11:03pm Feb 19 2010 (last edited on 11:05pm Feb 19 2010)
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Fernseed was nervous, bending over; she licked her back fur as it bristled with anticipation. Night was fast approaching. Her creamy, silver pelt glowed in the coming darkness. Sitting in the medicine den, she opened her mouth and scented the air. It was full of different fragrances. The lavender was strong and sweet, the catnip was mouthwateringly tempting, and the mint leaves were subtly tart on the back of tongue. They are only kits, like Mistsoul was. Am I pushing them too soon? Mistsoul had doubts and she left me. Fernseed didn’t hold it against the other she-cat, she understood. Mistsoul often came to Fernseed in her dreams. She’s still my comfort, Fernseed thought. Lifting her head to the sky she saw Silverpelt creeping across the atmosphere. “It’s time,” she mumbled. Getting to her paws, Fernseed walked out into the clearing. Spotting Leopardheart she nodded to him. The temporary leader nodded back and leapt up onto the Highrock, for the second time that day. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting.” He yowled. Walking forward, Fernseed sat in front of the Highrock, near the temporary deputy. Watching the cats gather around, Fernseed spotted Gentlekit guiding Nightkit forward. “Cats of IceClan as you know I will not be around forever. So it’s time I took an apprentice.” She mewed, “I have chosen…the traits I have chosen are independence and willingness to learn.” She meowed, “Your next medicine cats will be Nightpaw and Gentlepaw.” Here it goes. Leopardheart asked, “Gentlepaw, Nightpaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to Fernseed?” The two she-cats meowed, “Yes, Leopardheart.” “Then at the half-moon,” which was in two nights, “you both must travel to Mothermouth, to be accepted by StarClan before the other medicine cats.” Fernseed quietly meowed. “The good wishes of all IceClan will go with both of you,” meow Leopardheart. Leaning forward, Fernseed touched her nose to first Gentlepaw. Turning to Nightpaw, she placed her tail on the blind cats shoulder, and touched noses with her gently. Will the clan chant? she wondered.
Just call me Siri.
11:05pm Feb 19 2010
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Just call me Siri.
11:13pm Feb 19 2010
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Eaglestar heard the ceremony from her den and yowled, "Gentlepaw! Nightpaw!" Larkkit heard the commotion, but saw nothing. She peered out of the den, it wasn't too dark, but yet, she could see nothing. She cried out for Eaglestar and she padded over and put her back to bed.
8:50am Feb 20 2010
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"We are finally medicine cat apprentices!!" screeched Nightpaw, Rosekit jerked her head at the loud noise. "Sorry........ I forgot that kits slept allot." she meowed Embraced. "Hello Eaglestar." she meowed happily. Nice move smart one, the whole clan heard that! Redstorm padded trough the camp, Why does Eaglestar get angry at me whenever I get mad at Rainfeather? Its not like it is my fault she is being a mouse brain. Rainfeather padded back to her spot in the warriors den, I am so proud of Gentlekit and Nightkit. She thought as she drifted off into sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a new day, and I am going to go to treeclan to speak to nightclaw. Emeraldrain padded into the warriors den and seen Rainfeather, Quailfoot and Robinwing sleeping. She settled into her nest beside her, Tonight it is going to be hard to sleep... she though. She starred at Rainfeather shealthed claws. I wonder if that is why everyone treats her differently. Then Emeraldrain drifted off in sleep. Ivynose starred into the clearing, Still nothing... she though. Stupid Rainfeather, if Eaglestar would have left her and her kits to be in fireclan I would till be a warrior with vision. Robinwing gasped for air, trying not to inhale any of the water then............ She opened her eyes. Nightmare.. she thought, then padded out of the warriors den. She starred at the moonlight. "I wonder......." she murmured. "If I will ever have a mate......" Don't be silly... Quailfoot shuffled in her nest. Grrr... can't get to sleep! she though angrily. Maybe I could sleep outside.... that would help. She walked outside and lay by a big oak tree, This is alot better... Featherkit starred at Eaglestar who was Talking to gentlepaw and Nightpaw."Grrrrrrrr" she meowed which meant When am I gonna be an apprentice! "hiss.." meowed Rosekit. whitch ment, We are like 3 days old, what is going to happen when you are 1 moon old?
1:18pm Feb 20 2010
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((uh... bump? ))
5:19pm Feb 20 2010
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(( bump O>o ))
7:14pm Feb 20 2010
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Whisperwind chuckled at her apprentices enthusiasm and flicked her tail towards her kill. "First, you need to bury that, then we will explore some of the other clans borders." She meowed to Poisonpaw, getting to her paws and started away. Falconwing watched as her kits were apprenticed, the knot of worry in her stomach only getting bigger. She was glad they all had excellent mentors that she knew would watch over them, but the fear for their safety never left. "I hope this gets easier. "She spoke to the air, then turned and padded towards the forest to get some air. Shadowpaw nodded towards his mentor and took off towards the apprentices den, stopping just long enough to grab some bedding and take it to the den. He quickly made and nest and padded back towards his mentor.
7:30pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 7:31pm Feb 20 2010)
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Gentlepaw headed towards the medicine cat's den. Before she started, she might as well look around. She spotted some that she could name, as they were brought into the queens and kits den often. "Poppy seeds.... Marigold... Borage.." She became entranced, staring at all of them in wonder. How will I name them all?
9:22am Feb 21 2010
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"Ok whisperwind," meowed Poisonpaw. "When do we get to do fighting training?" she meowed Eagerly. Nightpaw padded toward the medicine den Good, Gentlepaw is here before me. She though happily, "I Gentlepaw.." her voice died away when she smelled all the herbs. wow............. I guess I can try to memorize them all. "Juniper berries, Honey, watermint, cat-mint, Yarrow, and...." she thought for a moment. What is that smell........... "Burdock root! Great for rat bites!" she meowed motioning her tail toward the burdock root. "Death berries?" she meowed, "Why do I smell...." she walked out of the den following the send and starred at a little clump of leaves and berries. "Gentlepaw? Come here."
10:19am Feb 21 2010
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Whisperwind looked down at Poisonpaw and flicked her ears. "I will evaluate your fighting skills tommorow then we'll practice a good portion on it in the morning."She told her apprentice and headed off towards the borders. Afterwards, she looked uneasily over into the other clans territories and padded quickly off towards Iceclan's camp.
10:21am Feb 21 2010
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((Eklipse: I thought Nightpaw was blind... Eklipse and Fullmoon: I guess Fernseed's apprentices are too smart, they already know half the berries. xD ))
Just call me Siri.
12:27pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 12:27pm Feb 21 2010)
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Patchpelt wandered over to the fresh kill pile. Her stomach rumbled with a vengeance, announcing to the whole clan that she was starving. Looking at the prey she noted, it’s a bit small. I will definitely have to teach Shadowpaw to hunt quickly. Though there are many apprentices now, so I won’t worry too much. Picking a small vole, incase another warrior was hungrier, Patchpelt ate in silence. She felt a twinge of pain in her legs again, but ignored it. The dull throb was getting annoying but she knew it wasn’t serious enough to see Fernseed. I’m just finally growing, she thought with a please smile on her lips. After she finished eating, Patchpelt noticed that Shadowpaw had been watching her. “Oh, I didn’t see you there.” she meowed. “I thought I told you to get some sleep.” She purred with laughter. The sky was a deep navy blue and she felt exhaustion pulling at her again. The calico she-cat meowed, “I’m going to catch some needed rest and I expect you to do the same.” Then walked up to the calico tom and placed her nose on the top of his head. Turning around, she flicked her tail on his cheek before heading to the warriors den. Seeing Leopardheart curled in his nest by the entrance, Patchpelt nudged the spotted warrior. “Leopardheart?” she meowed. Opening one eye, Leopardheart saw a cat in front of him. The darkness made it impossible to see the cat’s pelt color but he identified the build, voice, and scent instantly. “Patchpelt?” he mimicked. “Leopardheart, I was wondering if you would take Littlepaw out with Shadowpaw and me tomorrow. I would like it if we could get the early patrol.” She mewed. Thinking this over, Leopardheart finally nodded, “I think that would be a wonderful idea.” Patchpelt always has been a thinker. I’m sure she knew she came to a senior warrior for help when training her first apprentice. Stretching his front legs, the tom meowed, “Get some sleep. You and I both need it.” With a dip of her head, Patchpelt wandered over to the spot where she had nested earlier that day. Plopping down onto the moss that she snuck from Kestrelheart and Cheetahwind, Patchpelt mused, “I’m officially a one day old warrior.” Closing her eyes she fell asleep to the sound of soft breathes from to other warrior. It’s so peaceful. Meanwhile, Midnightpaw stumbled in the dark. She had always gone to sleep by now and her body was thinking that sounded good. I like Cheetahwind, but is he training me too late? Are we going to keep training in the dark? My paws are so tired, and they hurt too. It’s only the first day. Her aquamarine eyes drooped closed, her paw caught on another twig, and she stumbled forward. She would never complain but Midnightpaw wished she would. The night held different noises, scents, and little sights. Her eyes had adjusted enough to see, but her exhaustion hampered what she could see. The scuttling feet of a mouse broke the silence, a hoot of an owl followed, and a shrill cry told Midnightpaw that she wouldn’t find that mouse. Scenting the air, that had so many new flavors, she was almost overwhelmed. “Cheetahwind, what’s the gross smell?” She asked, “It’s almost like rotting prey, but…worse.”
Just call me Siri.
2:06pm Feb 21 2010
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Eaglestar seperated Rosekit and Featherkit who had once again began to snarl at eacother, "What am I going to do with you wo?" seh sighed and pulled them all close to her before closing her tired eyes.
4:58pm Feb 21 2010
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(( I made her sent and smell all the herbs Siri, And in the 3rd cerise the author plays a blind cat as if he can see..... It took me a long time to figure out he was blind.. XD )) Nightpaw, sat speechless as she waited for Gentlepaw to come out of the den, I better get her to see it if it is a real bush.. "I hope not.." she murmured to herself.
6:11pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 6:19pm Feb 21 2010)
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Gentlepaw looked up from recognizing the herbs. "Yah? What is it?" Cheetahwind sniffed the air. "Smells like crowfood, which is probably a definite sign of rogues." He looked up at the sky. "Oh! Sorry Midnightpaw I hadn't noticed it was this late already." He motioned his tail for the apprentice to follow him. Then, a badger lumbered right in front of them, its eyes wild with hunger. It growled and charged. "Run, Midnightpaw! As fast as you can! Get help!" He screetched, pushing his apprentice away. The badger growled and clamped his jaws on Cheetahwinds leg. Too much blood... being lost all at once. StarClan, help me! He tore away, panting. His leg was bleeding badly. He charged at the badger, clamping its neck. He was thrown off. Cheetahwinds eyes darted for shelter. That hole! As he was fighting for his life, he didn't check if any wild animals were in it. He dove in so the badger couldn't reach him. Hopefully either the badger went away, or Midnightpaw got help fast enough.
8:11pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 8:15pm Feb 21 2010)
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"It is.... or smells like a Death berry bush!" meowed Nightpaw. Rainfeather heard distant yowls in the night, she pricked her ears. That voice......... sounds so familiar............ she thought. "Rainfeather walked into the camp, "Hello?" she meowed. A black smudge came out from the bushes she slowly unshealthed her claws. "Who is there?" she growled. No forest animal is scaring me away. Rainfeather padded forward, Her ice blue eyes blazing. I have been through a fox attack, nothing scares me anymore.
8:58pm Feb 21 2010
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((what am I suppoeds to post D; No one loves my charries) "Emeraldrain! Emeraldrain! I've come back to love you so we can run away together!" Dovefire cried out before getting pwned by a tree.
9:20pm Feb 21 2010
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((ish working on a post))
Just call me Siri.
10:14pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 10:15pm Feb 21 2010)
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Midnightpaw stood in horror as a huge beast came out of nowhere. “What is that!” she yowled, but Cheetahwind was telling her to run. So she ran. Midnightpaw ran as fast as she could. Unfamiliar with the territory, she relied solely on her nose. Scenting the path they had taken. I can’t stop running, I have to go faster! Cheetahwind, oh I hope you don’t get hurt. StarClan help me! In that moment, time seemed to stop. Midnightpaw was still streaking through the forest but another was with her. Her swollen paws were numb and caused her to stumble, but as the presence grew stronger, Midnightpaw ran swifter. Then everything was black. Just as suddenly as darkness came, everything was in detail again. Blinking her eyes, Midnightpaw realized that she had fainted. Her sides were still heaving she wondered, where am I? Panicking, Midnightpaw leapt up and dashed around aimlessly. “Where am I?” she mewed quietly. “Where am I?” she mewed bit louder. “Where am I!” she screeched. “Easy,” a deep voice meowed. Turning around as fast as she could Midnightpaw screeched in fright again when she came face to face with another cat. This one she had never seen. “Leave me alone!” she yowled, then whispered, “My mentor is being attacked. I need help.” I hope this brainless rogue doesn’t eat me like Windkeeper said they would. Midnightpaw’s whole body was trembling with fright and fatigue. Her paws were threatening to collapse at any moment. When the tom didn’t say anything Midnightpaw trembled even harder. Then she felt something soft curl down her cheek, and another, and soon she realized she was crying. “Easy little one, I’m not going to hurt you.” The strange voice meowed, “Where is this mentor of yours?” As he spoke Midnightpaw pinpointed where he stood. His build was large like Cheetahwind and Leopardheart, but fuller. “Please help me,” she mewed. The stranger softly meowed, “Lead me to him and I will.” Midnightpaw cried harder then, “I don’t know where he is!” Shrinking back when the other cat came forward, Midnightpaw thought she was done for. “I just need to get your mentors scent so that I may track him,” he meowed. As he came into the light he saw the kit stare with wide aquamarine eyes. He knew that his pelt was red, not a bright red but strange none the less, and his size wasn’t that large, but the kit looked at him like a monster. Why do I bother helping. But he was going to. Leaning down, he picked up the scent. Looking at the kit he decided it would be bad to leave her alone, she can’t even seem to get home. Picking her up by the scruff he trotted forward, she shrieked like a banshee but he held on. “Hush…” he barely meowed around her fur and she quieted instantly. Trotting around six fox lengths, the tom scented blood. He stopped and set the black kit down. He fairly growled, “Stay under that bush.” The kit shrank back, but did as she was told. Going into a crouch, he crept through the undergrowth, pinning his small ears flat to his head, and stopped to listen. Something was breathing deeply, but what? Stalking a bit more forward he saw a badger. It had some scratches but nothing that would kill it. Creeping forward out into the open he stalked effortlessly. This was his element. He could stalk anything day or night. It won’t even know it’s too late. Step by step he came closer and closer. When he was a mouse length away, he leapt. He hit the badger square in the shoulder, for it was to busy sniffing in a hole to get a good shot at the face, and knocked it sideways. With a hiss it slashed at him but only got air. He was already attacking its eyes. Digging his claws into the precious opals, he felt the sickening pop as the badger became blind. With a feral cry, it leapt back and rubbed its face on the ground as if to rid the pain. When it knew that nothing could be help it ran. “Black kit, come out!” he yowled. I don’t want her mentor to attack me. Midnightpaw came out of the underbrush, her eyes wide, nose flexing as she scented the air. Rushing forward Midnightpaw hid under the red tom’s feet. “Is it dead?” she asked. “It will be soon, now where is your mentor?” he asked in return. “I don’t know,” she mused, “Cheetahwind? Cheetahwind!” Please don’t let it be too late! Looking up into the red toms eyes she mewed innocently, “You won’t leave me, will you?” Blinking down at the kit he mewed, “Not for now.” And that was truth, saying that he wouldn't ever leave her would be a lie and he knew it. ((That was long. >.> I'm adding a tom, I hope you don't mind. His bio will be up shortly.))
Just call me Siri.
10:37pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 7:23pm Mar 9 2010)
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((~!New Bio!~)) Desired Name: Ashfoot Position: Warrior Family: Another sister that is a kittypet. Mate: N/A Crush: -Open- Age: 16 moons Additional Info: -Spoiler!- Former deputy of CaveClan but was exiled. Gender: Tom Appearance: His toes are a gray-white, as if they were dipped in ash. 
Personality: Ashfoot is ambivalent, a.ssertive, and agile. He is well spoken and kind to every cat. He is always speaking with reserve, consideration, and politeness to any she-cat, young or old. While with other toms he’s a bit more aggressive, outspoken, and demanding. Ashfoot has a defensive side to him that makes most cat wearily, but that’s what happens when secrets are held. ((Ps. I'm pretty sure I used this name for Leopardhearts mentor, but I just like it so much and figured that he was never played, so I'm using it! And I think I might like him more than Leopardheart O3o He's going to be fun to play, and read his personality please, I put effort into it. ^.^))
Just call me Siri.