12:23pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 12:24pm Feb 8 2010)
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(( lol k siri )) Rainfeather oppened her eyes. why must I constantly feel the pain off loss... she thought. "Who?" she meowed. "Who put the cobweb on me and saved my life?!" meowed Rrainfeather. Rainfeather limped out of the medicine cat den. "Rrainfeather!" meowed Redstorm happily. "What? did Eaglestar die now? are we the only cats alive?" meowed Rainfeather grimly. "Uh....no..... Eaglestar is having her kits!, I am going to be a fatehr in a moment of time!!!" shreaked Redstorm happily. Great, more cats related to me! Rainfeather limped to the leaders den. "Redstorm!" meowed Rainfeather. "This one looks just like you!" she meowed happily. "Eaglestar, they are beautiful.." meowed Redstrom, there were four. "They are so pretty, but what I can't understand is why this one looks red., like Redstorm, you would think she would be brown like redstorm ussed to be, but Redstorm pas.sed the Red-ish fur down..." meowed Rainfeather. That wasn't natural that his fur was red, only natural geans get pased down............ but she is naturaly red.....
12:23pm Feb 8 2010
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((NOOO!! It ate my post... bump))
12:33pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 12:35pm Feb 8 2010)
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Eaglestar looked down happily at her little balls of fluff kits. She purred and looked at te four littl beings, "They're so beautiful." she mewed. Pointing at the litle red one she mewed, "This will be Rosekit" and pointing at the cream tabby, "This is Featherkit, and these are Larkkit, in memory of Larkwing and this is Jadekit in memory of Jadewing" pointing to the tortoiseshell and white and the tabby in turn." both died saving my life, I feel I owe them something. And Rosekit, of course in memory of my mother" 
((Featherkit^^)) ((Rosekit looks just like Redstorm but has red eyes)) 
12:42pm Feb 8 2010
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Featherkit looked up at Rainfeather, she had bright red eyes. "wow..." meowed Rainfeather, as she starred at the kit in amazment. "Just like mine youst to be.."
5:32pm Feb 8 2010
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Patchpaw looked up when she heard her name called. It was Grayheart asking if she was alright. Am I alright? She wondered, while answering, “I’m fine. There isn’t a scratch on me.” Looking at her paws, tail, and back, she nodded confirming that she was alright. There was a dull throb that centered on her right shoulder; the one Grayheart had attacked the most. It was a nagging pain that didn’t really hurt but annoyed Patchpaw to no end. I wonder if there are some herbs Fernseed could give me to make the pain stop. Glancing back up at Grayheart, Patchpaw gently asked, “What about you? Did the fox get you?” The sun was setting, so it cast luminous colors on Grayhearts smoky pelt; like pinks, peaches, and violets, the black of night swallowing the yellows and reds of sun high. With her soft, fluffy tail curled around her sitting paw, Patchpaw licked her chest fur once, twice to relieve some of her nerves. Suddenly Redstorm happily yowled, “I’m going to be a father in a few moments of time!” Patchpaws felt her ears perk up, as she whispered, “Grayheart did you hear that, Eaglestar is having her kits!” Heaving to her paws, slightly favoring her right shoulder, Patchpaw excitedly mewed, “Do you think I could see them?” Before Grayheart even opened his mouth, Patchpaw was dashing to Eaglestars den. By now, darkness was surrounding the camp with a false sense of security, and Patchpaws eyes had to adjust to the dark den. Sneaking around the corner past Rainfeather, Fernseed, and Redstorm, Patchpaw smelled the sweet scent of milk. There was also a strange cinnamon, honey taste to the air, as if it was thicker and full of love. Patchpaw heard Eaglestar meow to the others, "They're so beautiful." Patchpaw agreed full heartedly. Now that her eyes had adjusted, she watched Eaglestar point them out, naming each in turn. "This will be Rosekit, this is Featherkit, and these are Larkkit, in memory of Larkwing, and Jadekit, in memory of Jadewing.” With a pause, Eaglestar added. “Both died saving my life, I feel I owe them something. Rosekit, of course, is in memory of my mother." I hope that I become a warrior in time to mentor Larkkit. She is so beautiful, Patchpaw thought. Looking into Larkkits pale blue eyes, Patchpaw could only fall in love. Maybe, someday, I could have my own kits. Stalking a little close, Patchpaw knew that she would be spotted but she had to touch Larkkit. The little calico had the pinkest nose Patchpaw had ever seen, and her pelt was like honey dripped on snow with cinnamon flakes dappling her. The tiny kit wriggled around on her chubby tummy, her eyes closed, while her little mouth opened to mew. A smile graced Patchpaws face, her whole heart lighting at the pureness of innocence, as she barely, gently touched her nose to Larkkits. She’s the one that smells like spices. It’s so pure and wonderful, she thought. Lying down, Patchpaw rested her head on her front paws while her back paws stretched out. Not caring if she got yowled at by the warriors, maybe if it was Eaglestar she would leave. I just want to sleep with the kits. I never had brothers or sisters. I wonder what it would have been like.
Just call me Siri.
6:02pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 6:03pm Feb 8 2010)
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((So, who are playin the kits? Edit: Checked the char board. East, right?))
7:09pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 7:44pm Feb 8 2010)
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((I dont know about Rosekit or Featherkit, those are eklipses. But you can play Jadekit if you want :3)) Eaglestar blinked drowsily and lookd over at Patchpaw and mewed, "She's beautiful isn't she?" She shifted her body and pulled her kits backtowards her stomach to allow them to suckle. She looked over at Patchpaw and mewed, "I'm sorry I couldn't mentor you for as long as I wanted too. You really deserve to be a warrior. You trained so hard." She cut off and mewed urgently to Pathpaw, "Cnayou go fetch Dove fire for me?" ((Dovefire is somewhere in the camp louning))
7:31pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Feb 8 2010)
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Patchpaw looked up at Eaglestar and nodded. “Thank you Eaglestar, you trained me well,” she mewed. Then got to her paws and trotted out to find Dovefire. Leopardheart was still right outside the leaders den, silently guarding Eaglestar. He is such a wise warrior. Walking around the camp aimlessly, Patchpaw meowed, “Dovefire? Where are you?” Scenting the air, Patchpaw followed his smell. There he is, she thought. Dovefire was sitting over Jadewing, and Larkwing. It’s sad that Larkwing and Jadewing didn’t get to see the kits. Walking up beside him, Patchpaw meowed, “Eaglestar needs you.” ((Windkit? When did Windkit appear?)) ((Added, I would like to know who is playing the kits so I can add it to the character list. And East, could Leopardheart name Patchpaw, Dreampaw, and Mintpaw on the morrow? Then the next day he could announce new apprentises.))
Just call me Siri.
7:43pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((oops typo XD -goes to editt.- featherkit was originally Windkit)) "Okay." Dovefire got up after one last look at the Larkwing, "I'm coming" Padding into her den he asks, "What is it?" Eaglestar looked over at Dovefire and mewed quietly, "I was going to ask you to mentor Patchpopaw, but I thinkshe's ready to be a warrior." Dovefire nodded solemnly, "That's all. You may go" and Dovefire trotted off.
8:03pm Feb 8 2010
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((I'll play Jadekit then! :3)) Jadekit squirmed, and bumped Eaglestar. "Mweow!" She purred.
8:04pm Feb 8 2010
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((East: Are you Larkkit? And who is playing Featherkit, Rosekit, and Jadekit?))
Just call me Siri.
8:06pm Feb 8 2010
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((ful;leh is Jadekit. I am Larkkit. I dont know if eklipse is gunna play Rosekit and Featherkit as they are her charries or if she is letting someone else)) Larkkit stretched out ktting her sister in the process. ((o3o))
9:23pm Feb 8 2010
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((Well, East? Can Leopardheart do that? Name new warriors, and apprentices and such?))
Just call me Siri.
9:37pm Feb 8 2010
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9:54am Feb 9 2010
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(( Ima going to play rosekit and featherkit ;) )) Featherkit tipped her head to the side, she swat jadekit with her paw and then quikly hid under Eaglestars fur. "I like featherkit." meowed Rainfeather. "Eaglestar, I just noticed that Rosekit is modeled just like Rosestar..." meowed Rainfeather. "I can't wait till the kits are apprentices!"
http://www.chalkmountainbengals.com/images/angiesit.jpg that is a better pic of Featherkit, except she has red eyes.
10:47am Feb 9 2010
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Whisperwind sighed as she licked the few scratches she recieved from the foxes, not willing to bug Fernseed when other cats, such as Eaglestar, needed her more. She glanced around the camp and spotted Ravenfeather, one of the warriors she spotted slashing at the foxes. Padding over, she sat down and curled her fluffy tail over her paws. "Wonder if those flea-bags will come back?" She mused, looking off into the forest, itching for another fight. "Bet they'll think twice about it."
2:03pm Feb 9 2010
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"Shatteredkit, what will we do?" meowed Poisonkit. "We have no mother and how are we still going to be kits?" "I don't know poisonkit," meowed shatteredkit. "I really don't know how nightkit will become an apprentice ether... she is blind and I don't know.." "I don't care!" hissed nightkit, "I am going to be an apprentice!" she turned then padded back to her nest. "I wonder..." meowed Poisonkit. What will we do? we are only 5 moons old, and we have no mother... she thought. "Maybe we could treat Eaglestar as our mother?" meowed Shatteredkit quietly. "Maybe....... The best is to let Eaglestar... well or leopardheart decide for us." Meowed Poisonkit.
3:10pm Feb 9 2010
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Falconwing looked up at the kits meows and her eyes softened in sympathy. Getting up from her own nest, she curled her tail around the littermates and licked the top of each head. "That is up to Leopardheart, but realize that Eaglestar must take up all her own time for her four kits who rely on her for milk. You are old enough for fresh-kill, so for the time being until Leopardheart decides other wise i'll look after you." She meowed gently, and chuckled as Shadowkit bounded over, his bright blue eyes sparkling with delight. "This will be great, more playmates to wrestle with." He meowed happily.
6:16pm Feb 9 2010
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((Fullmoon, could tell me what to name Mintpaw, and Dreampaw? =D )) Everycat was hustling around camp the next morning. None had slept well or at all, in his case. I need some strong warriors to carry Jayflight and Larkwing out of camp. Then I need to gather a patrol, and I need to Dreampaw, Mintpaw, and Patchpaw show me how well they learned their skills as a warrior. Deming it safe, Leopardheart left his post guarding Eaglestar’s den. Patchpaw was still swooning over Larkkit. She will make a fine queen one day, he thought. Dawn was just blushing the horizon when Leopardheart asked Swiftdarkness to carry Larkwing, while he carried Jayflight out of camp. Jayflights kits had already had time to say their goodbyes. Maneuvering Jayflight onto his shoulders, Leopardheart lead the way out of camp with Swiftdarkness close behind. The pair buried the warriors with care. The walk back to camp was silent. As they entered Leopardheart asked, “Would you gather Dovefire, Whisperwind, Birdpaw, and Duskpaw for me? I would like it if you went on a patrol with them.” When Swiftdarkness nodded, Leopardheart added, “I’m going to be testing Dreampaw, Mintpaw, and Patchpaw while you are out. I’m going to take Ravenfeather with me. Redstorm should be able to watch camp while we are all out.” Jogging away from his warrior friend Leopardheart felt a little tired. Being deputy is stressful work, but I enjoy the responsibility. He silently padded up to Eaglestars den and called for Patchpaw, who seemed reluctant to leave. With a curl on his lips, Leopardheart meowed, “I’m going to test you, Dreampaw, and Mintpaw today. To see if you are fit to become a warrior. Would you go find them for me?” Watching Patchpaw, Leopardheart saw her eyes shine with joy. “Of course!” she nearly yowled before bounding away. What a cute little she-cat, I wonder what her mother was like. Or for that matter, who was her mother? Patchpaw loped into the apprentice den and pounced on Dreampaw. “Get up!” she yowled delightfully, “We are to become warriors today!” Nudging Mintpaw with her forepaw, Patchpaw purred, “Leopardheart wants to see how well we hunt and fight! Come on!” I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t wait! To think, last night Eaglestar almost gave me a new mentor! I like Dovefire, but I love the fact that Eaglestar was my mentor. Patchpaw was so excited she almost couldn’t hear anything over the pounding of her heart. With a sigh of impatience, Patchpaw rushed out of the apprentice den, and almost toppled over Midnightkit. “Oh!” she cried. “I’m sorry Midnightkit, I’m so excited, and I almost didn’t see you there.” Midnightkit’s tail was as fluffy as she was big. I scared the life out of her, cute little kit. Sitting in front of Midnightkit, Patchpaw curled her tail over the kit’s shoulder, and gave her a calming lick on the ear. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Patchpaw meowed. Midnightkit bristled her ebony pelt and squealed, “You didn’t scare me!” Patchpaw purred with amusement because though Midnightkit sounded brave, her tail twitched nervously. “Oh, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Patchpaw mewed, “Midnightkit, don’t tell the others but…” The little black kit leaned closer when Patchpaw paused, “I think you are the bravest.” Watching as Midnightkit glowered under her praise, Patchpaw felt her heart lift. Being around kits makes me so happy, she thought. Suddenly remembering what she was doing, Patchpaw leapt to her paws and meowed over her shoulder with a wink, “Don’t tell the others.” Ever though she knew that it would be the first thing Midnightkit would do. Trotting up to Leopardheart, Patchpaw looked at Ravenfeather. The large, spotted tom was standing next to Leopardheart. They are such majestic warriors, coming from the legendary clans.
Just call me Siri.
6:18pm Feb 9 2010
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((Mintpaw will be.. should it be Mintpedal, or Mintleaf? And Dreampaw.... Dreamfur.))