9:44pm Jan 29 2010
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Jumping down from the Highrock Leopardheart looked at Ivynose, sorrow gripping his heart as he mewed, loud enough for the whole clan to hear, “Ivynose, is it your wish to give up the name of warrior and go to join the elders?” He watched the still young she-cat gather her inner strength. She took a deep breath and meow, “It is.” Leopardheart mewed, "Your clan honors you and all the service you have given us. I call upon Starclan to give you many seasons of rest." With much care, Leopardheart laid his tail upon the she-cats shoulder. Looking at Robinwing, Leopardheart motioned with his tail to the other elders. “Could you lead her to them?” he asked, while thinking, She was a fine warrior; her fighting skills will be sorely missed. She never got to mentor a kit either. Remembering that Tigerfang had wanted to talk with him also, Leopardheart motioned her over. “I would also like to become an elder,” meowed the ginger-red she-cat. Bowing his head for a moment, Leopardheart looked into her eyes and again said the traditional words, “Tigerfang, is it your wish to give up the name of warrior and go to join the elders?” With a solemn face, Tigerfang mewed, “It is.” “Your clan honors you and all the service you have given us, I call upon StarClan to give you many seasons of rest,” Leopardheart meowed while laying his tail upon her shoulder. With a nod, he removed his tail, and Tigerfang went to sit with the other elders. So many missing warriors, he thought as he looked at the caring faces of his clan. Turning around he leapt onto the Highrock again, and felt dizziness as he looked down. They look at me with such trust and they think of me as a great warrior, if only they knew…Holding his head high, Leopardheart noted that the sun had already hit sun-high. Time had p*censored*ed much quicker than he thought it would. Looking to Mintpaw, Leopardheart flicked his tail motioning her to come forward. “I call upon my warrior ancestors to give this apprentice a new mentor. Mintpaw, you have lost your first mentor, so your new mentor will be Kestrelheart." The warrior tom looked surprised to be getting his first apprentice so soon. Kestrelheart has only been a warrior for one moon now, but I know that this will be good for the clan. Watching as warrior and mentor leaned forward and touch noses, Leopardheart smiled with pride. Then looking over the pair Leopardheart motioned for Dreampaw to come forward as well. "I call upon my warrior ancestors to give this apprentice a new mentor. Dreampaw, you too have lost your first mentor, so your new mentor will be Robinwing." Leopardheart meowed. Robinwing looked lost for a moment, mourning Dingofang, but wanting to live the life that she was left to live. Touching noses with Dreampaw, the two looked anxious and pleased. Robinwing is also young but we need to have the warriors learn quickly, for many more may be joining the elders soon. The sun was just kissing the treetops when Leopardheart finally took a deep breath to name the new warriors. They will sit vigil and not speak this night. I hope that I’m not naming them too soon, but their mentors agreed that they are ready. Jumping down from the Highrock, he felt restless, and knew that the clan was also. He called out, “Cheetahpaw, Emeraldpaw, and Graypaw, please come forward.” As the walked forward Leopardheart smiled, Cheetahpaw was the most curious so he came up boldly. “Cougarclaw,” Leopardheart meowed out, “are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Yes, he is ready;” she meowed with confidence. He may be rowdy but he will be a great warrior. Leoparhearts topaz eyes shimmered with pride as he mewed, "I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Cheetahpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?" Barely containing himself, Cheetahpaw meowed, "I do." "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name.” Leopardheart exclaimed, “Cheetahpaw, from now on, you will be known as *Cheetahpatch. StarClan honors your swift paws, liveliness, and your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Placing his nose on the crown of Cheetahpatchs head, Leopardheart felt him lick his shoulder with respect. The clan knew that more warriors were to be named, so the held their yowls of congratulations. “Swiftdarkness,” Leopardheart meowed, “are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Yes, he is ready;” Swiftdarkness meowed with *censored*urance. I may not have been there for him often, but this tom knows what is right for the clan. He learned quicker than I could teach, he was born to be a warrior. Leoparhearts felt his fur bristle slightly with excitement as he yowled, "I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Graypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?" With a hesitant reply that held certain bravery, Graypaw meowed, "I do." "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name.” Leopardheart exclaimed, “Graypaw, from now on, you will be known as Grayheart. StarClan honors your constant intellect, hidden courage, and your willpower, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Resting his nose on the top of Grayhearts head, he felt Grayheart lick his shoulder in respect. Grinning Leopardheart yowled out, “Jayflight, are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” Jayflight mewed simply, “Yes, she is ready.” Turning to face Emeraldpaw, Leopardheart saw the little she-cats chest rise and fall with excitement almost seeping from her pelt. "I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice,” he yowled for all the clan to hear. “She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Emeraldpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?" With anticipation clearly written in her eyes, Emeraldpaw meowed evenly, "I do." "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name.” Leopardheart yowled, “Emeraldpaw, from now on, you will be known as Emeraldrain. StarClan honors your loyalty, courage, and your self-discipline, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” As IceClan began to yowl the new warrior’s names, Leopardheart noticed a disappointed face. Quickly jumping up he yowled, “IceClan! Have patience, for I am almost done, but there is still more!” Looking directly at Stella he yowled, “Though you are not born into this clan, I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this cat,” he called out. “She has worked hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Stella, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?" Nodding her head greatfully, Stella mewed, “I do.” "Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior name.” Leopardheart roared, “Stella, from now on, you will be known as Berrypool. StarClan honors your loyalty to a clan you are not born in, courage that comes from your heart and your resolve, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Then Leopardheart lifted his head and called out the new warrior and apprentice names. The sky he yowled to was a crimson tone for the sun was setting. They have been sitting long enough; I will tell Eaglestar in private what I have done. If she deems it necessary I will announce it to the clan on the morrow. Leaping down from the Highrock he went to nuzzle each new warrior and apprentice, gently reminding the warriors that they are to sit watch all night over the clan and not speak a word after their congratulations are over. He even took the time to thank Ivoynose and Tigerfang once again for defending their clan with such honor. Walking over to Gentletouch, Leopardheart mewed, with a rough voice, “I would like it if you came with me to talk with Eaglestar.” With a hesitation he added, “None in the clan knows what has happened between us. Only Ashfoot knew, and may he hunt in StarClan with peace.” Patchpaw felt her heart pounding with excitement; this is the first time in moons that any apprentice was named. Maybe I still have a chance! I can’t believe that both Cheetahpatch and Grayheart are now warriors! Dashing over to them she purred, “Cheetahpatch and Grayheart! This is so exciting! You’re warriors now, and its odd saying these new names but I love them!” Looking over at Emeraldrain, Patchpaw yowled, “Emeraldrain! Your new name is so pretty!”
Just call me Siri.
9:46pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((LP)) ((SShwwiyywa -shakes hand- That was a long one... =) I hope I didn't miss anything. And Fullmoon: Do you really want him to be named Cheetahpatch? That's why there is a star by his name...))
Just call me Siri.
9:47pm Jan 29 2010
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((Hmm, Cheetahpatch... Cheetahpelt.... Cheetahflight.... Which one? XD))
9:52pm Jan 29 2010
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Graypawheart smiled, a toothy grin. "I can't believe it!" He yowled. "Warrior! So. awsome!" He then looked at Patchpaw in the eyes. "I hope you join us soon," He murmered.
10:23pm Jan 29 2010
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Patchpaw shuffled her paws, “I hope so too.” Looking around as the night grew more propionate, casting longer and longer shadows. Silverpelt was crawling across the sky, creating twinkling lights in the growing navy-blue and black atmosphere. I hope that Silentheart is happy. “I don’t think you will have a problem staying quiet, Grayheart. Though,” casting a glance at Cheetah__, she mewed, “I think he might!” Purring with laughter, Patchpaw yawned. “I better get to bed.” With a gentle nuzzle Patchpaw rubbed her cheek along Grayhearts, pleased to know that she didn’t fear him anymore. Gazing over at Cheetahpaw the little calico she-cat felt a tug. I’m going to be lonely tonight…
Just call me Siri.
10:27pm Jan 29 2010
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Cheetahwind (I've desided, LOL) looked over his shoulder at Patchpaw. He felt a small tug at his heart. I'm going to be lonely tonight... without her..... He sighed, and sat down for his vigil. (Isn't he supposed to do this?)
10:35pm Jan 29 2010
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((Fullmoon: Yup. And I like the name -oggles over Cheetahwind-))
Just call me Siri.
9:24am Jan 30 2010
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((ooohh.. but anywasy yess... lol bump))
9:32am Jan 30 2010
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"Thankyou patchpaw!" she meowed happily barley being able to speak because of such happiness. ((siri you made me laught at that last part, Emeraldrain! Your new name is so pretty!” ))
10:40am Jan 30 2010 (last edited on 10:45am Jan 30 2010)
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((Eklipse: Well it is!! -huggles Emeraldrain- I like it~ ^.^)) Cougarclaw got to her paws and walked up to her first apprentice. He was tough to teach but I did my best and now he's a warrior. Standing a tail length away from Cheetahwind, who was talking to Patchpaw and the new warriors, and felt a smile graze her tan face. Not often was she happy but inside her now was joy, pure, and simple. Taking a paw step forward she mewed, "Well new warrior, are you not going to talk to me? I was the one that got you this far." Cougarclaw added a purr to the end, even though Cheetahwind knew her moods enough to tell that she was playing around. "I don't know if I can handle having you in the same den as I, but I will give it a try," she mewed. "Watch this clan well tonight." Stepping forward Cougarclaw touched her nose to his, as they had done when he became her apprentice. I feel like in doing this I'm letting him go. He's now a warrior on his own paws. Beaming affectionately up at Cheetahwind, she purred, "I want to go on your first patrol as a warrior." Then she turned around and went back to the warriors den to sleep. Swiftdarkness trotted over to his warrior. "I know I wasn't there for you much, but you learned faster than I could teach. Then when Falconwing had our kits I had to stay by her side." Dipping his head, Swiftdarkness mewed gratefully, "Thank you for being so patient with me.” I’m sure that this tom will do his finest to protect all in this clan, even if Tigerstar stalks him. With a flick of his tail he brushed Grayhearts cheek before dashing away to find Falconwing and their kits. Patchpaw felt her whiskers flare as she flicked her tail at Emeraldrain. "I really do like your name. I hope that mind is just as pretty! I wish you a calm, and quiet vigil."
Just call me Siri.
12:19pm Jan 30 2010 (last edited on 12:20pm Jan 30 2010)
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Emeraldrain dipped her head politely, " Thank you, I hope we can be good friends." she whispered quietly. Emeraldrain's bright green eyes shawn in the moon light. she moved her black tail over her white paws. Thankyou Starclan...
1:19pm Jan 30 2010
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Cheetahwind smiled. "I thank you, Cougarclaw!" He smiled. "For everything..."
8:03pm Jan 30 2010
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(( bump dson't know what to wright.... can someone come up with a cat that loves emeraldrain?))
8:06pm Jan 30 2010
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((Grayheart! Grayheart: No. Me: Why not?? *Whines* Grayheart:I er- already got one. Me:Ooh, who is it?~ Grayheart: None of your business! *Glares* Me: Whatevah.))
8:12pm Jan 30 2010
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(( Lol, nice fullmoon..... I am bord... I don't know what to make Rainfeather dooooooooo..... *cries* ))
8:40pm Jan 30 2010 (last edited on 9:05am Jan 31 2010)
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Emeraldrain looked up at the sky. Is there really a cat out there for me? she thought. Leopardheart has out-done himself with my name, I really do like it..... Rainfeather walked silently back to her corner in the warrior den. "We had a deal!" she heard. she quickly walked too see what was happening and right on the other side of the fireclan bored was her sister, Blackfang. ""We had a deal, I let you and your pack attack at the gathering, so you have to go into Iceclan and fireclan territory and KILL THERE LEADERS!" she rasped. "Fine" the fox rasped. "Two days from now.....then we are clear.. Agreed?" "Agreed, then you leave the forest." she meowed. "Right.." rasped the fox right before he walked into the bushes. Blackfang!! I knew I shouldn't have trusted her, any kin of Iceheart are somewhat evil.... "Why did you do that blackfang......" Rainfeather's voice was cold. "Come out Rainfeather, I know that is you who is speaking...." blackfang meowed. "How could you?" meowed Rainfeather as she walked out of the bushes. "I want power Rainfeather.." meowed Blackfang. "And I will do anything too get it." she continued. "And if you tell anyone about this meeting...... More than your leader will die!" she spat then ran through the tree's onto deep fireclan territory. Starclan what do I do?! ((READ THIS TIS IMPOTANT)) (( I need a friend for Rainfeather, one that is friendly ;) lol hahahaeheee.....))
8:59pm Jan 30 2010 (last edited on 9:00pm Jan 30 2010)
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((Fullmoon: Lol! That's cute~ Eklipse: I hate insa-love -glares- Besides, everyone keeps making charries so I don't want to make more...and we have too many girls I think. -shrugs- I don' know...-huggles her two males- ='D (happy/sad) That they are already mated....sometimes I think Patchpaw should have been a boy...)) I can't take it. I have to leave. Some much is wrong! I can't save anyone, look where Silentheart is, I'm a disgrace. My mother has left me too…The night was still young, sunrise wouldn’t come for hours. Her silver-gray pelt glittered in the moonlight, but she stayed hidden. The three new warriors were sitting together, not talking but sharing thoughts with small glances. I was a mouse-brained fool. I will never be like them and it’s all my fault. As Mistpaw crept around the camp she finally got to the warriors den, where her father slept because Eaglestar still slept in the leaders den. She couldn’t bear to leave without telling him. Leopardheart was in the front right corner of the den, not a surprise, if a something attacked he would be the first warrior out and ready to protect. Nibbling stepping up to him, Mistpaw purred softly barely more than a breath, “I can’t stay. I talked with StarClan and out there, some other Clan needs me more. Silverthaw is going to take me to them.” After a brief pause she touched her nose to his, “I love you, father.” Turning her back, Mistpaw felt as though she was betraying her clan. But StarClan has asked this of me. I may come back if that is what the will. Knowing that the entrance was well guarded, she wrinkled her nose wondering why StarClan chose this night out of so many others for her to leave. Though they chose this night, and I will listen. Being a medicine cat apprentice she knew herbs, berries, and leaves well, so she created the remedy for traveling herbs and ate them. I don’t know how far I will be going but I know that it will be far this eve, so that the clan has no chance of catching my scent. She couldn’t say goodbye to any other cat, it would weigh her heart down for the journey but her father needed that goodbye. Maybe I should tell my sisters and brother? No. They would wake up and make me stay. With a new inner determination, Mistpaw looked for a hole in their camps wall. Keeping to the shadows, she found one. It wasn’t very large but she was still a small cat, merely eight moons. Slipping through Mistpaw began to run; she ran until she got to the Fourtrees and kept running, but not as wildly. Now she scented for Silverthaw, the twolegs have their huge dens around here. Silverthaw said that she could be found in a big red one. When the trees began to disperse, Mistpaw shivered. I’ve never been this far before. Then she saw it, for it had to be a barn. The thing was m*censored*ive and the scent of twolegs was everywhere. The trees surrounding it were all gone, not even a stump was left behind, and the clear area had a fence of some sort. It was thin and gray and it gave her the feeling of thunder and lightning. Being cautious not to touch the wire Mistpaw crawled under it and mewed, “Silverthaw?” There was no answer and the sun was rising. The darkness of night streaked with gold, burgundy, and peach as the sun rose briskly over the twolegers barn. Maybe I’m more of a fool than I thought. What is she isn’t even here? With a sigh, Mistpaw looked down at the ground. Then heard an odd noise that sounded like thunder, looking up sharply she saw a gigantic four legged beast running at her, its fur was short on the body but along its neck it was long and smooth. It had a funny tail too, all fur, or hair? The beast could do no more than swish it back and forth, but Mistpaw didn’t care. She was too busy dashing toward the barn, yowling at the beast if it got too close. Heart hammering, breath coming in ragged gasps, and her paws shaking, Mistpaw put her side to the barn and looked for an escape. Then a streak of silver dashed out of nowhere and yowled, “Mistpaw! Come here!” Not caring who in StarClan it was, Mistpaw went! As she followed the other cat, Mistpaw heard the beast thundering up behind them again. “Faster!” she cried. But they had already started to turn a corner around the barn then ducked under a wire and stopped. I suddenly like those little thunder wires, she thought when the beast snorted at the wire and pranced away. Breathing heavily she looked over to see Silverthaw. “I’ve found you,” she mewed breathlessly.
“Save your breath, just follow me.” Silverthaw mewed. What is this kit doing here! Getting to her paws, since she had sat to catch her breath, Silverthaw lead Mistpaw through a hole and into the barn. The twoleger like Silverthaw because she ate all the mice and left him alone. Silverthaw was fine with this deal. As she bounded over to the hay, Silverthaw motioned Mistpaw to follow closely. Going into the cracks the bales had between each other, Silverthaw lead the way through the maze. Ten paw steps then right, four paw steps another right, and then eight paw steps left. It was dark while they walked but quickly light filtered through to illuminate an opening. This is where Silverthaw slept. It was plenty warm during leaf-bare and mice wandered in all on their own. “Why are you here little one?” she asked finally. Watching the she-cat, Silverthaw noted that she had gotten bigger, not bulky but taller and more lean. “Starclan gave me a vision…” she then began her story, which was the beginning of her new life. (( I wanted to have Mistpaw leave because one, I don't have time and two, I've been playing both medicine cats. I thought it wasn't very fair, so now Fernseed will take on a new apprentice. If you want one of your cats to be choosen then say so in out of character please. ^.^ ))
Just call me Siri.
9:01pm Jan 30 2010
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((Ps. I might have her come back....I'm not sure yet.))
Just call me Siri.
9:23pm Jan 30 2010
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((Maybe Littlekit? How about she starts out as a warrior aprentice, but then gets into an accident so she can't become a warrior?))
9:37pm Jan 30 2010
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((Fullmoon, I'll see. I think Eklipse wanted to be the apprentice too. I'm not sure, but I do want to give everyone a chance. ^.^))
Just call me Siri.