7:10pm Feb 18 2010
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((and rosekit is mine siri ;) bumpeth ))
7:32pm Feb 18 2010
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"I remember mie too!" Ravenpaw joked, "It was only two moons ago" Berrypool looked at Shatteredkit, "Because of the stupid twolegs" she snarled, they captured me and made my once beautiful, pure white tail blue." she looked at her small apprentice, "They didn't make my eyes like this though" she spoke softly again, "I was born like this" speaking of her eyes. One sapphire blue, one emerald green.
7:46pm Feb 18 2010
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Littlepaw's eyes filled with excitment. Leopardheart was her mentor! I can't wait 'till I start my training! Cheetahwind smiled at Midnightpaw warmly. "What would you like to do for your first day, hunting or fighting?"
7:54pm Feb 18 2010
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Kestrelheart nodded in approval as the mentors were named. He padded over to Cheetahwind and meowed,"Congrats! Feel good to be a mentor so soon doesnt it?"
8:00pm Feb 18 2010
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Cheetahwind turned to him. "Yah!"
8:15pm Feb 18 2010
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Kestrelheart smiled and padded over to where Patchpelt was with her apprentice. He fliked her ear with his tail and meowed, "Congratulations," asking her the same question he asked Cheetahwind.
3:57pm Feb 19 2010
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5:12pm Feb 19 2010
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Shadowpaw was almost jumping up and down in excitement, but kept sitting while shuffling his paws. He looked up at Patchpelt and a grin lit his face. She's the cat that everyone seems to respect and now she's my mentor! He thought excitedly. He never thought about how young she was as a warrior, only that he thought she would be one of the best mentors a apprentice could have. Whisperwind smiled down at the apprentice and flicked her tail for her to follow. "First, your going to go pick you out a decent nest. I remember when I was apprentice my mentor made me go out as soon as the ceremony was over and I got a nest on the outside." She mentally chuckled. "Thats not going to happen so over there beneath that oak tree is a small thing of bedding, go get some of that and make a nest, then i'll show you the territory. Tommorow the real training begins." She meowed. I'v always admired Poisonpaw's courage, even thought she's got a slight mean streak. I think that she will make a fine warrior, always willing to fight and disagree on anything she thinks is wrong. Both excellent qualities. Silentheart watched in pride as Patchpelt got her first apprentice, his eyes gleaming in delight and pain. How much he missed her, hating the thought that he had to leave her while so young, never getting to express his true feeling for her. "I wish things could be different." He whispered to the wind, and padded over, paws hardly touching the ground. Sitting beside the new mentor, he breathed in her scent for his comfort. It hurts when I see Cheetahwind looking at you with such adoration and know he can have you to himself. But that selfish of me, and I curse myself for wishing he had died instead. Thats not the way a Starclan cat is supposed to think, but I hate it hear, always watching but never really being beside you that you know of. Pressing his fur against her own, he knew she would not know he was there but that was alright, she was there. "You'll be a wonder mentor, and a wonderful mother someday." He whispered. And I will watch it all with a pain filled heart, but be there to watch over you. ((Writing Silentheart's post almost made me sniffle, seeing how he really hates himself and Starclan. But a little sadist moments never hurt.))

5:30pm Feb 19 2010
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Poisonpaw looked at her That is actually a good Idea, most of the other apprentices are going to be out exploring or training right now. "Ok Whisperwind." meowed Poisonpaw happily, she padded toward the tree she grabbed the bedding material and pulled it to the apprentice den. A few moments later Poisonpaw walked out of the den. "Ok I am finished," she meowed, "Can we explore now?" I hope we get to explore soon, I want to do it before Shatteredpaw. Shatteredpaw looked at her mentor, "How could twolegs change your tail to such an unnatural colour?" She meowed as her and Berrypool walked through the forest. "I think it is kind-of cool thought." she meowed. I have never been at this part of the forest since that fox attacked me. A shiver ran down Shatteredpaw spine. "I haven't been here since I was attacked by a fox.." she meowed Quietly. Shatteredpaw tasted the air. "I smell a mouse!" she meowed excitedly. She froze, the mouse was looking for food in front of her, shatteredpaw dropped into her hunter's crouch then she sprang and bit the mouse in the neck, "I already know how to catch things, I taught myself when I was still a kit." I bet she didn't think a cat with a dumb paw could catch a mouse; just like all the other cats.
5:42pm Feb 19 2010
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Whisperwind chuckled at her enthusiasm and started out of the camp, tail flicking back and forth. She stopped at the edge of the training grounds. "This is where you'll learn to fight, and sometimes fighting with other apprentices." She started off towards the hunting grounds, stopping to flick her ears. "These are the best parts of our territory to hunt at and where you'll learn techniques such as the hunters crouch."
6:12pm Feb 19 2010
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"k.." meowed Poisonpaw, as she starred forward at the hunting grounds; I bet shatteredpaw didn't catch anything yet, stupid crippled kit. Poisonpaw bent down as a squirrel ran in front of her. Poisonkit unsheathed her claws and sprang at the animal blocking its escape paths with her paws, she killed it in one bite. "How was that?" she meowed happily. Rainfeather looked at her apprentice, "You look tired, why don't you have a rest." she meowed. "Redstorm." meowed Rainfeather awkwardly as Redstorm walked by with Birdpaw, "Rainfeather, " meowed Redstorm as he walked by with his exhausted apprentice. "Rest Birdpaw, tomorrow we are going to do more fight training." meowed Redstorm. Bossy furball! I hate how he acts so superior around me! I could hook my claw around his head and "Rainfeather!" a Redstorm meowed. "Instead of staring into space, Go do something productive!" meowed Redstorm. "Shut up you stupid Mouse brain! Just because you are Eaglestar's mate doesn't mean you are the boss of me!" she spat at him and walked into the warriors den. Embarr*censored*ed in what she had done in front of her and Redstorm's apprentice, she scratched the stone wall of the cave. I hate him! And my apprentice is going to think I am some sort of angry kit!
6:23pm Feb 19 2010
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Ravenpaw and Birdpaw both dashed off to ttheir nests. Berrypool wrinkled her nose,"They put some foiul smelling stuff on it. It wasnt' long after that, that I left them"
6:27pm Feb 19 2010
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Whipserwind nodded approvingly. "That was a excellent catch. Your a natural hunter." She praised. "But you let your tail hit the ground slightly before you leapt, which is fine if its a squirrel, but a mouse will sense that and run. Just a reminder." She meowed gently.
9:01pm Feb 19 2010
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Patchpelt watched Shadowpaw shuffle his white paws in the sand, eyes shining with excitement. He reminds me of Silentheart, she thought. Keeping quiet for a moment longer, seeing how long her apprentices’ patience was, Patchpelt nodded with delight. Shadowpaw won’t be a senseless fighter, he will calculate before he attacks. “Sunset will come fast, so why don’t you go make your new nest.” She meowed, “Tomorrow I will be sure to wake you early for your first patrol.” With a wink, Patchpelt added, “Besides, I want to take you through all the territory and a.ssess your hunting skills. So sleep well.” His build is much like Swiftdarkness, so he will be a natural fighter but struggle at hunting. So if I teach him to hunt first, fighting will be a breeze. At least that’s what I hope, she thought. Getting to her paws, Patchpelt nuzzled Shadowpaw on the cheek before padding away. Kestrelheart approached her before she got too far, congratulating her and asking her how she felt about being a mentor. “Thank you,” she replied kindly, “And being completely honest, I’m scared. I have yet to be a warrior for a full day!” I don’t think I’m ready. “Though it is an honor I am glad to take responsibility of.” She meowed. Before Kestrelheart could say any more, Patchpelt felt a presence beside her. Her neck fur stood at attention but in a way that announced a friend, not an enemy, and a moment later she scented fresh earth and rain; like the smell after a thunderstorm, clean and dense. "You'll be a wonder mentor and a wonderful mother someday." Closing her eyes Patchpelt savored the moment, the sound of his voice, his lingering scent. Silentheart, I wish you were here with me. You would know what to do; you would guide me through all this. If only you could be here with me, experiencing the joys and responsibilities of a mentor. With a sigh, Patchpelt open her green eyes. They didn’t shimmer like emeralds now, but held a jaded tone that was adopted when she lost Silentheart. The life pleasure of life would soak her up again but she would always feel loose for the tom. Leopardheart looked down and down at Littlepaw. The ebony, black apprentice seemed as small as a kit still. “Littlepaw,” he meowed, “I want you to build your new nest. Tomorrow we will go out and I will show you around the territory.” I wonder how fast she can run with those small legs. Littlepaw will be a great endurance cat, but certainly speed is not in her build. Knowing that he will put that to the test the next day, Leopardheart blinked his topaz eyes. “After you are finished building your nest, check on the elders. Bring them more moss, and prey if necessary.” He mewed, “This is now your responsibility, though the other apprentices will help you.” Gazing up at the sky, he noted that is was going from a pale, baby-blue to a darker navy with a sandy cream blush over the treetops, heralding the start of sundown. Fernseed will soon announce that she is taking an- no two apprentices. I hope the clan accepts her choices as easily as I have, Leopardheart thought. “Now off with you, Littlepaw. Sunrise will bring a long and tiring day for you.” He meowed warmly.
Just call me Siri.
9:09pm Feb 19 2010
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"Thank you," meowed Poisonpaw, she looked at her mentor. "What will we do now?" she asked half waiting for a response. "Berrypool....." meowed Shatteredpaw. "Do you think I will become a warrior?" meowed Shatteredpaw as she shuffled her paws. This answer will be interesting... "Jayflight?" meowed Rainfeather as she walked through her thoughts, "I need to talk to you." her voice echoed though out the large clearing. Come on Jayflight!. "Yes, silver warrior?" meowed a voice far off. "I need to speak to you." meowed Rainfeather. "What would you like to speak about?" meowed Jayflight suddenly appearing from the sky. "Are you really Poisonpaw's , Shatteredpaw's , and Nightkit's mother?" she meowed Waiting for the response. Iceheart, you better not be listening.... "I can not tell you that, I could if I was still living with Iceclan but I am not." she meowed. "How will I get the answer then?" Rainfeather meowed. "The answer you seek will not come to you, silver warrior, you will have to seek different resources." Rainfeather starred at the grey warrior. "Of course........" she murmured to herself. "Rainfeather think, who else would know who's kits Poisonpaw's, Shatteredpaw's and Nightkit's are." meowed Jayflight, "I will have to leave now," meowed Jayflight as her pelt disappeared into the starry moonlight. "Good bye Rainfeather."
9:12pm Feb 19 2010
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Midnightpaw was so thrilled about becoming an apprentice that she could hardly sit still, but she managed. She always had been more low key than her sister, and brother, but at this moment it was hard not to wiggle around. This is so cool! I have Cheetahwind as my mentor! Midnightpaw had never really known the tom, in fact when she was a little kit she had been afraid of him. But I know better now, she thought. He’s fast, independent, and a really good fighter. I can’t wait until he teaches me everything. Finally showing her excitement, Midnightpaw licked her flower-like white marking that was on the center of her chest. Her aquamarine eyes shimmered when she gazed up at Cheetahwind. “I will do whatever you want Cheetahwind, you’re the mentor.” She mewed seriously. Her fluffy black tail flicked back and forth, making some dust rise. “I wouldn’t mind exploring though, but it’s getting dark out.”
Just call me Siri.
9:23pm Feb 19 2010
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Rainfeather let out a sigh. Who could be another resource that new Jayflight supposed kits? she thought. You mouse brain! The father of the kits! Thats who, "Nightclaw!" she meowed loudly. Great mouse brain the whole clan heard that one. Rainfeather padded toward the outside of the warriors den, Nightclaw belongs to Treeclan........How will I get to talk to him now? The next Gathering is so far away! Rainfeather looked up at the sky, it was beginning to darken. "I am never going to find this out, especially with Redstorm on my case.." she muttered out loud. "And what cat would be crazy enough to trek out with me? I have so many enemies in other clans because of Iceheart, and I am pretty sure cats wouldn't want to be attacked by a cat that has claws twice as long as a badgers..." she meowed not Realizing she said that out loud.
10:11pm Feb 19 2010
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10:29pm Feb 19 2010
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Berrypool looked down at Statteredpaw for a moment and meowed, "Of course you will." she chuckled and added, "Do you think you won't just because of your crippled leg? I am half deaf, yet the clan can't even tell. My mother was a rogue and she told me 'Don't ever let anyone make you a cripple' And I never have." She flicked her tail, "Comeo ne, we best get back to camp. Find you a den"
10:49pm Feb 19 2010
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"Alright" meowed Shatteredpaw and she padded to the apprentice den. ((join my neew roleplay Eateh! ))