10:26pm Nov 20 2009
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Swiftdarkness purred, "Of course I am! Let's tell Eaglestar that we're going hunting." Trotting over to his leader and quickly telling her where Falconwing and he were going. Once he got a nod from his leader, he and Falconwing took off into the forest. (((I wish I could do more but my mom wants the 'puter now. ='( I hope I can get back on later.)))
Just call me Siri.
12:29am Nov 21 2009
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((Hello! I think I am going to have to quit this rp...I am to lost!))
12:48am Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 12:51am Nov 21 2009)
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A very tired Patchpaw wandered into the apprentice den with Silentpaw close behind. They had chased, pounced and “practiced” until sundown, which left them exhausted! “Hey Silentpaw, are you asleep yet? ‘Cause I don’t think I can stay *yawn* awake… for another min…” Falling so quickly and deeply asleep the little she-cat never had a chance to dream or finish her sentence. Swiftdarkness entered into camp with a big mouth full of two fresh mice, a swallow and one squirrel. I wish I could talk around this mouthful but I guess that food is more important then exercising my mouth. I’ve never wanted to say so much in my life! And yet eve time I go to say something I can’t find the right words for it. Seeing that all the camp was settling down for the night Swiftdarkness motioned with his tail to the kill pile. After dropping the new food, he said, “I guess we won’t be going on the morning patrol.” Stifling a yawn, Swiftdarkness brushed up against Falconwing to fight of the chill of night. “Let’s get to the warriors den since there’s nothing else to do.” I wish there was. Cougarclaw felt really out of sorts being the only rouge to come to the clan. I wish that my brother was here, but I don’t know where he is anymore. I guess I just don’t like being alone. The feeling was so big that she thought about up and leaving right now but she knew better then that. So with great courage Cougarclaw moved from her little lonely shelter and went to the elders den. I hope I don’t scare them; I just can’t sleep alone for one more night. Cautiously she entered to find one of the elders looking right at her. Freezing in her tracks, she went to back out but stopped when she heard, “Come now, I won’t bite.” I sure hope you don’t, thought Cougarclaw. “Do you mind if I join you…um what is your name?” Whiskers twitching in amusement the elder replied, “I am called Windkeeper. Now hurry in here before you wake Spiritfeather.” Cougarclaw quickly obeyed, coming to sit by the seemingly friendly elder. “Thank you for letting me stay with you,” Cougarclaw politely said. The elder merely replied, “Sleep well little one.” (((So I can only post this. I hope to be on again tomorrow. And sad to hear it ssather.)))
Just call me Siri.
12:52am Nov 21 2009
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(((I hope that I'm not confusing everyone =o I just wanted to make sure that we had a day closed. Also I wanted to make sure that all four of my charies got played. Pour Cougarclaw hasn't gotten any attention. Night Night =3)))
Just call me Siri.
2:17am Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 122
(( Gah!! I didn't know it started!!))
8:15am Nov 21 2009
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Falconwing dropped her prey on the pile and licked her lips to get rid of the prey juices. "Sure." She paused and looked at him a little emmbarrased. "Do yo mind if I moved my nest next yours." She asked. "Im used to the nursery with Silentpaw, not being alone." She scufled her paws. "Unless you'd rather be alone, I understand." Paddng off to the warriors den, she called herself seven types of idiot. Silentpaw grinned and yawned, curling around in his own nest. Dreaming, he wanted to wail at the sight of his mother, her gentle green eyes watching him. "Are you proud f me?" e asked. "Where is Whisperkit? Is my sister with you?" He asked, and Shimmerpool started to disapear, saying nothing. "Please dont go mother!" he wailed, and woke up in his nest, shaking.
2:53pm Nov 21 2009
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Eaglestar was sound asleep in her den when their former leader came to her in dreams "Hello dear child. Once again we will meet." Eaglestar started to reply "When will I me-" but Rosestar cut her off. "In many seasons, you still have a life to live" and with that Eaglestar saw an image of herself curled up in the nursery with 3 tiny kits. She gasped in shock, "Who's are they? I don't understand". She awoke in her den breathing heavily. Soon she would have to choose who was coming to the gathering. Jadewing whispered in her mates ear "It would be wonderful to get out of the camp and see the other clans again, would you mind staying with them?" her eyes were worried as she thought he wouldn't want to be with them.
5:07pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 5:08pm Nov 21 2009)
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(((Frosty, jump in! We like the company.))) Swiftdarkness shifting in excitement, “Sure you can. I wouldn’t mind at all!” Feeling his insides melting, he made for the den. I wonder if she likes me. Do I like her? I think I might…Should I tell her? Feeling sleep muddling his mind, he looked over to see Falconwing settling into her new place. “Are you comfortable enough?” Leopardheart butted Jadewings' shoulder, "Of course I wouldn't mind! You go on and ask Eaglestar if this is ok with her." I think she might even like having a warrior at camp with the rouge attack so close. Stretching in the early morning light, he flicked his tail toward the fresh-kill pile. “Let’s go get something to eat first,” he continued, “We haven’t eaten together lately.” I need to make more of a point in spending time with Jadewing and the kits. Silentpaw awoke with a start, “Silentpaw! Are you ok? Was it a bad dream?” I’m glad that my own bad dreams have seemed to stop following me. Licking his bristling fur, she purred in a show of comfort. “Let’s go see if our mentors have something for us to do.” She said hoping to wash away the leftovers of fear. Walking out she called over her shoulder, “Come on slow poke!”
Just call me Siri.
5:16pm Nov 21 2009
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Fallenwind was about to ask Eaglestar who she was going to pick for the gathering when he noticed a scent of something like fear, perhaps shock, coming from Eaglestars den. Quickening his pace, he padded into her den with a swift meow of greeting ad stopped at her side. "Is everything alright?" He asked her worridly. Falconwing purred and settled in, giving him a gentle lick on the cheek. "Im fine, thank you for letting me sleep here." She murmured quietly, some what embarased. Silentpaw shook the last of his dream from his head and bolted after her, smothing down fur. "Sorry for waking you up. I dnt know where that dream came from." He had not thought of his mother and sister for so long.
5:40pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 5:45pm Nov 21 2009)
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(((By the way Frosty msged me and said that they don't want to play. So sad ='( )))
Just call me Siri.
5:47pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 5:50pm Nov 21 2009)
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Leopardheart, being finished eating, saw Fallenwind go into Eaglestars den and then noting that Swiftdarkness and Falconwing were alseep. Perfect timing he thought to take his apprentice and Patchpaw out to practice hunting. ((( One hundred and elven posts! 111! Woot~)))
Just call me Siri.
5:56pm Nov 21 2009
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Walking up to the two apprentices he said, “Would you the pair of you like to go hunting with me? I think it’s time that you learned to hunt.”
Just call me Siri.
5:57pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 5:58pm Nov 21 2009)
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Silentpaw saw Leopardheart sitting around andbounded over to him. "Come on Patchpaw, lets see if my mentor will take us out." He called over his shoulder to his friend. "Can you take us to train?" eaked Leopardheart eargely. ((Grrr, late post.))
6:05pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 6:12pm Nov 21 2009)
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((Lol, that's ok.)) (((I'm editing it, sorry if it messes you up Xo))) Leopardheart lead the way out of camp and then when to work teaching them the technique of hunting. "You want to get nice and low so that the prey doesn't see your shadow. Then setting each paw down silently...Yeah that's right Silentpaw!" Seeing how is apprentice got it very quickly, obviously because of his name. Looking at Patchpaw he saw her outgoing nature wasn't helping her with keeping quiet. Patchpaw getting flustered, kicks up a leaf and attacks it. "Why can't we learn how to fight?" She said in a nearly pleading voice. I'll never be good at hunting if I keep going like this. I wish that I could be like Silentpaw.
Just call me Siri.
6:22pm Nov 21 2009
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Silentpaw sat up with a purr, watching Patchpaw. He itched to attack the leaf as well, but after Leopardheart's compliment, he kept still. "Because we wnt fight often, and we hunt every day."He teased gently.
6:32pm Nov 21 2009 (last edited on 6:52pm Nov 21 2009)
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Grumbling, Patchpaw tried again. This time she was able to crouch low and make subtly noise. At least I won't scare a half deaf mouse away now. "Leopardheart, what am I doing wrong?" Patchpaw said as she sat back to look at him with hoplessness in her eyes. "It takes time to learn this Patchpaw. Silentpaw was just quick to start with because as a kit he was quiet. That's were his name comes from." Stated Leopardheart. Glancing at Silentpaw, Patchpaw replied, "Then why wasn't I called Stompkit or Loudpaw?" Which made Silentpaw and Leopardheart both laugh. Smiling herself Patchpaw went back to practicing. (((I have to go. Night Night.)))
Just call me Siri.
7:05pm Nov 21 2009
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((Bye!)) "You'll get it Patchpaw! Have as much faith in yourself as I do, and I know Leopardheart does." He encouraged. Crouching down low again, he practiced the move once more.
7:12pm Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 7:12pm Nov 22 2009)
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(((*tear* Where is East? I miss Rping everyday. To think, I thought I wouldn't be able to keep up.))) Leopardheart gave more encouragements to Patchpaw, while telling a few minor pointers to Silentpaw. These two will make fine hunts, with practice on Patchpaws part. I’m glad to have them as our Clan cats. Feeling satisfied Leopardheart said, “Let’s call it a day and head back to camp. We can’t forget that tonight some of us will be going to the Gathering.” Seeing excitement in the two cats’ eyes, he knew that it would be a race back to camp unless he thought of something. “Why don’t we bring back some fresh-kill. Go out and find one prey to bring back to the elders,” commanded Leopardheart.
Just call me Siri.
8:30pm Nov 22 2009
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((I'm here Siri)) Eaglestar sat up and spoke to her deputy, "Fallenwind, I have had another dream from StarClan, I don't know what it means, I will gather the cats for the Gathering and then I will be with Echosong for a while, asnd I need you to take care of the camp." Fallenwind nodded with approval((long runon sentence XD and lol approval?)) Eaglestar walked out of her den just as Leopardheart and Patchpaw were walking in the camp. Running up to her apprentice she said, "You two willl be coming to the Gathering tonight as will you Leopardheart." but Leopardheart said, "Is it okay if Jadewing goes instead of me?" Eaglestar nodded, "Sure it will be nice for her to see her out of clan friends, and know how the prey's running" With that she bounded off to the nursery to tell Jadewing
9:45pm Nov 22 2009
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((Yeah! I'm watching a mocie but I can still Rp a bit.)) Patchpaw nearly bounced in place she was so excited. With her eyes sparkling with wonder Patchpaw thought, am I going to meet other apprentices. I hope that they like me. I wonder what the other leaders look like. Cougarclaw wanderd out of the Elders den stetching and looking on as the others in the Clan went about doing their own business. I hope that someday I could walk around with as much confidence. I wonder if Eaglestar would give me a job if I asked her but she looks so busy. I think I'll go find Fallenwind. Walking around until she found Fallenwind, Cougarclaw asked, "Is there anything that I could be doing to help?" Though she was hungery she didn't feel like she deserved to eat just yet, maybe I'll go hunting if there isn't anything for me to do.
Just call me Siri.