7:52pm Feb 1 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Feb 1 2010)
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Cheetahwind smiled at Patchpaw's antics. "Keep your back straight! You don't want to hurt it!" He said in a silly, concered tone. He then raced after Patchpaw. This is the awsomest time of my life. He raced after Patchpaw and pounced on her, holding her paws to the ground. "Aren't you going to do something about this?" He joked. "Like, maybe attack back?"
7:53pm Feb 1 2010
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8:00pm Feb 1 2010
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"Come in Fernseed." Eaglestar yowled, "My paws are still aching from the Gathering, "Why did the foxes have to attack? They have ruined so much for us."
8:08pm Feb 1 2010
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(( D= I want to post but I have to go eat. It's my brothers b-day so all the family is over.))
Just call me Siri.
12:06pm Feb 2 2010 (last edited on 12:06pm Feb 2 2010)
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"all right" meowed shatteredkit as she lay down and drifted off to sleep. "Eaglestar," meowed Rainfeather"I have to tell you something about the fox attack." Rrainfeather meowed as Raveneys stood behind her. "I know who comanded the foxes to attack, and 3 foxes will come for you or leopardheart tomorow." ((sorry, not enought time to make the post bigger....))
6:20pm Feb 2 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm Feb 2 2010)
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Fernseed had taken some yarrow ointment with, just in case Eaglestar still had some swelling on her paws. “Well, let me put more of this on then.” She mewed, “Did it help at all the other night?” Fernseed flicked an ear in Rainfeathers direction, when she and Raveneyes entered the den without permission. How rude, she thought to herself but as she listened. Then Fernseed noticed why Rainfeather had been in a rush. What cat would send foxes out to attack the clans? And poor Eaglestar and Leopardheart, what if they both die? What will happen to the clan? Eaglestars kits! Looking up at Eaglestar nervously, Fernseed hoped that her leader would come up with something. Though, shouldn’t Rainfeather have reported this to Leopardheart? Fernseed couldn’t get her mind to settle, having two leaders was confusing and even though she understood Eaglestars motives on having kits, Fernseed still didn’t agree. Why is clan life becoming so complicated? Finished with applying the ointment, Fernseed wondered if she would get noticed just sitting there. Eaglestar will tell the clan but I think Leopardheart should know first. Meanwhile, Patchpaw playfully hissed at Cheetahwind. Wriggling around until one paw was loose then she swatted Cheetahwind on the nose. Which caused him to lift his other paw to cover his nose protectively so now her front two paws where loose and she tickled his ribs with her claws still sheathed. I’ll show you! “How’s that?” she purred, and snuck out from under him. Standing to the side Patchpaw stood tall, her tail straight in the air, and her head held proudly. “I let you off easy; if it were another cat, I would have been harder on them.” She stated firmly, her emerald eyes held an inner fire that was raging with life again. I’ve never had this much fun with another cat, well…besides Silentheart.
Just call me Siri.
6:29pm Feb 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"No way I'm letting you get away with that!" Cheetahwind yowled. He bear-pounced Patchpaw, making her land flat on the ground. He then picked her up and darted under her, batting her belly. He then went out from under her, and nocked her over softly. "So would I. Good thing I'm going easy on you, or you'd be a laugh-stock. I can see it now, 'Did you see how Cheetahwind kicked Patchpaw's butt? It was so fun to watch! I mean, like, it was so awsesome!'" Cheetahwind joked.
7:11pm Feb 2 2010
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Eaglestar stared out at Rainfeather and mewed, "What?" she took a deep breahbefore speaking again, "Let me get this straight. You know who commanded the foxes? They are coming to attack either me or Leopardheart? And three of them are coming?" Ssshe turned to Fernseed and mewed quickly and silently, "Yes the ointment helped quite a bit. Get a few warriors with you prefferably one who wasn't at the Gathering and one who was and try and see if the other clans, especially TreeClan, have had any problems with foxes, and warn them about it."
7:27pm Feb 2 2010
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"No,it is just for Iceclan and Fireclan.... " Rainfeather meowed, then paused. "It was my sister, Blackfang, she let the foxes to attack the gathering in order to get them to come and attack Iceclan and Fireclan. I overheard her and she said that a I will die if I tell any cat.... But I would Rather die than have you and Leopardheart die." she meowed expecting a surprised and worried response.
7:40pm Feb 2 2010
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"b-blackfang?" asked Eaglestar warriedly, "You mean the FireClan deputy? The only other cat I've ever heard of do something like that is Tigerstar and perhaps Iceheart. He's the only one in your family who truly is like their father." Listetning to Rainfeathr say that she would rather die than see herself die was nice. Knowing someone was hear to back her up, "Thank you rainfeather. I'm sure know one will have to die. We have the advantage. Fernseed go just to FireClan and arn Phoenixstar, she can be very snippy and territorial. Be csarefull"
7:56pm Feb 2 2010 (last edited on 7:58pm Feb 2 2010)
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"She said the foxes will arrive tomorrow, so I suggest not let Furnseed be seen by Blackfang.. and.... she will send a extra fox for me." meowed Rainfeather, as she looked at her leader's eyes; anger and fear shone thought them. "I could help.." meowed a familiar voice. Larkwing jumped down from the top of the den.
9:20pm Feb 2 2010
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Eaglestar as shocked at the sudden appearance of Larkwing, "Rainfeather and Larkwing you go straight to Phoenixstar and try to avoid Blackfang, I would like Fernseed to go with you as she is the medicine cat and they are usually sent when clans come and go in peace."
5:06pm Feb 3 2010
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"Ok Eaglestar," meowed Rainfeather as she beconed larkwing to sit beside her. "Redstorm?" meowed Rainfeather as the scarlet black at walked in and stood beside Eaglestar.
8:38pm Feb 3 2010
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Eaglestar took a deep breath and padded out of her den, beckoning for everyone to follow her, "It is getting to crowded there. Lets go sit over their" she motioned with her tail to one of the weeping willows in their camp, "Redstorm what do you need? We are in the middle of a discussion. Rainfeather, Larkwing, off you go with Fernseed to Phoenixstar."
12:00am Feb 4 2010
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((I'm sorry I can't post until Friday, I have a very important test to study for. I will catch up as soon as I can.))
Just call me Siri.
7:35pm Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 9:21pm Feb 5 2010)
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Rainfeather approached the Fireclan border, she heard Larkwing take a deep breath. Fernseed looked determined. They padded into there territory. "Fireclan stench.."muttered Larkwing as she wrinkled her nose. The woods became thinner and thinner as the cats walked forward. "What is this?!" Meowed a brown tabby tom. "Iceclan Trespas.sing?" he meowed. "Give us one good reason not to drive you out of our territory!" spat a golden she cat with black stripes. "We need to talk to Phoenixstar, and we brought our medicine cat." meowed Rainfeather. "That was two reasons." hissed the tom cat. "Silence!" a powerful voice rang out through the clearing. A black she cat with orange stripes and powerful shoulders and huge paws. Phoenixstar... I have never seen her this close before. though Rainfeather. "Sandtail, dirtstripe, go." she meowed, but the two warriors just stood there. Sandtail opened her mouth for protest then. "NOW!" hissed Pheonixstar. The two cats faded into the bushes angrily. "Well?" meowed Pheonixstar. "Why are you here in fireclan territory?" What am I spoust to say?! THAT THE FIRECLAN DEPUTY IS EVIL? and she made the foxes come and Destroy the gathering and now they are coming to destroy Pheonixstar?! "We..........we have news that will affect your Clan gratefully." meowed Rainfeather, "What is it?" prompted Phoenixstar. "Foxes are coming to iceclan and Fireclan to trek and kill there leaders.." Meowed Rainfeather. "What kind of twisted cat would do such a thing?" she meowed. "Why would this cat go to Iceclan and Fierclan, not Caveclan and Treeclan? And I suppose this cat was the cat that sent the foxes to come to the gathering?" she meowed Sarcastically. Rainfeather and Larkwing gave each other worried looks. "This cat DID make the foxes come to the gathering, and she didn't send the foxes to the other two clans because she doesn't have a grudge against them...She will send the foxes tomorrow, "Larkwing meowed, Phoenixstar gave larkwing a angry look. "Who is this cat?!" meowed Phoenixstar angrily. "This cat's name..." meowed Rainfeather, her voice died away, "Is blackfang." interrupted Larkwing. "And what is your proof?" Meowed Phoenixstar angrily. "Iceclan, you better have a good reason." murmured Pheonixstar. "Haven't you noticed that at the gathering, no foxes attacked Blackfang?" meowed Larkwing desperately. "they acted like she wasn't there. " added Rainfeather. "I heard her, talking to the lead fox. He new cat tong, and she threatened to kill me if I told... but I couldn't live and have the whole forest be destroyed." Please Starclan, let Phoenixstar believe us for once! Thought Rainfeather as she looked into Pheonixstar's burning amber eyes. "I......." stammered Phoenixstar. "I can't believe you, I will not trust another clan against my deputy; but I will watch and have a patrol watching around the camp." she meowed. "Thank you, but no thank you. So if you will not leave at this moment I will drive you off my territory, Bluefrost? Escort these cats off our territory." Bluefrost, a beautiful calico she cat with bright blue eyes walked beside them as she left. What a pretty she-cat, I wonder if she has the Fireclan audited too. As they got about a tail length away from the IceClan border, Bluefrost stopped. "I believe you." she meowed. "Now back to your own territory, or I will drive you off." she unsheathed her claws. Rainfeather let out an unexpected smirk at Bluefrost's attempt to scare her by her claws. "My claws are longer than normal, so I might watch out if I were you. "she boasted. Yep there is that fireclan audited. thought Rainfeather. "Trust me, you don't know the meaning of 'My claws are longer than normal.' " meowed Rainfeather. She unsheathed her claws half way. Bluefrost's eyes widened. "You are... you are Icehearts Daughter I have heard about you... with claws longer than a badgers and fox's.." "Yea, so? and by the way.... I didn't unsheathed them all the way, so I would Watch out if I were you." meowed Rainfeather, then vanished into the forest.
8:58pm Feb 5 2010
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9:24am Feb 6 2010 (last edited on 9:26am Feb 6 2010)
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"Eaglestar," meowed Rainfeather. "we told Phoenixstar What we had to, and she doesn't believe us... But she is putting patrols up just in case." Reported Rainfeather. "I actually think, her not beleving us was a act for her clan but she probley some-what believed us." Added Larkwing as she sat down beside Rainfeather. It is starting to get dark and Silverpelt is showing......We better wake up Early to make shure Blackfang didn't try to trick us.
9:27am Feb 6 2010
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((East should we have a time lapse to next mourning))
8:43pm Feb 6 2010
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((hyperventilates, Is rp dying?!!?!? bump))