7:30pm Feb 28 2010
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Kestrelheart smiled and flicked his tail in farewell at Pathcpelt after sayin, "Good, I want no cat hurt" Especially not one I love. Eaglestar purred as Ashfoot walked in the den, "Of course you may stay, you have saved a young, but strong warrior and a new apprentice. Stay for as long as you see fit and feel free to take a piece of fresh-kill" She flicked her tail and looked deeper at the caramel coloured tom and asked, "Were you not a warrior from another clan?" Larkkit squinted at the large tom trying to see him. "Mwweeoor?" she asked, if you knew kiot language you would know she had asked, "Who are you?" The large sandy tom was nothing but a silhouette against a dark sky through her crystal blue gray eyes.
7:53pm Feb 28 2010
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8:06pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 8:54pm Feb 28 2010)
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((Eklipse, Leopardheart said, "...the day she came to our camp." You know when the foxes attacked?)) Taken aback, Patchpelt mewed, "This is Fernseed, Nightpaw, and Gentlepaw. They are our medicine cats." Extremely concerned she asked, "Do you remember who Midnightpaw is?" Nudging Cheetahwind up a bit Patchpelt lay down beside him, with him resting on her side. I hope this comforts him, he looks so hurt. Nuzzling her nose into his spotted fur Patchpelt prayed to StarClan for his health and memory. Leopardheart stared at Rainfeather as she trembled with grief. Should I have killed Blackfang? He knew that it had been the right thing, and he was confident that killing Blackfang when he had, had been the right time. That cat would have killed our clan. Even if I lose Rainfeathers faith, I know that I saved my clan. I lost Jadewing because of Blackfang. The last thought was bitter. (-ish happy that the whole Gentletouch thing never happened-) Ashfoot kept his composure when Eaglestar mentioned him being in another clan. He had been expecting it. "I seem to have a familiar face," he replied simply. I didn't lie to her, I just evaded the question. "My paws are tired and my body is weary, I think I will take your offer and go eat some kill." He meowed, "Until later, Eaglestar." Glancing again at the creamy colored calico, Ashfoot paused. His cinnamon-red fur bristled. "You're medicine cat should give her some celandine," he meowed, "Or she will go blind." Just like Ravenstar did...
Just call me Siri.
9:13pm Feb 28 2010 (last edited on 7:20pm Mar 9 2010)
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(Fill in post) Ashfoot shock with fear, Ravenstar had given him horrible news. "How could you be blind!" he yowled softly. Not wanting any other cat to hear. "I don't know," his leader replied. "I was asleep and when I awoke I could see nothing, Ashfoot, nothing!" With a sigh, Ravenstar hissed, "Do you know how bad this is?" Ashfoot knew. If Hawktalon knew about this, he would kill Ravenstar. "Have you told the medicine cat?" Ashfoot asked. "No," Ravenstar mewed softly, "I fear I can't make it that far without causing notice." Ashfoot nodded, then remembered that Ravenstar could no longer see the gesture, and mewed, "Of course." -That evening- Ashfoot shrieked, clawed, and bit as Hawktalon attacked his own clan. Hawktalon was fighting with all his might to gain power. Ashfoot fought to keep the insane cat from killing his leader. Our clan will fall under Hawktalons's rule. Yowling in pain as two toms, followers of Hawktalon, pinned him to the ground. Hissing and fighting, Ashfoot stopped cold when a sickening crack! sounded through the clearing. All the clan stopped. Everyone looked over to Hawktalon very slowly, as if time would stop before they knew the truth. Ashfoot cried out, "No!" The wail was followed by few others, too many were in shock, but Ashfoot knew death and it was clear to him every time. Seeing Ravenstar crippled on the ground, blood flowing from claw mark, and his sightless, blind eyes truly glazed over with death broke him. I'm going to die, he thought. StarClan you are truly sick and twisted to let this happen. "I am Hawkstar!" the crazed cat yowled. "I will lead all of you! Ravenstar was sick and StarClan told me to rid our clan of him, so we can grow stronger. A sick leader can't help a clan. Only a strong leader, like me, could lead a clan to greatness!" Ashfoot fought again to gain his feet, "Never!" He yowled angrily, "I will never call you my leader!" To his surprise, all the cats stepped away from him. Hawktalon's followers and fellow clan cats, they all stepped back. They created a circle around him like he had green cough and no cat wanted to be near him. Hawktalon, for he would never think of him as a leader, stalked toward him. "I'm going to kill you," he hissed in a menacing tone. Ashfoot stood tall and spat, "I won't let you." ((Hawkstar is CaveClan leader right? If not I will change Ashfoot's bio. I wanted him to be kicked out of Hawkstar's clan because of this epic duel. Ravenstar dieing, then the deputy ties to claim the clan only to be nearly killed by Hawkstar. @.@ I hope you don't mind East, it just suddenly came to me durning dinner. x3 -thinks it's funny how red food made Siri think of an epic battle-))
Just call me Siri.
9:53pm Feb 28 2010
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((Phoenixstar is. I think. Hawkstaris someother clan. CaveClan or something I believe. Hawkstar's warrior name was Hawktalon. He is pretty.And mean. >:D)) Eaglestar dipped her head and turned to Resdstorm, "Stay here and watch the kits whie i Take Larkkit to Fernseed"
11:03pm Feb 28 2010
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((Could Hawkstar be leader of CliffClan? And what are the four clans? I hear about these tribe cat and I don't know what they are...By the way, I know that this is IceClan, and we have a FireClan, then there is the clan where we can put our cats that we don't want to play anymore...-ish tired and confused- I have to go to bed. lol))
Just call me Siri.
8:29am Mar 1 2010
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((so what are the clans then? Ice-Eaglestar/Leopardheart, fire-Pheonixstar and the other two?)) Featherkit smirked, A job well done.... she thought, then she turned and pretended to sleep. "Featherkit what am I going to do with you?" meowed Redstorm softly. Rainfeather put her long tail over her paws. "Oh..............well thank you for telling me.." she meowed then turned and padded away from Leopardheart. How could this happen and I not know about it? she thought, she sat and starred at the medicine cat den. how? Nightpaw padded toward Cheetahwind. She tasted the air and followed his sent, "How are you feeling?" she meowed as she sat down beside him.
4:01pm Mar 1 2010
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((Originally there was OceanClan, TreeClan, CaveClan and FireClan but OceanClan annoyed me XD so IceClan, TreeClan, FireClan and CaveClan. He shall be leader of CaveClan.)) Eaglestar flicked her tail at her mate in farewell before picking up Larkkit by her scruff. The little calico let out a squeal of protest as Eaglestar lept down the rocks. She set Larkkit down and looked at her, her crystal blue eyes were sparkling in the light. Larkkit squirmed at lept up at her mothertrying to get on her back. Eaglestar chuclked and pckedthe she-kit up again and walked to the medicine den where she saw, Fernseed, Nighpaw, Gentlepaw, Cheetahwind, and Patchpelt. She set her kit down and mewed, "Her eyes seem to be bothering her. Featherkit attacked her earlier, noeverything was fine, but a while later she was acting as if she couldn't see" her voice was turning nervous.
5:39pm Mar 1 2010 (last edited on 6:40pm Mar 1 2010)
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"Rainfeather!" meowed Emeraldrain. "Y-yes?" meowed Rainfeather still shocked. "These cats need to talk to you." she yowled across the clearing. "Ok I will be right there..." she meowed. Once she stood about a tail length away from Emeraldrain she she starred at the bushes. "Where is the cat?" she meowed. "In there, They would like to keep there Identities secret." meowed Emeraldrain before padding away. What now? "Hello?" meowed Rainfeather. "Hello Rainfeather." meowed a female cat, That voice is..............I know that voice... she thought. One of the cats stepped out of the shadows, his bright orange pelt stripped by yellow/golden stripes. He had emerald green eyes and black ears. "I am Sunstripe and I have come, to know you." he meowed. "Okay then.... Why do you want to know me?" she meowed. "Because," he meowed, "He is your brother."My brother? how?" Meowed the female cat. She stepped out of the shadows."Pheonixstar?!" meowed Rainfeather. "Yes Rainfeather and I am your mother." Meowed Pheonixstar. "What?!" screeched Rainfeather. "I...I.........................I have another brother and my mother is the leader of Fireclan?" meowed Rainfeather. "Yes... " began Pheonixstar. "I had 3 kits-" Rainfeather cut her off, "3 kits? Me Sunstripe Blackfang, what about Redstorm?" she meowed. "Redkit died Rainfeather," Pheonixstar meowed. "No! He is in Iceclan right now! His name is Redstorm and he is your son!" she Yowled. Pheonixstar narrowed her eyes. "Show me." she meowed. Rainfeather ran out of the bushes and grabbed Redstorm by the scruff and dragged him back. "What are you doing?" he spat. "Here! This is Redstorm." she meowed. "Of course I am Redstorm! Pheonixstar?" he meowed, "Yes.......I believe you Rainfeather, Redkit had the same fur colour. Redstorm, this is Sunstripe; he is your brother." meowed Pheonixstar. "And then why are you here? Sunstripe belonged to Caveclan." meowed Redstorm, "Yes, he Ran away, he came to join Iceclan." meowed Pheonixstar evenly. Rainfeather gasped. "Pheonixstar how come we aren't Fireclan warriors then." meowed Redstorm. "Because, I couldn't bring Iceheart's kits to Fireclan!" she meowed. I understand that........ but there is so much I need to know. Rainfeather glanced at Redstorm. "Does this have anything to do with Why you made Blackfang deputy?" meowed Rainfeather. "Yes," meowed Pheonixstar," I made her deputy because of the same reasons that other leaders choose there deputes for, but I was blind to see that she was truly evil........My new deputy's name is Sevenstripe." she meowed. "But if blackfang is our sister, then why did you bring her to your clan?" Questioned Redstorm. "She is a black cat with white spots, Iceheart was white, no cat would have guessed." meowed Pheonixstar. This is plain weird...............and sunstripe is going to join Iceclan? "Now, Sunstripe, come with me, Rainfeather Redstorm come as well." meowed Pheonixstar, "Eaglestar," meowed Pheonixstar, "This cat would like to join Iceclan, he is Redstorm and Rainfeather's brother, and he was driven out of Caveclan." Sunstripe turned to Eaglestar.
6:52pm Mar 1 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm Mar 1 2010)
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((sunstripe looks like this!! 
7:25pm Mar 1 2010
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(( I want to get this cleared out.)) IceClan: Eaglestar, Leopardheart FireClan: Pheonixstar, Sevenstripe CaveClan: Hawkstar, ? TreeClan: ?, ? ((I would love to play the corrupted Hawkstar >=D at the gatherings, if that is ok?))
Just call me Siri.
7:27pm Mar 1 2010
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((Also, I'm a bit confused. So Rainfeather and Redstorm are brother and sister, correct? Also, this Sunstripe needs a bio, and he is kin also, correct? And Pheonixstar is the mother of all these cats, including the deceased Blackfang?)) ~Goes to create her post now.
Just call me Siri.
7:32pm Mar 1 2010
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((They cant be speaking to Eaglestar. Shes in the Medicine Den which is very crowded.))
7:42pm Mar 1 2010
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((Who can't be speaking with who? I was just wondering who TreeClan was... >.> Also, if I could play Hawkstar, or TreeClan leader at the gatherings. ^.^ And I agree that the medicine cat den is crowded.))
Just call me Siri.
7:45pm Mar 1 2010
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((Hawkstar leads CaveClan as you said. You can make up TreeClan leader. And just so you know previous leader was Dagonstar (<3) He is my previous fursonas dad :D. and also I said Redstorm and them wouldn't be able to be speaking with Eaglestar as she's not in her den but the medicine den))
7:56pm Mar 1 2010
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((East, oh, I understand now. x3 So I could be TreeClan's leader and deputy at the gatherings? OoO -dances-))
Just call me Siri.
8:09pm Mar 1 2010
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((yup :D -donces-))
8:10pm Mar 1 2010
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((I have to go eat dinner, D= But I will post when I get back =D))
Just call me Siri.
10:10pm Mar 1 2010
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Cheetahwind felt a spark in his mind at all the the names. "I.. know them... I just know it..." He nodded. "Midnightpaw... my aprentice!" He suddenly tried to get up, but felt pain in his back leg where he had lost blood. "Where is she? Is she okay? Oh no, I have to tell Eaglestar about the badger! And where's the stranger that helped her?" Everything seemed smooth exept a few bumps.
8:14am Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 8:23am Mar 2 2010)
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((Yes Rainfeather blackfang, Redstorm, and Sunstripe are bro's and sister's.... I will get his bio ;) his crushes are oppen hehehe...)) Desired Name: Sunstripe Position: Warrior Family: Rainfeather, Redstorm, blackfang and Pheonixstar. Mate:none Crush: [OPEN] Age: (not needed) Additional Info: He was also genetically tested........ but nothing happened. Gender: Male ((YAY!! We have another male cat!)) Appearance: ((COMING SOON..... MY IMG PROSSESER ISN'T WORKING........I WILL TELL YOU GUYS WHEN I EDIT THIS POST... Personality: Happy, joyful and a great fighter, has a fear of confronting Hawkstar, and doesn't know how to hunt in Iceclan territory.