11:38pm Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 11:42pm Jan 26 2010)
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Leopardheart was staring up at the darkness of silverpelt. The stars themselves seemed to vanish this night. It was an empty void that looked as hollow as he felt. When his neck fur rose, Leopardheart knew that Jadewing as near and he waited for her spirit as he guarded her lifeless body. “I love you,” was all she said. But that is all I need to hear right now, he thought with a smile curling his lips. Taking in a deep breath he scented the air and he could smell her scent, slightly sweet with a hint of lilac. Her scent has never changed and I love it more now, then ever. With a purr that rumbled deep in his chest Leopardheart meowed, “And I love you, my Queen.” When Leopardheart started to court Jadewing, he adopted a nickname for her that never left. My Queen, I will love you until StarClan separates up and still I will wait until we can join together again. Remembering his charming words that somehow snagged the lovely she-cat, Leopardheart looked over at her. Letting his breath out in a shaky sigh he gazed into her lovely eyes. A twinge in his heart protested that he did not deserve her, it had been there from the start but of late it had grown loud. “Jadewing, I must tell you something but remember this I love you and my kits more than my life…” After a slight hesitation he quietly mewed, “More than my duty. So please understand me, I was…” Starting he knew that these words would not come easily. “I was young and naive.” Bowing his head her shimmering pelt cast a hue of silver onto his gold pelt but it was obscured by his midnight rosettes. “The night before I was to become a warrior…Do you recall Gentlepaw?” Closing his topaz eyes he sighed heavily knowing that he was stalling, hoping for an interruption but knowing that it would be unfair to Jadewing. “The night before my naming ceremony I was so angry with Ashfoot that I wanted to make him disappointed in me. He understood me so well and I hated that about him, I wanted him to be surprised no matter the consequence. Gentlepaw and I were close, and at the time I loved her, I still do, so we mated. She left before the sun rose and I never saw her again. Echosong never talked to me after that, I think she knows where Gentlepaw went but…” Now that Jadewing knew the truth he waited for her judgment. I’ve taken so much death already, so whether Jadewing forgives me or not I will survive. Though in the marrow of his bone he knew that it would be living, it would be merely survival, nothing more. Fernseed about ran into Eaglestar, “Oh! I can get you something for that!” Turning on her hunches, Fernseed went to find some yarrow ointment. When she found some she came back out with the paste in a leaf, setting is down she motioned Eaglestar to show her paws, pads up. Then began to use her own paw to smear some of the ointment on. “I wanted to tell you something.” She mewed anxiously, “Before Falconeyes went to StarClan she told Emeraldpaw to tell Rainfeather, ‘Thank you for saving her’. But that’s not all, this is the part that makes me nervous” lowering her voice Fernseed meowed, “Falconeyes also said, ‘I trust her as a warrior. I believe that....she would be a great leader.’ Eaglestar, I don’t think that’s something to be said lightly.” As she finished applying the cream she added, “I just don’t feel comfortable with Rainfeather. I mean look at what she did to Ivynose…Oh and before you go I need you to eat that huckleberry, and get a nights rest. Share tongues with the warriors if you must but make it short. Your health is the ut-most of importance Eaglestar. It's not just you now, remember the kits.”
Just call me Siri.
11:38pm Jan 26 2010
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Just call me Siri.
8:05am Jan 27 2010
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((@.@ I dont know how Jadewing will rspond... Post wil come later))
12:54pm Jan 27 2010
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Rainfeather walked out of the camp and sat on a ledge where she could see silverpelt clearly. "Why am I here StarClan?" she meowed desperately. "Why does my clan not trust me. Why do I have no friends that would trust me...." She continued. "Falconeyes. What were you thinking? Me leader? Maybe I should go and live with Pheonix, and the tribe of burning fire." What Am I thinking I am no medicinecat Starclan won't talk to me.
4:00pm Jan 27 2010 (last edited on 4:40pm Jan 27 2010)
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Jadewing looked at her mate in silent shock and confusion, "What?" she wasvery upset with this, but then who wouldn't be. "You had to wait until I died to tell me this? You coldn't have told me sooner?"asilver tear ran down her cheek, "I forgive you because we have our kits and becuause I love you so much, but I am so upset right now I can't speak to you." and she dissapeared. Eaglestar mewoed haevily, "I don't honestly know what to say about that." She licked her chest fur a few times to think before meowing, "I can't punish her as she's been so injured and how she helped the kits, but I really don't know what to do." Eaglestar winced as Fernseed put the paste on her paw and continued, "I think her father is behind it." Kestrelheart came up and mourned the dead body of Jadewing before padding over to Mintpaw and meowing, "How did you know about her death before they came back?"
5:09pm Jan 27 2010 (last edited on 8:51pm Jan 27 2010)
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"HIA EAGLESTAR!" meowed shatteredkit, "Look! I can walk. " she boasted. "Silentheart taught me how!" Posonkit sat beside nightkit. "When will I becom an apprentice!!!!" she moaned. ((I am now going to brind bright shadow into the rp. XD ))
5:14pm Jan 27 2010
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Poisoneyes wants to be an apprentice? Its unusual to have a warrior name when ur a kit (: ))
5:51pm Jan 27 2010
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((I think Nightkit was the one speaking XD)) ~Will post in a moment
Just call me Siri.
6:05pm Jan 27 2010
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With his head hanging low, Leopardheart knew that he deserved this. Being honest with himself, he thought she would be angrier than this. She still loves me, and she will still come and talk to me. It was more than he could have asked for. Leopardheart knew that this wasn’t fair on her, but he can’t change the past. It was also unfair to keep it until her death came, but I thought she would live so much longer than this. When in his heart he knew that only death would have gotten this story out of him, or the return of Gentlepaw. He wasn’t ashamed of what he did, sure it was not a bright display of anger, but he would live with his choices. No, in his heart he held this secret because he feared that if Jadewing knew she would leave him. That she would turn her back on him, teach their kits to hate him and slowly exile him from the clan. Jadewing is to sweet for this, but my mind won’t let that scenario escape. I love you so much, my Queen. As her presence seemed farther and farther away, the dim brightening of the sky herald the approach of dawn. Spotting Kestrelheart talking with Mintpaw, Leopardheart called out, “We need to lay them to rest.” Gathering Jadewing, Leopardheart maneuvered her onto his back again. Turning to Kestrelheart, Leopardheart meowed, “Could you get Swiftdarkness or Tigerfang to help you?” Walking out of camp, Leopardheart buried his mate and most of his soul. Only our kits and my duty to the clan keep me away from you, Jadewing. Gazing up into the sky, which now held a mixture of scarlet, topaz and fire-orange; he thought, I understand what a divided heart feels like. If you find a mate more worthy than I in StarClan, I will understand. With somber steps, he made his way back to camp.
Just call me Siri.
6:09pm Jan 27 2010
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((-tears-)) Kestrelheart dipped his head to the deputy leader. He gathered Tigerfang and Swiftdarkness to lay the fallen to rest. ((fail)) Tigerfang walked over to Leopadheart before padding over to the dead. "I need to speak to you" she meowed, "I want to become an elder"
8:53pm Jan 27 2010 (last edited on 8:58pm Jan 27 2010)
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(( typ-o east. :P )) "I wish all the warriors in the clan forgot my and my father's fast." she meowed. Rainfeather looked at the sky. "Why can't I fit in?" She starred at the cliff. "Starclan what is my destiny here? Why did you place me here? Is my destiny under my fathers control?" as she spoke that last question the thought of that wade her squirm. "I wish.... I could fit in.." she meowed quietly. Then looked at the ground, then at her paw. "I can never do that though... Because of my claws..."
8:57pm Jan 27 2010
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Gentletouch growled. "I'll just leave then," And she walked away...... XDDDD
((*Waits for noticeation from somebody*))
9:08pm Jan 27 2010
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((lol nice fullmoon, XD ))
9:13pm Jan 27 2010
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Gentletouch heard a rustle. She looked around, ad spotted the noisemaker. "L-L-Leapodheart?" Her voice was bearly a whisper. Her voice hung in the air for a few extra moments. "Is that really you?"
11:59pm Jan 27 2010
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((Fullmoon: I thought you were at a twolegers home! XD I didn't understand the inviting in thing, lol. -fails-)) Leopardheart looked up suddenly. “Gentlepaw?” he mewed in disbelief. Looking around, he couldn’t seem to see the she-cat. “Are you truly here?” he asked with marvel, “I didn’t understand what you said before, ‘Keep them safe.’ I don’t know who you mean.” What is happening? So much is going on, what am I going to do? Jadewing, I wish you were here to support me but that would be conceited. His topaz eyes swept the underbrush looking for the disturbance that would signal where the other cat was. ((I don’t know what she looks like so I couldn’t find her, Fullie!~ Lol))
Just call me Siri.
12:08pm Jan 28 2010
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Rainfeather walkde around the camp, tail dragging on the ground, and her hed faceing the ground. Rainfeather spotted eaglestar in the mediceine cat den. "Eaglestar... I need to speak to you alone....." She waited untill Eaglestar followed her behind the medicine cat den then opend her mouth. "Do you want me to be in iceclan? Am I needed here?" ((Siri or whoever, you can make a cat spy on Rainfeather and Eaglestar Talking. ;) ))
12:13pm Jan 28 2010
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((we should have a gathering once every 300 posts.... XD lol ))
12:13pm Jan 28 2010
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Eaglestar looked at Rainfeather in shock, and mewoed to Fernseed excusing herself, "Come with me." and led her out under the shelter tree, "Of course your needed here Rainfeather. You are a brilliant warrior and very strong." She lokedat the upset she-cat, "You are definetly needed here but no matter what falconeyes said, you wiont't be leader unless rightly chosen." Eaglestar finished and walked away. Raveneyes walked up to Rainfeather and asked, "How are you? Is everthing okay?"
12:20pm Jan 28 2010
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Rainfeather looked at the dark grey warrior. "Uhh........... nothing... Actually.." she continued. "I don't think I should stay in the clan, no cat would care if I left, the two cats that I was closest to... Well Redstorm and Ivynose, both got hurt by me. Redstorm got throne of the cliff by me.. and Ivynose is blind now. Because of me. .." she meowed Regretfully "And don't tell me i cant hurt another cat, because with these claws?... I am a mutant..."
12:24pm Jan 28 2010
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Raveneyes lloked at the silvery she-cat sympathetically and mewed, "I would. Ivynose was blaming you for the loss of her kits, no cat should blame someone for something they haven't done, sadly it happens alot." He sighed and touched his nose to her ear, "Redstorm is, I don' care if our leader loves him, Redstorm is acting very cocky lately." His mew turned into a half-snarl, "Anyone who blames you for all the clan problems is a bigger problem then our clan"