9:28pm Feb 6 2010
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((FireClan audited? What is that supposed to mean eklipse?))
10:42pm Feb 6 2010
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((If its okay East, would it be okay if I bring in 1 other warrior character? I dont have anything to do until Shadowkit becomes a apprentice.))
10:44pm Feb 6 2010 (last edited on 10:53pm Feb 6 2010)
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((Eklipse: No it's not. I've just been uber busy, and I couldn't get on. I don't have time to be on everyday, I have homework and finals to finish. Though I get to post now, well in a few moments~ ^.^ Also, nice posts.)) (Past) Fernseed looked over at Leopardheart, longing to tell the deputy what was happening. Eaglestar needs to be resting, that’s why she’s temporarily stepped down from her duties. With an exasperated sigh, Fernseed dipped her head respectfully to Eaglestar. No matter what I think I will obey Eaglestar’s orders, even if it means my death. Fernseed jogged next to Rainfeather and Larkwing, knowing the way to Fireclan boarder like the back of her paw. She had gone into the heart of every camp to talk with the other medicine cats. The jaded moss under her paws began to lessen, as well as the trees and brush. As they trio pa.ssed into Fireclan territory Fernseed shivered, the stench of strange cats all around her. When Fernseed heard Dirtstripe’s yowl of alarm, she groaned. Then the moment got worse because Sandtail was beside him. These two never did have any respect. Then Fernseed scented Phoenixstar, the great leader was large which made it easy for Fernseed to hear her approach. Why am I even here? Eaglestar must have thought that it was wise to send a medicine cat so that we have free p*censored*age. She was surprised by Rainfeathers easy dominance over the rival clan. If she acted like this around camp more would like her, but everyone hears her talking about leaving. When Phoenixstar took Rainfeathers word Rainfeather, Larkwing, and Fernseed all raced home to tell Eaglestar that Phoenixstar heard them but didn’t believe what was said. I’m so tired, not just physically but mentally also. This has been straining and Eaglestar won’t relax enough. What if the kits come soon? (Present) Patchpaw smiled at Cheetahwind, but on the inside she was cringing. I think I overdid it. My shoulder hurts, but I can’t let him see that. With her usual energy, Patchpaw meowed, “Well, now that the greatest warrior has scared all the prey to Fourtrees, I think we should head back to camp.” With a wink at Cheetahwind, Patchpaw loped away knowing that none of her pain showed on the outside. I can hold it in and by tomorrow it will be all better, I know it! This is normal now; Fernseed said that it would hurt sometimes. I just wish that Cheetahwind wasn’t so perfect all the time. He is always faster, always stronger, and he always gets things first; like hunting, fighting, and a warrior’s name. Shaking her head softly from side to side, Patchpaw picked up the spicy scent that belonged to foxes. “Cheetahwind, do you smell that?” she asked. “I think we need to get back faster, to tell Leopardheart and Eaglestar.” ((East: She ment attitude...))
Just call me Siri.
10:47pm Feb 6 2010
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Cheetahwind sniffed theair. "You're right." He sighed. "You always notice these things faster. I wish I was as smart as you." He then picked up pace. "Come on, lets go."
9:43am Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 2:15pm Feb 7 2010)
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(East Fireclan aditude is like mean and bossy. )) Time lapse to next mourning Rainfeather walked out of the warriors den. Larkwing was already awake and staring into the rising sun. ""Rainfeather, we should wake up Quailfoot, to guard the nursery, and Redstorm, Raveneyes and Cheetahwind to guard the outside came or the borders." meowed Larkwing. she walked into the warriors den and Redstorm, Raveneyes, Quailfoot and Cheetahwind followed her. "As you know, foxes are coming to attack the camp, at which time I am not sure, " Rainfeather meowed "We need you, Redstorm, Raveneyes, and Cheetahwind to Guard the borders of the camp, and Quailfoot, we need you to guard the nursery and medicine cat den." Quailfoot walked over to the medicine cat den and stared into the distance, not showing worry or fear. Redstorm bounded away to guard the boundary. "Lark wing, " meowed Rainfeather. "I want to guard Eaglestar." meowed Larkwing. "Ok go there and guard then, I will take a few more warriors to guard the camp...... and I will help Redstorm." meowed Rainfeather. Emereraldrain walked out of the warriors den. "Do you need me at all?" she meowed confidently. "We could use you for guarding the camp, any other warriors that would like to join you may." ordered Rainfeather, Emeraldrain walked toward the middle of the camp waiting. Rainfeather hurdled to Redstorm's group. "I am going to help, here." she meowed. For once everything was silent, not one sound or rustle of prey in the bushes. Something isn't right here..... thought Rainfeather then a giant Russet animal jumped out and tackled Redstorm, there were seven; not three coming to the camp. Rainfeather jumped onto the fox scratching its back, the fox let out a yowl in anger and turned around, and stared at her. Rainfeather raked her claws down its face leaving huge scratches. Cheetahwind has killed one! The fox turned to bite Rainfeather and kill her, when Raveneyes jumped on top and killed it. "Two out of seven, five to go." meowed Rainfeather. four of the foxes made it into the camp, one was being fought off by emeraldrain and Quailfoot, making two still traveling. Rainfeather hurdled herself to there fight the fox pinned Quailfoot down making it an Easy target for emeraldRain and Rainfeather. Rainfeather and emraldrain exchaged glances. "Go!" yowled emeraldrain and they both leaped onto the fox Raking its back with scratched. "Let her go!" spat Rainfeather, knowing that this fox probly didn't know what she was saying. The fox turned quickly , eyes blazing, when Quailfoot jumped on him ripping him to shreds. Oh no! where are the other fox's! Rainfeather, leaving Emeraldrain and Quailfoot, hurdled toward the den where Eaglestar was, to see that The lead fox was battling with Larkwing. approching eaglestar in the den about to pounce when Larkwing jumped in the way. Rainfeather froze. That is the biggest fox I have ever seen! she thought. Rainfeather tried to move but she couldn't, a smaller fox, leaped out adn tackled her, Rainfeather battled and moved twisted to get out of the fox's graspe. she slice its neck to see Larkwing launched her self out of the way from the fox's savage jaws. She sat on a huge tree branch starring down at the fox that was leaping trying to attack her. Rainfeather heard a loud crack. Larkwing's Ears pricked. No StarClan, No!. The Branch broke and began to fall, Larkwing plummeted to the ground, the fox looked up, its eyes wide with shock. Larkwing hit the ground, she was alive! Trying to get up but them the branch fell and slammed down on her neck, and the fox's rib cage. "y-y-you....win..."Rasped the fox then laid his head down, dead. The other fox's retreated and ran out of there territory. "Larkwing!!" yowled Rainfeather."Larkwing? You can't die, please!" meowed Rainfeather sadly. "You.... you cant.." "Rainfeather, live your life how you would like not how other cats would like, live your life to the fullest.... don't let anyone, or anything bring you down.." she rasped. "Goodbye......." Rainfeather lifted her head, "Rainfeather.......Rainfeather.........." she followed the voice into the nursery where Jayflight Was sleeping. "Say good bye," Rasped a voice. "NO! Black fang don't! hissed Rainfeather, then blackfang killed Jayflight; and disappeared. ((you guys can still rp this when the fox's were attacking, justput (fox sttack)) abov your post ;) ))
1:27pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 3:42pm Feb 7 2010)
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(('couse stray :3)) Eaglestar could do nothing but watch in fear as the foxes attacked the camp. She felt a spasm in her abdomen and cried ot, "Fernseed! Fernseed the kits are coming!" Raveneyes heard his leader cry out and watched the fox approach the nursery where she was laying "get away from my leader!" he screeched in rage and lept upon the foxes back not worrying about getting injured or anything, but protecting his leader and her kit's. Ravenfeather heards Raveneyes' screech and dashed off to the nursery scratching and slashing his long claws at any fox that got in his way. He lept at the same fox that Raeneyes had been attacking. HIs great size and brute strength forcing it under neath both of their weights. He gripped onto the burgundy pe;t and bit the foxes neck as it attempted to run away, faltering under his weight. Eaglestar watched, again, the destruction of her clan while she again could do nothing. The pain was intensifying and she knew the kits were coming, "Fernseed!"
2:30pm Feb 7 2010
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"Rainfeather, what will we do now?" meowed Nightkit. "Our mother is dead." meowed poisonkit. "How are we going to be kits without a mother?" meowed Nightkit sadly. "I don't knwo...... maybe you will be apprentices soon." meowed Rainfeather. "Really? " meowed Shatteredkit as she lept up just to fall back down again."She is in starclan now." meowed Poisonkit. "Yes... she is" meowed Rainfeather.
2:35pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Feb 7 2010)
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(Fox Attack) Fernseed heard Eaglestar’s desperate cries and dashed to her side. “Eaglestar, I can’t move you to the medicine cat den, it’s too far and not safe. You have to be strong!” Fernseed meowed frightfully. This can’t be happening! In the semi protected shelter of the leaders den, Fernseed ushered Eaglestar to her nest of moss. “Eaglestar, you can’t think about what’s happening! You have to concentrate and breathe slower, please! Leopardheart and Ravenfeather will keep the clan safe,” she yowled desperately trying to calm her leader, “that is why you chose them.” I need help StarClan! As Fernseed helped Eaglestar, doing all that she could, a sudden presence filled the den. It was calming, and wise. It filled the atmosphere with scents of lavender and tasted like rain. Is that you Mistpaw? Fernseed thought with hope and need filling her heart. You may be younger but you’ve always held more knowledge and a.ssurance help me! Fernseed, I trust in you. That is why I left the clan in your care. I’m called Mistsoul now, in the tribe of The Lost. I’m here to comfort you in this time of great need. Just hearing Mistpaw, no Mistsoul’s voice whisper through her mind created a wave of ease. Fernseed knew that her calm disposition would help Eaglestar’s worry as well. “Eaglestar, I’m here for you.” Fernseed meowed, as Mistsoul whispered the same words through her mind, “Nothing will hurt your kits.” And nothing did. The foxes were battled away from Eaglestar’s den and she delivered healthy kits. Meanwhile, Leopardheart battled both his emotions and his enemies. Rainfeather has be useful in bring us this information but it is her kin that brings this upon us. Was it not sibling rivalry that created this? Shaking his head sharply, Leopardheart despised that thought. Rainfeather just wants what is best for the clan, it is not right to blame her for her sister’s actions. Then all thinking ceased as a fox went to the nursery. With a feral roar, Leopardheart attacked. His large frame slamming into the fox, his size seeming three times larger but that was only because Leopardheart tried hard to not intimidate another cat. No matter the situation, Leopardheart liked his fellow species to have an equal fight, but when it came to badgers, foxes, or even dogs, they had no chance. Leopardheart slashed the fox with precision, not madness. He hit vital points that would be impossible to heal. Under the left front shoulder, across the throat, then a swipe threw both eyes! He thought strategically. The crimson creature shrieked in pain, stumbled when his left foot wouldn’t work, and fell when his vision failed him. “You never hurt my clan,” Leopardheart hissed. Turning around he picked out his next victim, and saw Blackfang escaping. My prey, he thought with pure adrenaline pumping through his veins. Then with the bestiality that earned him his warriors’ name, Leopardheart stalked Blackfang until they reached the FireClan boarder. He leapt at her from the side, crashing into her with such force that it knocked the wind from her lungs, and he pinned her to the ground. With a hiss that was made of pure rage, Leopardheart asked, “Should I just kill you, or should I find out why you have done this?” He scented the sour smell of fear-scent and knew that it wasn’t coming from him. Leopardheart heard nothing but the rushing blood in this veins and Blackfangs rapid breathing. I will have your blood spilled on my paws either way. (Again, Back at Camp) Patchpaw was breathing heavily. Where is Grayheart? I need help! She was trembling in a corner of the camp, one of the small foxes looming over her. Patchpaw wouldn’t have been afraid normally, but she was protection Midnightkit. The poor little she-kit was only four moons old, and was a quick snack for the fox. Though, Patchpaw would make the matter much harder on the fox. “I will have you killed!” she yowled with false bravado. Midnightkit cowered under Patchpaw’s feet. Her turquoise-blue eyes brimmed with unshed tears. Patchpaw unsheathed her claws and swiped at the scarlet monster, as it tried to advance. The fox leapt back with a growl, which Patchpaw answered with a hiss. I can taste the bitter scent of fear, it’s so thick it almost chokes me, but I don’t know if it comes for me or the fox. If I can get his afraid then I distract him enough for Midnightkit to run. Her entire pelt bristled as Patchpaw stepped forward and hissed fiercely at the fox. It didn’t run but is gave ground, it will work! “Midnightkit run!” Patchpaw yowled as she rushed the fox, claws beared and fangs snapping. In confusion the fox watch the little, black kit run and growled at Patchpaw again but she was hitting him in the face, her claws sinking into his flesh. So this is what it feels like to fight as a warrior, she thought. Her smooth, silky pelt shimmered, her white as pure as snow, her black as dark as night, and her ginger patches shown like fire. With emerald eyes blazing with pa.ssion, Patchpaw attacked the fox relentlessly, and it soon ran away with its tail between its legs. “That’s right!” she yowled proudly, “Don’t come back! I ceClan is more that you can take!” Then she saw Larkwing, covered in blood, and felt her heart sink. Is she dead? Then she remembered Midnightkit and ran to find her. “Midnightkit?” she asked when she approached the nursery. To her relief, Patchpaw saw Midnightkit huddled with Shadowkit and Littlekit. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re all safe.” she purred.
Just call me Siri.
2:46pm Feb 7 2010
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Falconwing bolted up to Patchpaw and licked her ear helplessy. "That was so brave Patchpaw! Thank you for saving my kit." She told the apprentice, green eyes kind yet worried. "You fought like a true warrior." She told the apprentice, and was surprised to feel another prescense beside her. Yes, well done Patchpaw, just like a warrior protecting her clan. I'v never been more proud of you. Falconwing bristled at Silenthearts voice and bolted back to her kits, curling protectivly around them. Whisperwind flew from the warriors den and and jumped in front of the nursery, fur bristling and fangs bared. "Beat it flea-brains!" She snapped at a fox and slashed her claws across its muzzle then leapt on its back, almost falling, and bite into its ear. ________________________ Name: Whisperwind Age: 24 Moons Gender: She-cat Rank: Warrior Personality: Aggressive, a little ambitious and flighty. She does what she thinks is right and is loyal to her clan till the very end. She can be sweet and kind at times and if she's in a good mood. Mate: None Crush: Ravenfeather? Kits: None Looks: 

2:49pm Feb 7 2010
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((-Attention- I'm going to have another medicine cat apprentice. You need to enter in order to get the spot. If you want to have one of your apprentices, or kits, become the next medicine cat then rmail me. I want the rmail to describe what your cat would do if another cat came to them with a headache and sore throat. There are multiple ways to treat this, and I will take any of them. Remember to have fun! ~Siri))
Just call me Siri.
3:07pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 3:19pm Feb 7 2010)
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Grayhearts eyes swerved for Patchpaw. "Are you okay?" He mewed. I sure hope so.
3:16pm Feb 7 2010
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((Fullmoon, sorry if I confused you but Patchpaw thougth where is Grayheart. >.< And she got the fox to leave, well it noticed that it's buddies where leaving so he left too...))
Just call me Siri.
3:18pm Feb 7 2010
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((Huh? I wasn't talking about that... o_o I don't know what yur' saying. EDIT: OH I get it now. *Edits*))
3:22pm Feb 7 2010
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((Fullmoon: I didn't want you to be confused. Sorry about that. x3 ))
Just call me Siri.
3:46pm Feb 7 2010
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Eaglestar lay on her bed of moss. Trying as hard as she could to slow her breathing. She lift her head prayng everything would be fine, "Where's Redstorm?"
4:49pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 7:51pm Feb 7 2010)
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"Eaglestar!" meowed Redstorm,as he ran into the leader's den. "Go ahead!" spat blackfang, "Rainfeather can't kill me, so you may as well. " she hissed showing leoparedheart why she got her warrior name. Her long fangs shawn as she bearded her teeth. "Rainfeather is a weak cat, and you know that!" hissed Blackfang. " she couldn't do this herself because Iceheart told her not to, Iceheart can control her; he can make her do anything he wants!" meowed Blackfang. Blackfang struggled to get out of Leopardhearts grasp, but couldn't. "Rainfeather, has that scar on the back of her right leg; why? Because she was a member of SCARLETCLAN!" spat blackfang. " Rainfeather could rule this clan but she is weak! With claws three times as big as a normal cats' she could kill a badger in one scratch! But she chooses not to, so I did this for her!"
7:52pm Feb 7 2010
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((There, finished... Bump ;) ))
8:21pm Feb 7 2010
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With a horrifying grin, Leopardheart bared his own fangs. True they were not as long, but they were sharper. Every one of his teeth was pointed as sharp as a torn. Leopardheart pinned his ears back, while his fur bristled. “I don't care what you did for Rainfeather!” He fairly hissed. "You planned to kill my leader, and for that I will kill you!” All around them the forest whispered, as if Larkwing and Jayflight were with them. I have to rid the forest of such a monster. I will not have my clan grow in fear. If Blackfang lives then no clan will be safe. Leopardheart was slowly gaining control over his erratic emotions, his rage finally simmering down to be replaced by more calculating emotions. His paw, still pressed over her throat, felt the rapid rhythm of her heart. No matter how afraid I make her, she will come to attack again. Before she could even bl ink, Leopardheart slashed his claws across her throat. Her blood flowed over his paw and claws, coating them in crimson. The gash over her jugular was unfixable. Leopardheart watched as the life left her shocked eyes. “No cat threatens my clan.” He stated without emotion. “For I am a descendant of LeopardClan, so I show no mercy to my prey.” The coppery scent of blood filled the air. Wrinkling his nose in distaste, Leopardheart grasped Blackfang’s tail and dragged her across the FireClan boarder. “I wonder where cats like you go,” he murmured, “Certainly StarClan won’t want you.” Closing his eyes and shaking his head sadly, Leopardheart headed back to camp. With each paw step he took the blood soaked into his fur, creating a wet sucking noise, but he didn’t seem to notice. His whiskers trembled as the smell of blood followed him, much like the stalking predator he was. Before entering camp, Leopardheart walked into the small stream that was running by. Slowly the crystal clear creek turned a pink-salmon color, his paws were going numb, but the scent of blood was leaving. I wonder if Rainfeather will hate me. Wiggling his claws in the creeks bed, Leopardheart finally got out, and walked through the entrance of camp. Blood was splattered everywhere, as well as bodies of foxes and two fallen cats. The scene made Leopardheart shiver as he thought of Silentheart, Fallenwind, and Blackstorm. StarClan, why are you taking more of our clan? Then he heard Eaglestars yowl for Redstorm. Rushing to the leaders den, he looked in to find Eaglestar about to kit. Isn’t it too soon?
Just call me Siri.
8:45pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 8:47pm Feb 7 2010)
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Rainfeather walked around the clearing; head face down tail drooped. "Larkwing, why did you leave me, I have nothing here......" she murmured. She laid down on the softened gras.s, Starclan why did you Take larkwing? "Rainfeather." a powerful voice thundered behind her. Rainfeather turned her head to See Phoenixstar. "Phoenixstar?" meowed Rainfeather. " You were right, blackfang made fox's attack our camp, just like you said; Iceclan must be thankful they have you." she meowed. "Now, may I have a word with Eaglestar, or is she busily?" meowed Phoenixstar sympathetically. "She.... is having her kits right now." meowed Rainfeather awkwardly. "Well then I will wait until the next gathering. Thank you." meowed Phoenixstar, then she padded away and disappeared into the darkness. Rainfeather padded to the warrior den, waiting for sleep to take her away. A horrible pain shocked rainfeather, and made her screech. "My gash!" she shrieked, the gash on her back from the other night had opened. All the way from her right shoulder to her back left leg. Rainfeather tried to get up, but slid back down. The pain was to major. "Starclan Help me!" she yowled, hopping Starclan, or another warrior would hear. She clawed her way out of the warrior den, dragging herself by her front paws, claws extended. Blood drained out of her back fast. Panic flooded over Rainfeather. Not so tuff now? Are you! "Blackfang...." murmured Rainfeather. Rainfeather managed to drag herself to the edge of the medicine cat den. Her vision faded and she fell to the ground. ((Rainfeather didn't die..... just so you know ;) )) ((
10:29pm Feb 7 2010
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Cougarclaw had battled well when the foxes came, but no one in the clan seemed to notice. I don’t mind that either, she thought. It makes it easier to leave. Remembering her days as a rogue, Cougarclaw thought, it was much safer than a clan life. With all these attacks and deaths, I don’t think clan life is for me. I hardly trained my apprentice, he’s almost unmanageable but I would never doubt his loyalty. As she headed for the camp entrance, that served at the exit also, she saw Rainfeather bleeding quite profusely. Cougarclaw dragged her to the medicine cat den, and looked for cob webs. She was no medicine cat but she knew that cob webs would stop the bleeding. As she placed them into the gash, Cougarclaw hoped that Eaglestar would get done kitting so that Fernseed could help Rainfeather. When Cougarclaw had done all that she could, she left. She ran as fast as she could. I don’t want to go back, ever. Death is too hard for me; I know that it will come again too. I have a brother out here somewhere, and I can’t wait to find him. He kept me safe, and I know he will again. Cougarclaw came to Fourtrees, then scented the air, it was pure here no scent of blood. She remembered coming from a twoleg farm, so she decided to start there. (Later she will find her brother with his three kits and they will live with Silverthaw in the twoleg barn.) ((I had to get rid of Cougarclaw because I haven't played her much lately. I also don't have time, a huge project, and she won't be coming back. I made her so that the clan could start off, we were short on warriors, but now that we have so many characters I don't she the need to keep her. I hope you understand, and I couldn't have her die. Too many other cats have died, and I'm a softy when it comes to my charries. Note that I have yet to kill one. =3 ))
Just call me Siri.