6:00pm Jan 21 2010
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8:41pm Jan 21 2010 (last edited on 8:55pm Jan 21 2010)
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((Eklipse. It's "And the fox came out of no where" Just to help you out. ^.^)) Leopardheart had just finished marking his scent along the boarder, when he heard Dovefire yowl, "Get away from here you mangy fur ball!" Turning just in time to see a retreating cat, Leopardheart decided to head back to camp. “Let’s get back so that there’s still time to rest before the Gathering.” Then I’ll tell Eaglestar about the push on our boarders. It was strange to have cats inching in on their territory. Prey seemed to be plentiful for new-leaf. Then some Clans were never as abundant or they were too greedy. Swiftdarkness meowed, “Graypaw on the way home, if you smell any prey stalk it. I want to see how that crouch is coming along, so that I can give you some points on improvement.” Then he added, “Or maybe you’ll be an excellent instinct warrior and know this from the heart.” I admire those cats that instantly know how to hunt or fight but I adore those who have trouble at first. Patchpaw was always an instinctive fighter, knowing when to attack or defend, but when it came to hunting…He chuckled at the remembrance of Eaglestar teaching the tabby she-cat. Though Patchpaw had spent restless night practicing in the camp clearing, when she thought no one looked. I think that with mistakes come ambition and more courage. A “perfect” warrior isn’t remembered, it’s the one that struggles his way to the top. Looking at Leopardheart, Swiftdarkness remembered their apprenticeship. Leopardheart had been an ornery apprentice that disrupted the elders’ naps, frightened a few kits, pestered the deputy beyond belief and got on the most easy-going cats nerves. He’s learned from his youth and used all those lessons for decisions he makes now and in the future. I think this is why he does so well with apprentices’. Focusing on Graypaw once again, Swiftdarkness waited for him to catch the scent of mouse that was near by. Mistpaw bounced out of the herb supply den, with a marigold leaf on her head. She quickly meowed, “What is it Falconwing? Is one of the kits coughing?” Her whole body trembled at the thought of one of the kits being sick. Littlekit is so small that I think I should give her some comfrey, for that helps the bones grow strong. Midnightkit is so calm too, it’s just her nature much like Falconwing, and then there’s Shadowkit who acts like his father, all rambunctious and rowdy. Her pelt relaxed when she thought of just this morning when she said hello to all of the kits and Falconwing. “Wait; forget that, they are as healthy as can be expected. What is it, Falconwing?” she meowed happily. Cougarclaw waited for the patrol to get back, dusk was beginning to settle in and she had heard the rumor of Mintpaw getting a mentor. It’s about time that kit gets a mentor. What’s taken so long? She should have had a mentor moons ago. Thinking about the bond between mentor and apprentice, Cougarclaw wondered where hers had wandered off to again. Rolling her eyes she swished her tail in annoyance, that tom never can sit still, can he? But she liked that, it matched her fierier attitude. Cougarclaw has a sharp tongue but really does mean for the best. Fernseed had just gone to make dirt and when she came back to camp she saw Shatteredkit. “What in StarClan has happened here?” she nearly shrieked. Dashing over to the kit, she spat at Redstorm, “Don’t yell at her! Get some water! I need to find some cob webs too.” Looking into the kits eyes, she mewed gently, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” Though with one paw missing and so many slashes there is only so much I can do. Just like Ivynose…Bolting to the herb den, Fernseed brushed past Falconwing and Mistpaw. Taking a paw-full of cob webs she hurried back out. The kit is too young to have a poppy seed. Coming up beside the kit, she mewed, “Now just rest.” Pressing cob webs to the more serious wounds, Fernseed nearly gagged at the sight of the missing paw. I don’t even want to know where it is. “I’ll need to have Mistpaw watch her tonight. When I go to the Gathering I will ask fellow medicine cats about how to treat…” She merely looked at the missing limb, “I will do the best I can Jayflight.”
Just call me Siri.
9:03pm Jan 21 2010 (last edited on 1:33pm Jan 24 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((I hope I'm not spamming but I want to be clear that these are the cats; name, rank and such. I want to be unconfused! >.< And since no one is checking my first post to be sure, I'm bringing it to you~ Leader: Leopardheart - Siri Until Eaglestar kits Deputy: Ravenfeather - East Until Eaglestar kits Medicine Cat: Fernseed - East/Siri Medicine Cat Apprentice: Mistpaw - Siri Warriors: - Ivynose - East/eklipse
- Cougarclaw - Siri (Apprentice - Cheetahpaw)
- Raveneyes - EasternBluebird (Apprentice - Duskpaw)
- Swiftdarkness - Siri (Apprentice - Graypaw)
- Dovefire - EasternBluebird
- Tigerfang - East
- Larkwing - eklipse
- Rainfeather - eklipse (Apprentice - Ravenpaw)
- Redstorm - eklipse (Apprentice - Birdpaw)
- Berrypool(Stella) - East
- Kestrelheart - East (Apprentice - Mintpaw)
- Quailfoot - eklipse
- Dingofang - eklipse
- Robinwing - eklipse
- Falconeyes - eklipse
Queens: - Falconwing - Stray
- Eaglestar - East (Apprentice - Patchpaw)
- Jayflight - eklipse (Apprentice - Emeraldpaw)
Apprentices: - Patchpaw - Siri
- Cheetahpaw(Gillian) - fullmoon
- Graypaw - fullmoon
- Birdpaw - East
- Duskpaw - East
- Ravenpaw - East
- Mintpaw - fullmoon
- Emeraldpaw - eklipse
- Dreampaw - fullmoon Mentor?
Elders: - Windkeeper - East
- Spiritfeather - East
Kits: - Shadowkit - Stray
- Midnightkit - Siri
- Littlekit - Fullmoon
- Shatteredkit - eklipse
- Poisonkit - eklipse
- Nightkit - eklipse
Loners: - Silverthaw - Siri
- Gentletouch - Fullmoon
Deceased: -
- Fallenwind - Stray
- Silentheart - Stray
- Blackstorm - Stray
- Flameridge - EasternBluebird
- Jadewing - East
Please politely inform me if any of these are incorrect. Or if a cat is missing. ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
9:19pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Sounds about right to me :D)) Dovefire nodded, "Good idea" and walked with the other cats back to the camp. Stella paadded up to Eaglestar andmeowed, "Am I going to get a warrior name anytime soon?" a tone of annoyance in her voic. Eaglestar looked at her and mewed, "Yes, of course. It's just been very busy as you know" the frustration creeping into her voice, she added, "Tomorrow, after the gathering, I will have Leopardheart give you your warrior name, and announce to the caln why I am stepping down for the few moons" ((Stella's warrior name is..... Sexayback jk Berrypool))
9:44pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((I shall wait for Fullmoon to post, and Stray. Then we may go to the Gathering, sound good?))
Just call me Siri.
9:56pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Perfect :) ))
10:11pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Graypaw smiled. "Sure! Well, I don't kinda wanna admit it, but I was practicing when I, you know, left, and I got pretty good...." Graypaw trailed off, and then bounded ahead. Suddenly, he smelled something burning. His nose twitched. "I can smell something!" He yowled. "It smells like something burning!" ((Just to tell you, the smell of smoke is coming from a twoleg campfire.))
10:13pm Jan 21 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I have Dreampaw that's in need of a warrior name.))
4:10pm Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Looks about right Siri!)) Falconwing smiled back at Mistpaw and curled her tail around her paws. "Nothing is wrong with the kits, their all healthy and a pawful." She meowed in amusement. "I just wanted to see how everything was going, hope i'm not interrupting anything." She added worriedly. Looking out the nursery quickly, she flinched at the sight of Shatteredkit laying there, almost picturing one of her own kits in that position. "Shadowkit!" She yowled as her son slunk up to Fernseed and the injured kit. "Get over here and stay out from under cats paws!" She scolded gently as the black tom rushed over.
9:49am Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 10:00am Jan 23 2010)
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((lp)) Jayflight looked at the medicine cat "Thankyou, Fernseed." she meowed as she drifted off to sleep. Redstorm padded off angrily she shouldn't have ran out of the den.... Stupid kit. He thought in his head. Shatteredkit looked up at the medicine cat who was putting cobwebs on her wounds, "I know I will be fine........" She meowed. "Thank you fernseed.." she meowed quietly. I will live from this, and when I am a warrior... I will make shure no foxes are never going to terrorize cats....Never.. she thought. Rainfeather padded up to the kit, Then looked at fernseed. "Do you know what happend to her?" she meowed I hope Shatteredkit is alright.....She was my favorite. and once I was done mentoring Ravenpaw I would like to mentor her. she thought as she looked at the damaged kit. I have never seen any cat so torn apart. Emeraldpaw starred at shatteredkit, I am soo happy we found her... But I wish Redstorm was too. "Fernseed," Nightkit meowed "Is shatteredkit going to be ok?" she meowed worried, Nightkit stared at shatteredkit like she could actually see her. Poison kit padded up to Nightkit and guided her to sit beside there sister. They stared up at Fernseed. ((ok.. so I don't exactly know what happens to cats that loose there paws... if it is something like ELDER then I will change it to the furr around her wrist being ripped off or something :s )
9:58am Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((siri, you missed one of my cats on pg 26, Falcon eyes.. thanks :) ))
3:03pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 3:06pm Jan 23 2010)
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Eaglestar yowled, "Let all cat old enought to catch their own prey gather beneath the hghrock for a clan meeting" Her voice rang out and she watched as her clan pooled under the rock, "Those coming to the Gatghhering please have something to eat and then get ready to go. Those staying back make sure the camp is well guarded, I don't want another fox attack" She surveyed her camp and finished, "That is alll" She lept down and padded over to Redstorm, seeing the anger in his eyes, knowinf it was because Shatteredkit had ran out of the den she pulled him aside and snarled at him, "What are you doing?" she looked at him her scarlet eyes blazing with fury, "If that's how you treat a kit, I'm not sure I want to have you around when I have ours" She realized she was on the verge of yowling so she closed her mouth and stalked towards the camp entrance. Raveneyes had been standing near the medicine den hoping to getsome watermint for his stomach when he overheard everything Eaglestyar said. He saw herblood-red eyes burn with anger, her furruffling with fury, and her claws unsheathe as she stalked off. I'm not sure I want you around when I have ours. The voice rang in his head, he couldn't get the thought out. He tried to think about everything else Duskpaw his apprentice, Rainfeather, the one whom he thought was the most beautiful in the clan, but nothing worked. The last thing he heard wa, "all right IceClan, show them how strong we are" yowled out by his expecting leader, before he walked to the Gathering.
4:24pm Jan 23 2010
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Slinking through the starlit forest with whispers murmured from every shadow, Silentheart sighed as Shimmerpool padded over to him, her pretty green eyes worried. "A kit has been attacked by a fox." She meowed softly, sitting down and curling her tail over her paws. "Who?" He asked, suddenly panicked. What if it was one of Falconwings kits? "Will they join us?" He asked, and Shimmerpools tail touched his shoulder. "No my love, it was Shatteredkit, and she will survive. But on of her paws is missing, and she needs your help to become a warrior." Staring at his mother, Silentheart wondered how. As if reading his mind, Shimmerpool replied. "You need to train her in her dreams so she can become a warrior." Nodding im confusion, he turned and started through the forest and entered the Iceclan camp. Seeing all of the cats around, he felt a soft ache at his heart at the sight of his old clanmates. Shaking his head, he found who he was looking for. "Shatteredkit, time to wake up." He murmured to the sleeping kit.

4:47pm Jan 23 2010
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Redstorm let out a faint hiss. "I am sorry," he meowed frustrated, then padded off to go do something. Rainfather starred at her brother who was padding off in the opposite direction as her, she grabbed a nice plump mouse out of the fresh-kill pile and began to eat it Redstorm never used to be this mean.... she thought. Shatteredkit opened her eyes and looked at the warrior. Stars filled his pelt."Have I joined Starclan?!" She gasped, "I promised my mom I would live..." she murmured. She shook her head, "Aren't you Silentpaw?" she meowed surprised. A jolt of excitement ran through her side. Am I a Medicine cat? she wondered as she looked at the Starclan warrior.
6:13pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 6:14pm Jan 23 2010)
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((AT THE GATHERING )) Rainfeather peered at the white spitted black cat that was sitting near Phoenixstar. She looks familiar.... Almost like...Like Blackpaw.. My sister that never came back from the testing place... The black cat turned her head and meet Rainfeather's Icy blue gase. It is, Blackpaw!!! She recognized her by her burning amber eyes. She meowed something to her leader and then padded toward Rainfeather. "Rainpaw?!" she rasped. Rainfeather stared at her in happiness, "Blackpaw!" she meowed."My warrior name, is Rainfeather." she meowed as she thought about how much her sister has changed. "yes and my warrior name is Blackfang." she meowed softly. "I, am the deputy of Fireclan." she boasted happily. Rainfeather starred at her suppressed. "What happened to the old deputy?" she asked, "Oh, he got attacked by a fox." she rasped. "We have had a fox problem ." Black fang informed, "As well as my clan." Rainfeather meowed. "I thought you were still at the testing place!" Rainfeather meowed. "I escaped just after you did."she informed, "What did they do to you?" meowed Blackfang curiously. "My claws, they are 3 times bigger than last you have seen them.... And yuo?" she meowed. All blackfang did was give her a slight smirk Revealing her extremely long fangs, "Now let me see your Claws." she meowed. should I trust her enough with my secret..... The secret that only 2 cats know of.... My claws were smaller then when the whole clan new...But when I went beack to the testing place they were even longer and I couldn't trust every cat knowing about that... Rainfeather unsheathed her claws, blackfangs eyes widened "Ohh, Shinny" she meowed. Pheonixstar signaled to Blackfang that she needed her, with a quick dip of her head she ran toward Pheonixstar. What will Redstorm do once he finds out?
7:20pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 10:01pm Jan 23 2010)
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Raveneyes wandered around the clearing looking for some place to sit. He finally decided on one not to far over from Rainfeather, he had seen her speaking to the FireClan deputy and seen her unsheath her claws. He didn't care at all that her claws were longer than those of the legendary Tigerstar or even Ravenfeathers. Eaglestar leaped up onto the thick branch of the huge tree and yowled out, "Cats of all clans! Let us be peaceful to one another on this night of Truce!" Her voice rang out loudly and clearly. She swallowed and looke at the three other leaders for permission to go first. They nodded so she yowled out again, "IceClan has had some problems with Foxes, we lost our deputy, a warrior, and an apprentice to them. We almost lost a few kits, but we are recovering strongly. Our new deputy is Leopardheart" She pauised as voices rang out from each clan, "Leopardheart! Leopardheart!"She looked at all the cats again and continued, "We have a new warrio, Kestrelheart who was unable to make it tonight, he woul-" She broke off as she heard something rustleing in the bushes. Jadewing looked around as her leader stared at the bush. She heard the twigs snnap and the low growl. She saw the russet pelt leap out at Eaglestar and she dove in front of it, giving up her life to save her leaders. That red pelt was all she saw before the sky went completely black. She opened her eyes and saw Rosestar the previous leader, Cherryheart her mother, Flametalon her father,and al the other cats of her clan past. Their pelts shone with stars and their voices were mingleled as they mewed, "Welcome to StarClan."
7:36pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 7:38pm Jan 23 2010)
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((Okay, before the gathering, Graypaw informed Eaglestar about the smoke he smelled.))
7:39pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((He can run to the Gathering, its aa good time to warn ALL the clans))
7:41pm Jan 23 2010
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Silentpaw purred in humor and padded over to the kit and licked the top of her head. "Yes, I am now Silentheart. And no little one, you are not dead, as a matter of fact you will grow up strong and a warrior of Iceclan." He meowed gently. "I am here to train you, even without your paw. Between you and your mentor, everything will be fine." He purred. His ears twitched as something prickled his fur. Some cat is joining Starclan? Shaking his head, he focused back on Shatteredkit. "Do not tell to many cats about my visits. You may tell your mentor, your mother, the medicine cats, Eaglestar, and Leopardheart." He told her. "Do you have any quiestions for me?"
7:44pm Jan 23 2010
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Graypaw's eyes widened in annoyance when he entered camp. They left! Like that! Boom! He gumbled a bit, and than hiked to the gathering spot. He entered the gathering silently, and just managed to see Jadewing hit by a figure he could not recognise. His eyes widened with fear.