9:00pm Feb 11 2010
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Raveneyes looked all around the camp and still caught no trace of Rainfeather other than the antrance. He followed her scent out to where the tree were the densest, "Rainfeather?" he meowed, baerly audible, "Are you there?" he asked once again before he saw her laying under a tree sleeping. Some bark had been ripped off of the tree in a scratch like mark, one that only could have been made ber her long claws.
9:01pm Feb 11 2010
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11:53pm Feb 11 2010 (last edited on 11:54pm Feb 11 2010)
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((Sorry I was waiting for you East, Leopardheart asked if Ealgestar would attend or if he should send the new warriors to her after they have been named. He thought it would be nice if Eaglestar could see the new warriors the night they were named. And being that she has kits, brand new ones, he didn't know if she would want to leave them O.o Ok now I will write that epicly long post.)) =(^.^)=
Just call me Siri.
12:54am Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 12:56am Feb 12 2010)
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When Eaglestar didn’t reply, Leoaprdheart decided that he would send the new warriors to her after they are named, but before their vigil. With the new, brand new, kits I don’t think Eaglestar should leave them. I will send Patchpaw, Mintpaw, and Dreampaw to her. Dipping his head to his leader, Leopardheart trotted out into the camp. Leaping onto the high rocks, the sun was setting behind him, and casting long shadows around him. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting.” He yowled. When everycat gathered around the Highrock and looked up at him, Leopardheart started, “Dreampaw come forward please.” The tom approached the Highrock and Leopardheart leapt down. Looking to Robinwing, Leopardheart meowed, “Robinwing, are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Yes, he is ready;” Robinwing meowed with confidence. With a nod, he started, “I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn.” “Dreampaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” He asked smoothly. Dreampaw responded confidently, “I do.” With a meow that boomed through Iceclan, Leoaprdheart said, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Dreampaw, from this moment you will be known as Dreamfur. StarClan honors your courage and your independence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Resting his muzzle on the Dreamfurs head. Leopardheart felt him lick his shoulder. Turning to face the clan once again, Leopardheart motioned for Minpaw to come forward. Calling out, “Kestrelheart, are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Yes, she is ready;” he meowed proudly. Grinning at Kestrelhearts pride, Leopardheart yowled “I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.” “Mintpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” He asked calmy. Mintpaw fairly trembled while responding cooly, “I do.” Yowling so all the clan could hear he started, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Mintpaw, from this moment you will be known as Mintleaf. StarClan honors your loyalty and your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Resting his muzzle on the Mintleafs head. Leopardheart felt her lick his shoulder. Looking into her excited eyes, Leopardheart nudged her to site by Dreamfur. His heart beat faster, his paws grew damp with anticipation. Eaglestar sat outside of her den, not too far from her kits. With a flick of his tail, Patchpaw came forward. She radiated excitement. Looking directly into his leaders crimson eyes, Leopardheart asked, “Eaglestar, are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Yes, she is.” Eaglestar stated proudly. Looking down at Patchpaw, Leopardheart couldn’t help but glow with pride as she beamed up at him. Standing tall, and stating proudly, Leopardheart meowed, “I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.” “Patchpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” He asked smoothly. Patchpaw trembled slightly, only a faint shimmer, “I do.” Leopardheart looked all around the clan then finally settled back on Patchpaw, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Patchpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Patchpelt. StarClan honors your enthusiasm and your spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Resting his muzzle on the Patchpelts head he couldn’t help but purr quietly. Leopardheart felt her lick his shoulder, a purr rumbling her own little frame. Patchpelt is now a warrior, yet she is so small. Lifting his head, Leoaprdheart called out, “Warriors, elders, apprentices, and kits of IceClan. We have three new warriors! Dreamfur, Mintleaf, and Patchpelt!”
Just call me Siri.
12:55am Feb 12 2010
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((Fullmoon, you can change any of the virtues. Just tell me and I can edit any of it for you.))
Just call me Siri.
1:10am Feb 12 2010
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Patchpelt! I have my warriors’ name! Trembling violently now, Patchpelt looked at her clan mates. Now I’m like Cheetahwind, and Grayheart. With a slight pinch on her heart, Patchpelt thought about Silentheart. I wish he was here with me now. I miss him. Her eyes brimmed with tears, both joy and pain. Gazing over at Eaglestar, Patchpelt loped over to her. She wanted to hear her mentors praise. As she neared Eaglestar, Patchpelt knew that the copper and black patches glimmered in the silver shine of Silverpelt. While her snow, white fur glowed in the coming darkness. “Are you proud, Eaglestar? I’m still the size of a runt.” Patchpelt meowed quietly, her head drooping slightly while she shuffled her paws.
Just call me Siri.
7:45am Feb 12 2010
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Robinwing felt a sence of pride from her heart. "Dreamfur you will be a fine new warrior," she meowed as she padded up to him. "I am happy to be your mentor." she meowed then padded off. I am so proud of him. Ivynose listened to the apprentices and warriors cheering outside. "Three more apprentices have there warrior name; I remember when I was a warrior then I lost my vision from Icehearts kin and now I am in the elders den, knowing that Redstorm and Eaglestar have kits..." Ivynose let out a faint hiss. I would give anything for my vision to come back. She turned in her nest and closed her eyes to sleep.
8:45am Feb 12 2010
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Eaglestar purred loudly, "Of course I'm proud of you!" she looked over at the calico she-cat, "And size doesn't matter. You remember the stories of Mousefur of ThunderClan? She was small yet powerful. Remember that." Before she padded into her den she asked, "Do you want to come see the kits aain before your vigil?" Dovefire was speaking with Eaglestar before the ceremony and after wen to see his othr sister, "Eaglestar wants you to come see the kits Ivynose" hebroke off and said, "Umm, I mean, she wants you to visit them" He nudged the gray striped she cat with his paw, "Come one, you may be blind but you will still know they are beautiful" then he dashed off. Kestrelheart padde over to Mintleaf, "Congratulations! I'm sorry we didn't get that much time to train." ((fail)) Tigerfang heard Iynose complain about going blind andher sster having kits with the kin of a cat who did it, "Stop complaining" she hissed at the white queen after Dovefirehad left. "It's a waste of your energy, there's nothing you can do to change so why try to?" she took a deep sigh and continued, "I know what its like to feel crippled, I was attacked justlike Patchpelt was when she was an apprentice. I couldn't do anything for moons." She hissed once more, "Instead of trying to change thngs try to make life seem better" and she closed her eyes for sleep.
5:07pm Feb 12 2010
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"It makes me feel better!" spat Ivynose, then she padded forward and walked into the wall of the den. "Stupid wall..." she muttered, then walked out of the entrance, trying to sent where Eaglestar's den would be. Rainfeather opened her eyes. She seen Raveneyes stare at her. What? how did he sent me? I though I covered my sent by hiding in the dense woods..... Guess not. "Why are you here?" meowed Rainfeather as she starred at him angry that he found her. "The apprentice ceremony!" she meowed worried. "Did I miss it?" she meowed Waiting for Raveneyes to answer.
6:23pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 8:10pm Feb 12 2010)
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"No, you didn't" Mewed Raveneyes his voice low, trying to calm the distressed Rainfeather. ((Im going to make a blind cat cause I'm making Dovefire leave, he's annoying me)) Tigerfang twitched her ears angrilt in response to the harsh tne the upset young warrior was taking with her. Giving up on sleep she padded after her, "Learn to use your other senses." the older frail warrior mewed.
6:26pm Feb 12 2010
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((East, why don't you have one of the kits be blind. >.>))
Just call me Siri.
7:07pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 9:30am Feb 13 2010)
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Rainfeather stared at him. "Who Is getting there warrior name again?" she meowed not waiting for an answer she beckoned him with her Tail and Ran back to camp. "Did I miss anything?" meowed Rainfeather as she walked up to Robinwing. "No" she replied. "I don't blame you for leaving" meowed Quailfoot. "I really probley would have done the same." meowed Quailfoot. Yea? I bet you didn't destroy the front bark of a tree making it look like a badger has been there. "Yea, I need a little time away from the camp, I didn't want to get Eaten by Redstorm. "she meowed, Emeraldrain let out an purr of amusement and they sat together.
7:37pm Feb 12 2010
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((What ceremony? The new warriors have to sit vigil. O.o))
Just call me Siri.
7:54pm Feb 12 2010
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Patchpelt chirped excitedly, “Of course!” About the trot into the warm, safe den Patchpelt saw Ivynose walking in circles around the camp. Looking at Eaglestar then at Ivynose, Patchpelt quickly dashed over to Ivynose. About to ask what was wrong, she heard the she-cat mumbling about how Eaglestar’s scent was everywhere. Oh, she’s trying to find the den. “Ivynose,” she meowed gently, not wanting to frighten the she-cat, “I will guide you to Eaglestar’s den.” Wrapping her tail around Ivynose’s front paw, Patchpelt lead her to Eaglestar’s den. Once inside, Patchpelt let go so and bounded over to whisper her new name to the kits. “Little ones, I have my warriors name. You probably can’t understand me yet, but this is an important time in my life. I’m no longer Patchpaw but Patchpelt!” she meowed excitedly. Though she didn’t yowl at them, Patchpelt controlled her excitement around the kits, wanting what was best for them. “I will guard this camp with my very life for you.” Touching her nose to each in turn, Patchpelt lingered on Larkkits head. I hope that my kits, someday, will be as beautiful as these little ones. Dipping her head to Eaglestar, Patchpelt knew that she would remain silent for the rest of the night. Padding into the nippy night, Patchpelt sat in the center of camp. So this is the start of my warrior life, she thought happily even though mourning crept close behind. I will not have the simple tasks of an apprentice any longer but those of a warrior. I will make impossible choices and have to live with the consequences. In that moment her heart was at war, but it was such a wonderful feeling that she could only smile up at StarClan as tears streaked down her cheeks.
Just call me Siri.
8:21pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 8:21pm Feb 12 2010)
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((lol good idea siri. Pst is edited XDD)) Eaglestar purred with pride at Patchpelt recieving her warrior name. She got up and licked her on top of her head, treating her as she did her own kits. Watching as her sister entered the den and her apprentice left she purred louder, "Here Ivynose" she murmured wrapping her tail around her sisters neck and bringing her head down to scent the kits, "That's Rosekit, she looks just like a mixtur between Redstorm and mother, that's Featherkit" she directed her nose to the creamy white ckit, "She is the colour of freshly fallen snow and the cream in my fur and these are Larkkit, she's a grey calico and, Jadekit she's light brown, and her eyes, oh her eyes, they are the colour of Jadewing's" Dovefire walked around the camp with nothing to do. He thought to himself, Am I really needed here? Who want's me? Cougarclaw sure didn't. She left. I may as well leave too. He snarled in anger and tore at the ferns and plants that got in his way as he dashed out of camp never to return again. ((And the kit that will be blind, won't be blind, then go blind naturally, like Ray Charles xDD))
9:29am Feb 13 2010
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((wow east...)) "Thank you Patchpelt." meowed Ivynose as she tried to paint the pictures of the kits in her mind. "What are the others eye colour?" she meowed curiously as she acted like she actually could see the kits. Rosekit turned and starred at Patchpelt, then curled up into a ball and slept. Featherkit padded forward to her and sat down, she rested her tiny paw on Patchpelt's paw, then licked her paw and went back to Eaglestar to go to sleep. "I think Featherkit likes you, Patchpelt!" meowed Emeraldrain as Featherkit and Rosekit slept.
5:28pm Feb 13 2010
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Jadekit growled, annoyed that Patchpelt didn't give her attention, only Larkkit. Not fair. "Growm!" Jadekit looked up at Patchpelt, bomping her head on her leg. Cheetahwind walked into the den as Jadekit tussling Patchpelt. "I see you have an-" He paused, just about to say Another admirer. "An admirer!"
5:43pm Feb 13 2010
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Rosekit turned and opened her eyes to see more Warriors entering the den, she let out a meow of happiness and walked over to see what they were doing.
6:39pm Feb 13 2010
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Eaglestar watched as her kits tussled with Patchpelt and eachother. Laying down she pullled her kits towards her, "Time for sleep" she opened her jaws in a huge yawn and rest her head on her paws as the kits suckled. The sweet aroma of milk and honey was in the air, making the perfect lullaby scent. Eaglestar was almost awoken by the cattering of the warriors in her den. Ravenfeather lept up the rocks to head to Eaglestar's den. Once he got there he saw all the warriors crowded around the kits and the sleeping queen, "Sall right everybody pplease get out" meowed the temporary deputy, "Eaglestar and he kits need to rest." ((Siri// Patchpelt really likes Larkkit eh?))
6:42pm Feb 13 2010
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Cheetahwind started walking out, bumping into Patchpelt on the way. "Sorry," He blushed. Without waiting for her(I almost wrote his o3O) reply, he slinked into the warriors den. I'm thinking that she misses Silentheart(?) more than ever.