7:45pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((I'm confused about your post Fullmoon, but do you mean that there is going to be a forest fire? Also, would it be ok to hold posts until I'm done with mine, I don't post then have to edit everything.))
Just call me Siri.
7:46pm Jan 23 2010
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7:46pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 7:46pm Jan 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((Just kidding. Um ignore that.))
Just call me Siri.
7:47pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Siri: There might be a forest fire, but it will have to be confirmed with all first.))
7:49pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Sounds fine to me))
7:49pm Jan 23 2010
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((Sounds fine to me))
7:50pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Jan 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((Well, I'm super busy and confused so I don't know what to do.))
Just call me Siri.
7:54pm Jan 23 2010
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((Shatteredkit is being visited by Silentheart in her dreams, Garyapaw is runnign to the Gahtering to warn the clans about a potantial forest fire, Jadewing was just killed by a fox, Rainfeather is speaking to her sister Blackfang, Raveneyes knows that Rainfeather has beast clws and that Eaglestar is expecting, Eagestar is angry at Redstorm because he got mad at little Shatteredkit))
7:54pm Jan 23 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( our roleplay, sorry i'm budgeing in! ))
7:59pm Jan 23 2010 (last edited on 8:36pm Jan 23 2010)
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((East, do I have permission to ask for a pause so I can catch up? I want to post in different perspectives and such, and I don't want it to be confusing.Thank you!))
Just call me Siri.
8:36pm Jan 23 2010
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(At Camp) Mistpaw sat in the warriors den watching over Shatteredkit. Fernseed has asked for the little she-kit to be moved into the den. This way Mistpaw could make sure the kit didn’t go anywhere again. At the moment, the kit was sound asleep while Mistpaws thoughts ran wild. I remember the legendary cat Deadfoot, who lived back when Firestar was leader of ThunderClan, many moons ago. He’s not talked about often but Spiritfeather told me some, like how he became deputy of WindClan. Maybe if Shatteredkit gets discouraged I will tell her it’s possible to become a warrior, even with her missing paw. When Shatteredkit mewed in her sleep Mistpaw grabbed a mouthful of lavender and laid it beside the kit. “You will become strong,” she purred in comfort. Cougarclaw paced by the entrance of the camp. The amount of fox attacks have been ridicules. I hope that Leopardheart and Eaglestar will come up with something. I don’t want another kit to think its ok to leave camp. Though all her body language screeched anger, Cougarclaw was merely worried. She didn’t know if she could handle losing anymore cats. When she finally exhausted herself Cougarclaw sat by the Highrock, where she could still see the entrance, and watched patiently. When Patchpaw came over and lay beside her, Cougarclaw purred. It’s too sad that she’s still too wounded to go the Gathering. “Want to hear a story about a strong-willed she-cat?” she mewed. Patchpaw looked up at her with those dazzling emerald eyes and replied happily, “Of course I do!” (At the Gathering) Leopardheart watched Eaglestar with concern. I wonder what she said to Redstorm. She’s been quite angry with him ever since. He had been out on a patrol when Shatteredkit had been attacked. So when he came back to camp seeing Mistpaw dashing around getting appropriate herds and leaves, Leopardheart was confused until Eaglestar bitterly told him of the attack. After hearing this Leopardheart ordered Swiftdarkness and Cougarclaw to stay behind as extra warriors, just in case. We are dwelling in apprentices but Falconwing and Jayflight’s litters are coming of age. I could give Cheetahpaw, Graypaw, and Emeraldpaw their warrior names soon also. Patchpaw, Mintpaw, and Dreampaw still need a one more moon I think. While these thoughts ran through his mind, Leopardheart watched Rainfeather converse with Blackfang as if they were kin. They are similar is body frame, so maybe they are, he thought. When Eaglestar finally spoke the words that would start the meeting, Leopardheart stood proudly at his new post. I hope the others believe that Eaglestar’s choice was correct, in picking me to replace Fallenwind. When they cheered for him, Leopardheart felt his pelt bristle slightly in shock and embarra.ssment. When Eaglestar continued, Leopardheart sighed because the attention left him, "We have a new warrior, Kestrelheart who was unable to make it tonight, he woul-" A streak of burgundy fur blurred past, straight for Eaglestar. So shocked he stood still for a moment but when he finally understood what was happening he leapt into action but it was too late. Jadewing had responded quicker, she was the one to protect Eaglestar. “No!” he yowled in a haze of fury and pain. StarClan! How could you! Leopardheart knew that Jadewing would live. He felt part of his soul vanish, and with it part of his sanity. Yowling in grief he attacked the fox and shredded its pelt. How could this happen?
Just call me Siri.
8:55pm Jan 23 2010
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Graypaw stared at the shape, now recognizing it as a fox. What are you doing to us, StarClan? He gazed at the now ripped-up ma'ss. "No!" His presence was than known, not that it mattered.
8:56pm Jan 23 2010
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Mintpaw gleefully sat beside Patchpaw. "I'm gessin' Squirrelflight. Although she was more stubborn as an aprentice."
8:57pm Jan 23 2010
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(( is anyone on our roleplay? ))
10:07pm Jan 23 2010
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Eaglestar didn't know what to do, se couldn't not fight, but she couldn't risk losing her kits. She yowled out to StarClan, "Why? You have taken so much forom s these past moons. Why another warrior?" She didn't care, she couldn't see another clan mate died she launched herself into battle only to be pushed away by Raveneyes. Raveneyes shoved his leader out of camp and whjispered, "I know you're expecting Redstorms kits" he muttered while slashing one of the couple foxes body, "Get out of the battle now" Jadewing looked up at Rosestar and mewed, her voice hoarse, "StarClan? But, I'm young, I only just had kits." Rosestar looked at her, eyes filled with grief. Jadewing felt anger consume her, she yowled, "Why!" tears filling her eys she asked, "Can't I go back for a few minutes, just to see Leopardheart one last time?" Her former leader noded and when Jdeinwg opened her eyes she was in the clearing amid the squalor of the foxes, "L-l-Leopard. Leopardheart"she cried feebily, "Leopardheart"
10:54pm Jan 23 2010
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The battle sucked his wrath from his heart. I feel so empty. I should have spent more time with Jadewing. I just thought we would grow old, and become elders, together. When the warriors of all four clans banded together and overwhelmed the foxes, Leopardheart disengaged. He heard white nose everywhere; foxes screeching, cats yowling, Graypaw’s voice, and Raveneyes meowing at Eaglestar. Then, like the eye of a storm, he heard a whisper of peace. “Leopardheart.” Am I dreaming? Everything seemed to slow down, but he knew that he was rushing to her side. Looking into her beautiful face, Leopardheart cried openly, “Jadewing! My queen, my warrior, my love, my mate don’t leave me.” He purred, “Oh please stay with me.” Suddenly standing he yowled, “Fernseed!” But she was busy meowing haughtily at Eaglestar. Kneeling back down Leopardheart laid his nose on her cheek and whimpered, “Please don’t leave me. I love you, I want to grow old with you, and I want you to stay with me.” StarClan, I don’t know if I can take this lose. Not now, not so soon.
Just call me Siri.
11:00pm Jan 23 2010
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Mintpaw suddenly felt a jolt. She was in the middle of the gathering area. She suddenly felt her shouting words, but not her own. Graypaw! Mintpaw stared at the chaos around her. "No!" Then ,she was sucked backinto camp. She stared at Patchpaw. "The gatherings' in chaos. There's a fox, and... and..." She almost didn't complete her sentence. "I saw Jadewing's body. She was unnmoving."
11:07pm Jan 23 2010
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Desired Name:Gentletouch Position:Rogue Family:Mintpaw, Graypaw (Mother) Mate: Dead, unless someone could make a male charra in the Clan that know's that Graypaw andMintpaw is his son and daughter but doesn't know that Gentletouch is alive. (It would make it more interesting) Crush:None Age: (not needed) Additional Info None
Gender:Female Appearance: (Ignore words)  Personality:
12:14am Jan 24 2010
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Patchpaw stared at Mintpaw in horror. She wasn't afraid of the cat in front of her, no, she was terrified for her clan. Leopardheart has been through so much, can he take losing his mate? What about their kits? Looking over at the medicine cat den, Patchpaws breath left her in a rush. How could StarClan do this to us? In a voice that quivered, Patchpaw asked, "Are you sure?"
Just call me Siri.
12:18am Jan 24 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Mintpaw nodded slowly. "I saw i all through... I think Graypaw's eyes. But how?"