5:37pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 5:40pm Jan 20 2010)
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((East, no more kits! DX We don't have enough warriors to train Eklipses new kits. And please don't make warriors for them, I haven't heard from Dovefire in so long...Should I bring Silverthaw back from the farm? -I do wish that Leopardheart and Jadewing could have more kits though- =3 Maybe when the current apprentices' get their names.)) Stretching her front legs far out in front of herself, Silverthaw purred in delight. I’m so plump off all these mice! Leaving IceClan after saving Patchpaw had been hard but they had plenty of warriors’ last she saw. I get too restless without a job too. If I just sit with the elders I would drive their clan mad. But even as she thought this, Silverthaw knew that she would go back if they were ever in need.
Just call me Siri.
5:37pm Jan 20 2010
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Just call me Siri.
5:41pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((No worry Siri. There is no more kits. I have something ese in mind.))
5:43pm Jan 20 2010
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Dovefire folled Leopardheart out of the camp, "Mind if I join you?" he asked nearly out of breath, keeping up with the swift warrior, "I was supposed to go on a patrol with Swiftdarkness earlier, but he stayed with Falconwing instead."
5:47pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 5:47pm Jan 20 2010)
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Swiftdarkness smiled at Dovefire, "I'm right here silly tom!" Leopardheart motioned for the band to rest a bit. Swiftdarkness sniffed the air, and knew what he was thinking. This doesn't smell like IceClan territory anymore. What has Hawkstar been up to? "Of course you can join us. We could always use an extra paw." He mewed. "I think we should refresh the scent markings here. They seem to be over run with Hawkstars' clan scent." ((PS. Eaglestar still gets to have kits though, right?))
Just call me Siri.
5:49pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Dovefire sniffed "You're right." He snarled when he saw some cat moving on the other side of what was rightfully their territory. "Get away from here you mangy furball!" he yowled out and the cat dissapeared. ((Siri. I has new rp. Only one clan so it shouldnt die. Check it out please?))
5:54pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((East, O^O but I'm so busy. It's hard for me to post on this one, the wolf one, romance one and then this one that pagiecam has....Could I maybe have a small role at first then when things calm down I can get more charries? -so much OOC lately- I hope that Eklipse understand that I'm not being mean but merely trying to see through murky water...))
Just call me Siri.
5:56pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Yes, Mintpaw and Graypaw are bro and sis, but they don't know that! Graypaw: *Barges in* Huh? Mintpaw's my sister??? Mintpaw: *Come in* He's my brother???? Me: >.>.......))
6:44pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((thats fine.... :D. I completely understand. I have to drop out of like 12. Wolf one I made when I was bored, I don't mind if that one dies. so if you ever can't post don't worry about that one.))
7:35pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 7:38pm Jan 20 2010)
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Graypaw sighed, and looked at Patchpaw's happy face as she danced through the air. Mintpaw was in her own little world. Suddenly, Mintpaw crashed into the same tree Leapordheart had almost crashed into. "Ow! That hurt!" Graypw yowled with laughter. "Nice goin' Mintpaw! I vote that a nine, perfect reaction, facial ex pression, and plenty of 'splat!'" Mintpaw laughed. "Don't rub it in, Mr.Storyteller!"
8:10pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Siri - Of course he'll be in both of the apprentices dreams! He could not pick between the two she-cats because he loved both of them, just in diffrent ways. East - Thank you so much!)) Falconwing sighed as the three kits scrammbled off her to chase after a leaf, her eyes following their every move. It will be hard letting them go, but I know they'll be wonderful apprentice's and hopfully listen to their mentors. She purred in amusment and padded off to the medicine cats den, poking her head curiously inside. Wrinkling her nose at the mixed scents, she looked around for Mistpaw. Poor Mistpaw, losing a good friend and two other cats all in the period of a day. "Mistpaw?" She called softly in case the medicine cat apprentice was sleeping. Shadowkit looked around the camp in awe, surprised how big it really was. Someday i'll be a warrior and will be able to travel around here and the territory freely. Purring in delight, he scrammbled over to the nearest den and poked his head in, sniffing curiously at the scents of many cats, one of them he recognized as his fathers. This must be the warriors den. Hearing other cats, he backed away and swiftly ran incase he was not suposed to be there. ((Shadowkit's post is a fail))

10:13pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Littlekit growled at the ball of moss, her tail fluffed up. She then pounced on it, ripping it to shreds.She then did a toothy little grin and picked up a piece, showing it to Kestrelheart. (Just random post)
10:15pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Very, er, nice?" Kestrelheart mewed, he tried to stifle his laughter but he couldn't help it the little kit was just to cute. ((now thats fail))
10:18pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Littlekit dropped the piece of moss. "I'm practising hunting!" She mewed proudly, holding up her chin. "Then I'm gunna be as strong as you!" Her eyes filled with admiration.
4:14pm Jan 21 2010
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"WEll then, you better keep practicing, because I'm very strong," he mewoed in a play aolong voice.
4:41pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"Oh, I will, and then I'll have my warrior name! And then, I'll be soo strong that they'll make me deputy!" Littlekit smiled. "I hope my warrior names gunna be Littlewish, if not, I wish I could change my name!" Littlekit continued. Then she stopped. "What was it like being an aprentice?"
4:57pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Pondering the question Littlekit asked Kestrelhaert said to the tiny kit, "Hard work. Fun, yet hard. Training, fiighting, and hunting are three things you will do alot of. Oh, and cleaing the elders den"
4:58pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Littlekit wrinkled her nose. "Yuk! At least I like their stories!"
4:58pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Yes, Eaglestar still has kits, but Jadewing doesn't))
5:57pm Jan 21 2010 (last edited on 6:30pm Jan 21 2010)
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((wow..... East am I still playin one of the leaders at the gathering?)) "Where........" Jayflight meowed quietly,"What do you need?" Emeraldpaw meowed quickley. "Where is Shatteredkit?" she meowed worried. "Shatteredkit is gone?" Redstorm meowed as he padded up to her, "Well she isn't beside me, hissing at her sisters or in the medicine cat supplies, so where else could she be?" A tang of frustration was in her voise. "Okay, I will go out with emeraldpaw and try and find her. Right emeraldpaw?" he meowed, Emeraldpaw nodded and then padded after him, "What are we listening for?" she asked as she followed the red warrior, "Shreaks, yowles, anything that sounds-" he cut off to hear the distant yowling, Redstorm's Ears pricked and he ran toward the faint noise. Emeraldpaw saw that Redstorm skidded to a halt to see shattered kit getting whipped around by a russet colored fox. The fox was to busy shaking the apprentice back and forth to see Redstorm creep behind it. Emerald paw froze and starred at the creature how could anything be so cruel? she asked herself as she starred at it. Redstorm leaped onto the foxes back, the fox immediately let go of the kit and drew attention to him, Redstorm jumped off of the creature leaving a scarlet gash on its back. The fox turned and pounced on him "Emeraldpaw, help Shatteredkit!" he meowed angrily as he clawed at the foxes belly, "no.." she murmured and she hurdled toward the fox and scratched the foxes ribs, but just as she leaped about a tail length away, the fox kicked her and she flew and hit the tree; giving Redstorm just enough time to jump onto the fox and give it one last bite, in the neck. The fox fell limp and Redstorm let go, shatteredkit lay on the ground motionless, Emeraldpaw shook as she got up and carefully picked up shatteredkit and followed Redstorm into the forest. At the camp Emeraldpaw stared at the cam as Jayflight licked and licked the limp kit. "She is alive..." Jayflight meowed. "I just know it." The little kit had her left wrist torn off and all around her wrist was red. She had a deep gash on her thighs, back and scruff, and had lighter scratched across her chest and left eye. The little kit finaly opened her eyes and looked atRedstorm, who was looking very concerned at the side of the den. "You saved me, Redstorm." she meowed quietly. "Now. It is time to hear, why you were out of the medicine cat's den." he meowed crosley. "I tought I could get my mom a pressent and catch a mouse for her. " she meowed. "And you caught one?" he meowed. "Yes. I did." she went on "And then this fox came out of know where and....ya..Caught me." "You shouldn't have done that, your mother was worried sick." he meowed. Jayflight said nothing.