12:24am Jan 24 2010
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Patchpaw didn't think about that right away, all she could think about was Mistpaw. I know that Silentheart and Mistpaw had something special and when he died Mistpaw was devasted. What is she going to do when she finds out that Jadewing has left for StarClan also. "Mintpaw, I don't know what to do. Should we tell her or let Leopardheart, her father mind you, explain to her." she asked timidly. Cougarclaw had already dashed for the queens den to make sure that Falconwing was alright, most likely.
Just call me Siri.
12:24am Jan 24 2010
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Just call me Siri.
12:26am Jan 24 2010
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Mintpaw gulped. "I think Leapordheart should. It wouldn't be right for us to. It'll be better if she heard it from someone that's she's not just really close to, but family."
12:27am Jan 24 2010
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((Siri, could you make a male warrior in the Clan that's Mintpaw's and Graypaw's dad, and doesn't know that their mother's still alive?))
8:38am Jan 24 2010
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Jadewing placed her paw on Leopardhearts cheek, licked his muzzle, then placed her nose against his and whispered, "I love you." Her voice was raspy and as she said her final message, "I have to leave. Rosestar called me. There is nothing a medicine cat can ddo." Her deep green eyes looked into his amber, "I will visit you in dreams and see you when you join me. I love you" and her eyes fluttered shut for the final time. Eaglestar saw Jadewing laying there so still and yowled, "What can I do?" Fernseed was there so she spoke to her urgently, "What am I supposed to do? I can't fight, I don't want to risk losing my kits, but if I don't fight what will the clan think of me? The leader that sits and watches. That's not who I am, that's not who I was borrn to be." Ravenfeather leaped unto the back of a smaller fox his great weight holding the dog-creature down. He dug his claws into its backand yanked out pawfuls of fur. Once he leaped off the fox had run away yelping, but its mother was headed straight for him. His amber eys looked into those of the fox and he snarled, "Go or die" The fox hadn't moved in a few heartbeats so he leapt iat it claws out, teeth bared, and eyes blazing with fury.
9:43am Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 2:33pm Jan 24 2010)
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Nightkit sat down staring into the distance of the forest, "Mistpaw,"she meowed "How will I become a warrior?" her blue eyes lit up by the moonlight. "It is ok little one."meowed quailfoot, "We will find a way." she meowed as she sat down. Quailfoot's brother Dingopaw was playing with poisonkit, and she attaceked his tail. "You will be a good warrior." he meowed happily to Poisonkit. ((Quailfoot, and dingopaw could have an apprentice, and same with brightshadow. ((I have a new warrior. Brightshadow. happy friendly and heartless. she cat Family: emeraldpaw Warrior (bright blue eyes.) looks:
10:14am Jan 24 2010
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((Just so everyone knows exactly what Eaglestar looks like))
(she just has red eyes))
10:50am Jan 24 2010
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Duskpaw saw Mintpaw and Patchpaw talking solemnly so she walked up and asked with a hint of worry in her voice, `Whats happening?` She saw the looks on their faces and asked again, `What is it? Is something wrong?
1:15pm Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 1:25pm Jan 24 2010)
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((Eklipse: Could you post the link, not the picture? And it seems that the picture you used isn't working. Just post the link, I would prefer that there be no page stretches. But I would love it if you didn’t make this cat because you already have 13 others and I have yet to hear from half of them. Please remember what I said before, play within your limit.)) It broke his heart to hear his mate say these things. He collapsed when she placed her paw on his cheek; felt a new tear when she licked his muzzle, then wept when she put her nose to his. What simple gestures, but I will never get them again. Not from my mate. When Jadewing whispered, “I love you.” Leopardheart wanted to tell her again but his voice would not come. He knew that his eyes, which he refused to close in her last moments, shone with such an amount of love that no words could ever encomp*censored* it. When she rasped, "I have to leave. Rosestar called me. There is nothing a medicine cat can do." Leopardheart nodded, because deep in his heart and mind he understood this. "I will visit you in dreams and see you when you join me. I love you," she mewed so softly Leopardheart thought he was dreaming already but he knew that he wasn’t as he gazed into her loving jade eyes. When they closed Leopardheart felt so alone. With a cry that was so primal it shook everycats soul, he lost his grief. I have our kits to look after. Images of Birdpaw, Duskpaw, Ravenpaw and Mistpaw came into his mind. Leaning over Jadewing he whispered into her ear, hoping that she could hear this from StarClan, “I love you, and I will live for you and our kits. I will see that they become fine warriors and I will make their clan a thriving one. So when I go to meet you in StarClan we can watch down on them as the live in peace.” Standing up Leopardheart analyzed the Gathering; yowls of fears where everywhere, cats were fighting off the fox and Fernseed looked worried as she talked with Eaglestar. Then it made sense, Eaglestar is having kits! She’s loved Redstorm for moons and the tom has finally noticed her subtle hints. It’s why she’s stepping down for a time, and why she isn’t fighting at this moment! Racing forward Leopardheart ignored Ravenfeathers wiser attack, which was attacking from behind, and jumped right onto the foxes face. Slashing his claws straight into its eyes Leopardheart leapt back when it reared in fright, blinded. Thrashing its head back and forth the fox screeched as it reeled backwards, but Leopardheart followed. His stalk was stealth, and filled with malice. His mind lost in his instinct to protect. Pelt rippling with every powerful stride Leopardheart felt like his long distant ancestors the leopards. Leaping again Leopardheart created huge gashes that would not heal without a medicine cat’s tender care, but foxes knew nothing of the power of clans. She will die alone. The cry of the fox became desperate and it turned to flee but it couldn’t see. When Leopardheart struck again on her hind leg she kicked violently, tossing him back but he got up without a scratch. Its ear swiveled his in direction, stating that she knew he was coming and fearing another attack she braved the unknown to get away from him. Scurrying away into the forest for shelter, the fox barreled into branches, bushes and trees but kept going. Panting Leopardheart looked at Ravenfeather and meowed, “Thank you my warrior. You fought well.” Fernseed nearly hissed at her leader, “Are you daft! You cannot fight! That is why you have a deputy as strong as Leopardheart and wish warriors like Ravenfeather and Redstorm!” Still fuming Fernseed continued, “This is why leaders don’t have kits Eaglestar. It’s too dangerous! You leave your clan confused and curious, only to fulfill your need for a family!” Gasping, Fernseed jolted back, “Eaglestar I didn’t mean it. I…I’m just…” Looking over at Jadewing, Fernseed wanted to cry. Another warrior brought to her death much too soon. Jadewing was still so young and just beginning to thrive in the clan. “Eaglestar, there has been so much death in the clan it makes me nervous. Do you remember the dream I had of your kits?” she asked causally. “They were taken by something. I don’t want this to happen, even if I think you acted on impulse with Redstorm.” Thinking back Fernseed couldn’t remember a single time when Leaders stepped down from their rule. “Can leaders not retire from their role, Eaglestar?” Fernseed asked with honest curiosity. Patchpaw looked at Duskpaw then at Mintpaw. "Um, we need to go get some shut eye. You might want to wait until Leopardheart comes back." Patchpaw meowed gently. What am I supposed to say? Turning around Patchpaw trotted over to the apprentice den.
Just call me Siri.
1:35pm Jan 24 2010
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((Fullmoon: Who do you want to mentor Dreampaw? She has to be mentored before she can become a warrior. ;D ))
Just call me Siri.
1:54pm Jan 24 2010
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Silentheart smiled once more at Shatteredkit and started to vanish. "Go back to sleep now little kit, I will visit you again soon." He told her gently, and suddenly was looking at Rosestar and other Starclan warriors. Looking at what they were loking at, he almost wailed in grief at the sight of Jadewing. Poor Leopardheart! He does not deserve this kind of torture. He thought sadly, and bowed his head. Knowing he could do little, he flowed down to the gathering spot and looked around sadly. Leopardheart put his grief aside and fought for his clkan, just like the loyal warrior he is. Padding over to his former mentor, he knew no cat could see him. Placing his nose on his mentors ear, he whispered just loud enought for the other tom to hear. "She will be safe with us, and she will always watch over you just like I do. That much I know." He purred softly, and disappeared. Once more in the ring of Starclan cats, he smiled at his mother who purred. Falconwing smiled at Cougarclaw as the she-cat padded in. But her happiness in seeing the other warrior quickly dimmed at her worried looked. "Is something wrong Cougarclaw?" She asked quietly, curling tighter around her kits.

2:07pm Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 2:07pm Jan 24 2010)
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Leopardheart froze in place when he thought he heard Silenthearts voice. Have I gone mad? No, I know I haven't. Looking about him, Leopardheart thought out about the words he had heard. "She will be safe with us, and she will always watch over you just like I do. That much I know." Silentheart, I hope that you truely did whisper to me. For I needed to hear those words from a warrior like you. Looking at Falconwing, Cougarclaw mewed, "Mintpaw saw the Gathering through Graypaws eyes. She says that foxes have attacked and it's in chaos." Looking down she meowed, "Jadewing has pa.ssed on if Mintpaw is correct." (( I don't think I can post again today. ='( ))
Just call me Siri.
2:52pm Jan 24 2010
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((Who's available? If Leapordheart is, him.))
2:55pm Jan 24 2010
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Gentletouch silently sat at the edge of a glittering pool. Her gray reflection danced across the water. "Le-Leapordheart....." Her voice carried along on the breeze, only to the squirrels and birds in the trees who did not know cat tongue. "T-Take care of them..."
3:08pm Jan 24 2010
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((Siri, I am going to replace dingofang with her.)) Gasping Shatteredkit woke up, she got to her feet then fell back down remembering her paw, and all the deep scratches on her pelt.
4:56pm Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 4:59pm Jan 24 2010)
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Eaglestar stared at her medicine cat which such amazemnt and shock before she murmured, "I really don't know." she gasped, "Oh what have I done?" She was gasping for air like she was drowning, "I, I, I can't take care of my clan if i can't fight, and oh, but what about my kits?" as she broke down nin tears Jadewing looked up at Rosestar who was looking grimly back at her. JShe dipped her head to the leader and meowed, "I have had my final moments" she shuddered, "But what about my kits? Can I visit them in dreams? Leopardheart too, I love them so much" The burgundy leader stared at her before mewoing, "Of course. We do not normally grant access of a StarClan warrior to a warrior or apprentic, but you were so young when you joined us that it is only right Now look there" Rostar mewed indicating with her tail to a pool. Jadewing peered down and saw Leopardheart crying over her limp body, he saw as he got up and fought like the leaoprads he was named for. "I remember his warrior ceremony" Jadewing said as she faced her leader,"Leopardpaw from this day forward you shall be known as Leopardheart, for your feral bestality and excellency in battle" She quoted Rosestar, "How will he live without me? He just lost his apprentice, and took his place as deputy. He must live, for our kits"
5:00pm Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Jan 24 2010)
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Duskpaw was padding back into te center of camp when she heard, "Jadewings p*censored*ed on if Mintpaw's right" she nearly lept out of her fur, she padded up a tear rolling down her cheek and meowed, "My mother is dead? But she only." Duskpaw couldn't speak. She was at a loss for words. Trying to make her mouth form words was impossible. She walked up to Falconwing and laid down. cuddling near the little kits looking at them with greif and jealousy, "Your mother is still alive and well" she whispered to them , "Be hapy"
8:28pm Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 5:14pm Jan 25 2010)
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Rainfeather slashed a fox's neck killing it with two swipes of her huge claws. Another fox hurdled toward ehr and swiped at her, she dogged it, then raked ger long claws down its side, it fell to the ground. She looked and saw Emeraldpaw cornered by 4 foxes, she hurdled toward them and leaped onto ones neck and biting it fell but the others attack her and emeraldpaw, emrealdpaw managed to gett away and hide. Rainfeather let out a hiss and ran behind the smallest one and bit its ancle, with a misrable yelp it ran away leaving one fox. She heard it screech and growle as it circled her, she ran forward and slipped on the red stained gr*censored*, it bit her fluffy white tal. She looked to the left to see that blackfang hadn't been attacked be 1 fox. Rainfeather seen another russet animal coming after her she let out a menicing hiss and slashed its throat. it fell to the ground, she quickly turned around to see a fox leaping for her. She turned and swiped and clawed at its face, it quickly ran away yelping That mist have been a younger one.. she though. Relaxing herself she turned and a Huge fox, "Your time is up." It rasped what?! I can understand it? she thought as she backed away slowly It began running and let out a menacing noise and slashed her back and slamed its paw on her jaw knocking her out. she fell back, the other fox bite her neck and fling her helplessly to the side.. "Rainfather!!" screeched emeraldpaw as she ran toward her, she had a huge gash on the back of her neck, and on her stomach. "You are bearly bleeding.. How!?" meowed emeraldpaw as she looked at Rainfeather, she lay limp on the stained gra.s, The huge fox looked at Emeraldpaw then let out a low growl, she hissed and Ran towards it and raked her claws through its face. "This isn't over..." he rasped then disappeared in the darkness. ((Ok here is summery, Rainfeather was pwning up fox's when she helped EmeraldPaw out. Then notised her sis wasn't getting attacked,a nd 2 foxes Teamed up on her and cratched her and knocked her out. Emeraldpaw seen this happen then attacked the fox and it fled. for ppl that don't know what I mean in the post XD )) ((lp))
11:49pm Jan 24 2010 (last edited on 11:54pm Jan 24 2010)
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((Eklipse, I'm confuse. Is Rainfeather and Emeraldpaw dead? Or just one or the other? Or none?)) Leopardheart had little wounds from the fight. He had been swift and merciful. He left the mother fox to live at the cost of her eyes. She had not fled when Ravenfeather gave her the chance, so he and Ravenfeather had been within their right to attack. Watching Rainfeather, Leopardheart shivered. She was a ferocious warrior with no mercy in her killing. StarClan willed there to be no killing upon the Gathering but I think they meant that for cats only. Looking at the foxes that Rainfeather lay wrath upon he thought, poor foxes. Looking to Eaglestar, he noted that she looked greatly distressed. On alert he dashed over to her, only to have Fernseed stop him short. “I’m sorry Leopardheart.” Fernseed meowed, “I’ve made her worried. I said that leaders should not bare kits. I didn’t mean to make her so upset.” Taking a deep breath she looked at her paws and continued, “She wanted to fight but I told her to think of her ki-” Looking up sharply she saw no shock in his eyes. Slowly she continued, “Kits. Then I told her she was foolish to make Redstorm her mate.” Lifting her head she looked into Leopardhearts eyes with regret. “I didn’t mean these things.” She mewed quietly. Leopardheart licked Fernseed on the top of her head. “I know. You are still young and have much to learn.” He mewed, “Like holding your tongue.” Turning back to Eaglestar he walked up to her slowly, like she was a frightened kit. “Eaglestar, wise leader of IceClan,” he meowed gently. “You have made wise choices. Fernseed was scared about what has happened. Her words were wise but should not be heeded. They were out of place.” Nudging her, he continued, “I’m delighted that you are expecting.” I hope that she understand that I truly am happy for her. "Le-Leopardheart....." Looking at Eaglestar he asked, “Yes?” Then realized she had yet to say something. "T-Take care of them..." Is this Jadewing? No, it is not her voice. Savoring the sound of the cat he just heard. Leopardheart gasped. Hoping that Eaglestar wouldn’t notice he thought madly. Gentlepaw? ((Fullmoon: Is it ok if Leopardheart remembers her as Gentlepaw?))
Just call me Siri.
12:01am Jan 25 2010
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Cougarclaw looked at Duskpaw in shock. She heard me? No, Leopardheart should have been the one to tell her. Walking forward, she meowed, "Duskpaw. I'm so sorry." Nuzzling the little she-cat, Cougarclaw wanted to give her comfort. No kit should have to hear this news so soon. Their mother was too young. Closing her eyes Cougarclaw was suprised that she felt tears. Jadewing had been a good friend to Cougarclaw even when she was just starting to be a clan cat.
Just call me Siri.