12:35pm Jan 8 2010 (last edited on 12:01pm Jan 11 2010)
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((SADFACE lolollooll poor fallenwind))
12:40pm Jan 8 2010 (last edited on 12:41pm Jan 8 2010)
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Rainfeather seen eaglestar run by, "do you need me ?" she asked, but she was alreadey two late. Eaglestar had ran past her,"you gonna be ok if I run?" she murmured to her snake, the little nodded to her, rainfeather started to run where Eaglestar had run, a bolt of thrill ran through her side as she ran to see the white cat Sitting on the ground, she slowed to see that Eaglestar was, Rainfeather padded up to her and satbeside her, "Fallenwind?" she meowed saddley.
1:34pm Jan 8 2010
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(((Hehe, Silentpaw is almost dead, and Fallenwind and Blackfur are dead,so i'll have Falconwing run back to camp.)) Falconwing followed the other warriors out of camp with one last look at her other two kits. Comin upon the scene, she fellbeside Silentpaw and Blackkit, licking both of the from head to toe. "Pease wake up Silentpaw." She begged, seeing the gaping wounds in her foster sons body. "I promised Shimmerpool I would take care of you. Be strong." She wailed, knowing the only way to save him was to get Fernseed. Grabbing Blackkit, who was staring in horror at the bloody mess, she pelted back to camp, green eyes shining with tears. Dropping Blackkit beside his littermates, she licked the kits head once more before running into the medicine cats de. "Fernseed! Mistpaw! Please come quick, Fallenwind and Blackfur are dead and Siletpaw is on his way to Starclan now!" She pleaded, then hurried into the camp. "Leopardheart, Swiftdarkness, Tigerclaw, and Cougarclaw Eaglestar wants you now."

4:48pm Jan 8 2010
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((Who is Tigerclaw?)) Eaglestar nodded to Rainfeather and ran towards Fallenwind. "Okay we will attempt to bring him home for one last time." Forcing her nose and muzzle under his cak she lifted up, his body just inches off the ground.
5:56pm Jan 8 2010
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((I meant Tigerfang, sorry)) Silentpaw tried to snarl in fury and pain as his head hit the ground and Fallenwind's body was moved. But his head spun and black circles danced in front of his eyes, trying to get up he noticed his muscles were not cooperating and he lay still.
7:35pm Jan 8 2010
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Rainfeather nodded, to the sound of eaglestar's voice, her little snake stared at eaglestar oddly. "What happened?!" Redstorm meowed.
10:02pm Jan 8 2010
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(( -Siri mourns the loss of Fallenwind!- Is Silentpaw going to be ok? I mean, he's badly hurt. -Siri needs to know so Fernseed/Mistpaw can take care of him. I have to post later, because I don't want to fail compared to Stray's. Fallenwind needs a great ending post.)) ='(
Just call me Siri.
10:26pm Jan 8 2010
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((Aww, thanks Siri, I thought Fallenwind seemed a bit more the bad guy in this RP then usual. As for Silentpaw, he'll survive...for now. But he'll be seriously injured for a while.))
10:09am Jan 9 2010
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"Eaglestar..... I hope you havent forgot to choose your new deputy by night fall.."Redstorm meowed, trying to comfort her.
10:34am Jan 9 2010
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5:34pm Jan 10 2010
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6:34pm Jan 10 2010 (last edited on 7:09pm Jan 10 2010)
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Pacing Eaglestar cired, "Why?" Limping back to cmp with her warriors and dead deputy, her foot was swelling as she had tripped a rabbit hole, "Great" she muttered, "Just what I need"
7:02pm Jan 10 2010
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((Eklispe, remember to watch the spam, caps are scream/shouting. East can take her time.)) Leopardheart yowled for Cougarclaw to stay behind and guard the camp. Dashing through the forest with the speed of Cheetahclan coursing through him, the branches swiped and clawed as if they too held fury. Scenting blood, Leopardheart pushes himself to go forward even faster with Swiftdarkness scorching up his paws. I should have gone with them! When Leopardheart heard Falconwing’s desperate calls for help, he knew that something was terribly wrong, but Fallenwind was a capable warrior. He’s so strong, and he took another warrior with him. The stench was stronger now; the wind was getting stronger and held a promise of storm. His pelt crackled with static of coming light strikes. Bursting into a clear meadow, Leopardheart halted. Jaw slack he took in the sight. Blood covered the once lovely clearing; clumps of fur from both cat and fox decorated the blood soaked ground like sick flowers. Rigid claw marks made rivulets like dried up creeks. There was also to mounds that looked a bit like two rocks, one larger the other a bit smaller. Leopardheart’s eyes finally settled on something solid, because his mind didn’t register anything else. Everything is too surreal. When he padded over to her, he cocked his head to the side. What’s she touching? His mind finally giving up, on protecting itself, Leopardheart heard his own yowl of horror. It was Fallenwind. “Eaglestar.” He whispered it with so much feeling, “Wait.” His mind screamed for him to turn away, that if he continued to go forward he would never be the same. Leopardheart stopped a tail length away from the larger ‘rock’. Dipping his head closer, even as the pungent smell gagged him, Leopardheart chocked as he recognized the cat before him, “Blackfur.” His eyes closed with grief, two great warriors. His entire body jerked as he looked fearfully at the smaller ‘rock’ realizing this most be an apprentice. As he took each painful step closer, Leopardheart denied his mind. It can’t be. It can’t be! It can’t be! Swiftdarkness felt his heart and soul wrench with the brutal cry that his fellow warrior gave. Never had he seen Leopardheart look so devastated. Swiftdarkness could only watch as Leopardheart raised his regal head and cry out to StarClan, eyes closed as his very heart howled in denial. Bowing his head, Swiftdarkness thought, Leopardheart loved Silentpaw like a son. I feel greedy but I’m glad that my kit is alive, even at the price of these noble cats. Leopardheart was now bowed over Silentpaw. His nose press to his apprentices’ cheek as tears streaked down his grief stricken face. Walking on numb paws, Swiftdarkness padded over to Leopardheart and touched his nose to his shoulder. Suddenly his companion stiffed. “What is it?” he asked. I can’t scent any danger coming, or anything for that matter. When Leopardheart mewed, “He’s alive.” The looked at each other in shock then down at Silentpaw. Sure enough, his sides heaved in agonizing breaths. “He’s alive!” Leopardheart meowed in amazement. Swiftdarkness watched at Leopardheart pulled himself out of his grief, and became the wise warrior he knew. “Rainfeather, help Eaglestar get Fallenwind back to camp. Swiftdarkness, can you take Blackfur by yourself? If not wait, I don’t want him left alone.” Swiftdarkness nodded as Leopardheart said, “I’m going to get Silentpaw to Fernseed.” Leopardheart picked Silentpaw up with the most of care possible, while Swiftdarkness nudged Silentpaw softly, so he sat on Leopardheart’s shoulders. Going over to Blackfur’s, Swiftdarkness finally realized he was also crying. Oh, StarClan. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a cure that Silentpaw is alive. Or will you take him too? Looking up into the darkened sky, pitch as black, Swiftdarkness felt so utterly alone. StarClan had deserted them in this trial. Struggling for a moment, Swiftdarkness finally got Blackfur onto his back and shoulders. Carefully walking back to camp with his heavy burden, he felt a drop on his cheek. Glaring up at StarClan Swiftdarkness watched as rain suddenly poured down. Do you mourn for us, StarClan? When the rainfall turned into a tempest with light-strikes, Swiftdarkness knew that StarClan was indeed grieving for them. Fernseed had gotten word that Fallenwind, Blackfur and Silentpaw had all been attacked by foxes while rescuing Blackkit. Do I have enough herbs to save them? Do I have enough knowledge? Missing Echosong’s presence yet again, Fernseed looked at Mistpaw. She was trembling from nose to tail-tip. Silentpaw and Mistpaw have become great friends. I hope that when the time comes she’ll be able to help me. Looking around at the weary Clan, Fernseed shock water from her whiskers, everyone was quietly waiting. Hoping for a miracle. A thunderstorm had come upon them swiftly, the day had been so peaceful. Cougarclaw suddenly yowled from the Highrock, “Somecats coming!” All the cats got to the paws, and waited anxiously. Leopardheart walked into the camp with something on his back. “Silentpaw,” she mewed is disbelief. Mistpaw crumpled to the ground in sobs. Looking at her apprentice, Fernseed yowled, “There’s not time for that! Are you going to help me save him or not!” Looking at Leopardheart with begging eyes that shouted; there is a chance of saving right? Please? The warrior meowed, “He’s gotten chilled from the rain, but he’s kept breathing the whole way back.” Fernseed nodded and looked at Mistpaw over the crumpled Silentpaw. She looked back with fire sparking in her eyes. She’ll be a fine medicine cat. Meowing orders, Fernseed went straight to work with Mistpaw right beside her.
Just call me Siri.
7:03pm Jan 10 2010 (last edited on 7:13pm Jan 10 2010)
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((Late post fail, -wishes she could keep- I wanted this to be my final post for Fallenwind. -Worked two days on refining it.))
~Re-edit bump
((I decided that it can still work, I'm not going to edit it. ='3))
((Fail! Easty, I <3 you so much for editing! -huggles- You're the best~))
Just call me Siri.
12:01pm Jan 11 2010
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Redstorm walked up to dovefife, he felt the soft gras s on his paws. "Where is Eaglestar?" he asked his good Friend dovefire. "I need to speak to her about something...." he meowed.
4:27pm Jan 11 2010
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((Wow, that post made me cry...again Siri. Amazing since most things cant.)) Silentpaw could vaugly hear yowls from the darkness that cloaked him, and he wished desperetly to know what was going on. Is some other cat hurt? Did the foxes get to the camp! Fighting aginst the blackness, he almost shrunk back as pain lanced through him. But he fought on and through slitted eyes spotted Leopardheart. The warrior looked devistated and a chill went up his spine. Who is he yowling to Starclan for? What has happened? He tried, but failed to look up or around, but his wounds would not allow it. Why is someone's nose touching my fur? Isint that only for dead warriors. Wait, the foxes! Blackfur and Fallenwind, he flinched and felt his body shutter lightly causing more pain, they died. Is that what this is about, did I die to! Terror over took him. I cant be dead! Mother and Fallenwind are not around, theres not Starclan. Forcing his already over worked heart to slow, he strained to hear what they were saying. "He's alive." He heard Leopardheart murmur. I am! Thank you Starclan! Theres so much I want to learn, I want my warriors name and to protect my clan like Leopardheart and Fallenwind. He was surprised when Leopardheart put him on his shoulders and sweet darkness over took him. Wondering for what felt like forever throgh his mind, he was surprised when he opened his eyes in painful slits and saw the medicine cats den. "Water." He heard himself croak.

6:11pm Jan 11 2010
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Dovefire loode up at Redstorm who was pacing, "Out of the camp with Fallenwind and Silentpaw."
7:30pm Jan 11 2010
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((Stray, thank you! I put a lot of heart into that. I mean I had to go to Swift 'cause I could even begin to have Leopardheart describe the pain he was/still in.)) Fernseed was placing cob webs into the larger gashes when she heard a whispered, "Water." Looking at Silentpaw, Fernseed was shocked. He's really awake! "Mistpaw! Please get Silentpaw some water," she meowed quickly. Looking into the slits of Silentpaws eyes, the she-cat noted that he couldn't focus. I don't know what else I can do, he's in the hands of StarClan now.
Just call me Siri.
7:39pm Jan 11 2010
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Once she finally reached the camp Eaglestar was drenched, shivering and with a swollen paw. She limped heavily over to the medicine den, pushed through the ferns and lay down on the soft emerald coloured moss, "Fernseed, i need something for my paw." her voice quivered, "I need to announce a new deputy before moonhigh" She lay her head down and closed her ruby eyes, falling into a light sleep full of nightmares. Rosestar's death, Fallenwind's death, Silentpaw gravely injured, and the possibility of her kits being unable to live. She awoke when she heard a cat yowling. iIt's just my dream. She muttered to herself silently. She awoke from her seemingly light dream in a time whch seemed to be hours later. She bounded out of the Medicine Den and unto highrock and yowled, "Let all cats old enought to catch their own prey gether beneath highrock for a clan meeting. "I am sorry to have to inform this to everyone, but tonight we will mourn the loss of a great deputy, warrior, and leader. Fallenwind was killed by a fox while on patrol. I hate to do this but I must appoint a new deputy before Moonhigh." She paused and thought for a minute, "Leopardheart will be the new deputy of IceClan, and Blackstorm will take over as deputy until I..." she broke off not knowing how to finish this, not many cats knew she was expecting, "Until I take over my duties as leader again." She dipped her head and climbed slowly down the rocks.
4:45pm Jan 12 2010
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((Hehe, Blackstorm was Blackfur, his name was just wrong on the bio (because Blackkit will become Blackstorm). So the new deputy after Leopardheart is dead.))
Silentpaw looked painfully around and spotted Fernseed looking sadly down at him. He figured by that look that he was not going to survive, but that did not sound to bad. "I guess i'll never become a warrior now." He croaked quietly.
Falconwing placed Blackkit down beside his litter mates and curled up with them and shivered quietly. She could not believe how close she had come to losing one of her kits, no, make that two and one of them might still die.