10:05pm Nov 18 2009
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Posts: 198
Echostar replied to Leopardheart again, "I belive we're ok, but if we run out during healing, I know of a great spot for burdock root, I'll send somone out to get it if that happens." OOC: sooy peoplez, but imma leave you to go watch a movie XD and I'll rpely tomorrow....:D

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
10:05pm Nov 18 2009
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Fernpaw came meandering into the camp with a mouth full of burdock root. Instantly noticing the tension she asks, "What happend?" Dropping all of the burdock root all over the ground. Leopardheart purrs at the sight of Fernpaw glad that she was alright.
Just call me Siri.
10:07pm Nov 18 2009
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(((Ok grank, and Fernpaw just covered you. Bluebird and I are sharing Fernpaw at the moment. Enjoy the movie.)))
Just call me Siri.
10:09pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 10:09pm Nov 18 2009)
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(((Sorry Bluebird I didn't see your post which do we use? And we could just kill off Cougarfeather, sorry if it sounds mean, because then we can pa.ss the apprentice off to another.)))
Just call me Siri.
10:11pm Nov 18 2009
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Eaglestar was taken aback by the rage that overcame her. She looked at Icehearts dead body, then turned to llook at the rogues "Go. Be free, if you want to join the clan you may, but if you don't get out of here. And take your leader with you" she hissed. She turned back to her clan and said, "Lets go back to camp."
10:12pm Nov 18 2009
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((sure kill of all the siblings XD, so mean but good idea. Make up another warrior character oplz, we need more))
10:15pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 10:24pm Nov 18 2009)
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(((I'll keep Cougarfeather, but could I call her Cougarclaw?))) Swiftdarkness looked at his leader with worry at the shock in her eyes. Looking at the dead rouge cat and the nerve wrecked cats he yowled at them, "Well? Who wants to come? Because I won't talerate cowards."
Just call me Siri.
10:23pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 10:53pm Nov 18 2009)
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UPDATED Desired Name: Cougarclaw Position: Warrior Family: Has a brother that is a loner. Mate: N/A Crush: Open Age: Young Warrior Additional Info: Was a rouge. Gender: Female Appearance: 
Personality: Rp it out
Just call me Siri.
10:26pm Nov 18 2009
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Eaglestar looked over at Swiftdarkness and silenced him with a glare. "Let them come as they please, but for now we need to work on getting better. We have a gathering soon and-" she broke off at the sight 4 dead bodies, Cougarfeather, Moonsong, Wolfsong, and Feralstrike. She bounded up to them and let out a yowl of pure anguish. She turnedto her warriors "Help bring them back to the camp. We will sit vigil tonight" Back at the camp Echosong was busy seeing to all the scratches and Fernpaw fetching herbs and seeds from the cleft in the rock. The clan had been schocked by the sight of the dead siblings (((Can Cougarclaw be a former rogue?))) and Eaglestar jumped up unto the HighRock. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath High Rock for a clan meeting" and so she announced the death of the siblings "We will sit vigil tonight for all of them but if you sleep no cat will hold it against you, Silentpaw your new mentor will be Leopardheart., he willl teach you the ways of a warrior and paas on everything he knows" ((I got to go to bed naow. Bye bye. EBIL!!))
10:51pm Nov 18 2009
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(((I guess, I'll change her bio real quick. Night Night!))) Leopardheart walked over to Silentpaw and toched noses with him. Then leaned forward to whisper in Silentpaws ear, "Don't worry. I'll keep you safe and I'm sure that Cougarfeather was proud of you. She was overjoyed to have you as her first apprentice." I can only pray to Starclan that I can keep my word. Looking over to the four siblings who had been so loving to eachother filled him with sadness. Swiftdarkness joined Leopardheart as he sat to share tongues for the last time with the siblings. Patchpaw went to comfort Silentpaw as they shared tongues with Cougarfeather. What would I do if Eaglestar had been the one to die? No, no don't even think about that! Nuzzling Silentpaw hoping that the tears wouldn't show. Swiftdarkness felt something in him die as he thought about his fallen clan members. I was supposed to protect them. Sharing tongues with Moonsong wishing he could have told her or showed her that he liked her. I won't let it happen again, he silently promised to Starclan.
Just call me Siri.
8:01am Nov 19 2009
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Eaglestar stood there not knowing which cat to share tongues with. They were all such amazing cats. So she padded up to Wolfsong,because she was her apprenctice, and began to share tongues with the lost ones.
9:53am Nov 19 2009
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Silentpaw gently touched his nose to Patchpaw's ear, swallowing his own tears. He should have been able to do something, anything, to have saved his mentor. "I'v failed ehr." He whispered, looking at his paws. Fallenwind shared tounges the lst time with his fallen clanes, feeling as if their death's were his fault. If he'd have just stayed in the camp and not gone hunting he could have gone to fight. Padding over to Eaglestar, he sat down beside her. "I so sorry Eaglestar, i I'd have just been here." Falconwing slunk over to Swiftdarkness, limping on a newly wounded shoulder. "You liked Moonsong, diddnt you. You two would have been good together." She murmured gently.
3:45pm Nov 19 2009
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Eaglestar replied to Fallenwinds statemnt, "Its okay. We won in the end, but I will never forget these cats. They were such amazing strong warriors."
4:51pm Nov 19 2009
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8:43pm Nov 19 2009
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Cougarclaw, not knowing what to do, sat back in the shadows. Her heart heavy with the thoughts that she and her "clan" had done this. I hope that some day soon I can show them that I'm sorry. I just hope they accept me in the mean time. Swiftdarkness put his nose to Falconwings' ear in acknowledgment. "I only wish that StarClan hadn't taken her so soon, so she couldn't hear me tell her." Hanging his head in defeat, then straightening with an inner promise not to make the same mistake twice. (((Sorry but this is all I can do tonight, most likely, because I have a meeting to go to. ='( Don't do anything to epic without me!)))
Just call me Siri.
3:50pm Nov 20 2009
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((dont worry)) Eaglestar leaped up unto Highrock and yowled oput "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting" She watched as all her cla n walked up and sat beneath the huge rock "Tomorrow night is the Gathering, we need to show the other clans that we are still strong."
5:46pm Nov 20 2009
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Falconwing tried to purr in reasurement. "She'll hear you, in Starclan. But she would want you to live your life, not grieve over her for a long while." Lyin er tail on his shoulr, she yowled in aknowledgement to Eaglestar's words. Fallenwind jumped up onto a lower rock, the place for the deputy. H looked up at Eaglestar, sure that if she spoke to the other clans like she did now, they wuld know the clan was strong. Silentpaw sat beside Patchpaw, eyes glowing with wonder at the thought of going to the gathering. But only if he was picked. ((Sorry its short, but I got to go))
9:53pm Nov 20 2009 (last edited on 9:55pm Nov 20 2009)
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Leopardheart nudged Jadewing, "Will you be staying with the kits? Or would you like me to stay and watch them?" I don't know what I would prefer doing anyway. I don't think I've been spending enough time with them. Sighing, Leopardheart looked around to see Patchpaw and Silentpaw with shinning eyes, at the thought of going to their first gathering. Patchpaw, nearly forgetting the sadness that had happened earlier, flicked her whiskers and tail in excitement. I can’t wait to go! Glancing over at Silentpaw, I wish that Silentpaw could go there with his own mentor. Though, I’m sure that Leopardheart will take good care of him. Flicking Silentpaw in the ear with her tail, Patchpaw said, “I bet that I’ll bet you at meeting the other apprentices.” Now that the meeting was over, Patchpaw bounded away with a wicked grin. Swiftdarkness got up and stretched, glancing over at Cougarclaw, and then wandered over to Falconwing. “I was wondering if you wanted to go hunting with me. The fresh-kill pile is looking a little low,” hoping to sound casual. When the she-cat hesitated Swiftdarkness thought, this is silly, why am I acting like this. “If you don’t want to I’ll go ask Cougarclaw.” Though I would much rather go with you, he added silently.
Just call me Siri.
10:00pm Nov 20 2009
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(((Sorry it was so long XD I got a little carried away.)))
Just call me Siri.
10:17pm Nov 20 2009
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Silentpaw grinned and bolted to his paws befre bounding after her, long legs catching up quickly. "You wish, but then again your more the friendly sort. Still, I can try." He purred, fur fluffing up in excitment. "I'll prove to Leopardhart Im a worthy apprentice." Falconwing looked up startled, surpised he was talking to her after she interupted his vigal for Wolfsong. Gettng to her small paws, she smiled delighted he asked her. Not that she knew why. "Sure I'll go! Ready?"