9:36pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
"It would either be Midnightkit or Larkkit. Midnightkit is so hiralious, while I just seem to be attached to Larkkit.." Cheetahwind shrugged. "D'nno why."
9:36pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
9:40pm Feb 15 2010
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((XDD)) Eaglestar looked at Pathpelt and mewed, "That would be wonderful. I need to stretch my legs and breathe some fresh air." She stood up nd stretched each leg in turn. Walking out of the den she licked her former apprentice on the head, "Thanks" ((making it later by like a half hour)) Birdpaw padded back into the camp after training with her mentor. She had finally been able to fight and run and her legs were sore but it was worth it. Kestrelheart awoke in the den and stretched before padding out into the camp. Seeing Patchpelt watching the four kits he asked, "Want some help?" Larkkit scurried as fast as she could on her chubby belly mewling for Eaglestar. When she opened her eyes and saw the blurry figure of Patchpelt she mewled again, this time happily, for she reconginezed the shecat.
9:41pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Falconwing padded back into camp with as mouse in her jaws and Whisperwind paddingbeside her. The two she-cat had gone out a bit earlier to enjoy a chat together and for Falconwing to strech her legs. She dropped off the mouse and purred as she spotted Swiftdarkness playing with the kits. I dont think their could be a better father. He's always hanging around them and acting like a kit himself. She felt her heart flutter in happiness and love and padded over, sitting a bit away so she would not interupt them. Laughing as the kits all tackled their father, she gave them a bit of info on where to attack and how to team up. "Excellent, you all will be warriors in no time." She praised and licked each on the top of the head. Sitting next to Swiftdarkness, she let her fur brush his. It wont be long now, a fews days really, until their apprentices. Fear gripped her as she remembered Silentheart's demise as a apprentice. No, nothing will happen to the three of them, I wont let it. She thought feircly.

9:42pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Jadekit scrambled to her feet, running over to Patchpelt and rubbing them, purring. "Pw-a-tt-chey!" She tried attempting saying Patch.
9:42pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 10:02pm Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
UPDATE East and I have talked. Since so cats are leaving the clan there will be a new one. This one will be a tribe though, and it will not be active. It is for players who don't what their characters but don't want them dead. It is a place where they can be sent. If at a later date you want them back, have them come back. ^.^ Leader: Leopardheart - Siri Until Eaglestar kits Deputy: Ravenfeather - East Until Eaglestar kits Medicine Cat: Fernseed - East/Siri Medicine Cat Apprentice: -Open- Warriors: - Raveneyes - EasternBluebird (Apprentice - Duskpaw)
- Swiftdarkness - Siri
- Rainfeather - eklipse (Apprentice - Ravenpaw)
- Redstorm - eklipse (Apprentice - Birdpaw)
- Berrypool(Stella) - East
- Kestrelheart - East
- Quailfoot - eklipse
- Robinwing - eklipse
- Cheetahwind(Gillian) - Fullmoon
- Emeraldrain - eklipse
- Grayheart - Fullmoon
- Whisperwind - Stray
- Patchpelt - Siri
- Dreamfur - fullmoon
- Mintleaf - fullmoon
- Taintedpain - Fullmoon (Apprentice - Blackpaw)
- Coldeyes - Fullmoon
- Embersky - Fullmoon
Apprentices: - Birdpaw - East
- Duskpaw - East
- Ravenpaw - East
- Blackpaw - Fullmoon
Elders: - Windkeeper - East
- Spiritfeather - East
- Ivynose - East/eklipse
- Tigerfang - East
Queens: Falconwing - Stray Eaglestar - East Rainblaze - Fullmoon
Kits: - Shadowkit - Stray
- Midnightkit - Siri
- Littlekit - Fullmoon
- Shatteredkit - eklipse
- Poisonkit - eklipse
- Nightkit - eklipse
- Featherkit - eklipse
- Larkkit - East
- Rosekit - East/ eklipse?
- Jadekit - Fullmoon
- Gentlekit - Fullmoon
Loners: Deceased: - Fallenwind - Stray
- Silentheart - Stray
- Blackstorm - Stray
- Flameridge - East
- Jadewing - East
- Falconeyes - eklipse
- Dingofang - eklipse
- Larkwing - eklipse
- Jayflight - eklipse
New Tribe - Mistsoul - Siri
- Silverthaw - Siri
Cougarclaw - SiriDovefire - EasternBluebird
Just call me Siri.
9:46pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 9:55pm Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
Name:Rainblaze Gender:Female Age:25 moons
Crush:NAO Mate:Emberheart *Deceased* Looks: Other info: She's pregnant. Rank:Warrior: ~~~~ Name: Gentlekit (Gentlepaw) (Gentlebreeze) Gender:Female Age:7 moons
Crush:NAO Mate: Too young.
Looks: Other info:None Rank:Kit (Med.cat aprentice?) ~~ Name:Taintedpain Gender:Male Age:22 moons
Crush:NAO Mate:NAO Looks: Other info:His name was 'awarded' to him whenas a kit he wandered far from camp into a fight with two battling Clans, nearly getting trampled. Rank:Warrior ~~
Name:Coldeyes Gender:Female Age:24 moons
Crush:NAO Mate:NAO Looks: Other info:She's blind. Embersky's her brother. Is a rogue, but will join Clan BTW Rank:Warrior ~~
Name:Embersky Gender:Male Age:23 moons
Crush:None Mate:None Looks: Other info:His sister is Coldeyes.
Rank:Warrior ~~~
Name:Blackpaw (Blackwolf) Gender:Male Age:8 moons
Crush:NAO Mate:NAO Looks: Other info: ......He likes to -er- spy on other cats. >.>; Rank:Aprentice
9:49pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
(( O.o Almost all of us are on! Cool! But I'm going to be busy adding all of Full's new charries. My post will be up in a while though. ^.^ -loves the kits- O.O There are over ten now!))
Just call me Siri.
9:50pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 9:52pm Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((PS. I saw that you didn't want any charries deleted Full. ^.^))
((Edit, Full you want the older Gentletouch gone now? Right? -points at the kit one- Then the whole Jadewing, Gentletouch, Leopardheart scandel never happened.))
Just call me Siri.
9:54pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Hey, Siri, I have a plot, but it involves the dying of Mintleaf. I'm not going to do it now, but maybe once she's been a warrior lets say... 6 moons. I got an idea, that Patchpelt goes out to hunt, and she find a cave. Mintleaf is there too, silently following her. When Patchpelt starts to enter the cave, the ground rumbles and rocks start pouring down. Mintleaf jumped up and pushes Patchpelt out of the way, getting crushed by the rocks saving her. What do you think? ^.^))
9:55pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Naw, Gentletouch can go to the Tribe place. I'll change Gentlekit's warrior name. But the Scandal can be gone, let's just say she's a rogue.))
9:57pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 9:59pm Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((Aww, I don't think Patchpelt could handle that. Too much death surrounders her, but if you like. And ok, for the Gentlekit-touch...cat.. >.> -ish confused- Lol~ Leopardheart: Jadewing! I love you, and I always have!)) ((Ps. Noticing that a lot of blind cats are appearing. Fernseed: More work. -grumble grumble- I need three apprentices! Siri: Lol Fernseed!))
Just call me Siri.
10:01pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 10:01pm Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((Littlekit: *Latches on to Leopardheart* MENTOR! *Purrs* Rainblaze: *Laughs at Littlekit's antics*))
10:03pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Fullmoon, because Blackpaw is two moons into his apprenticeship, I had one of you charries mentor him. Is that ok?))
Just call me Siri.
10:05pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 10:06pm Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
Random fact about cats Did you know that calico male cats are typically sterile? Meaning, no babies! O.O
Just call me Siri.
10:08pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay Sirit! *Yur new nickname*))
10:09pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Everyone should check my character list to be sure I have them all in the correct slots. ^.^ Please and thank you!~ And mmk Ullm -tis your new nickname- =D ))
Just call me Siri.
10:10pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((*Unscrambled and adds letters* Umm Milk! 8D))
10:16pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 10:36pm Feb 15 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((Me or you? Lol. And is this spam because if it is, I will feel very bad. >.>))
((Made the spam leave.)) I would like to see who would like to mentor the kits: Shadowkit Midnightkit Littlekit Shatteredkit Poisonkit Nightkit Gentlekit
Just call me Siri.
7:55am Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((If its okay can Whisperwind mentor Poisonkit (for some reason I really like that kit and Shatteredkit ^.^)? ))