12:28am Feb 14 2010 (last edited on 12:39am Feb 14 2010)
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((Patchpelt is getting a lot of attention. ^.^ I think she likes that. Yush, East, for some reason I love Larkkit. >.> -huggles the little kit- I think I would prefer Rosekit, but red eyes scare me.)) Patchpelt, sitting guard, shuffled her paws. Her eyes were a bit tired, but she wouldn’t fail on her first test as a warrior. Staring up into StarClan, Patchpelt let her mind wander while her senses searched for danger. I hope that Silentheart is proud. I feel like I’m betraying our friendship though. Her heart was slowly healing, much like the claw marks from Grayheart. There would always be a limp during the hard times, like an aching joint during the winter, but when the joys of life fill you there will be nothing but a spring in your paws, like a summer day basking in the sun. I will always love you Silentheart, but I can’t stop from loving others too. A chilly breeze slithered through the clan, brushing against Patchpelts fur, making it ruffle. She shivered slightly, from both the breeze and at the remembrance of moment that happened earlier, the moment when Cheetahwind bumped into her. He’s always been so close to me. He’s a strong cat too. Soon the calico she-cat was picturing the auburn eyes of a black spotted tom. The texture of his cream, tan fur and the gentle touches he always gave her. He thinks I don’t notice, but how could I not? Sinking her petite, ivory claws into the sand Patchpelt was confused by the fluttering her heart was doing. What about the other toms. Licking her chest fur, Patchpelt sighed, releasing all her perplexity. And they think she-cats are hard to understand, what about the toms! They’re impossible! Curling her tail over her paws, Patchpelt thought about the kits. Jadekit’s flamboyant attitude will make for a difficult apprentice but a wise one, thought Patchpelt. Rosekit is a bit shy, we will have to wait for personality to bloom. Featherkit is adorable with her adoring acts. Then Larkkit, what was it about that kit that Patchpelt loved so much? The creamy, calico kit stole her heart the moment she saw her. “Oh, StarClan,” she whispered, “What do you have planned for me?” Gazing up at the sky again, Patchpelt watched a brilliant sunrise crest the horizon. Slowly an orange-peach crept up on the midnight blue, a marigold-yellow backing it through, and a desert rose pink filming around it all. The slow progression began to quicken, and before Patchpelt knew it the sun had raised, a glorious sight. No foxes, no rogues, and no bloodshed. What a wonderful night. Standing up, Patchpelt stretched her back, making a ‘u’ shape. With a yawn that would make the legendary LionClan proud, she walked drowsily to the warriors den. I finally get to sleep in the warriors den. As she walked in the entrance Leopardheart brushed past her. “Good morning, Patchpelt.” He meowed with affection. “Very good morning to you, Leopardheart.” She meowed with tired enthusiasm. Purring with laughter, Leopardheart mewed, “Rest, you will have plenty of time to hunt with the other warriors.” Stepping forward, Patchpelt licked his cheek. “Thank you.” Stumbling over Kestrelheart, Patchpelt mumbled, “Sorry.” Then finally found an open space, which was between Cheetahwind and Kestrelheart. Snuggling between the two, Patchpelt fell asleep near instantly.
Just call me Siri.
12:39am Feb 14 2010
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Just call me Siri.
10:19am Feb 14 2010
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((lol my friends bunneh has red eyes. Her name is Freezeray.)) Kestrelheart shuffled over a bit to make more room for Patchpelt. ((fail) Eaglestar awoke to the rising sun as her kits played at her belly, Rosekit hadended up on top of little Larkkit and Larkkit was crying for help. She bent over and pulled the little red kit of the creamy calico and murmured,"Peace." She licked each f them in turn stopping on Rosekit sighing, "You look just like my mother" She purred and watched the kits scuffle around her belly.
10:35am Feb 14 2010
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Cheetahwind smiled in his sleep and moved over for Patchpelt. Just a little, but he still wanted to feel her fur down his back. Why? Why does my heart tell me she's more precious? It's just, she puts more joy in the moment, even when it's impossible. She lifts the feel of homesickness and me missing Luna. Actually, I think it's because she's a lot like Luna I don't miss her. Luna would always be there for me, helping me understand things. She bounced on her paws, just like Patchpelt does. He growled lightly. Aughh! I won't be able to get any sleep! I hope they put me on the morning patrol. Shifting to his paws, hoping not to have disturbed any of the other warriors, especailly Patchpelt, and walked outside for a good dose of sunlight. Maybe when Eaglestar was awake he could look at the kits. I wish I had some of my own..
12:23pm Feb 14 2010
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Leopardheart was sitting by the fresh kill, munching on a mouse. When he saw Cheetahwind come out of the den he was a bit surprised. I thought he would enjoy Patchpelts presence. Motioning with his tail, Leopardheart asked Cheetahwind to join him. “You are looking a bit lean, Cheetahwind. Eat with me.” He meowed kindly. It has been too long since I have just talked with anyone. As if to comfort his loneliness Fernseed came out of the medicine cat den. She looked a bit lonely too, being that her apprentice had gone she was alone in the den once again. Falconwing had lovingly accepted the role of mother over Jayflights kits, so even Nightkit wasn’t with Fernseed. The cream colored she-cat walked up to them and meowed hello. “Good morning to you,” Leopardheart purred. In all good nature, Leopardheart meowed, “I think we need more apprentices, Birdpaw, Ravenpaw, and Duskpaw are doing a poor job at keeping me full.” He winked at the end, peering at Cheetahwind. “New warrior, would you like to be a mentor? And choice wisely, I might give you the kit to train.” Leopardheart saw Fernseed’s eyes glimmer with longing. “Would you like another apprentice, Fernseed?” Fernseed yowled, “Of course!” then shuffled her paws in embarra.ssment. “I mean, yes Leopardheart. It would be my honor.” Leopardheart just purred, “Who would you choose?” Looking straight into his eyes, she meowed, “I would take Nightkit, if I may.” A bit shocked by her choice, Leopardheart nodded. “That would be a wise choice.” The kit was blind and would never be able to become a warrior. It’s a wonderful choice, but still not possible. How could the kit see the wounds? “Would you take two apprentices?” he asked. Cocking her head to the side, Fernseed thought about it, and then replied, “I would love to.” "I would have you choice a kit with sight, the pair has to love each other, because they will both become medicine cat. As one, they will heal others, one the sight and the other the ears.” Leopardheart whispered. “Do you think Shatteredkit would be a wise choice? I know she wants to be a warrior.” Fernseed meowed. Leopardheart meowed, “Only one way to find out.” Looking back at Cheetahwind, he meowed, “You can tell me your decision while we patrol.” Getting to his paws, Leopardheart told Fernseed to go ask Nightkit and Shatteredkit if they would accept. “I will do that,” she meowed. Suddenly remembering what she wanted to say, Fernseed meowed, “Dovefire left. Last night. StarClan told me. I saw him wander under silverpelt then he found Cougarclaw. They are both safe.” Leopardheart felt sad for the warrior. I will miss the warrior.
Just call me Siri.
12:24pm Feb 14 2010
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((I hope you don't mind that East.-About Dovefire-))
Just call me Siri.
1:27pm Feb 14 2010
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((not at all) ((lol I just want the kits to be apprentices XDD)) Ravenpaw wandered around the camp tryin to find her mentor, "Rainfeather? Rainfeather, where are you?" Birdpaw lept up the rocks to the leaders den looking for Redstorm, figuring he would be with his new kits. She peered her head and and mewed, "Is Redstorm here?"
8:41pm Feb 14 2010
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((Could you delete all my warrior charra's 'xept the four aprentice-now-warriors? I'm introducing new char's. Kthanx))
9:03pm Feb 14 2010
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((Fullmoon, O.o? Cheetahwind? D'= No!))
Just call me Siri.
9:06pm Feb 14 2010
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((-dies- gah!))
10:04pm Feb 14 2010
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((No, not Cheetahwind, Grayheart, Mintleaf, Dreampath.... those ones. XD))
10:04pm Feb 14 2010
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((No, not Cheetahwind, Grayheart, Mintleaf, Dreampath.... those ones. XD))
8:50am Feb 15 2010
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((Siri, East was spoust to say that Rosekit's eyes are BLUE not red.... That would be a little weird, red cat red eyes.... :) )) "Yes Ravenpaw?" meowed Rainfeather as she padded up to him. "I am in here Birdpaw !" meowed Redstorm loudly; his voice Rang out from the den with Eaglestar. Shatteredkit jumped on top of poisonkit, "Gimmie that naow!!" she spat as she wrestled her sister. "Owwowwoww!" she yelped when Poisonkit twisted her dumb paw backwards. "What are you doing? I smell bleeding." meowed Nightkit concerned. "Well ya," meowed Poisonkit, "What do you think she did to my ear?" she continued as she starred at her sister with her poison green eyes. "Its not my Fault." she meowed. Ya! It is you started it! Thought Shatteredkit as she glared at her sister. Poisonkit hissed at Shatteredkit just as Rainfeather walked by. Rainfeather's eyes widened, I haven't seen fangs that long since Blackfang.... She thought, then walked by Beaconing Ravenpaw with her Tail. "Hi Rainfeather!" meowed Nightkit. The silver warrior turned "Hello Nightkit." her voice Was warm today. "Rainfeather I am gonna be a warrior!!" spat Shatteredkit clearly Trying to rub her friendship with Rainfeather in Poisonkit's face. Sadness shone in Rainfeather's ice blue eyes. "Okay Shatteredkit; I have to go, see you." she meowed, then walked away, Ravenpaw Trailing her.
11:08am Feb 15 2010
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((eklipse you tol me she had red eyes when we were doing science fair project...)) ((Rvenpaw is a she)) Birdpaw saw her mentor sitting theere and mewed, "Wwell I was hoping we cold go on a patrol or train? I haven't been able to train or hunt since Fallenwind died" Ravenpaw spoke to her mentor very excitedly,"Well I have to train. I have to either hunt or fight and I haven't since Ivynose went blind"
12:43pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 12:48pm Feb 15 2010)
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((lol, well naow she has blue onez!!!)) 
((That is the pic of Blackfang, rainfeather, Sunstripe, and Redstorm. Drawn by Mwaa))
4:40pm Feb 15 2010
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"Very well Birdpaw," meowed Redstorm then padded out of the den. "Bye Eaglestar!" meowed Redstorm before disappearing into the trees. "Now, would you like to do fighting training? I though it would be good to do today." meowed Redstorm. Birdpaw is a good battle ready cat, it might not be long until she is a warrior.... he thought then faced her. "I am going to leap at you, when I do knock my feet out from under me with your paws and move away for me to fall." he meowed Waiting for the Apprentice to get into her battle-ready position. Redstorm Ran then jumped at the apprentice, she quickly nocked his feet out from under him and moved for him to fall. "Well done Birdpaw!" Rainfeather walked with Ravenpaw through the trees, "Hunting skills, that is what we are going to work on." meowed Rainfeather. "Let me see what you remember; then we can work from that." she meowed as the apprentice dropped into her hunter's crouch. "Keep your tail still." ordered Rainfeather as she saw her tail twitch in excitement. I would be exited to, if I hadn't had training for a moon.
5:42pm Feb 15 2010
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Ravenpaw nodded and tried to stop her tail from twitching. She opened her mouth to scent the air and caught a faint whiff of starling. Looking for it and following the scent the stalked wuickly up to it, killing it with a single bite to the neck. Glowing under Redstorm's spraise she lept at him her tabby pelt a bllur as she hit his haunches trying to knock him down again, battering his sides with herpaws.
9:31pm Feb 15 2010
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((Fullmoon, why are you getting rid of Mintleaf, Dreamfur, and Grayheart?-ish curious-)) Leopardheart and Cheetahwind were just entering camp when Redstorm, Rainfeather, Birdpaw, and Ravenpaw were leaving. It’s about time those apprentices’ got their training in. I wonder how Duskpaw is coming along. With Cheetahwind at his flank, Leopardheart asked again, “Who would you enjoy as an apprentice?” Sitting near Eaglestar’s den, Leopardheart looked up to see the she-cat sunbathing while the kits napped in the den, still to young for walking or exploring. The sun was mid high. Closing his eyes, Leopardheart enjoyed the warmth the sun radiated onto him. His black rosettes warmed faster than his creamy, tan pelt. Lifting his paw, Leopardheart licked it, and ran it over his ear. Patchpelt blinked at the glaring sunlight. “Why are you so bright?” she mewed in annoyance. The light had shimmered through the leaves and was now keeping her from sleep. With a huff, Patchpelt got up and shock the moss from her fur. Glancing to her right she noted that Cheetahwind was gone, and for a long while. To the left, Kestrelheart still slept. A smile curled her lips as she gazed down at the handsome tom. He would make a strong, loving, and proud father. Stepping over him, Patchpelt went to the fresh kill pile. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, as if she hadn’t eaten in a moon. Why am I so hunger? Her paws also had an ache in them. Then with a burst of joy she thought, am I growing! She was radiating with excitement as she pranced the rest of the way to the fresh kill pile. Taking a robin, Patchpelt ate it eagerly. When she was done, Patchpelt purred with delight. Her tummy full, she went to Eaglestar’s den. “Eaglestar?” she called out, “If you’d like I can kit-sit for you. I would love to watch them while you and Redstorm enjoy a day together.” I wonder if she’s annoyed with my constant appearance around the kits. I just can’t help but love them. Swiftdarkness was watching the kits while Falconwing did as she pleased. They are six moons old already. Watching the three kits play, Swiftdarkness noted that Midnightkit was a bit snotty. She was a sweet kit but was no a very far loser. Looking over at Shatteredkit and Poisonkit, Swiftdarkness shivered. They fight like rogues. I hope that their mentors train them well. No cat should fight like that in their own clan. When Midnightkit and Shadowkit teamed up on Littlekit, Swiftdarkness yowled, “Play fair!” Getting to his paws he bent into his stalking crouch and meowed, “Or else this mean rogue will eat you!” Running at them he pounced on the bunch, who were squalling with pleasure. “Nom, nom! You are a delicious cluster!” he purred, licking each one on the head. Oh, thank you StarClan. I don’t know what I would do without Falconwing and our kits. Laying down on Shadowkit, gently; cuddling with Littlekit, and pinning Midnightkit with his tail, Swiftdarkness mrrowed with laughter. That was, until Midnightkit bit his tail. “Ow!” he yowled and rolled onto his back. All the kits jumped onto him, exclaiming they defeated the bad rogue.
Just call me Siri.
9:31pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 9:31pm Feb 15 2010)
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9:33pm Feb 15 2010
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((I'M NOT! XD I just realized those are my only charries exept my two kits, so yah.. don't delete any charries. XDDD))