12:32pm Jan 26 2010
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"Ok.." she meowed. and stood on her good paws, then pressed down on her bad paw. She let out a loud hiss, as she fell to the ground."I am not going to stop trying!" she meowed loudley and got up and began to walk, trying hard to ignore her paws pain. Shatteredkit looked up at Silentheart. "I can walk!" she meowed. the scratch on her back hurt but she kept on trying. ((the scratch on her back coveres from her right shouled to her left leg))
12:32pm Jan 26 2010
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12:34pm Jan 26 2010
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Ravenpaw and Birdpaw awaited the arrival of their clan back at the camp. Duskpaw heard her mother say, "Peace dear one. It will be better soon" and she shivered. Jadewing's voice once so hapy and fyull of love now seemed cold and brittle. Jadewing followed her clans trek back to the camp from StarClan. She mourned when she saw the fallen bodies of Dingofang and Falconeyes, and greeted them when they cam to join her, "Welcome. Little one and old wise one." She dippde her head and meowed, "Be happy here. It is full of wise cats, some young." she said gesturing with her tail towards Moonkit, "Some old" she looked at Rosestar.
12:38pm Jan 26 2010
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"Hello Jadewing. I was hopeing I would meet you soon." meowed Falconeyes. "I.. wish I didn't have to die." meowed Dingofang. "Quailfoot looks so sad, and I was the only thing left for her. Ivynose will be devistated."
2:38pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 3:48pm Jan 26 2010)
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((Hey guys...I had a bad day at school even though it was a half day...So sorry if my post is off...)) ((So no one is confused, this is who is at the Gathering: Eaglestar, Leopardheart, Ravenfeather, Dingofang, Falconeyes, Emeraldpaw, Jadewing, Swiftdarkness, Tigerfang, Fernseed and Dovefire. Everyone else is at Camp...right?))
Just call me Siri.
3:48pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 3:50pm Jan 26 2010)
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Swiftdarkness walked on swollen paws. Dingofang was upon his back, so that he might be buried in IceClan territory. His head hung low as he marched back to camp, with all the clan mournfully following. Leopardheart was at Eaglestars right shoulder, carrying Jadewing and Ravenfeather was to her left carrying Rainfeather. Thank you, StarClan. For sparing Rainfeather, who I hope is still breathing. Beside Swiftdarkness, Dovefire was carrying Falconeyes and Tigerfang was making sure that the fallen stayed upon the backs of the warriors. With a heavy heart he thought, too much sadness has happened. When dawn comes we will lay to rest three more warriors. Was it just the night before that Fallenwind, Blackstorm and Silentheart were buried? The night was cold and nearly over when they reached camp. Swiftdarkness barely looked up as the entered camp. Cougarclaw wailed when she saw the fallen comrades. Leopardheart went straight to the center and lay Jadewing down gently and went to find his kits. His heart must be so cold right now. Not only his apprentice but his mate now too. I hope my kits still love me, Leopardheart thought. I couldn’t protect their mother; will they hate me for that? I don’t want her gone, but I didn’t understand what was happening. Walking into the apprentice den he found Cheetahpaw, Patchpaw, Ravenpaw, and Birdpaw. The three she-cats paled when they saw Leoparhearts face. He knew that it was also pale, but it was also stoic and slightly fearsome. “Birdpaw, Ravenpaw,” he started, “I would like you to come with me.” Staring at Patchpaw and Cheetahpaw, Leopardheart stated, “You might want to come say good-bye also.” Turning around he left the den, motioning his two kits to follow him as he went to the medicine cat den. Finding Mistpaw he mewed softly, “Come. I need you.” She glanced nervously at Nightkit and Shatteredkit but Leopardheart meowed, “Fernseed is coming.” As he spoke the medicine cat came in with Ravenfeather carrying Rainfeather. "I need more room," Fernseed yowled. Then gazed at Mistpaw sadly and mewed, "You may take this night off, little one." Mistpaw looked at them in confusion, “What’s going on?” When Leopardheart looked distraught she thought, the Gathering must have gone wrong. Maybe another Clan is threatening to attack us? But in her heart she knew that is was something more. “Where’s mother?” she asked in a small mew, like a tiny kit. Then for the first time she saw her father tremble, when Silentheart had pa.ssed onto StarClan he had been like stone. “Mother!” she shrieked and dashed past the kin. Running into the clearing she saw why Leopardheart wanted them. Jadewing, mother, was brutally wounded. Large gashes decorated her pelt like a nasty symbol. Stopping a tail length away, Mistpaw only wept, not knowing if she wanted to touch Jadewing or not. “Mommy?” she sobbed. Collapsing with grief, Mistpaw felt her kin wrap around her. She cried as Birdpaw, Ravenpaw and Leopardheart nuzzled together. She didn’t remember when Duskpaw came but she felt the added presents, that mother will never again be able to give, and wept with more sorrow. “I didn’t even say goodbye!” she yowled in self anger. “I should have told her to come back safe!” Mistpaw cried in desperation. Please! Mommy! Don’t leave me! I had to let Silentheart go, I can’t let you go too! Fighting lose of her family, and their suddenly smothering embrace, Mistpaw left the camp; slashing at every leaf, branch, and lump of gr*censored* that got in her way. “I hate you StarClan! You and your selfish ways!” she spat in fury. Slowing from her exhausting pace, Mistpaw peered around. The night was peaceful and full of hidden beauty. Hissing at the thought she cried again. “Am I the selfish one? Am I selfish because I don’t want my mother to leave when that’s all I wanted? I would always say mean things to her, but she still loved me…” she meowed in defeat, “Right?”
Just call me Siri.
4:03pm Jan 26 2010
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Duskpaw knew her mother awaas dead ahead of her siblings but the sight of her torn body was more than she could handle. She yowled out in grief and ran over to join her two siblings and her father. "I, I knew she was dead too" Duskpaw sobbed, "I heard Cougarclaw talking. She knew. She said Mintpaw sawa it." ((Jadewing is going to come to all her kits and Leopardheart in dreaams (: )) Jadewing looked at the young Dingofang and meowed, "I thought I was young to be joining Starclan, but llook at you! Only just made a warrior. Silentheart too, neither of you deserved to ddie." She glanced down at her grieving family and mewoed, her voice full of sorrow, "At least it wasn't oneof them" The scene changed abrubptly she watched Mistpaw ter away from her siblings and slash at everything in her wa. She gasped and went to join her distressed daighter. She sat in front of her and meowed, "StarClan stupid? thats not anything I'd think to hear from you" She touched her transluscent nose to her daighters and meowed, "I lvoe you"
4:59pm Jan 26 2010
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Cheetahpaw laughed. "Um, that's okay." He then was puzzled. "What do you mean 'what did I say'? I was asleep....." And had a dream.
5:58pm Jan 26 2010
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6:13pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 7:32pm Jan 26 2010)
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((Fullmoon: I believe that is spam... O.O')) Patchpaw looked at Cheetahpaw. "I thought I heard you say something about talking in a while..." she mewed, and cringed slightly when he laughed. Times are hard and I'm still upset about Silentheart. Getting to her paws, Patchpaw left the den to share tongues with the warriors that had gone to StarClan. She didn't know who pa.ssed on but by the way Leopardheart had come in she guessed that Jadewing was one of them. Leopardheart must be extremely upset. And he was, Patchpaw had just come out of the den when Mistpaw dashed from camp. The grey-white apprentice seemed as though her heart was breaking. Why does death plague this clan? Walking over to Falconeyes, Patchpaw touched her nose to her cheek. She had talked with Falconeyes little but the warrior was strong and brave. Looking at Dingofang she was unnerved. He's not much older than I. Uncomfortable with touching Dingofang, Patchpaw mewed, "Rest in peace." Looking at Jadewing, Patchpaw saw Leopardheart mourning over her with his kits. He seemed to be holding it in more though. His eyes were rimmed with red where tears had fallen but now he was holding himself together for his kits, and the clan. What would we do with out him? Mistpaw yowled in surprise when a shimmering Jadewing sat in front of her. "StarClan stupid? That’s not anything I'd think to hear from you" meowed a fully healed, beautiful Jadewing. She leaned in and touched Mistpaws nose with her own and meowed, "I love you." Mistpaw shook her head as if to clear it of a false image. "Mother?" she asked timidly. Then saw the glimmer of love in the she-cats eyes and knew that it was her. "Oh, mom!" Mistpaw cried with joy but hesitated going any closer. "I wish I could have told you how much I love you, about how happy I am that you are my mom and I wish that I could have told you to come home safely." Mistpaw scrambled out, her thoughts a mess trying to escape. "I want you to know that I'm proud of you, of how you were a warrior but gave it up to raise us." Looking down she mumbled, "Are you going to leave me?" (( I fixed all of those silly mistakes, thank you Fullmoon. That's what happens when I don't use Word document. XD))
Just call me Siri.
6:17pm Jan 26 2010
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((I'm sorry, but I just noticed, plegue is Plague and Pease is Peace. XD Couldn't help but notice.))
6:29pm Jan 26 2010
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Gentletouch breathed in frosty air. She slowly picked her way up the mountains. She was surprised at her progress, as she was almost at the top. The cold air stung her cheeks, but she wanted to move as fast as she could *Later* Gentletouch stared at the wild place in front of it. It was so.... warm. She had never felt it like this before. She had, but that was when she was with Leapordheart.... She shook her head. I want to see him. Suddenly, a muscled figure emerged from the trees. It was a giant tiger. "I told you..... DON'T EVER COME BACK!" It slashed at Gentletouch, hitting her on the shoulder. Blood spattered the gr@ss. Gentletouch hissed. "You really think you can seperate me from them? And why? You were me and Leapordheart's friend, Crossed!" Crossed hissed back. "But you chose him, the mangy flea-ridden beast, instead of me." "You were a great friend, but Leapordheart was my love, you knew that!" Crossed pounced again. This time, Gentletouch jumped onto his back, making Crossed crash to the ground. She scratched at the tiger's back, making it bleed badly. Crossed roared. "HOW DARE YOU!!" And threw Gentletouch off his back. Gentletouch breathed in a gulp of air. Crossed striked. Gentletouch dodged. She attacked. Crossed blocked. Gentletouch hissed. "You won't seperate me! NO YOU WON'T!" She then, with a flash of anger, ripped at his throat. Crossed shrieked as the blood from his neck dripped to the forest ground. He then collapsed in a pool of blood. Gentletouch breathed in gulps. She was hurt badly. But she needed to find them.... if only she could remember.. The lake! She sniffed the air. Water! Gentletouch yowled with joy. She wold reach them soon... soon... but now she must rest.
6:49pm Jan 26 2010
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"I must dear" Jadewing mewed sadly, "But I will visit you and your sisters in their dreams." She sat there adn looked at the litle cat, "You are so big. I remember clearly the day you were born" jadewing sighed thoughtfully, "Go back to the clan" she murmured gently, "Go sleep, it's been a stressfull night and many will need your help tomorrow."
6:59pm Jan 26 2010
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"Rainfeather......" meowed redstorm. "Is she dead?" he asked fernseed. Rainfeather opened her eyes, and let out a screech of surprise, she leapt up and slammed her head on the top of the medicine cat den. "I am not dead!" she meowed loudly, then felt the gash on her back open up. She slowly sat down. "I was worried sick!' meowed Redstorm. "Rainfeather, can I speak to you alone." meowed emeraldpaw. "What do you need?" asked rainfeather, as Redstorm left to check on Eaglestar. "Dingofand and falconeyes, died tonight." she meowed regretfully. "And Dingofang told me to tell yuo that he loved yuo." "Whaaa...."Rainfeather meowed. She felt her belly turn over, I liked him... but I don't love him as much as.. " Falconeyes says, she thanks you for saving her and trusts you as a warrior. She believes that.... You would be a great leader."
7:32pm Jan 26 2010
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Raveneyes poked his head into the medicine den, "Oh thank StarClan you're alive" he said as he saw Rainfeather talking to Emeraldpaw. He sensed the tense moment and meowed awkwardly, "Um, I gotta go" efore dashing off.
8:08pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 8:08pm Jan 26 2010)
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Mistpaw felt her eyes fill with tears again. “Do you have to go so soon?” she asked quietly. The whole forest seemed to still with her question. No mice scurried in the undergrowth, no owl flew into the sky and the trees themselves seemed to stop their constant sway. That was rude of me; of course she wants to go comfort Leopardheart and my littermates. With a brave smile, that had a few cracks, but Mistpaw really did try to show her mother that she would live for her. “I’m being selfish again, aren’t I? Well, you should go to Birdpaw, Ravenpaw but I think Duskpaw needs you the most right now. Or daddy…” she mewed. Then with affection she brushed her cheek along Jadewings and whispered, “I love you more than you can even imagine.” With the parting words, Mistpaw turned back to the camp and began the joinery. She had gone further than she thought but still knew the way home. As she walked she felt the presence of her mother, keeping watch the only way she could now. I will sorely miss her. Weaving through the leaves and branches she had fought before Mistpaw padded along quietly. The night was still silent but now the scraps of a mice’s paw was there and a twig snapper here. A mourning melody that went right along with her current state of mind. Fernseed rolled her eyes at Ravenfeathers over dramatic reaction. Though the she-cat in her treasured gossip and when she heard that Dingofang had loved Rainfeather, Fernseed could hardly stand still. I can’t wait until I can tell Spiritfeather, that elder will never see this coming. But what grounded her kitish participation in rumors was when Emeraldpaw meowed, “Falconeyes says she thanks you for saving her and trusts you as a warrior. She believes that....you would be a great leader." Making herself look busy in rearranging the herbs Fernseed shivered. I still don’t trust Rainfeather after what she did to Ivynose. How could she be a leader is she attacks her own clan mates? Taking a deep breath, Fernseed held if for a few moments to calm her ruffled fur. I guess that it’s good that Rainfeather seems to be doing better though, not nearly as many outbursts. Walking back to where Rainfeather and Emeraldpaw were talking, Fernseed excused herself to check on Nightkit and Shatteredkit.
Just call me Siri.
8:21pm Jan 26 2010
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Gentletouch breathed in. I'm home! She slowly approached, but then thought that would be rude. So, she curled up at the door, and waited for anyone to come out.
8:33pm Jan 26 2010
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((Leaving in a few minutes, so I might poof. P@ss it on.))
9:37pm Jan 26 2010
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(( okeii fulleh, bye. ): )) Jadewing vanished leaving a trali of starlight. She appeared back in the camp choosing to go to her smallest kit, Birdpaw, first. Birdpaw was lying down curled up in the nursery where she felt warm and loved again. She came into her daughters dram and meowed, "Birdpaw. Birdpaw" Until her daughter looked at her. "Mother!" the young she-cat cried, "But you're dead and I'm not a medicine cat.". Jadewing swept her tail over her daughters mouth and murmured, "Shh. That doesn't matter now. I love you and your sisters more than anything in the world. Excpet of course your father, I love you all so much." She licked her kits head and said, "I lve you" once more before departing to see her last daughter and mate. When she arrivedd by Ravenpaw's side she lay down andwrapped her tail around her kits back and told her the same thing she had told her other kit, before laving to see her mate. Jadewing appeared beside Leopardheart covered in Starlight she murmured, "I love you" In a whisper so quiet inly he could hear. She touched her nose to his ear and wated silently for his raction.
9:46pm Jan 26 2010
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((just read Full's post with Gentletouch and Crossed for like the twelfth time finally understanding it. @.@)) Eaglestar arrived back at camp tired and worn out. She bounded into the medicine den not worrying about anyone seeing her or knowing her secret. She gasped and meowed to Fernseed, "I need something for my paw." she lifted up her swollen foot and continued, "I tripped in yet another rabbit hole"