7:17pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Mar 2 2010)
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((I got the TreeClan bio's. I will play them at the Gatherings. ^.^)) Desired Name: Lonestar? Position: TreeClan Leader Family:
Age: 32 moons Additional Info
Gender: Tom Appearance: 
Personality: Desired Name: Twigstripe Position: TreeClan Deputy Family:
Age: 20 moons Additional Info
Gender: She-cat Appearance: 
Just call me Siri.
7:21pm Mar 2 2010
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Just call me Siri.
7:22pm Mar 2 2010
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((laughs at Onestar. Youve only read the first series right?))
7:28pm Mar 2 2010
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((East, yes. Why is he funny?))
Just call me Siri.
7:30pm Mar 2 2010
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((Because Onewhisker is Onestar :D.))
7:32pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((East, no way! -goes to change- lol. I can't have that! Are any of my other cat names repeats?))
Just call me Siri.
7:38pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Ashfoot is depputy of WindClan now. Crowpaws mom. But that should be okay. She isnt all that important in the books))
7:54pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 5:58pm Mar 4 2010)
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((-feels like a fail now- I stole names D= I feel bad now! -cries-)) Fernseed listened to Eaglestar intently. She thought of some possible things that could be wrong. Is there dirt in her eyes? No. Maybe Featherkit scratched the eye, which is very possible. Or maybe, her eyes are just weak. Trotting into the herb den, Fernseed grabbed a two leaves of celandine and a bit of chamomile, to make the mix taste better. Bringing the leaves up to Larkkit, Fernseed meowed, “Eat this. It will help you.” Fernseed meowed Nightpaw and Gentlepaw so they would come to her. “Celandine is good for weak eyes, but it has a sour taste to it. While Chamomile is good for soothing and has a sweet taste, so together they are a tasty combination.” She informed them. “Remember this, I will ask you about it in a day or two.” Patchpelt was glad to see Cheetahwind smile at the names. He remembers, she thought with a sigh. Resting her head on his, Patchpelt purred, "Rest. It's been a long night for you." I will take care of you, don't worry. Her heart was torn. Patchpelt knew that she liked Kestrelheart but Cheetahwind seemed to always wiggle in deeper. But who is the one I hold closest? Her emerald eyes drifted half closed, as she gazed at Eaglestar. Her leader was talking about Larkkit's sight. She looked afraid. I hope nothing is wrong. Flicking her ear at a fly, Patchpelt sighed again. She felt comfort in the fact that Cheetahwind was with her but her heart was still restless, as if it wanted something more, someone else. I am still a young heart, give me time.
Just call me Siri.
8:33pm Mar 2 2010
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Eaglestar nodded and gave Larkkit the the leaves. She bent herself over the creamy calico kit and whispered in her ear to get her to eat it. Larkkit snorted at the leaves, "Yucky" she mewed. But Eaglestar kept whispering in her ear to eat it so she forced them down. Her eyes watered at the tanginess of celandine but she appreciated the sweetness of the chammomile.
9:13pm Mar 2 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Mar 3 2010)
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9:18pm Mar 2 2010
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Blue the Halfmoon, or just Blue, stared as the big huge cat, who she had called Daddy, rip Momma up to shreds. The last thing she heard was her screaming. "Run, Blue, Red, and Gray!" Blue didn't see Red or Gray escape, but she knew, or hoped that they did. She had just expirienced the worst thing to see, worser if you were a kit. Red of Dawn, and Gray of Night were the other two kits' full names, not that it mattered know. Blue remembered something her Momma had told her long ago about warrior cats that lived in groups and hunted and fought together. Blue would find them, she hoped Gray and Red would too. (Could somebody be Red and another person be Gray?)
9:55pm Mar 2 2010
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((Can I be gray :D))
12:08am Mar 3 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((I want's the Red!~))
Just call me Siri.
1:16pm Mar 3 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((I joined this?*Feels bad* Oh wow. So um...What is going on?))
1:49pm Mar 3 2010 (last edited on 6:50pm Mar 3 2010)
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Desired Name:Aurorakit/ Ashkit/ Blackheart/ Ladybug(I love dat name.XD)) Position:kit almost apprentice/kit almost apprentice/warrior/ use to be a loner but is now a warrior. Family:Father is Blackheart, mother died, brother is Ashkit./Same/Father and mother have died, kits are Aurorakit and Ashkit./None Mate:Ew./Bleh!/dead.D8/None Crush:none/nope/no/open Age:5 almost 6 moons/ 5 almost 6 moons/ 19 moons/ 14 moons Additional Info Gender:female/male/male/female Appearance:coming... Personality:Rping it out.
3:53pm Mar 3 2010
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((We have so many kits. D;)))
4:33pm Mar 3 2010
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((Waaaaaayy too much....)) Redstorm walked up to the medicine cat den. I better not disturb Eaglestar........She seems busy with Larkkit.. It is only a soar throughout.. I can get better.. Redstorm padded back to The den were the kits were,"Featherkit when will you learn?" Rainfeather watched Robinwing disappear into the woods. I am never coming back here never!!! Robinwing thought she dogged the tree's into out of the camp, all her dead friends memories pounding on her heart, I can not stay in such a horrid place! Emeraldrain starred at the sky, Starclan where are you? Can you help me find some cat that likes me for me? Rainfeather listened to the leaves on the trees rustle, "Larkwing?" she meowed. "Yes Rainfeather?" meowed Larkwing as she appeared in the sky. "I see you have found out the first secret that will come to you and that is you getting to know you mother you never new and your brother you thought was dead."
4:37pm Mar 3 2010 (last edited on 4:37pm Mar 3 2010)
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((siri Twigstripe is cute!!!!! and Rainfeather has had a revamp!!! 
finaly! found a cat that suits her!! ))
6:49pm Mar 3 2010
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((Fine. I will make it so that they are almost warriors. Oh and also I couldn't put it anywhere on the bio but Aurorakit is blind.))
7:05pm Mar 3 2010
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((-dies a little inside- So many blind cats. Ashfoot feels like eating them >.> -giggles- Um, Ssather, could you hold off on the kit/apprentices until a queen is delievering then you could have the two. I would also like to see how you Rp before you get too many characters.)) Midnightpaw looked around the apprentice den. She had crawled into it after bringing Ashfoot to Eaglestar. Hiding her face from the other apprentices. There is no hope for me. On my first day, I nearly kill my mentor with my stupidity. Shaking her head, her throat tight with unsed tears, Midnightpaw slashed at her moss beding. Hissing her disappointment, she only wished that she could be as smart as her brother and sister. Shatteredpaw is doing better than me too.
Just call me Siri.