6:21pm Feb 9 2010
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Mintpaw and Dreampaw woke sleepily. "Really?" Mintpaw was on the tip-top of her toes. "I can't wait! I wonder what my name will be. I hope it's nice. What about your name?" Dreampaw growled. "Hey, we're not warriors yet! We still have to be tested!" Mintpaw snorted. "Like that'll stop the legendary Mintstar and her loyal deputy, Patchfern!" She giggled, and hurried after Patchpaw.
6:21pm Feb 9 2010
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7:24pm Feb 9 2010 (last edited on 7:57pm Feb 9 2010)
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((Fullmoon, I like Mintleaf, but that's just me. East: Is Ravenpaw a tom, or she-cat? Birdpaw, and Duskpaw too.)) Patchpaw shifted from one foot to the other. When Dreampaw, and Mintpaw came up beside her, the two she-cats and tom all but purred with excitement. Whispering to them, Patchpaw meowed, “I wonder what our tasks will be.” Leopardheart stepped forward and meowed to them. “Each of you will separate, and be given an area to hunt in. Ravenfeather, and I will be watching you, but you won’t know when. Don’t look for us, because you won’t be able to find us.” Patchpaw sat down and gave a cert nod. I’m great at hunting, this will be easy. “When Ravenfeather and I see that you have gathered enough prey, we will find you and bring you to the training hollow. There you will demonstrate your fighting skills, by teaching Ravenpaw.” Patchpaw glowered at the idea; Ravenpaw is smart, and quick to learn. Just as long as I give her encouragement, she will do great. Leopardheart looked at Dreampaw and meowed, “You will hunt in the creek bed.” Patchpaw knew that the prey would be plentiful there, it was spring and the weather was getting warmer, so the little spring would provide a wonderful drink for any mouse or bird. Leopardheart meowed, “Mintpaw, you will be hunting near Basking Rocks.” Basking Rocks will have a lot of sunlight for the birds to peck insects in. Mice will also be out looking for new buds to eat. Another perfect place to hunt in! Patchpaw thought, were will I hunt? Finally, Leopardheart addressed her, “Patchpaw. You will be hunting near Fourtrees.” Knowing that her eyes held disbelief, but Patchpaw meowed cheerfully, “Sure.” Getting to her paws, Patchpaw wondered how she would find prey there. No prey will be hiding in the shadows today! It’s wonderful weather to warm their fur, or feathers. Why would they still be burrowed under moss, branches, and leaves? Glancing at Dreampaw, and Mintpaw, Patchpaw mouthed, “Have fun!” before trotting out of camp. It’s a long ways out too. After a steady jog, Patchpaw looked up to see that it was near sun high. Well that took me until the new gathering, she thought sadly. “I don’t have anytime to hunt now.” Mumbling, “Maybe the prey will just come to me today.” With a huff, Patchpaw scented the air and found a mouth watering scent instantly. A robin. Going into a low stalking crouch, Patchpaw did own, new style, of hunting. With her right shoulder forever injured, Patchpaw had come up with a crouch that only relied on two legs at a time, compared to the usual four. This way she could move easily without putting too much pressure on her shoulder. The red crested bird fluttered around and pecked at a stubborn worm. Patchpaw was concentrating so hard she couldn’t even breathe. Three, two, and- Thump! Yes, thank you StarClan for this meal! Carrying her prey to a tree, Patchpaw covered it with some moss so she could come get it later. Setting out again, Patchpaw felt her back fur tingle, someone is watching me. (( I thought Dreampaw was a she-cat! O.o Sorry bud!))
Just call me Siri.
7:39pm Feb 9 2010
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Mintpaw ran off to the Basking Rocks. She scanned it closely, sniffing the air. Mousehome! Jackpot! Mintpaw sniffed into the hole. Three! Mintpaw raided the mousehole, pulling out one adult, and a smaller one. The other she couldn't reach. Mintpaw sat down, purring. "Thank you, StarClan!" She hid them, remembered the spot, and went further down the rocks. She froze, and sniffed the air. "Snake! Drat." She turned around to go the other way. She didn't want to find out if the snake was poisonous or not. After a while, she had caught the two mice, one she had eaten, arobin, twoturtles, which she thought tasted pretty good, and a vole that had sadly bumped into her. She felt good after all that hunting, and descided to rest a bit. Dreampaw scoured the creekbed. He was hunting buring his vole when he noticed something weird. Strange brown things with flat tails were building a home made out of twigs. Right across the river! What a wierd place to live! I might have to say something about that to Ravenfeather. He then countinued hunting, not finding as much as he wanted, but a good amount.
8:24pm Feb 9 2010
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((ravenpaw, Birdpaw and Duskpaw are all female :D)) ((a few minutes ago)) "Well I certainly hope not" Mewed Ravenfeather rather drearily to Whisperwind. "I think I've had as much death as I can handle. It's too familiar." Death. Death is too familiar. He nodded to her after being called away. (now)) Ravenfeather crouched in the bed of dried gr*censored* along fourtrees. Watching the apprentices at their as.sessment was a fun enough task. He loved seeing how much they had learned and how wwell they've been taught.
8:47pm Feb 9 2010
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Leopradheart nodded with approval at Mintpaws hunting skill. Prey is abundant here, but she is doing well finding plump ones. Padding out of the brush that he had been crouching behind, Leopardheart meowed, “Would you meet the rest of us at the training hallow?” The apprentice looked startled when she heard his voice. “I still need to gather the others.” With that, Leopardheart jogged off to find Dreampaw. Leopardheart had asked Ravenfeather to critique Patchpaw, knowing that he would be too easy on the loveable cat, and Ravenfeather also knew to meet at the training hallow a little after sun high. Ravenpaw is a cunning she-cat that needs a bit more training. This little exercise will be perfect. When the trickling stream came into sight, Leopardheart quickly caught scent of Dreampaw. The tom cat was distracted by the large tail beasts. They were harmless, but very annoying. Leopardheart was disappointed that Dreampaw hadn’t caught more prey. Around the creek there were plenty mice, fish, and even frogs. We will have to see what is to come when Ravenpaw is taught. Bounding up to the tom, Leopardheart yowled, “Keep up!” Then dashed away, in the general direction of the training hallow. Patchpaw couldn't help but look over her shoulder. When she saw nothing she turned back around, unsurprised. Like I could find a warrior. Glancing down at the prey she caught, Patchpaw was pleased. A single squirrel, two robins, and four mice. I think I did well. I mean, I can't carry all this on my own.
Just call me Siri.
9:03pm Feb 9 2010
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Ravenfeather came out of hiding behind Patchpaw and mewed, "Comeo on back to the trining hollow. It's sun high." He flicked his tail signalling he was leaving before dashing towards the hollow. ((fail. And I might make Dovefire leave. :P))
9:22am Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 1:22pm Feb 10 2010)
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"I anyone here?" meowed Rainfeather as she began to walk through the forrest. The trees thinned out and the ground was suddenly rock and there were no tree's in sight."I am here, Rainfeather." meowed a soft voice. Rainfeather padded toward the cat. "Larkwing?" she meowed In surprise. "Yes Rainfeather it is me, I have come to tell you something important." she meowed softly. Why did you have to die larkwing? "Two great secrets are going to be revealed, one will come to you, and the other you will have to find." Meowed larkwing. "What do you mean? Two secrets?" meowed Rainfeather confused. "There are two that will be revealed to you, yes, but now I will tell you something you didn't know about your destiny." meowed Larkwing solemnly. Listen mousebrain! This is your destiny! "When you were born, you were destined to be nothing, but a medicine cat." murmured larkwing. Rainfeather pricked her ears. "How?!" she meowed loudly. "You just were Rainfeather, but now since you have chosen a new path, you have a new destiny, a destiny starclan can not reveal." meowed Larkwing. "okay, but larkwing why did you die to save eaglestar?" meowed Rainfeather. "Because, I owe her my greatest respect, and you should too." Rainfeather starred at the Starclan warrior. "I don't seem to be happy here..." meowed rainfeather quietly. "Rainfeather, be loyal to your clan, be the best you can be, and promise me Rainfeather, promise me you will be happy... Promise me." murmured Larkwing as her pelt began to blend with the stares and disappear. "I promise Larkwing." meowed Rainfeather. ((when leopardheart gets back to the camp this is for him)) "Leopardheart," meowed Rainfeather. "I need to ask you something." Rainfeather padded up to Leopardherat. "What are we going to do about Nightkit, poisonkit and shatteredkit, as you know there mother died." Rainfeather stared at the ground. When you were born, you were destined to be nothing, but a medicine cat.......but now since you have chosen a new path, you have a new destiny, a destiny starclan can not reveal.......Two great secrets are going to be revealed, one will come to you, and the other you will have to find..... Larkwing's words echoed in Rainfeather's head, as she waited for an answer from Leopardheart. Quailfoot looked at Ivynose in her den. "I cant believe she is blind." she meowed. "Hey cheer up!" meowed Emeraldrain, "Yes, you have been disappointed all mourning, but staring at her won't make her see again." meowed Robinwing. I wish she could see again and not be an elder when she was so young. Redstorm stared at Eaglestar and his new kits. "They seem to like it here. " he meowed. My throat hurts! Grr.......I can make it stop.............. I won't tell Fernseed though, I can fix it myself... I will get some honey..... He thought stubbornly. "I will be right back Eaglestar, I need to fetch a piece of fresh-kill." he meowed and walked off into the camp. "Hey Redstorm can I hunt with you? I overheard you talking to Eaglestar." meowed Quailfoot. "Okay, sure." he meowed trying to sound happy. Great, another cat in the way.... I might have actually enjoyed this hunt if I didn't have this sore throat. Thought Redstorm and he padded beside Quailfoot; she pricked her ears, I can't here anything, what is she listening for? Quailfoot pounced at a bundle of leaved a fox-length away, "I didn't know we were hunting for leaves." Redstorm purred. "We aren't." meowed Quailfoot happily, she moved to show redstorm that beneath the leaves there was a huge plump mouse. Redstorm starred at her in amazement.
6:07pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 6:09pm Feb 10 2010)
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Mintpaw padded to the training hollow, so jittery. I can't wait!..... But what about Patchpaw? She managed to catch a squirrel on the way to Training Hollow, but she would make sure that they knew that she killed it on the way. Every bit of prey helps the Clan. Dreampaw sighed. I didn't do so hot... I'm not really going to pa'ss I guess. Oh well, I can wait. He padded to the training hollow, hoping he would do better at fighting. ((I've chosen.... Mintleaf!))
6:16pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 6:26pm Feb 10 2010)
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When all the cats gathered in the training hollow Leopardheart had the three apprentices train the newer one. Ravenpaw learned quickly. She was blocking attacks and sneaking in her own by the time he ended the training session. “Very nice, all of you.” He mewed, “Thank you Ravenpaw for your a.ssistance. It was greatly appreciated on my part.” Looking at Dreampaw, Mintpaw, and Patchpaw, Leopardheart sighed. “Tonight I am going to give each of you your warrior names.” With a purr he added, “Rest up. You will sit vigil tonight after you get your name.” Though they all had their faults today, each has learned much from the beginning of their training. Patchpaw was trembling with joy. Her emerald eyes shone with pride. I can’t help but favor her, the little kit that I found in the woods so long ago. Her tiny paws curled protectively around her head, that fluffy tail all matted, but even then her eyes held an inner fire, some strength that comes from the pure of heart. Walking up to the calico she-cat, Leopardheart licked her ear. “Patchpaw, you have come a long way.” He meowed. Her whiskers were trembling but her voice was steady. “Leopardheart, you were always there to protect me,” she looked into his eyes with admiration. “Thank you.” She gave a quick lick to his shoulder before darting away. I doubt that any of them will get rest. With a purr of laughter, Leopardheart remembered the day he was to be named. It was a bittersweet memory, all the anticipation, anger, and fear. Gentletouch…Shaking his head, Leopardheart walked back to the camp. As soon as he entered Rainfeather came up to him. His tail flicked in annoyance. I want to tell Eaglestar how well each of the apprentices preformed. When she asked what he was going to do with the kits, Leopardheart calmed a bit. “I will make sure they are taken care of. That is of no worry to you, Rainfeather.” He meowed, “You are taking too much responsibility for one cat.” When she looked a bit distressed, Leopardheart continued, “I will be talking with Eaglestar and Ravenfeather about putting them into early apprenticeship.” As their conversation ended, Leopardheart noted that the sun was setting. Midnight blue was pushing radiant yellows, luminous oranges, and dazzling pinks away, so that eventually the whole Silverpelt would shine brightly by the moon. After blinking at Rainfeather, Leopardheart trotted to Eaglestars den. “I’m going to name Dreampaw, Mintpaw, and Patchpaw tonight.” He meowed confidently. “We will understand if you want to stay with the kits. Before their vigil, I could send them to you, if you’d like.”
Just call me Siri.
6:20pm Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm Feb 10 2010)
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((Thank you Ravenpaw for yourr'e a.ssistancets. *Just noticed it, sorry. That's me ^.^*))
6:26pm Feb 10 2010
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((Fullmoon: o.O I didn't even notice those. =3 Thank you.))
Just call me Siri.
5:06pm Feb 11 2010
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Rainfeather padded into the camp, Larkwing how do I belong here? What will the two secrets that will revealed? How will they affect me when I find out? she though. "Rainfeather." an angry voice came from behind her. Rainfeather turned to see her brother redstorm. "Yes Redstorm?" she meowed mockingly. "Why did Jayflight die when yuo were in the den?" meowed redstorm holding back his anger. "I didn't do it!" spat Rainfeather. "Blackfang did!" "Of course she did, and I bet she walked trough the wall of the nursery to do it too." meowed Redstorm. Rainfeather opened her mouth for protest then Redstorm cut her off. "Don't tell me this anymore, you are being a mouse-brain. You expected me to think that I was thrown off a cliff from Iceheart controlling you?!" he hissed. Rainfeather felt the sense of pain, and betrayal. "I thought you would have believed me because I am your sister!" she spat. "You think I would trust you after that performance?! You stupid mutant, I would never trust you! You haven't been saying important things for days and I don't think you belong here!" he hissed at her, eyes burning. Rainfeather widened her eyes. She let out a loud hiss, then ran into the forest. Did he really say that?! Making sure she was far away from the camp, she slashed the tree leaving huge claw marks. "Redstorm I hate you!" Redstorm shook his head. "Rainfeather I am sorry I didn't" he cut off she had ran into the forest. "What? who said it Redstorm? Who? Was it Iceheart?" spat emeraldrain, "Did he control you?" then she padded off. it was Iceheart.......... .Quailfoot and robinwing shot him furious looks. "I would not call her a mutant if I were you, she could kill you in one scratch but she didn't, and guess what? she isn't the one with scarlet fur." spat Robinwing, then she padded into the warriors den leaving him in the clearing. ((I drew a pic of rainfeather blackfang redstorm and her other brother in treeclan, sunstripe. I just have to color it then I will give the site, because I never actually added Rainfeather to this roleplay so...... I wanted to show you guys what she looks like, along with redstorm black fang etc. <3 ))
7:15pm Feb 11 2010
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(((doesnt know how to respond...))
7:17pm Feb 11 2010
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((Skip To Patchpaw becoming warrior? :3))
7:22pm Feb 11 2010
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((Siri has to do that >:3))
7:45pm Feb 11 2010
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Eaglestar heard Redstorm yowl those hurtfull words at his sister and rage built up inside of her. Stupid Tom! She once again felt peace, but only by looking down and remembering her kits, the four beautiful she-kits.One of them exactly like Redstorm, or even Rosestar, and then two other three beautiful pale and the one tabby, her beautiful green eyes the same shade as Jadewing's.
7:50pm Feb 11 2010
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((lol bumpish )) Rainfeather walked farther into the forest. "Larkwing, how can I be happy?" she meowed to herself as she walked. "Rainfeather...." meowed a distant voice. "Larkwing?" meowed Rainfeather. "Yes, it is me. Why are you troubled today?" she meowed softly. "Redstorm freaked out on me, he was so angry!" The starclan warrior looked concerned. "And he thinks I killed Jayflight..." continued Rainfeather as she sat down beside larkwing. "I understand this, Rainfeather I need you to stand your ground when he acts like this." meowed Larkwing angrily. "That wasn't Redstorm speaking, I think you will know who was." Rainfeather looked up at the starry sky. "Iceheart..............How do we get him to leave us alone?! He wont stop until we do what he says." Rainfeather meowed, stressed. Larkwing though for a moment then opened her mouth to speak. "I am sure you know the answer to that, silver warrior." she murmured. Why does Starclan have to talk in riddles? Rainfeather stared into her plain blue eyes. "When will my clan trust me? They always give me angry looks and ask me why my claws are unsheathed.." meowed Rainfeather. "Are they?" meowed Larkwing as she looked at Rainfeather's claws. "No, Larkwing they aren't, that is what they look like when they are sheathed. " she muttered. "Rainfeather.." came another voice; the black cat with white spots appeared. "Change your audited, the clan acts to you, how you act to them." meowed Falconeyes. "Now, we must be leaving, Rainfeather, all I want for you is to be happy, try and you will see." murmured Larkwing as her pelt disappeared into Silverpelt. "Try, it will make a difference to you and others...." whispered Falconeyes, as she joined Larkwing and disappeared into the sky.
8:35pm Feb 11 2010
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8:48pm Feb 11 2010
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(( Yea....... I have no clue what to wright now............))