7:25pm Feb 16 2010
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Featherkit starred at Rosekit, who was sleeping quite peacefully. She let out a soft hiss and walked into the corner of the den where Patchpelt had sent her for swatting Rosekit. "Hiisss.." she meowed, that ment I feel more luved here!
7:26pm Feb 16 2010
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Gentlekit glanced at Nightkit. "'speical bond'? What do you mean?"
7:27pm Feb 16 2010
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((It's 'loved', love. XD))
7:30pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 7:37pm Feb 16 2010)
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Nigthkit turned around shocked. "I accept Fernseed!" she meowed Happily, as she padded up to her new mentor. A twinge of pain pricked her side, I still will be treated like a new born kit from Poisonkit.....but what did fernseed mean by specal bond?
(( Sad face, it ate my post!! ))
7:32pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Larkkit snarled at her sister Jadekit, "Snaawr." which translaed to nothing bt a snarl, "No I dint!"
7:42pm Feb 16 2010
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Shatteredkit stared at Poisonkit, "Where did you scare Nightkit now?" she meowed angerly. "Know-were, mouse brain. She went to see Fernseed." meowed Poisonkit darkly. "I am not a mouse brain." meowed Shatteredkit. "Oh? Prove it. " meowed Poisonkit. Shatteredkit jumped on Poisonkit Rage in her eyes. "Really? Is this your proof?" meowed Poisonkit. She quickly turned and pinned Shatteredkit down her dark ginger pelt brushing on the nests in the nursery. Poisonkit let out a hiss. She grabbed Shatteredkit by the scruff and threw her over to the side, "Don't try that again. " meowed Poisonkit, then she turned and Walked away. How will I become a warrior when Poisonkit can still beat me? Rainfeather walked by the den. "Shatteredkit, I need to speak to you. " she meowed, and Shatteredkit followed. "Who was your mother?" meowed Rainfeather Affraid of the answer. I know Jayflight wasn't there mother, I just know it. she though. "Mom always said that she found us by the border..." meowed shatteredkit. "What border?" meowed Rainfeather interested. "The fireclan border." meowed shatteredkit then she walked into the nursery. Fireclan border! Blackfang? Are these your kits?
7:43pm Feb 16 2010
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Patchpelt nodded with understand at what Kestrelheart had said. When she saw Featherkit bite Rosekits tail, she realized. No kits for me. “Featherkit! I told you to apologies.” Patchpelt hissed, and then noticed that Jadekit was sulking in a corner. Great StarClan, what have I gotten my paws into! Walking over the Jadekit, Patchpelt tenderly lick her ear and purred lightly, but at the same moment Larkkit squealed with laughter at Featherkit and Jadekit tried to tell her something. Rosekit again pounced roughly on her sib and cuffed Larkkit. Patchpelt was getting overwhelmed when Littlekit appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and told the kits to behave. Patchpelt closed her eyes, took a calming breath, and sighed. Opening her eyes again she walked over the Rosekit, picked her up by the scuff, laid down with Rosekit between her front paws, and began to wash her, none too gently either. Honestly, I don’t know what to do with these rowdy kits. If they have their eyes open at only one day old, and are speaking at two, they should become warriors by one moon! Stopping her frisk motions Patchpelt set her head to the side…..((I gave up. You guys were posting too fast. O.o))
Just call me Siri.
7:46pm Feb 16 2010
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(( lol siri)) Featherkit pounced on Rosekit pinning her on the ground and then she ran away and hid behind a rock, Clueless she though as rosekit lifted her head and then went back to sleep. "Hello Patchpelt." meowed Shatteredkit. "I though you might need some help."
7:48pm Feb 16 2010
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Jadekit sighed, and lied on Patchpelt's head. "Fwrreh win shrowt! (Furry and soft)" She purred, laughing.
7:52pm Feb 16 2010
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Kestrelheart chuckled at the scuffling kits, "Now now girls, behave" He pickde up Larkkit and cleaned her before grabbing Featherkit and lickig her roughly. Looking at the skulkingkit he mwed softly, "Don't be aggressive"
7:58pm Feb 16 2010
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((I have to go D= ))
Just call me Siri.
8:04pm Feb 16 2010
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((Bai Siribum D=))
11:08pm Feb 16 2010
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Fernseed felt her fur fluff when Gentlekit asked about the bond. “The two of you will have to work as a pair.” She meowed informatively, “But as a medicine cat you also have to translate StarClan dreams. Being that you can’t see, Nightkit, it will be harder for you.” Closing her own eyes, Fernseed tried to imagine what it would be like to never know the beauty of sight. I rely on it so much I honestly don’t know if Nightkit can manage. At last she opened her eyes again, blinking at the bright rays of sunlight. “As a pair the two of you have to communicate, and I will test you on this.” She told them, “Starting this night, I will have you together at all times.” Silently her heart wished that it could have a pair to live with, but this was different. “By the end of your apprenticeship, the two of you will be inseparable. Knowing when the other moves, breathes, scents, and even tastes something. In a way, you will become one.” Fernseed decided that this was enough meowing. This was something that could only be learned, never taught. They might not succeed. It is something that most mated pairs haven’t even learned. Looking over at the queens den, Fernseed saw Swiftdarkness. At first glance they looked like any other pair, but the way they moved around each other, the flow, the complete communication. That is what I want them to learn. Patchpelt was exhausted, when Shatteredkit offered her help she didn’t have the heart to say no. A kit is helping me. Do I really deserve to be a warrior if I can’t even kit-sit for Eaglestar? With another deep sigh, Patchpelt stole a glance at Kestrelheart and purred when she saw him grooming Featherkit. Snuggling Jadekit closer, Patchpelt made sure to keep Rosekit close but not too close to her littermate. Closing her eyes and resting her head, Patchpelt fell asleep, completely drained from her day of babysitting. And I didn’t get much rest this morning, being that I sat vigil last night. So she slept with the two kits curled under her paws. Swiftdarkness enjoyed the fact that Falconwing always sat close to him. Their pelts melded together. Falconwing is truly the most beautiful she-cat I have ever met. When he felt her tense, Swiftdarkness looked at her. She was staring intently at their kits, as they wrestled amongst each other. Falconwing had a look of helplessness but it was soon smothered by determination. She is thinking about their age, he thought. They are now six moons old, and more than ready to become apprentices. He felt his heart squeeze, knowing that he too wasn’t ready to let them go. Turning his head into her fur, Swiftdarkness opened his mouth and scented her fur. Sweet lavender, the scent always lingers on her. And he loved it. Everything about the she-cat called to him. Licking her cheek Swiftdarkness looked longingly into her eyes. “I miss spending my nights with you.” He purred.
Just call me Siri.
7:53am Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Falconwing chuckled and twined her tail with his. "Soon i'll be back in the warriors den, and we can always be together." She murmured gently, heart swelling in delight. Theres never been such a great cat, I dont see how I was the one who won his heart. She thought, looking up slightly at him, a smile gracing her lips. She glanced over at the three of them, knowing that no matter what, Swiftdarkness would stand beside them to help them whenever things got hard. And having that made her feel so much better about the on-coming moons. ((Yeah, I am no good with romantic stuff in the least XD.))
12:10pm Feb 17 2010
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(( Stray I will post a pick of poisonkit ;) )) Nightkit stared at gentlekit, Inseperable.............. that is a pretty strong word...... she though as she walked back to the nursery. "Eagleastar!" meowed Ivynose "I neeed to tell you something!" she meowed padding after her, ((i will finish later.))0
5:29pm Feb 17 2010
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((Waits for Ravenfeather to answer Leopardheart.))
Just call me Siri.
7:14pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((fail post easting supper)) "I think thats great" purred Ravenfeather.
8:02pm Feb 17 2010 (last edited on 8:02pm Feb 17 2010)
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(( garr... here is a betetr pic of rainfeather ))
8:14pm Feb 17 2010
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Gentlekit thought about what she had said. This'll be sort of hard. How can Nightkit know what I'm doing? She can't see me!
8:16pm Feb 17 2010 (last edited on 8:16pm Feb 17 2010)
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Rainfeather starred at her apprentice, "I am going to teach you another clans fighting move." she meowed, "It is a secret, you can't teach any other cats to do it, I hope I can trust you in leaving this move until a last resort." ((poisonkit has an update... ))