." The band of cats; Cougarclaw, Dovefire, Graypaw and Cheetahpaw, all trotted over to Jadewing. "I think we should do the afternoon patrol while we're at it." Cougarclaw suggested, and dashed over to Eaglestar to tell her the later partol was taken care of. Jogging back, Cougarclaw motioned with her tail, "Let's get a move on!"
Just call me Siri.
9:43pm Jan 7 2010
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Cheetahpaw raised his eyebrow. "If you really want me to." He joked. "I might have to warn you, you'll be up in the dust!"
9:46pm Jan 7 2010
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Graypaw ignored Cheetahpaw. All I've done so far is do bad things in life. When I become a warrior, she-cats wont even look at me, my mentor will glare at me, and I nearly killed another aprentice. Graypaw looked up at Cougarclaw. "When will I be banished from the Clan?" He asked.
((I've gotten attached to Graypaw, I mean, he's meh main. :3))
10:20pm Jan 7 2010
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(Fallenwind's POV) Fallenwind was about to head out into the shadows of the forest because he could not find Birdpaw and felt restless. When exiting, he noticed a small patch of black fur caught on the brambles. Sniffing it, he felt his muscles tense in fear. Blackkit! Looking into the forest, he saw small paw prints heading out into the forest. Rushing into the nursery, he spotted Falconwing scurrying around, fur fluffed up in terror. "Fallenwind have you seen Blackkit!" She wailed, green eyes flashing. "I went out to use the dirt pile and when I came back he was gone!" He did not listen to anymore, but dashed into the warriors den, seeing Blackfur and beckoned him. Filling the other warrior in, he nearly fell over Silentpaw. The apprenice was coming to he decided. (Silentpaw's POV) The small patrol headed into the forest, ears pricked for any sign of the missing kit "Whats that smell?" Silentpaw asked, and the other toms sniffed the air. Silentpaw jumped when Blackfur hissed and Fallenwind snarled. "Good spotting Silentpaw." Fallenwind congradulated. "Thats the scent of fox." Both warriors started off, longer legs taking them over the ground with ease while Silentpaw followed swiftly behind. "Fallenwind, the fox smell is stronger and coming from two...no three directions." Blackfur growled. "Theres more them one." Fallenwind felt that something bad was going on. Suddenly a sqeal of fear made the three stop and bolt towards the wail. Stopping with a yowl, the three spotted Blackkit, and he was surrounded by three full grown muscular looking foxes. "Silentpaw, stay beside me!" Fallenwind hissed, and looked into his sons eyes. Something clicked between the two, and Silentpaw walked up to stand beside his father. "Im sorry, so so sorry my son." Fallenwind whispered, and Silentpaw felt his heart squeeze. Perhaps Fallenwind was no so bad. Silentpaw thought. He was about to answer with 'its okay', but Fallenwind streaked forward with a battle yowl, scoring his claws along the largest looking foxes side, making blood well. Blackfur stormed off after him, hitting another fox broad side, sending both tummbling. Silentpaw joined his father, slashing where he could From the side of his eyes he spotted Balckfur being attacked by two foxes and was about to warn Fallenwind, when he saw his mistake, he took his eyes off the fox. With a shreik, the large fox sank his fangs into Silentpaw's side, taking his back leg with it. Wailing in pain and fear, he felt the groud fly from hispaws and he was air born. Starclan save me! He thought, wishing he culd have said so much more. But suddenly the ground came up quickly and he hit it with a groan, the world spinning while black dots danced in from of hs eyes. Finally able to see he spotted Fallenwind gripping the foxes throat with histeeth, but he did not gave a good grip. "Stay away from my son!" He heard him snarl, and prayed to Starclan once more that nothing happened to Fallenwind. Getting shakily to his paws, he was about to attack aga when the thrid fox, the one who had attacked Blackfur charged up, eyes gleaming in murder. Its nose was slashed open and one eyes punctured so it was probably blind in it. If the fox is that bad, in scared to see Blackfur! It attached its teeth into Fallenwinds back, and Silentpaw heard a yowl from somewhere, deep with horror and grief. Only later would he relize it was his own, as bone crunched and Fallenwin was tossed to the side and hit the ground, only to lay still. Screeching in pain and sadness Silentpaw hurtled himself at the foxes, gripping the ones throat where Fallenwind had him earlier. But this time he had a good grip, and he soon tased life blood. Only then did he feel the pain as the one who grabbed Fallenwind was ripping at his already mangled tail and backlegs. Letting go, he knew he was going to die, so he crawled using his front legs over to lay beside Fallenwind, tears falling from his amber eyes. Looking back, he saw Blackfur slashing at the last fox, the black toms left back leg twisted oddly and his front right paw gone. Looking away as Blackfur fell, clearly dead, he noticed Fallenwind ragged breathing, his back covered with still oozing blood. "Please get up!" Silentpaw wailed like a kit. "Pease! Its just a scratch. You'll be fine and you have to ru the clan!" Fallenwind amber eyes glanced tirdly at him, their clearity fadding into a haze. "Im so proud of you." He whispered. "And im sorry I was not a better father, to be there for you." He whispred, coughing up blood. Eyes suddenly closing, Silentpaw felt him shudder with pain, and he noticed the gaping wound in Fallenwinds side, he could even see the small chips of bone the fox had broken. "Shimmerpool, its really you." Fallenwind muttered, and Silentpaw burried his nose in Fallenwnds fur, tears falling faster. "Please take me with you my love." He whispered, voice barley audible. Silentpaw felt his fathers body shiver once and lay still, a small last breathing leaving the deputies lungs. Throwing his head painfully back, Silentpaw howled in pain and sadness. Laying his head in Fallenwind cold shoulder, he looked at himself and wished he had not. Bile broiled in his throat as he saw his halfd gone tail, the rest mangles, his back legs bleeding and ripped apart, hips and back littered with missing fur and gapping wounds. He was sure he would die. He blinked as a new sound sounded, and he heard Blackkit walk up, small body quivering. The kit curled up between Fallenwind and Silentpaw, crying for everyrthing he had caused himself. (Fallenwind's POV) Falling into a void, he almosat wailed in happiness at the sigt of the beautiful silver she-cat padding towards him. "Shimmerpool, its really you." He heard himself whisper, padding towards hi lost mate. She turned and walked slowly away. "Please take me with you my love." He murmured, and followed. Suddenly everything was bright and filled with Starlight. Looking around in awe, he spotted Blackfur touching noses with his mother, the black toms fur shining with starlight. Looking at his own paws, he saw them sparkling with starlight themselves. Looking back at Shimmerpool, he was surprised to see her with another kit, this one solid black with blue eyes. "This is Cloudkit, Falconwing and Swiftdarkness's lost kit." She muttered, voice like whispering winds. "I'v missed you so much." He whispered, feeling at home more then he ever felt in Iceclan since she died. Shimmerpool chuckled sweetly. "Welcome to Starclan my love." ((I cried writing this, killing one of my favorite character and not sure if Silentpaw will die or not. But I cannot get on much and need to down size my character list.))

10:22pm Jan 7 2010
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((NO!!!!!! You killed Fallenwind! Yur' a murderer! XDDD))
12:20pm Jan 8 2010
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((cries)) Eaglestar heard yowling from the outside the camp. She turned to Leopardheart, "Stay here!" running out to where Silentpaw and Fallenwind had been, she yowled in grief, "Fallenwind! Fallenwind, my warrior, my deputy, be peacefull in StarClan" She turned to Silentpaw, "Go get Swiftdarkness, Cougarclaw, Jadewing and Rainfeather" gasping, "We need their strenght to jhelp bring Fallenwind back"