6:10pm Mar 4 2010
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((Ssather, I love playing boys~ -sounds odd coming from a girl- I'm completely straight too. No worries here. -made everything worse, she thinks- I fail... x3)) Red of Dawn's bio is coming! Tis' a little boy~ -dances-
Just call me Siri.
6:11pm Mar 4 2010
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Just call me Siri.
6:22pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 6:24pm Mar 4 2010)
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Desired Name: Red of Dawn (Redpaw) [Redclaw] Position: Loner/Apprentice Family: Blue, and Gray are his littermates. Mate: -Too Young- Crush: N/A Age: 7 moons old Additional Info: His father killed his mother. Gender: Tom Appearance: 
Personality: Coming~
Just call me Siri.
6:22pm Mar 4 2010
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6:23pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm Mar 4 2010)
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Losthope walked around. He lifted his head opening his mouth,"Hello, Ladybug." He whispered remembering the cats scent. He trotted forwards carefully. Ladybug turned around her eyes squinted curiously as a cat walked up to her,"Losthope? What are you doing here?" She asked her voice quiet. "I am actually asking the same question. I bet you think that you tricked us. You can't run away from who youare." Losthope laughed. Ladybug looked down at her paws,"Leave. I have found a new life and I like it here. I don't need you to ruin my life." She said in a stern voice. Losthope laughed,"It is your choice to listen to me." He looked around,"Pretty nice life you have going on. Is this why you left?" Ladybug ignored him sniffing the air for prey,"If you were smart you would leave." She hissed. ~~~ Deadpaw ran over to Blackheart nearly tripping over Aurorakit,"Oops sorry. Come on, dad! Lets do some trianing with the others." he said exscited,"My final test is coming up and I need to be ready!" "Okay fine." Blackheart said leading the excited apprenticeto the training area. Aurorakit hissed. She layed down thinking it was the only thing she was able to do without messing up and clsed her eyes. She drifted into a sleep only to be wakin by the playful Ashkit. "Come on! Lets play." Ashkit said batting one of Aurorakit's ears. ~~~ Crookedears walked into the medicine cat's den,"Fernseed? My paw has been bugging me lately...Can you take a look at it?" He asked in a shy voice. ~~~ Brokenspirit picked up a mouse from the fresh-kill pile. He took a bite from it and looked at the cats around the camp. He let out a heavy sigh thinking about his sister who he thought was dead. Apperently she wasn't.

6:25pm Mar 4 2010
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((When you start posting with Deadpaw, you say Aurorapaw, when you ppost with HER, it's Aurorakit...?))
6:26pm Mar 4 2010
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((*Dies* Sorry I use Aurora in so many rps I get confused on her name. She will be Aurorapaw very soon though.))
6:28pm Mar 4 2010
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((Fullmoon, I hope you don't mind that age. Also, I will post in one moment! -more like ten mins.- I have a lot of charracters~ lol))
Just call me Siri.
6:29pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 6:30pm Mar 4 2010)
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Gentlepaw was in front of Crookedears in a flash. "If you don't mind!" She called to her mentor. Not waiting for an answer, she flipped Crookedears paw over in a flash. "Oh, you stepped on a thorn! Don't quirm, I'll pull it out, and then I'll put some Chervil on it incase it's infected." She looked at Fernseed. "Is that right?"
6:33pm Mar 4 2010
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Crookedear was surprised by the young cat,"I am glad it is just a thorn." He said greatful. He watched the young apprentice ask her mentor questions and started to feel a little scared. What if she does something wrong? He shook the thought out of his head and let the young cat work on his paw.
6:33pm Mar 4 2010
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Fernseed nodded, “That is correct.” Looking over at Nightpaw sadly, she thought, Gentlepaw will be good at this but what about her? Could she ever feel a thorn? Or would she never know? With a broken sigh, Fernseed went to get some chervil leaves. She motioned for Nightpaw to follow and berated herself, “Nightpaw, come here please. I want you to scent which one is chervil leaves.” ((More is coming~))
Just call me Siri.
6:38pm Mar 4 2010
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Aurorakit padded out of the nursery. She walked over to towards the enterance of the medicine cat den,"it is okay if I watch? I might have to heal myslef someday." She said wanting to get away from Ashkit who had followed her. "That is a good idea since you might not even become a war-" He started. "Shut it mouse brain." Aurorakit snapped not wanting to hear him. She lated down and watched curious. Ashkit looked down at his paws,"Sorry." He said.
7:32pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 7:14pm Mar 9 2010)
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Ashfoot was overwhelmed by the amount of cats in the clan. Eaglestar wasn’t kidding at the Gatherings. This clan is thriving. Treading lightly on his swore paws, Ashfoot stood by Whisperwind. He had seen her at a few gatherings, but hoped that she wouldn’t recognize him. Finally, my antisocial attitude at gatherings is working in my favor, he thought grimly. Her orange-cream patches, black patches, and white fur reminded him of another warrior, Patchpelt. Though, this warrior was much wiser. She has more moons under her paws. Patchpelt is still fresh. Sitting beside her, he asked, “Is your clan always this active?” Hawktalon had kept CaveClan edge. No cat even let their guard down, even Ravenstar was cautious around the tom. Ashfoot had never seen such a cheerful clan. Leopardheart walked over to Littepaw. Swiping his large front paw under her little back ones he sent her tumbling. “Always be ready,” he meowed. “You want to sense when another cat is behind you even in your own clan.” Leopardheart flicked his tail back and forth. I will do better this time. I won’t fail you Littlepaw. The loss of Silentheart still burned in his mind. He still pictured his apprentice laying helpless, rotting, and fading in the medicine cat den. A cough startled Leopardheart out of his daydream. He coughed once more, shaking his head at the scratchiness in his throat. I will have to talk to Fernseed about some honey, or while I take Littlepaw out to hunt, I will find some. “Come now, Littlepaw, let’s go hunting.” He meowed, “I will ask if Blackheart wants to join us.” Padding away, Leopardheart found Blackheart with his apprentice. “Blackheart, would you like to go hunting with Littlepaw and me? We could even patrol a bit.” Swiftdarkness was restless. He had paced the warriors den until Raveneyes glared at him. Energy was singing through his entire body. His pelt felt like was itching with static. I miss having an apprentice. Looking for Falconwing, Swiftdarkness finally gave up and went out on his own. He ran. He ran like the forest encouraged him to. Branches were never in his path, leaves separated to show the way, and a breeze nudged him on. The air was fresh, the soil firm, and he felt like he could go until he finally found StarClan, but soon the illusion ended. Each breath became strenuous, every step tiresome, and he stumbled. Slowing to a walk, Swiftdarkness went toward the rippling sound of water. Brushes broke into tall gra.ss as he approached the stream for a sip. The water was cool and refreshing. Closing his pale blue eyes to savor the taste, Swiftdarkness bolted upright when he heard the sound of approaching paw steps. His muscles tighter in anticipation for a fight, his back fur bristled, his tail fluffed up as he swished it madly, and he unsheathed his claws. A hiss was just a breath away. Faltering for the last time, Red of Dawn fell into a semi-clearing. Collapsing to the ground he yowled in misery. I miss my mom, and I want my sister, and I want Gray, and, and, and… “Wahh!” he cried, “I’m so lost!” His throat hurt from calling for Blue and Gray. Red of Dawn had given up when he could do no more than choke. When he had given up the sun was at its highest and the prey was about. He could hunt but not well. Only his mother’s simple teachings kept him alive this night. When he caught a small vole, Red of Dawn heard the whispering of a stream. Bounding toward it, he soon realized it was much farther than he thought. Using up all of his energy, Red of Dawn was now laying a mouse length away, yet he didn’t have the strength to get a little sip. Wanting to cry again, Red of Dawn opened his eyes and froze. A solid ebony tom stood before him. He was strong, scary, and stoic, Red of Dawn was so scared he couldn’t move a whisker. “How lost are you, kit?” asked the black tom. A warrior! Just like mother said there was! I’ve found one! Red of Dawn started to tremble; I didn’t think they would look so scary though. “I’m not really lost, not anymore.” Red of Dawn mewed hoarsely, “I’ve nowhere to go now that my mother is dead and my kin is gone, I have no home. So I can’t really be lost” He didn’t want anything to do with his father, the tom was crazed. Swiftdarkness looked at the lean, young amber tom with curiosity. His mother is dead? And his littermates are gone? What of his father? Shaking his head to rid the questions, Swiftdarkness felt like he should know better. His mother had never told him of his father. She carried that knowledge to her grave. He would never know. “Where do you plan to go?” he asked. “I want to be a warrior,” Red of Dawn stated, “My mother told stories of you, so when I was running away, I thought I would find one of those clans. I will be loyal, I promise!” Swiftdarkness purred a chuckle, “You can’t even walk tom. How do you play to make it back to my clan?” “I will crawl.” He stated simply. Swiftdarkness liked this tom. When he had stumbled in crying, Swiftdarkness had thought, weakling. Though, now he knew that he had judged too soon. “Well, I can’t have that.” He mewed. Picking the tom up by the scruff, Swiftdarkness plopped him by the creek. “Have a drink then let us go home.” The tom turn sad amber-red eyes to him they held a bit of hope, but it was buried deep. What horrors have up those barriers up? He is too young to look so sad.
Just call me Siri.
7:35pm Mar 4 2010
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((OOOOOooooooOOOOhhh!!!! I love Red!!!! tis perdy Siri!! Rainfeather is a little smaller than a leopard acctualy, Iceheart and Pheonixstar are both really large cats ;) )) ((k.....uh..................chervill..... Think Nightpaw!!)) Nightpaw followed Fernseed. Nightpaw sat down, she sensed the air after Hearing Fernseed's voice. "That one.." she meowed then pointed to the green stem with little leaves on it. I wonder why Fernseed doesn't take Gentlepaw for a separate teaching.. she thought. Nightpaw sensed sadness in the medicine cats motions. I hope everything is alright.... Rainfeather starred into the night, I should maybe see Ivynose today..Maybe she doesn't hate me anymore....she thought and she walked to the elder den. "Ivyno-" she paused. Where is Ivynose? "Tigerfang? have you seen Ivynose?" Sunstripe walked into the camp, "I wonder is Eaglestar will let me join......" he meowed To Pheonixstar. "There is no answer I can give to that, truly the answer is hidden." she meowed. Umm...... Next time you give me advice, tell me in real words not riddles. he thought angrily.
7:45pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 7:47pm Mar 4 2010)
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((Eklipse, Leopards are the size of dogs. Cats are like half that size. My cats would be horrified if they saw a leopard sized cat. I thought this was a normal Cat Rp...not leopards, tigers, and such. If any of those cats come, I'm out.)) Fernseed meowed happily, "Good." At least she can scent everything she needs to use. Stretching her front paws, Fernseed meowed, "Grab about two of them please. Crookedear needs them for his foot." Sitting on her haunches, Fernseed licked her back creamy colored fur trying to stay calm. StarClan has given me odd dreams lately. I hope nothing bad is coming. Looking at her rosettes, that were a light mocha brown, she wondered about her parents. PS. Fernseed meowed, "Eaglestar that should do. If her eye sight doesn't get better then come back and I will give her some more."
Just call me Siri.
7:54pm Mar 4 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm Mar 4 2010)
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(O>o.... Ohh!! I had no clue! well she is a bigger cat that is not as big as a leopard.Like.....little bigger than normal... maybe the sise of cougarclaw...XD sorry Siri...*feel's like a nuisance*..I really didn't know that, I don't know allot about size D; ....)) Nightpaw happily grabbed the Chervil and carried it back to the medicine cat den. I hope this will be easy... she thought. She padded into the den, "This is for you." she meowed happily to Crookedear after chewing the plant up.
7:58pm Mar 4 2010
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"Thank you." Croockedear said watching the cat. Aurorakit was licking her twisted leg. She looked up and watched what Nightpaw did. Ashkit blinked once or twice bored,"This is SO boring. I am goin back to the nursery." He said walking away.
8:01pm Mar 4 2010
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((Eklipse, it's not a problem. I have Leopardheart a bit larger than normal because Bengal cats are a bit larger. Though, he isn't even close to a leopard. More like a beagle, those little/medium size dogs...-hugs Eklipse- I didn't want to sound mean, I'm sorry. I just thought that this was a normal cat rp...I don't much like the fanticy ones, I'm no good at them. -thinks about what she said- Lol, I'm crazy, this is a fancy one! O.o Well I have to go do home work, later~))
Just call me Siri.
8:03pm Mar 4 2010
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Nightpaw picked up the mushed plant, "This may sting a little," she meowed To Croockedear. She pressed the plant onto his foot, "Keep that there," she meowed softly. Ahh... this is going well.. she thought, "If you find that is keeps falling off Please tell me and I can give you some *censored*istance." she meowed, than walked back toward the herb piles.
8:05pm Mar 4 2010
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((Thankies Siri! Lol, Rainfeather was originally a bengal cat, but I forgot about it. Ok bye siri! *Waves franticly* ))