8:02am Feb 16 2010
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((Berrypool mentor Gentlekit?)) Larkkit pushed Jadekit out of the way with her feet.
8:05am Feb 16 2010
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4:58pm Feb 16 2010
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((rosekit is me!! lol, ))
5:49pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 6:39pm Feb 16 2010)
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((... I want her to be med aprentice... D:)) Jadepaw first sniffled a bit, as if she was crying, but then growled at Larkkit. "Mreoow!" Now, if you could understand kit-launguage, you could hear her say 'Hogger!' but sadly, none speak it but Jadekit and the other kits. (XD) She went on the other side of Patchpelt.
6:28pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 6:32pm Feb 16 2010)
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Featherkit stared at Jadekit oddly, Rosekit was playing with Featherkit's tail as she flicked it impatiently. "Maaoow." meowed Featherkit, which meant 'Stop!!!' in kit language. "meow..." muttered rosekit which meant 'Make me...'. Featherkit unsheathed her claws and Raked them down Rosekit's face, she hissed and padded away. Stupid furball, I hate it when she does that. Thought featherkit. "Eaglestar!" meowed Ivynose as she walked behind her sister that was leaving the camp. "I have to tell you something important..........I am expecting kits!" "Fernseed," meowed Nightkit. "I need to tell you something." she meowed to the medicine cat. "I want to be a medicine cat apprentice!" she blurted out. Smooth mouse brain, I am sure the whole clan knows that now.
6:30pm Feb 16 2010
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((Oh and yes Stray! Be aware of her short temper, and long fangs, and speediness..........XD ))
6:39pm Feb 16 2010
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((lol Sppediness.)) Ravenfeather pushed out of the bushes not far from the eaders den, "Eaglestar went out for a walk. She's not here right now, but congratulations on the kits." Eaglstar strolled along the territory lines, headed for basking rocks, needing a day out of her cramped den. Larkkit snarled, "yawr." Which meant Stop it both of you. In kit language, she was very bossy and luked to be in control.
6:40pm Feb 16 2010
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Gentlekit stared at Nightkit. "... so do I..." She trailed off.
7:02pm Feb 16 2010
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Nightkit starred at the ground. She shuffled her paws uncomfortably. "I am sorry......................" she meowed quietly, then began to pad away, Back to the nursery.......... where I belong! "........bye Gentlekit...." she meowed softly. Feathrkit starred at her sister angrily. "hisss.." she hissed which meant 'Shut up you furball, you aren't my boss...
7:04pm Feb 16 2010
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Patchpelt was happily watching the kit play at her feet. Being that they were only two days old, she knew that they could do no real damage. When Kestrelheart asked if she wanted company, Patchpelt merely meowed, “I would love that.” Wrapping her tail around Jadekit affectionately, Patchpelt watched the other three as they played. They sure are cute, she thought. But when Featherkit batted Rosekit in the face, too roughly in her opinion, Patchpelt hissed, “Featherkit!” Gently moving Jadekit aside, she grabbed Featherkit by the scuff, and took her into a corner of the den. “You will not behave that way.” She meowed sternly, “Sit there until you can behave yourself, and before you can play again you have to apologies to Rosekit.” Her emerald eyes were crackling with anger, but it was the tough love that would teach ornery kits the ways of a sensible warrior. Stalking back to the others, Patchpelt felt like she was already a mother. I hope Eaglestar doesn’t mind that I scolded Featherkit. Shaking her head, Patchpelt knew that her mentor would understand. She would have done the same. Flopping onto her side, Patchpelt pawed lovingly at Larkkit. Larkkit was acting like the peacemaker, trying to stop the other two from fighting. She could become a great warrior, or even as great a leader as her mother. Twisting her tail about Patchpelt tickled Featherkit. Looking over at Kestrelheart, she asked, “Have you ever wanted kits?” ((More is coming. ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
7:12pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:14pm Feb 16 2010)
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Jadekit looked down at the ground. Why does Patchpelt like Larkkit so much? She started the fighting! and Patchpelt looks at her as if she was trying to be a peacemaker! Well, she wasn't! She was being a mean jerk, saying that you have to do anything she said! I shouldn't even try and get Patchpelts attention, Larkkit seems to have it all sorted that Patchpelt is hers! She sighed, and went into the corner, hanging her head.
7:13pm Feb 16 2010
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Leopardheart nodded at Cheetahwind. “I will keep that in mind,” was all he meowed. Padding away from Cheetahwind, Leopardheart went to talk with Ravenfeather. As he padded up to the warrior Leopardheart noted the resemblance he and Cheetahwind held. They both have slender legs, and a proud disposition. “Warrior,” Leopardheart formally called to him. “I would like to talk with you.” When they sat beside each other, Leopardheart said, “I think Cheetahwind, Whisperwind, Berrypool, and myself are ready for apprentices.” Flexing his ivory claws, Leopardheart continued, “Cheetahwind would be a good match for Midnightkit, being that she is a bit laidback and he more energetic. Whisperwind is a strong she-cat that I think can handle Poisonkit.” With a pause he meowed, “Berrypool has shown her loyalty and deserves an apprentice.” She has a fire that most kittypets don’t have, so I think Shatteredkit will be a good match. “Shatteredkit would be a good match to her, and I would like to train Littlekit.” After expressing his ideas Leopardheart waited for Ravenfeather to respond. ((Fernseed is on her way. ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
7:15pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:16pm Feb 16 2010)
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(( lol k siri))) Featherkit stared at Patchpelt oddly Is she angry at me? Because she just tickled me but first scolded me..., and I don't know if I am in trouble or not now. Featherkit walked over to Rosekit, she hissed and bit her tail making her yelp and screech, Rosekit's fury rose on her and she chased Featherkit. Featherkit Ran allot faster and made Rosekit get tired, she lay down and began to sleep. Featherkit padded toward Jadekit and then sat beside her.
7:16pm Feb 16 2010
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Kestrelheart pondered the question he had been asked, "In a way yes. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a father." He smiled and sat down beside the ktits, "ZThey are just so cute and amazing" Larkkit mewed a quiet, "Mrooewr" which was a silent laugh one to only herself watching her sister being scolded. She crawled up to Patchpelt and nuzzled her head against the the calico warriors leg.
7:19pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:19pm Feb 16 2010)
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Jadekit hissed slightly when she just heard it, so quiet, but she could hear Larkkit laughing at Featherkit! She padded up to Patchpelt. "Wark waffed wit Fweether!(Lark laughed at Feather)" She mewed angrily.
7:19pm Feb 16 2010
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Featherkit let out a loud hiss at Larkkit and cuffed her up-side the head. "GRAAA" she spat, that meant 'Shut up, stop laughing or I will claw your Ears off!'
7:20pm Feb 16 2010
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((-fails- I meant Jadekit, the one being tickled. xD Wow.-ish almost done with Fernseeds post-))
Just call me Siri.
7:20pm Feb 16 2010
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((OMG Fullmoon! LOL I guess that is how kits begin to speak! ))
7:21pm Feb 16 2010
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Littlekit stepped in-between Featherkit and Larkkit. "Stop fighting, you two," She said gently. "Want to become a big, strong warrior? Warriors don't fight with other warriors in other Clans! Why don't you practice being nice to eachother, and then you'll be ready to become a warrior!"
7:25pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:26pm Feb 16 2010)
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Fernseed pawed Nightkit before she could leave. “Wait little one,” she meowed. “I was talking with Leopardheart and he thinks I should take on two apprentices. One with sight,” she looked at Gentlekit. “And one without,” as she meowed the last Fernseed wrapped her tail around Nightkits paw, knowing that the kit couldn’t see her gaze. I hope the rest of the clan understands. I think this pair is even better than Shatteredkit and Nightkit too. Gentlekit is kind to all the cats. “If you too agree, I will take it upon myself to train you both.” She meowed. “Though, only if you learn to trust and care for each other. I need you two to have a special bond.”
Just call me Siri.