8:00am Jan 19 2010
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"Thank you Leopardheart. Would you like to *censored*ign her a mentor? Your first official act as the replacement leader?" Eaglestar asked politely before adding, "Oh, and at the Gathering I will stand with the leaders but at the next Gathering I'm afraid I won't be able to do that." She dipped her head to her deputy and padded off to the Medicine Den.
4:15pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Jan 19 2010)
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Do Not Mind This Post
6:31pm Jan 19 2010
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8:25pm Jan 19 2010
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(( I need to interact with other pplz cat more... I have only with easteh lol dont know what to wright))
8:32pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 8:34pm Jan 19 2010)
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Rainfeather sat down not knowing what to do because she was hiding behind a rock being anti social..... lol she thought as she stared at the tree wondering how long it would take for poisonkit to attack her, for she was sitting on her.
11:07pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 8:54pm Jan 21 2010)
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((Fullmoon, thank you! I didn't know about that one XD || Eklipse, I tried to have Fernseed talk to Redstorm but you didn't respond...who's Posionkit? Also is Quialkit and Robinkit (And the other one, can't remember the name) still in our Clan or not....-ish confused-)) Her heart lifted for the first time in what felt like moons. Blinking at Graypaw, Patchpaw hoped he got her, no problem. “Hey Mintpaw!” she mewed happily, “I bet Leopardheart will give you a great mentor.” With a glance over her shoulder Patchpaw saw Eaglestar talking intently with Leopardheart. The silly tom looks surprised. He never flaunts his power over others. He has influenced me beyond years of self learning. With a last loving glance at her leaders, Patchpaw looked back at Graypaw and Mintpaw. A tinge filled her heart when she remembered that Silentheart would never join them again. Speaking what came to mind, she asked, “Where’s Cheetahpaw?” Her first instinct was to look at the apprentice den, and as she did a glare of the mid-high sun made her squint. The weather was warming rapidly. Did I even get to see snow this bare-leaf? A restless Swiftdarkness walked up to the group of three apprentices. “Graypaw,” he purred. “I’m sorry that I have been neglecting my duties of training you.” Dipping his head in shame, Swiftdarkness peeked up and asked, “Do you pardon me?” With a gaze full of adoration for his mate and kits, he continued to say, “I couldn’t help but ogle over our kits.” Already they are exploring but I can’t delay with Graypaw any longer. Mistpaw has been helping with the kits also. I can see the love in her eyes. Watching Rainfeather, Swiftdarkness suddenly had an idea. What if we go on a patrol? I never did get the chance to go with Dovefire when…Pain clenched his heart for the lost warriors. “Graypaw, Mintpaw and Patchpaw would you like to come with me on a patrol?” he asked while motioning Rainfeather over with his tail. “Would you like to come with me, also?” ((Sorry if they don't make sense, I have finals this week and my brain is fried... O^o))
Just call me Siri.
11:15pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 8:54pm Jan 21 2010)
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Shuffling his front paws, Leopardheart didn’t know what to say. He had wanted Eaglestar to agree or disagree with his choice. Should I let Kestrelheart mentor Mintpaw? Or should I choose another senior warrior? We have lost many senior warriors lately, so… Nodding Leopardheart came to a conclusion. “Kestrelheart is full of life, energy and willingness. I’m sure that he will be able to keep up with our spirited Mintpaw.” He stated proudly. I can only hope that I’m making the right decision. Less than two moons ago, Leopardheart had lost his will to fight and thought about asking to become an elder. Though when Eaglestar gave Silentheart to him, so that he might mentor, Leopardheart had come back determination then ever before. I feel like I’m eight moons again! Noting that Swiftdarkness looked to be heading out for a patrol he jogged over and told Mintpaw the news, “You will have your mentor announced this eve. Before we head to the Gathering, and you shall accompany us to the Gathering.”
Just call me Siri.
11:22pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 11:23pm Jan 19 2010)
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((Ps. I updated my profiles. =) On the first page, it's on my first post. -if you have the time to look- By the way, 46 pages later we have just gotten to the second Gathering! XD ))
Just call me Siri.
12:06pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 12:14pm Jan 20 2010)
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(( sorry wasnt payin attention..... lol. Poisonkit is Jayflight's kit, jayflight is a queen, aviously,.... I added her a while ago :P, yes Quailfoot, dingofang and Robinwing are still in the clan.. havent had time to rplay them though.. and when I added jayflight Ii also added emeraldpaw, whitch needs her warrior name soon, and it is EmeraldRain, and yes............. and Jayflight's kits also need tobecome apprentises.. Shatteredkit poisonkit nightkit [blind])) late post Redstorm turned to see furnseed talking to him, "Yes I have been taking care of her......" he meowed. "We kind of had sort of a fight. I wanted to keep her safe by telling her to Exile Rainfeather, but she got angry at he then...." he paused. Happyness glittered into his eyes, " But I think everything is better now, she keeps sending me nice lookes so..." he meowed happily. "But she wont be plump if she keeps on moving around like this! Keeping clan together is hard!" he purred.
1:16pm Jan 20 2010
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It's my Bday! ((Sorry, just had to throw that out. XD))
1:35pm Jan 20 2010
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Graypaw first answered Patchpaw's question. "I'm guessing the aprentices' den." He then looked at Swiftdarkness. "I'd be very glad to. I haven't been out unless you count...." He trailed off. Mintpaw smiled, showing her lop-sided grin, *that looked very remarkably like Graypaw's. "Sure! I'd love too as well." ((Guess what that means. XD))
4:22pm Jan 20 2010
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((Thank you very much for the help about my characters deaths Siri! As you've noticed I cannot get on to much more, but no more of my characters shall die (because Falconwing and Swiftdarkness together warms my heart XD). Also if its alright East would having Fallenwind or Silentheart entering cats dreams occasionally be alright? I cannot stand to rid of them permenatly.)) Falconwing watched the camp from the nursery entrance with slightly dull eyes. But the enjoyment of having her own kits running around her overpowered the grief she felt over Silentheart. No, let him rest in peace. Stop thinking about it! Shaking her head, she chuckled as she heard her mate speaking about Midnightkit, Littlekit, and Shadowkit to his apprentice. Its about time poor Graypaw gets a little attention! She thought humerously and rolled onto her back. Letting the noon-day sun warm her fur, she felt the breath knocked from her lungs as a body pounced on her. Opening her eyes, she spotted Shadowkit with his tail raised standing on top of her letting out a victory yowl. "Iceclan brings down the kit-stealing rouge!" He sqeaked in delight, amber eyes shining. Rolling him off her gently, she pretended to hold him down. "Yes, im the kit-stealing rouge and im coming to take all the kits." She meowed iin play viciousness. Shadowkit squirmed out and bolted over to his sister. "Littlekit, Midnightkit! Lets fight her off!" He challanged as Falconwing advanced.

5:01pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 5:01pm Jan 20 2010)
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Just call me Siri.
5:01pm Jan 20 2010
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Shatteredkit looked at Eaglestar, "hi!" she meowed, "Can I come on a patroll?" she meowed exitedly, "I am old enought to be an apprentice."
5:02pm Jan 20 2010
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((-dies inside- Eklipse if you can't rp the cats you have why are you making more? Emeraldpaw hasn't even been Rped so I wouldn't say that they(he/she?) should get their warriors name. Also I don't even know who Jayflight is either? Fullmoon, are they brother and sister? Stray, not a problem. I was sad but I understand. I want Silentheart to be in Patchpaw's dreams! -pauses- No! Mistpaw's!! If East says yes...And you're ok with Silenthearts name?))
Just call me Siri.
5:05pm Jan 20 2010
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Happy bday!!!!!!
5:15pm Jan 20 2010
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Emeraldpaw walked up to shatteredkit, "Lets go back to the nursery, your mother will be worried." she meowed calmly, Shatteredkit sent her a angry glance but did as she said and rean back to the nursery. "Thank you emeraldpaw!" meowed Jayflight, the queen moved to grab shatteredkit by the scruff and set her beside poison kit, Nightkit let out a shriek of excitement and swat her sister in the face playfully, Poisonkit glared at them like they were a cupel of kittypets trying to catch mice but then slunk down to sleep. "Your welcome Jayflight..." she paused "When will we be getting back to training?" she asked eagerly I hope she wont be angry I asked that. she thought. "Once my Kits get mentors, Of course." she meowed. You dork, you should of known that. Emeraldpaw sat beside her mentor, "Why did you name your kits what you did?" she asked. ((I will finish later))
5:19pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 5:20pm Jan 20 2010)
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((Eklipse, I hope I didn't offend you. It's just so confusing since there are no bio's of your cats, that is bio's that hold East's criteria. But please don't make them now, as your photo's stretch the page. I really just want to get an understanding, your cats come at random so I often don't know when to speak to them. That's all, I really want to rp with you but I get so confused. And it's Fernseed, not Furnseed....)) ~Ish going to post soon! -I promise!-
Just call me Siri.
5:33pm Jan 20 2010
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((Stray, I thinks that would be epic. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY FULL! ((Im not going to reply to shatteredkit, because they were added like, a day ago in warrior time.)) Eaglestar yowled, "Everyone who is coming to the Gathering, eat and rest up please." ((fail)) Jadewing walked out of the warriors den and stretched each leg in turn, padding up to Eaglestar she whispered, "You're expecting kits aren't you?" before Eaglestar could respond she mewed gain, "I know you wouldn't step down for any other reason, and plus, you and Redstorm have been spending alot of time togther recently. Can I come to the Gathering?" her leader nodded looking dumbstruck. Jadewingdipped her head to her leader and walked away thinking, I sometimes wish I was back in the Nursery, but then again, what would I do if I couldn't be a warrior ever again?
5:33pm Jan 20 2010
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Leopardheart needed to run. All of his lean muscles were tense with the stress from the past night. When Shatteredkit came up to Eaglestar and asked, “Can I come on a patrol?” He nearly leapt out of his pelt, meowing in stressed sllyables, “No. The warrior code states that no kit is to leave the camp, until they receive their mentor and apprentice name.” Turning to Eaglestar, he hoped that he hadn’t over stepped his powers. She is still leader, and the question was to her. Dipping his head to Eaglestar, he hoped that she understood the gesture. I respect your choices. Walking away, Leopardheart went to Swiftdarkness, Patchpaw, Graypaw and Mintpaw. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, already know that his friend would comply. “Of course! Why would you?” Swiftdarkness mewed. Playfully swatting at Swiftdarkness, Leopardheart lead the way out of camp. Instinctively heading for the training hollow, Leopardheart felt a pang of sorrow remember that he had no apprentice to train. Veering off to where Hawkstar’s boarder met theirs Leopardheart heard Swiftdarkness meow to Graypaw, “Now I don’t want you to go out here alone again, alright?” Swift is too lenient, but some apprentices prosper under that type of teaching. Patchpaw seemed to be enjoying herself; this was the first time in over half a moon she could run. It must feel nice to have the freedom again. Still looking at Patchpaw, who was babbling to Mintpaw about how she could catch crows if she really wanted to, Leopardheart barely missed running into a fallen tree. He turned back just in time, flexing his hide muscles and springing into the air, he landed on it with a quiet thump. Flicking his tail dismissively Leopardheart concentrated on what was ahead of him with more interest.
Just call me Siri.