12:00pm Jan 13 2010
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"Eaglestar!" redstorm meowed, trying to keep up with her. "I need to speek to you ALONE." he meowed, "It is ....well.... I will tell you in your den.."
12:03pm Jan 13 2010
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8:21pm Jan 13 2010
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Eaglestar looked at Redstorm nodded and mewed, "Good. i need to speak to you to" Bounding up to her den, with Redstorm following her she sat down of a bed of mosss and mewoed, "You will be taking over the mentoring duty of Ravenpaw, the clan does not need to know. What was it you needed to speak to me about?"
5:18pm Jan 14 2010
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"I need to say.." hew paused. "I think Rainfeather should be exiled." he meowed strongly staring into eaglestars eyes, "3 moons of apprentice tasks can't stop her from destroying you and the clan, and it can't get Iceheart out of her mind."
6:20pm Jan 14 2010
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"No! She will not be exiled." She glared, her red eyes burning into her mates, "It was not entirely her fault! Ivynose is as much to blame for this. Edging her on. Blaming her for the dissapearance of her children whom she loved so dearly." She paced around her den tail swaying stiffly from side to side, "What will the other clans think?" she asked slowly her anger changing to worry, "What will our kits think?" She stopped paciong and sat, "We have a gathering tomorrow night. Rainfeather is a great warrior, she will not be exiled, end of discussion." And she bounded out of her den thinking she would be steaming she was so angry.
4:49pm Jan 15 2010
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6:32pm Jan 15 2010
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Redstorm stared after his mate as she bounded off. Rainfeather listend, I am supprised that Eaglestar stood up for me... but I cant say the same about redstorm.... he wanted to exile me!? thought rainfeather as she sat behind Eaglestars den, repleying the whole conversation that she overheard in her mind.
8:26am Jan 16 2010
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Falconwing huffed as she tried to step out of the nursey, only to be nearly knocked over by three tiny bodies. "Dont get under any cats paws!" She meowed to her three kits who for the first time she allowed out of the nursery. She wanted to keep them beside her at all times, ecspecially since Shadowkit's incident. Looking over her shoulder now and then at the three of them, she padded into the medicine cats den to say hello to Silentpaw. She flinched as she saw her foster son, his breathing labored and hoarse. His wounds looked puffy and painful and one back leg was crooked. Laying down beside him, she silently apologized to Shimmerpool.
9:24am Jan 17 2010
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As she waas running Eaglestar thought, Tere's a gathering tomorrow night. She turned around and bounded up to highrock. "Let all cats old enogh to cath their own prey gather beneath highrock for a clan meeting." She looked around and watched as the cats pooled aorund the rock, "Tomorrow night there is a Gathering, we need to stay strong and show Phoenixstar, Hawkstar and Grousestar that we can survive an attack like that. Leopardheart, you will be standing where Fallenwind always ha and prove we are strong. Ravenpaw, Birdpaw, and Duskpaw you stay behind, we need not to worry." Dipping her head she mewed, "That is all"
12:22pm Jan 17 2010
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She couldn’t even recognize the cat before her, only the tuffs of fur gave away the identity. Silentpaw, how I wish this hadn’t happened to you. Looking up at Falconwing from across Silentpaw, the two cats shared a long stare. Mistpaw couldn’t begin to understand what was in Falconwings gaze but she knew that her own was full of pity. And I hate myself for it. Silentpaw would never want that. Pity is for lesser cats that scrounge for attention, he was never like that. Her pelt prickled as she thought about how hard he had worked to become a warrior, every day that he had trained with Leopardheart. Closing her eyes Mistpaw bowed her head so that Silentpaw couldn’t see her face, if he happened to wake. Meanwhile, Leopardheart nodded at Eaglestar’s words. Though I will make Cougarclaw, Redstorm and Patchpaw stay behind as well. He wanted to have a warrior per two apprentices. Then another thought came to mind, Rainfeather. I will have to talk to Eaglestar about bringing her with. He felt uneasy around the cat, not fully trusting her with watching over the apprentices. We’ve already have two being delayed their warrior names…Pain nearly brought the warrior to the ground. His apprentice would never be a warrior. Silentpaw was crippled now and could never fully protect his clan. Looking to the center of the clearing he saw Fallenwind. His heart hurt to keep the burden of beating. Leopardheart closed his eyes and concentrated on his new duties. Walking over to Swiftdarkness, who was looking at the medicine cat den where his mate and kits had just gone, Leopardheart nudged his friend. “I would be glad if you could take Dovefire and Graypaw on a patrol at this time.” He said it with an open ended, the other warrior could comply or say no. But Swiftdarkness perked up and meowed, “Of course.” Dipping his head in respect Swiftdarkness dashed off to find the others. Finally feeling that he could share tongues with Fallenwind, Leopardheart walked over to the former deputy. Resting his nose on Fallenwind’s cheek, Leopardheart wished that Fallenwind could still guide him. I didn’t expect this, I’m not ready.
Just call me Siri.
12:52pm Jan 17 2010
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Eaglestar walked over to her former and current deputy. "You are doing well" she murmered softly to Leopardhear before se bent down and pushed her nose into Fallenwind cold fur
1:13pm Jan 17 2010
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Silentpaw wondered once more where he was, for the ground seemed to sparkle with light from within and the moon almost touched the ground. Looking at himself, he was pleased to see there were no wounds and he was whole. But what of the others of Iceclan? Am I alone? Wishing he was still in the medicine cats den talking to Mistpaw or sharing tounges once more with Patchpaw he called out into the night. No cat answered back. Letting his ears droop, he padded forward to inspect the territory. Suddenly he almost fell into a small pool and he gasped in awe. It was only a few tail length wide but was a perfect circle with starlight shinging through out. What is this? Looking into the pool he almost jumped back as he saw Iceclan. Swiftdarkness was leading a patrol, Eglestar just finished adressing the clan, and Leopardheart was saying good bye to Fallenwind. His heart clinched as he gazed upon his mentor and he wished he could comfort him. Leopardheart does not deserve this! He has done nothing but help me and his clan. Wanting nothing more then to jump into the pool and escape this strange place he had no idea how long he sat there, amber eyes staring in anguish at the scene. Im sorry I was not stronger! I should have done something, anything, to prevent this. Bowing his head, he felt a tail wrap around his shoulders in comfort. "You do not have long my son." A voice meowed, so soft and beautiful he looked up. Staring at a she-cat beside him, he suddenly understood why Fallenwind fell in love with his mother for her eyes held nothing but love and trust and a gentelness that could not be diminished. "What do you mean mother?" He whispered, voice cracking. "Go now, and finish what should have gone on." She whispered and disappeared in starlight. Suddenly he was falling, and a teriffied yowl broke through his throat as darkness engulffed him and wind buffeted from all side. Pain was what stopped him and he tried to sit up and breath. Looking desperatly around him, he soon saw he was in the medicine cats den and Falconwing was looking at him in concern. Not able to sit up any longer he flopped back down with a hiss. He could smell infection and the rotting of his muscles. 'Finish what should have gone on.' That voice said again in his ear. "Falconwing." He murmured, and she she-cat ried to shush him. "Please save your stength." She murmured, and he shook his head in defeat. He knew now what Shimmerpool's words meant. "Im sorry for how i'v acted the last couple of moons." He whispered, and his eyes begged her to forgive him. "Oh Silentpaw, how could I not, I understand why you've done it." She meowed softly. "Thank you for everything." Hemuttered, fighting off the oncoming darkness. Please give me a few more minutes! He wailed in his mind, praying Starclan heard him. Using the last of his strength he looked at Mistpaw. "You'll be one of the greatest medicine cats the forest has seen." He whispered. "With your kindness and your loyalty," He chuckled rustily, closing his eyes. "Falconwing, mother, please tell Leopardheart and Patchpaw I said goodbye. And tell Leopardheart I said thanks." He whsipered and Falconwing had to bend down to hear him. "Of course." She meowed gently, holding her tears back. She knew he would hate to see them. "I only regret I never will know my warriors name." He said with a final breath. Darkness was everywhere once more, but this one was gentle and lulling like it spoke that everything would be fine. "Wake up little one." A voice said over his head, and he opened his eyes to look up at Shimmerpool. "Its time to go." Nodding, he stood up and looked around, almost yowling as he saw stars swirling around his paws. "Come Silentpaw." And he smiled at Fallenwind who was standing beside Shimmerpool with their tails intertwined. He followed them into the starry sky, loving the sense of freedom and strength he felt while running towards the sky. Falconwing stared down at her adopted son in agony, unsure weather to throw her head back and wail, or bury her nose in his cold fur. Shaking, she looked helplessly at Mistpaw hoping for the medicine cat apprentice to something to save him. She knew it was usless. Hearing soft wails coming from her throat she could not look anymore and bolted from the den, fur fluffed up and eyes bright with unshed tears. Seeing her mate about to leave with a patrol, she stopped beside him and burried her face in his fur. Trembling, she knew not what else to do.

1:17pm Jan 17 2010
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((Stop killing your charries! d: -cries-)
3:51pm Jan 17 2010
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((Stry, ='((((( I was going to have Leopardheart visit and give Silentpaw his warriors name! =''(( I'm so sad, 'cause I relate to Patchpaw and now she's going to be devisated!! -cries- Plus I loved our Silentpaw!)) ~Bump 'cause she's too sad to post at the moment. ((I will in a bit....-sad-))
Just call me Siri.
4:26pm Jan 17 2010
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(( What?! strayy!! stoooop it !!)) Rainfeather walked up to ehr clan leader," Eaglestar..." she paused. "Am I comeing to the gathering?" she meowed regretfully Why are yuo asking this, you mouse brain! You know she will be like 'I would like you to stay beck at camp'.... "Or... never mind..." she meowed, as she padded off "You would say 'no' anyways." she meowed out loud, as paused you fox dung, WHY did you say that outloud!!.
9:17pm Jan 17 2010 (last edited on 4:55pm Jan 18 2010)
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Eaglestar stared at Rainfeather crossly before padding up to her, "Yes you are coming... And no I wouldn't have said no." She looked at her hardly the crimson eyes blazing into blue, "Because of your willingness and readiness to help with the fox attaack your punishment is only 1 moon." She ook a breath and continued., "You will be relieved of these duties and given your apprentice back right be fore the next gathering"
9:29pm Jan 17 2010 (last edited on 2:42pm Jan 18 2010)
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((Stray can do whatever she wants! Though it makes Siri sad...*Silentheart, Stray if you like I can change this.)) Finally she had the courage to see him. After sharing tongues with Fallenwind, after Leopardheart nodded her over, Patchpaw walked to the Medicine cat den. Watching each paw step she took; one, two, three, four. I'm almost there, she thought. Slowly stepping into the den she peaked around the corner and barely heard, "Falconwing, mother, please tell Leopardheart and Patchpaw I said goodbye. And tell Leopardheart I said thanks." When Silentpaw stopped talking, Patchpaw thought she would never hear his voice again. Then he continued and it broke her heart, "I only regret I never will know my warriors name." Silentpaw! No, no, no, NO! Watching Falconwing, face full of grief, as she dashed so madly out of the den, that she hadn't even seen Patchpaw. Patchpaw took trembling steps forward, is he really in StarClan? Startling, Patchpaw stood stalk still when Mistpaw wailed in misery. He really is gone. No longer feeling the pain in her shoulder, Patchpaw could only feel her hearts anguish. Who will be with me now? I never got to say I'm sorry...my friend...Tears streaked down her face but she didn't notice. Turning around she wandered over to Leopardheart and mewed, "Silentpaw..." The older warrior instantly knew what she meant. His face turned cold as the news sank in. Leopardheart must be heartbroken also, he seemed to love his apprentice like a son. Leopardheart gave a sad glance at Fallenwind then got up. Walking as slowly as Patchpaw had, Leopardheart strode to the medicine cat den with Patchpaw watching him. Sitting by Fallenwind, Patchpaw kept her eyes on the medicine cat den. When Leopardheart returned he carried Silentpaw upon his back. With jaded eyes Patchpaw mindlessly watched Leopardheart lay Silentpaw down by his father. They never had the chance to bond. Bowing her head, Patchpaw felt new tears come. Looking at Leopardheart she saw them brimming over his eyes as well. Nuzzling into his fur she mewed, “He wanted to say goodbye to us and thank you for being his mentor.” Leopardheart looked to the silverpelt that was creeping across the treetops. The wide expanse of sky was covered with thunder clouds from the earlier downpour. Twinkling through the navy-gray clouds some stars shone down on clearing, creating an eerie halo of silver light around Fallenwind and Silentpaw. Suddenly some words came to him, “I ask my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has learned the warrior code and has given up his life in the service of his Clan. Let StarClan receive him as a warrior. He will be known as *Silentheart.” Leaning near Silentheart’s ear he whispered, “My silent warrior, I will always love you. In my heart there is a calm, quiet and peaceful place that you will always live.” Licking Silentheart on the cheek, Leopardheart let the tears fall freely. I will never forget you. Patchpaw nuzzled Silentheart’s ear, “Silentheart. I always knew that you would get your warrior name first.” Shutting her eyes tightly, she continued, “Though I think the cost was too much.” A single tear dripped onto his cheek from her own. “I want you to know that I have always looked up to you. I wanted you to be with me forever but that’s greedy. When Mistpaw became your favorite I didn’t know what to do but inside I always knew that you still held me close. Then, when I yelled at you, I didn’t get to say it all. I wanted to tell you that I love you, not like Swiftdarkness loves Falconwing but like Leopardheart does. Like you were my older brother…and now you aren’t here to protect me-” Her voice cracked but she kept going, “I wish that I could have protected you. At the Gathering tomorrow all the other apprentices will be jealous of your name. I will make sure to remember you. I will tell my kits, and they will tell theirs. Rest in peace Silentheart, until I meet you in StarClan.” Placing her nose on his, Patchpaw sobbed. Swiftdarkness startled when Falconwing buried her delicate face into his fur, looking over her shoulder he saw the three kits sniffling and Midnightkit was crying. Looking around wildly Swiftdarkness finally saw why, Silentpaw had gone to StarClan. With Shimmerpool and Fallenwind at last, they will love him dearly together. Leopardheart spoke, without shouting, and his voice rang out across the Clan, he was giving Silentpaw a warrior’s name. Silentheart, fits him well. Murmuring to Falconwing, “Silentheart has a lot of room to love others. He will always have a spot for you, right next to Shimmerpool.” Nestling closer to Falconwing, Swiftdarkness wrapped one paw around her back and gathered the kits with the other.
Just call me Siri.
9:34pm Jan 17 2010
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Kestrelheart nestled in to the packed area around the deceased warriors. "Silentheart. No one will ever forget you. I feel honoured to share my name with you. It will be a constant reminder of how you saved your clan many times over." A tear rolling down his cheek he licke Silentheart cold head fur one last time before padding to the warriors den.
12:11pm Jan 18 2010 (last edited on 12:13pm Jan 18 2010)
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((lol RainSTAR!? lol easteh!! )) ((Rainfeather)) Rainfeather stared at her leader is amazment, I get my apprentice back!?! she thought happily. "Thankyou eaglestar thankyou!!" she meowed happily. my punishment has been narowed down to 1 moon!! Then she turned to see redstorm staring at her, probley amazed about what eaglestar had said. She walked by staring at his green eyes, anger flooded through them ((redstorm)) As redstorm stared at her he looked into her eyes and saw joy and happyness fadeing into frustration and anegr, her Ice blue eyes peered at him, then he felt like her eyes were turning him to ice, a cold shiver ran up his spine. I wish she was GONE!
3:49pm Jan 18 2010
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Cougarclaw sat back on her haunches staring down at Blackstorm. The brave warrior was so still, but death does that to you. Cougarclaw never got too close to anycat, just incase something like this happened. I would rather live alone my whole life. I don’t think I could handle learning what love is then have it ripped from my paws. Looking up into the sky, Cougarclaw watched the thunderclouds race across the great expanse of sky. Hues of dull grays, blues and greens were pushed leagues away by brilliant crimson-gold rays heralding dawns approach. The change was hypnotizing. All the she-cat could do was watch as mother earth pushed her grief away then return to the joyfulness of life. The ruthless winds had ceased to teasing breezes. Twining around her tail and riffling her fur. Closing her eyes, Cougarclaw could almost feel the three deceased warriors look down on the Clan before they began their new story in StarClan. Catching the scent of jasmine, Cougarclaw opened her eyes. Glancing around herself, she saw no-cat. Friend or foe? With a sigh Cougarclaw knew she would get no answer. Leopardheart had moved for sharing tongues with Fallenwind to Silentheart but now he was by Blackstorm. His head was still bowed and Cougarclaw knew that exhaustion plagued them both. Neither one had slept this night. There was no patrol this eve either, she thought. Because Silentheart’s death had come so quickly, all grieved. “Leopardheart.” She mewed it gently. The tom lifted his regal head, holding it high, as weak golden rays haloed around him. His pelt looked that of SunClan, not StarClan, glowing in magnificent gold his topaz eyes shone with power.“Let us set our clan mates to rest, Cougarclaw.” Leopardheart replied smoothly.He’s a strong warrior. He set his whole heart into grieving this night. Now that is it in the past, Leopardheart will lead this Clan with all his might. Getting to her paws Cougarclaw stretched her back in an arch to release any kinks. Swiftdarkness pulled away from Falconwing slowly, knowing that it was time to burry the warriors. Falconwing will miss Silentheart like her own kit but they will meet again. Leopardheart motioned with his tail for her to take Silentheart while he took Fallenwind and Swiftdarkness took Blackstorm. When they were done there was still much time before sun-high. Looking at Leopardheart she saw not a scratch of tiredness. Instead he looked energetic as he talked madly with (Who’s Leopardheart’s deputy?). I think he won’t mind if I rest for a bit. Padding over to the warriors den, Cougarclaw flopped down in her corner and fell asleep nearly at once.
Just call me Siri.