9:08am Jan 31 2010
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((la...lala....laaaaa.....................hrm...........................hmmmmm...........I have like nothing to wright about........... Can we have a time lapse and go to the next day?))
9:13am Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 5:01pm Jan 31 2010)
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What should I do? It was blackfang that destroyed the last Gathering..... and the foxes... are coming to kill Eaglestar? Or Leopardheart? and what about Pheonixstar? Rainfeather opened her eyes, the sun was rising, everything was outlined in silver. She stood up and walked out of the warrior's den.
3:33pm Jan 31 2010
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4:47pm Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm Jan 31 2010)
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((Eklipse: When I played Mistpaw, I made the time change to morning. So there is no need for a time lapse. Also, foxes don’t talk to cats incase you didn’t know. And how could Rainfeather be in the warriors den then hear something all the way at FireClan border, just curious. =/ )) Leopardheart awoke to find Rainfeather leaving the den. Sunlight was filtering in through the gasps in the leaves and branches. Casting bright gold beams into his eyes and creating luminous shadows over the cats that were still sleeping. His thoughts were all scrambled, I can’t stay. I talked with StarClan and out there, some other Clan needs me more. Silverthaw is going to take me to them…I love you. That melodic voice, which sounded so much like his late-mate, Jadewings, caused panic in his heart. Has she really left? Is she really gone to some other clan? Padding around the slumbering warriors, Leopardheart dashed for the medicine cat den. As he drew near he could smell the stale scent of Mistpaw. It was strong, with her many days living in the den, but not fresh like it should have been. “Fernseed?” he called out helplessly. Waking up to her name being called, so fearfully, Fernseed hurried to see what was wrong. “Leopardheart is someone hurt?” she asked. Fernseed watched him shake his lowered head; his entire mighty frame looked smaller and defeated in this pose. “Mistpaw left.” Leopardheart meowed miserably, “She left last night. I know it. She told me something about StarClan calling to her. They said Silverthaw would be guiding her to a Clan with greater needs than our own.” Fernseed looked forlorn. Mistpaw didn’t even discuss this with me. She just left. I thought that StarClan never spoke to her. Then Fernseed knew why the little she-cat didn’t say goodbye to her Clan. “If she can, she will come back.” Fernseed meowed, “Mistpaw knew that this was a hard choice. StarClan never talked to her, besides when she became an apprentice, and she wants to please them by accepting this role in her first vision.” Bowing her head, Fernseed ordered herself not to greave. She may come back. Leopardheart knew that Fernseed was right. There is no time to worry; she is a wise little cat. With a proud, soft smile Leopardheart knew that Mistpaw wasn’t a little cat anymore. Mistpaw grew much in these two moons. His heart lifted a little, knowing that Mistpaw would do what was best for her now. I need to do the same. Walking over to Eaglestars den, Leopardheart prepared to tell her what he had done the night before his warrior naming ceremony. Stopping beside the entrance, Leopardheart yowled, “Eaglestar?” ((Ps. If you didn’t catch on, Ashfoot was Leopardheart’s mentor. ;D I wanted add in his mentor because a warriors past is what creates the present and future warrior. Ashfoot has gone to StarClan though.)) Cougarclaw stretched her front paws and nearly thumped Dovefire on the head. I guess I should stretch outside. Climbing to her paws, Cougarclaw avoided stepping on tails and random paws as she exist the warrior den. It’s getting crowded in there, she thought half-happily, half-grumpily. Seeing three tired new warriors, Cougarclaw walked over to them and mewed, “You three should go get some sleep, or food. Either way, you did well last night.” With sincerity she added, “I thank you.” Walking past them, she brushed her tail affectionately over Cheetahwinds shoulder, obviously showing who she favored. Seeing Rainfeather looking at her prey critically, Cougarclaw decided to find out why. “It’s not going to eat you.” She mewed jokingly. “What has you looking so serious, Rainfeather?”
Just call me Siri.
5:16pm Jan 31 2010 (last edited on 5:38pm Jan 31 2010)
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(( Siri: How would Midnight, the badger, know cat toung and Rabit toung and fox tounge? same thing... and rainfeather walked to the fireclan border..... lol.... ;) )) "Rainfeather looked up at Cougarclaw, "uhhhhhhh...." she meowed Words! Words! What do I say!? "I.....I....Found out that my sister Blackfang is evil?" she meowed. You mouse-brain! Stop saying stupid things that arn't spoust to be said! "Nothing nothing...... something has been bugging me.. That's all...". "I have been pickey today...."
6:46pm Jan 31 2010
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Eaglestar stretched and looked at her belly which was starting to swell, "Yes Leopardheart what is it?" ((fail)) ((previous night0) Berrypool was ecsatic that she had received her warrior name but instead of talking to anyone she just walked right to the entrance of the camp and stood their guarding all night in silence. ((current)) Kestrelheart walked up to Mintpaw and mewed, "Are you excited to start your training again?"
6:57pm Jan 31 2010
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"Raveneyes!" Rainfeather whispered, "You lazy furball get up, I have to talk to you!" she whispered. Rainfeather beaconed him with her tail as he started to wake up.
8:32pm Jan 31 2010
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"huh? Wha..?" whispred a tired Raveneyes. He saw Raifetaher standing there and followed her as she began to walk, "What is it?"
11:15pm Jan 31 2010
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((Cougarclaw: Ok nevermind...I don't exist.)) Leopardheart walked into the den. Dipping his head in respect to Eaglestar, she looks a little rough around the edges but has the glow of motherhood written all over her face. “Look, I…” he mewed at first but didn’t quite know how to begin. “Eaglestar, I hope you still trust me.” Taking a deep breath, Leopardheart stood taller. Slowly letting his breath out, Leopardheart would not cower behind his past actions. “Eaglestar, I need to tell you something about Gentletouch before the others find out. I’m not ashamed but I am disappointed in my actions.” Staring straight into his leaders luminous scarlet eyes, Leopardheart told her straight out, “The night before I was announced my warrior name, I…” still looking into her eyes he swallowed hard, “I mated with Gentletouch.” When he finished Leopardheart looked away. Not wanting to see his leaders mistrust. Studying a clump of moss, as if it were the most interesting thing in camp, he tried to hide his fear. Will she replace me with another deputy? I deserve it if she does. I will take all that I deserve, but I won’t leave the clan. I can’t leave my kits. That line of thought made him think of Grayheart and Mintpaw. “What will you have of me, Eaglestar?” he asked quietly. “I did it because I was in love with her, and I wanted to anger Ashfoot.”
Just call me Siri.
7:19am Feb 1 2010
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Sitting in the center of camp, yet unable to be seen by any other cat, Silentheart watched as Mistpaw looked over each of her siblings one last time, and her father. She knows what she's doing, no other cat should tell her other wise. He stopped thinking for a second and felt a tug on his normally chilled heart. Looking up at the sky, he started to pray to Starclan for her safety then felt stupid. I am a Starclan cat now! Flicking his ears back in embarr*censored*ment, he hoped no other cat had heard that. I'll miss you Mistpaw, and I wish we could have been something more. Sighing, he turned and padded into Eaglestars den to see what Leopardheart wanted to talk to her for. Hearing what his former mentors words, that he had mated with Gentletouch, a sense of forbidding hit him. What does Jadewing think about this? Sitting beside his former mentor, he decided to keep his presence quiet for now.
8:12am Feb 1 2010
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Eaglestar was shocked at what Leopardheart was admitting. She spoke softly, "You are dissapointed with your actions? Than as your punishment you shall have to live with your actions. This is not something I can reasonably punish you for" ((I'm ot really going to play any of my elders. I mostly made them so we had elders)) Dovefire was sprawled out on the Basking Rocks all night and awoke in the morning with a violent shiver. The nights are cold.he thought to himself.
10:44am Feb 1 2010
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((SIRI: you totaly didn't see my responce to Cougarclaw, it is right under the post that you wrote with cougarclaw talking to rainfeather ;) lol ))
4:58pm Feb 1 2010
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"It's Cheetahwind now." Cheetahwind purred good-naturally. "Anyway, what do you wanna talk about?"
6:07pm Feb 1 2010
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((Fullmoon: Who was that posted to? Eklipse: I have only read the first series of the warriors. So I didn’t know that. I just think it’s weird that they can talk to other animals, not my style but whatever. Also, did you edit it to say that? I read every post, and I’m positive that that wasn’t there. O.o -Is Siri going crazy?- o.O)) Shocked by how lenient his punishment was, Leopardheart nodded to Eaglestar. What suprises me most is that I’m not disappointed in my actions. I will not flaunt them, but what I did with Gentletouch has made me who I am today. His smooth, tan neck fur stood on end for a moment. As if sensing a presence that he could not see, smell, or hear. I wonder if Jadewing despises me now. “Thank you, Eaglestar, for being so kind to me.” He meowed graciously, then after a brief hesitation he asked, “Do you think Jadewing looks down from StarClan at me with bitterness?” Deciding that it would be more comfortable to sit, Leopardheart sat and wrapped his spotted, fluffy tail around his paws. His tail covered him nervous claws, which were kneading the soft sandy floor. I should tell her of Mistpaw, but I think I will leave that to Fernseed. Fernseed is straight forward but is careful. I don’t want Eaglestar to hear so many bad things come from me. When did I become a curse to this clan? His golden eyes gazed into his leaders crimson ones, and before she could comment on his question, Leopardheart meowed, “You look tired. The kits are getting heavy, are they not? Lie down, I will do get Fernseed.” Getting to his paws, Leopardheart pressed his nose to Eaglestars cheek. “I make you work too hard. Forget my silly questions, rest for the evening.” Cougarclaw tipped her head to the side in confusion as Rainfeather went to the warriors den to get another cat. I honestly don’t know what that she-cat is talking about. Blackfang? That name sounds familiar but I can’t place it. When did Rainfeather have a sister? Why isn’t she in the clan? With many more questions than answers, Cougarclaw walked around camp hoping to find something that would ease her boredom. With Cheetahwind a warrior now, I don’t have much to do. The night had been unforgiving cold, so setting on an idea. Cougarclaw went to the Basking Rocks to try and warm her chilled body. Her paws nimbly glided over the branches, twigs and whatever else was in her path. She never had been clumsy. When she approached the stone her fairly long claws made for an easy climb up the sloped side of the rock. When she reached the flattened top of the stone, she saw Dovefire. “Oh, why, hello there.” She mewed in a friendly manner. “Are you cold from last night?” she asked, while she padded up to lay near him where the sun shone the most. As she splayed out on her side, Cougarclaw purred, her body absorbing the warmth from both the rock and the sun beating down on them. How I love the feeling of the sun, it’s always a welcomed feeling. Just opening my eyes to it seems to make my days better. Rolling onto her back, Cougarclaw knew she must look like a silly kit but the sun felt wonderful on her creamy-white belly.
Just call me Siri.
6:18pm Feb 1 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh. I can't remember. XD But I think it was one of your charries. The one thats a big cat like him..... XDDD))
6:42pm Feb 1 2010
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((Fullmoon: Lol, maybe you show post more than we will bother understand ;D But I'll just have Patchpaw bother him. ^.^)) Patchpaw playfully patted Cheetahwind on the cheek with her paw. “I know that!” she yowled happily, “Rub it in will you, Gillian.” Patchpaw hoped Cheetahwind wouldn’t take the teasing wrong. I really do like his former name; Gillian, it is pretty for a name that isn’t of the clan. It shows character, and it proves how far he’s come, all the way from a kittypet to a warrior now. Her emerald eyes shone with delight. It was a special nickname that Patchpaw settled on using whenever she was extremely happy with Cheetahwind. I was the first to really trust him, and I enjoy his friendship. “Well, Gillian, mighty warrior of IceClan, will you take this defenseless apprentice out hunting? I need to do some c*censored*s, like feed the elders and the fresh-kill pile is looking low.” Patchpaw purred his name.
Just call me Siri.
6:57pm Feb 1 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eaglestar nodded at her deputy and lay down. She pondered the question he had asked her and mewed, "I think she still loves you. She's not one to hate." Dovefire looked over at Cougarclaw, "Why yes I am. Thank you for joining me." He sprawled out ammong the rock taking up quite a bit of room for a cat as small as him.
7:02pm Feb 1 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Oh, I beleive she is ;P lol I did not edit it, and I have only read the second series. But if you read the first 2 books of the second series, then you will get to know Midnight.)) "I need to talk top you, " meowed Rainfeather. "There is something you should know. " once she herded Raveneyes out of the warriors den and in to a quiet space, she stopped. "Blackfang, my sister that I didn't know was living made the foxes attack the gathering; and one of the foxes knows cat tung, she is planning to kill pheonixstar, and the leader of Iceclan... I don't know what she ,means by the leader, but it could ether be Leopardheart, or Ealestar..." Expecting a shocked supprised answer, she waited for the dark grey warrior to respond.
7:02pm Feb 1 2010
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"Yes, indeed I shall, Patchy. Hey, I think you have a kittypet name!" Cheetahwind joked. "Lets go,"
7:49pm Feb 1 2010
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Patchpaw scrunched her nose at the nickname but if only Cheetahwind called her Patchy then she would deal with it. “Good, I want to stretch my legs. Fernseed is a wonderful medicine cat but I really want to run.” She mewed, and then added with a playful look, “Well I don’t think I want to run with you.” After a brief pause she chirped, “You run too fast!” With that she dashed from Cheetahwinds side and out of the camp, knowing that he was following and could easily p*censored* her. I may be small but at least I’m more agile than most. As if to prove a point, Patchpaw slammed to a hualt spun around and speed past Cheetahwind before he knew what was happening. Leopardheart blinked his thanks at Eaglestar, for she answered his question anyway, and then went to find Fernseed. It was easy to find the she-cat. Fernseed was scolding Shatteredkit for walking on her injured leg too much. “If you walk too much more, you will get an infection!” Fernseed yowled caringly. “Maybe try walking with three paws? At least until this heals over a bit more?” “Fernseed, when you are done could you give Eaglestar something for her paws?” Leopardheart asked. He watched her nod and turned to take a nap in the sun. I need rest to think all this chaos through. “You need to rest a bit more little one, two more moons and you will get a mentor.” Fernseed mewed while applying marigold leaf paste to Shatteredkits paw. “Now I have to go, and while I’m gone I want you to sleep.” As she walked away, Fernseed sighed heavily. I already miss Mistpaw. She was so kind to the kits. Standing in front of the leaders den, Fernseed mewed, “Eaglestar? I have something for your paws, if you they are sore or hurting.”
Just call me Siri.