4:39pm Nov 23 2009
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After talking with Jadewing, Eaglestar saw Cougarclaw walking out of the camp. She bounded up to the tawny she-cat and asked, "Would you like to come hunting with me?" Jadewing was so happy, she felt a purr rising in her throat how nice it would be to see all my friends she thought to herself, and wit hthat she punced off to see her mate.
5:34pm Nov 23 2009 (last edited on 5:34pm Nov 23 2009)
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Cougarclaw nearly jumped out of her pelt when Eaglestar asked her to go hunting. Looking down and shuffling her paws. "Um, sure. I mean yes ma'am," she replied. How am I supposed to act? I don't think I'm ment for clan life. It's to scary and hard, why did I leave my brother. When she looked up, Cougarclaw saw that the leader wasn't judging her or looking down on her with a critical eye. Relaxing she asked, "May you show me to boarders, I can smell them but I want to be sure."
Just call me Siri.
7:13pm Nov 23 2009
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"Of course!" Eaglestar purred. She was happy to be gaining such an experienced warrior, "We will scout around our entire territory and go hiunting as well" Pausing for a moment before adding, "You will be coming to the gathering tonight"
7:40pm Nov 23 2009
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Silentpaw purred in contentment and streched until he felt his spine crack. He could not wait till the gathering tonight. "I think in gnnaake a nap till the gathering." He muttered to Patchpaw. Fallenwnd watched Eaglestar walk out of camp wity worry, unsure what to think about her dreams. Did they mean something bad for the clan, and if so what kind of danger. Shakig the thoughts from his head and padded under a shady bush to watch the camp with slitted eyes
10:02pm Nov 23 2009
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Coming back from hunting tired yet refreshed she called her clan for a meeting. "All of those coming to the gathering should leave now so we can make it to The Moor by Moonhigh!" boiunding down froom the high rock she found her apprentice and asked her and Silentpaw, "Are you excited?" althoiugh she already new the answer.
10:03pm Nov 23 2009
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((Join as kittypet that will discover the Clan and join?))
4:45pm Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 4:46pm Nov 24 2009)
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(((fullmoon, that would be great in my opinion!))) Cougarclaw walked over to were all the other cats were gathered, in preperation for leaving. I can't believe I'm going to the gathering. This is going to be so exciting! With extra energy in every step she came to sit by Jadewing. Patchpaw was wiggling around with uncontrolable enthusiasm, "Eaglestar, we should leave now! It would be great to get there first! I don't think I can wait much longer." Nudging Silentpaw so hard he nearly tipped over, Patchpaw claimed, "I'm still going to beat you and talk to the other apprentices first". It's so close I can almost taste my first gathering! Swiftdarkness moved with grace to the gathered group, to where he could stand by Falconwing. I feel like an elder in this lively group. Everyone is close to running Eaglestar over so they can head out to the Gathering. "Do you have any friends you can't wait to see, Falconwing?"
Just call me Siri.
4:53pm Nov 24 2009
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Silentpaw shivered invlontaritly, fur fluffing up. "You can talk to all the apprentices you want, i'l sit in the back. I hate meeting new cats." He muttered, giving her a quick nudge with his shoulder. Falconwing thought for a mintue, her eyes taking on a dreamy haze. "Yeah, there's Shadepelt. He's a good friend, even though he's from a diffrent clan." Sighing, she caught herself mooning over the black tom and felt her fur flush. "Uh, you diddnt hear that." ((Shadepelt is not a important character, i'll only use him once or twice, if that.))
5:00pm Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 10:36pm Dec 10 2009)
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Desired Name: Gillian (Once he goins the Clan, he will be named Cheetahpaw)(Cheetahfire) Position: Kitty-pet(Will soon be aprentice) Family: Mia, kiki, Luna (Not played characters) Mate: None Crush:None, looking Age: Aprentice Additional Info: Gillian is a pampered Savannah cat loves hunting in his two-leg garden. He always stares whisfully- Like Rusty-into the forest. Luna warns him about the dangers, but he never listens. His heart calls out to the forset. Gender: Male Appearance:  Personality: Whistful and caring, Gillian trys to be helpful, but since he's so big, he often just makes a mess. People warn him about his stregth and size, so he trys to keep it under control. Even though he's big, his claws arent as sharp as usual, so they're small, but still deadly.
5:06pm Nov 24 2009
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Gillian stared into the forest, his ears twitching. "Gillian!" Called a sharp voice. "Yay, my favroute cat, Luna." Gillian rolled his eyes. "Didn't I tell you?" Complained Luna. "Don't ever think of going into the forest, becau-" "Because the forest cats are stronger than me." Gillian rolled his eyes. The forest cats wern't bigger than him, where they? He tried to think of a cat that size, since he was pretty big, it was hard to imagine a cat bigger. A little girl cried from the house, "Can I go and play with Gillian?" "Yes, now that your finished your homework, you can go." There where a sound of scraping chairs, and a cheeky-faced girl appeared at the door. "Gillian!" She called, "Want to play ball?" Gillian flexed his mustles. Fun time! After a few games of toss-the-ball, Gillian got bored, and retreated to the fence, while the girl went inside. ((How about he discovers the gathering place while the gathering is on, and he joins the Clans then?))
5:27pm Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 6:59pm Nov 24 2009)
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(((fullmoon, I think that's ok.))) Patchpaw tilted her head as if trying to see Silentpaw differently. "I wish you like talking as much as me. I think I talk too much and if you would join in I think I wouldn't have time to talk so much...See there I go again!" Huffing Patchpaw tired to stay quiet like Silentpaw, who was watching her with humor dancing in his eyes. I can do this. I'll just talk to myself...but this is no fun. How can Silentpaw stand it? Giving up the young she-sat yowled, "Fine! You win Silentpaw just say anything! I can't take it!" Silentpaw merely watched her with knowing eyes, staying quiet just to annoy Patchpaw. Swiftdarkness felt his back fur prickling at the name of another tom coming from Falconwing's mouth. "You and him go back then?" Hoping, no knowing, he didn't sound jealous. I won't be jealous, I can't be. She's her own cat and I don't command her. Though, I hope that the tom never sees her again. Faking a calm look of relaxed, and forcing his pelt to lay flat. Leopardheart sat in the Nursery looking at the kits. His kits, how can I not feel proud of these kits. They are so strong at such a young age! And all four of them are brave, already wanting to go out and explore. Maybe I will take them out to see the night, but only for a while they still need their rest. And I don't want them to get chilled. Maybe I'll just tell them a story. Calling quietly to the kit's he purred, "Would you like to hear a story about a brave warrior cat?" The kit's all meowed with pleasure at the thought of a story. "Ok then," began Leopardheart, "There once was a great clan....
Just call me Siri.
6:25pm Nov 24 2009
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Silentpaw twitched his whiskers in humor, a small purr escaping his throat. "Your easy to annoy, it so much fun. I might talk to some apprentices, but only if they speak first. I dot want to seem to curious about cats from other clans." Faconwing looked at him curiously, unsure why he suddenly saeemed so diffrent. Was it because she was friends with a catfrom another clan? Scuffling her paws, she looked down. "No! Me and Shadepelt were, are, just friends." She hpedshe sounded calm. "We could never be anything more, even thought he liked me and I liked him. We were more loyal to our clans. Guess im gonna die a mateless she-cat." She tried to sound like she was joking.
6:58pm Nov 24 2009
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Patchpaw curtly said, “We should be curious, because if we talk to the right cats we could gain allies. That’s what we want right? So we don’t have to constantly fight for our borders.” Having her feelings hurt, since Silentpaw hadn’t agreed to being as open to the other clan cats as she would be. We are different cats but why doesn’t he see that talking to the other cats can be helpful. It’s not like I would tell them secrets about our clan or even choose to go home with another clan. “Well, we will both have fun tonight,” said Patchpaw with a purr to lighten the mood. Swiftdarkness felt himself tense while all his body went cold. Die mate-less? So that means she doesn’t feel for me as I do for her. Well I’m glad that I never made a fool of myself by telling her then. I’ll just keep my feelings to myself as she has to with this Shadepelt. Feeling his hackles rise again at the thought of the other toms name, Swiftdarkness tried to calm down. “I don’t think you’ll have to die mate-less. I mean someone in our clan is bound to like you, I mean you do have pretty eyes.” Praying to Starclan that he didn’t sound like the mouse-brain he felt like. When Falconwing looked like she was going to say something he interrupted, “I need to go talk to Eaglestar to see when we’re going to leave. I think it should be soon, we’re loosing moonlight.”
Just call me Siri.
7:06pm Nov 24 2009
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Falconwing curses herself, wondering why she acted like such a fool. Bounding forward, she stopped beside Swiftdarkness before he reached Eaglestar. "I dont think what I said came out like it should have." She muttered. "I thought you meant I was not being loyal for talking to Shadepelt, but thats not what's got you upset is it?" She asked, curious now. "If it makes you feel any better, there is a cat in this clan I like, but I don know if they like me." Silentpaw nodded, not noticing her mood change. "We will! We're meeting the clans tonight, and getting to talk with other apprentices Woner if any of them will be mose-brained enought to let something slip?" He thought outloud. "Then Eaglestar will be proud!"
7:46pm Nov 24 2009
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Standing on the Moor where they have all the gatherings Eaglestars voice rang out, "Cats of all Clans, tonight we come together with a truce from StarClan." oncer she finished she dipped her head to let Hawkstar go first, his deep mew silencing all the cats , "Prey is running well in OceanClan. The river is swellingand like always the ocean is clear. We have one new apprentice, Dartpaw, she is here tonight." and with that the clans shouted her name. And on went the other leaders until it was finally Eaglestars turn, "We have had some trouble here in IceClan, prey is running well, but rogues attacked our clan. They were lead by Iceheart, coming back to attack all the clans, or at least thats what he said, we soon enough drove them out and one of them came to join us, and since then has been an amazing warrior, her name is Cougarclaw." stopping the other cats before they could chant her name she mewed, "We have reasons to celebrate, we have two new apprentices, Silentpaw, menotred by Leopardheart and Patchpaw mentored by me, it is sad to announce we lost a few of pour warriors during our battle with the rogues, Cougarfeather, Moonsong, Wolfsong, and Feralstrike will be remembered by StarClan for their bravery."
8:08pm Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 8:09pm Nov 24 2009)
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((Past for one moment))Swiftdarkness looked at Falconwing and was about to ask who, when Eaglestar called for them to move. ((Present))Swiftdarkness kept glancing over at Falconwing wondering, who? Is it me? Smashing that glimmer of hope before it grew too big Swiftdarkness walked over to Fernpaw. "Have you talked to the other clans about illnesses yet? What they get could soon come to us." Stating the fact coolly before going over to the edge of the Moor to wait out the gathering. Patchpaw was babbling like some kit seeing its first snow. She and Dartpaw were getting along well. Patchpaw kept glancing at Silentpaw who was sitting quietly next to some other apprentices who were talking. Do they even notice that he's listening? I can see why he would want to be quiet together with our different techniques we could gather a lot of information for Eaglestar. Coming out of her thought as Dartpaw said, "Hawkstar is so ready for battle. He plans for it almost every evening." Patchpaw didn't want to press but had to ask, "Would he attack another clan so close to leaf-bare?" Dartpaw merely shrugged, "How would I know, I'm only an apprentice." Patchpaw, feeling like she should tell Eaglestar the news replied, "I think it's time for our Clan to leave. See you next time maybe." Bounding over to nudge Silentpaw to come along she whispered to her friend the whole thing.
Just call me Siri.
8:18pm Nov 24 2009
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Cougarclaw wandered around the Clans, looking from face to face. I could easily go home with any of these Clans. The faces of IceClan look just as comforting as that of OceanClan. I would never do this but I don’t even know everyone in my Clan. I have yet to meet the kits. Sighing, Cougarclaw sat a small distance from Swiftdarkness. Looking up when a blue-grey tom came over, “Hello.” Staring at him, Cougarclaw replied, “Hello. Who are you?” Smiling the tom said, “I’m Waterheart from OceanClan. I heard that you’re Cougarclaw from IceClan, the rogue that joined. It was very smart of you.” Not knowing what to say the she-cat just blinked at him. He seems sneaky, and slippery. Maybe that’s why they call him Waterheart, seems like he would change sides with no remorse. Sensing that Cougarclaw no longer wanted to talk the tom walked away.
Just call me Siri.
8:23pm Nov 24 2009
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Falconwing was glad when Swiftdarkness ws not approached by any othr cla se-cat, becase she was not sure if she could handle it. About to walk over to him, she sqeaked when tail tched her flank. Looking over, she purred in deligt as she met te familar blue eyes of Shadepelt. "He!" She eod, and Shadepelt smiled. "How are you? Still a heartbreaker?" He asked teasingly, and Falconwing flushed. "Uh...? I guess. I have a new crush." She tried to ignore the hurt in the toms eyes. "Oh, well Iknew we could nver be tgether, but I thought..." He paused and looked over his shoulder a his leader called him. " gues 'd btter g. Iknow youlike smeone else, bt I'l alwas like you." He murmured, andlked er chek gently. Meownig in surprie as he ran off, she guiltily hoped no one else saw that, escpecally Swiftdarkness. Bounding ove tohim, she looked at the ground. "How'd the gathering go?" Silentpaw scowled at the tom who was talking to Patchpaw, wondering what he was saying. As he listened to Ptchpaw, hs bad mood evaporated ande perked hs ears in curiosity. "Eaglestar would love to hear that!"

8:35pm Nov 24 2009
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Swiftdarkness looked at Falconwing she was flustered from the lick for Shadepelt. Wishing he would stop feeling so jealous because that was one of the emotions that could rot a cat from the inside out. But he wanted to have no tom looking at her like that or touching her like Shadepelt had. “I think that it went very smoothly. Starclan should be happy that there were no disputes. And all the Clans are having a fair amount of prey." I wonder if she noticed how I looked at him. I just hope that I won't have to say his name, I don't think it would come out of my mouth nicely. Looking over at Eaglestar he saw a very animated Patchpaw trying to wait for her turn of attention. Muttering to Falconwing, "I wonder what Patchpaw has to say."
Just call me Siri.
8:37pm Nov 24 2009
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Gillian looked at the fence again. I'll take go in. Just to take a peek. He jumped onto the fence, and launched himself onto the road. AFTER MUCH,MUCH EXPLORING. Gillian sighed. It was time to go home. He looked around. Where IS home? He looked around again, hopelessly lost. His ears pricked. Cats! He headed towards it and saw the gathering......