8:12pm Mar 4 2010
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Watching the clan bustle around her, Whisperwind jumped as Ashfoot spoke. Licking her ruffled fur flat, she hoped to hide how startles she was that the tom evened noticed her. He seemed like such a quiet, calm cat that he was conversing with her was all together odd. But he's like any other cat I guess, not minding to chat. Then she noticed something familiar about his size and red fur. "Have I not seen you before?" She asked, then shook her head, skin flushing at the stupidity of the question. "Err, never mind. I did not mean to be rude." She murmured. "Yes, the clan is normally this active. We all know each other very well and with so many cats theres pleanty to do." She meowed happily.
8:17pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((some1's post tis stuck ....I will save eet!! bump!))
8:54pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Recaps? D:))
8:19am Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((huh? what recaps? *I iz confuzled....*)) "Fernseed....." meowed Redstorm quietly, "I have a sore throat and a cough, I was wondering if you could help me." he rasped, My voice is getting worse by the minuet! Starclan help me! Redstorm starred at Nightpaw who was busily sorting herbs. That is truly amazing that a blind cat can do such a thing..
3:53pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
5:58pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 42
Desired Name: Nightkit Position: Kit Family: All Died Mate: None Crush: None Age: (not needed) One moon Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: None Personality: She seems to be gental and very kind but Due to here name many cats mistake her for what she really acks like. Nightkit loves to listen to elder stories and gets in to all kind of trroble
6:39pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((Hrm..........well, Whitelight, we have an over-load of kits, we have like 6. - Featherkit - Eklipse
- Larkkit - East
- Rosekit - Eklipse
- Jadekit - Fullmoon
- Aurorakit - Ssather
- Ashkit - Ssather
Yea.. 6, The medicine cat den is crowded, and Nightpaw and Gentlepaw (medi cat apprentices) can bearly move XD - Raveneyes - East (Apprentice - Duskpaw)
- Swiftdarkness - Siri
- Rainfeather - Eklipse (Apprentice - Ravenpaw)
- Redstorm - Eklipse (Apprentice - Birdpaw)
- Berrypool (Stella) - East (Apprentice - Shatteredpaw)
- Kestrelheart - East
- Quailfoot - Eklipse
- Cheetahwind (Gillian) - Fullmoon (Apprentice - Midnightpaw)
- Emeraldrain - Eklipse
- Grayheart - Fullmoon
- Whisperwind - Stray (Apprentice - Poisonpaw)
- Patchpelt - Siri (Apprentice - Shadowpaw)
- Dreamfur - Fullmoon
- Mintleaf - Fullmoon
- Taintedpain - Fullmoon (Apprentice - Blackpaw)
- Coldeyes - Fullmoon
- Embersky - Fullmoon
- Falconwing - Stray
- Ashfoot - Siri
- Blackheart - Ssather (Apprentice – Deadpaw)
- Ladybug - Ssather
- Losthope - Ssather
- Crookedears - Ssather
- Brokenspirit - Ssather
Apprentices:- Birdpaw - East
- Duskpaw - East
- Ravenpaw - East
- Blackpaw - Fullmoon
- Shadowpaw - Stray
- Midnightpaw - Siri
- Littlepaw - Fullmoon
- Shatteredpaw - Eklipse
- Poisonpaw - Eklipse
- Deadpaw - Ssather
Our clan is crouded!! I don't know about thiss...... What do you think Siri? Because this will have to be ANOTHER RECAP..........ANOTHER ONE.... I am not meaning to be rude but still, the clan is crowded, and I am not sure.......EAST.......... What should we say? We have enough cats already and we can bearly role play them as it is.....))
6:41pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 42
So I cant be a kit?
6:47pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( well.... Sorry Klipse's head is exploding today XD, It really isn't my job to decide, I would wait till Easteh comes on.... I didn't mean to be rude.. Sorry, I just...................Am stressed Right naow!! Tis Easteh's decision.))
6:55pm Mar 5 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Rainfeather breathed in then out, I have to tell Raveneyes that........we can't be more than friends... she thought nervously. She padded into the warriors den, Raveneyes was the only one there, Rainfeather shuffled her paws uncomfortably. "Raveneyes, I don't think we should be more than friends, I can't be more than that to any cat because....." she cut off, I shouldn't have done this; May as well go on with is and finish what I was going to say.... "I am too dangerous.." she murmured.
10:22pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Mar 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
((Eklipse, how should I know? o.O And I can Rp all of my cats just fine. I was warning you about getting so many earlier. ;o But we've had more kits before (10 really), why not have one more? Also, I'm glad you like the clan list, I was beginning to wonder if anyone ever looked at those. -puts a lot of effort into keeping them mantained-)) Fernseed looked over at Redstorm with concern. "Of course I can help you," she meowed hastily, "Why would I not?" Shaking her head, she mewed away, "How long have you had this? Are the coughs often?" Even as she spoke illnesses came to mind. A common cold at best, or green cough at the worst. Motioning, with her tail, for Redstorm to follow, Fernseed went back into the herb den again. Looking between the juniper berries and catnip she couldn’t really decide. Catnip will help with a variety compared to juniper helping only a common cold. Choosing the catnip, Fernseed took a small portion and set it before Redstorm. “This should help, and if you can’t get it down, I will give you some honey to go along with it.” She meowed. Ashfoot shifted uncomfortable when Whisperwind questioned him. It’s simple enough to recognize a deputy, rival or not. What would they do if I simple told them? Settling on keeping quiet, Ashfoot merely dipped his head at what the calico she-cat said. “What a lovely clan.” He purred wistfully, “So carefree.” His hazel-blue eyes flashed an inner fire that he struggled to keep in check. If only I could have beaten Hawktalon, I would have created a clan like this; carefree, blissful, and thriving. The fire died quickly when he remembered that he didn’t defeat Hawktalon and his followers, and the clan was suffering, failing, and fading away. Ashfoot was lucky to be alive, but that was only because Hawktalon knew he would be miserable the entire time, wishing that he had done the final blow. Red of Dawn kept stumbling, but the black tom didn’t judge him. Swiftdarkness, as he was called, stood over Red of Dawn until he could get up again. Never did either speak. I know this is a test. I can’t ask for help without failing it, I just know it. So he kept quiet. Red knew that this test was minor, between the two of them, but it would last for all of their lives, if the clan leader accepts me. Toms were odd in their ways of impressing each other. To do so was announcing weakness, and that wasn’t acknowledged. To be weak was to be worthless; you had to appear strong even in the hardest of times. Red was rasping heavily when they finally come up to an odd entrance. It was made of brambles that would snag your pelt like a claw. It’s narrow enough that intruders can’t storm the camp, yet incase of an emergency, many cats could leave quickly. The pads of his feet stung like bumbles were stinging him. Red’s eyes were drooping closed, but even through this he couldn’t wait to see the leader. What will he be like? ((-giggles at Red’s simplemindedness- How like a boy, huh?))
Just call me Siri.
8:04am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((Siri- No, about roleplaying the cats... I ment me :), Yes I do like the clan list, tis beautiful Siri! Red's simplemindedness is like a boy ;P, I like that word....lol )) Redstorm followed Fernseed into her den, I hope I will be alright... he thought. "Thank you Fernseed, I hope this helps." he meowed, "The coughts are often and at times my voice gets Raspy..." he meowed. "I have had this before Eaglestar hed her kits.." he added. That is a long time... He tried to swallowed the catnip, then spit it out Like a kit. ((East- Rainfeather WAS Talking to tigerfang, and she asked her "Where was Ivynose?" Then on my post on this page Rainfeather is talking to Raveneyes, Right above Siris big post. Redstorm has a sort of cough and Red of dawn, Is in the camp and wants to speak to Leopardheart( Correct Siri?), Ashfoot is talking to whisperwind, and I think thats really all..))
9:32am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((I dont want to go back and read thelast two pages. What happened?))
11:18am Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 42
Eastern can i be a kit? Desired Name: Nightkit Position: Kit Family: All Died Mate: None Crush: None Age: (not needed) One moon Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: None Personality: She seems to be gental and very kind but Due to here name many cats mistake her for what she really acks like. Nightkit loves to listen to elder stories and gets in to all kind of trroble that's what i wrote
12:05pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Shadowpaw sighed as he watched all the apprentices patroling or dealing around with their mentors. He wondered where Patchpelt was, and what they could be doing such as hunting or even battle training. Sinking his claw into the ground, he was suddenly nearly knocked over as alconwing gently slmmed hershulde ino his own. Huffng,he met her humourous eyes. "Give her a chance, she cant be traning you all the time." She purred, licking his ear. "Your her first apprentice and she's doing her best." Looking down at her son, sadness flickered across her eyes. He's so much like Silentheart was, eager to learn and wanting nothing more thn to help his clan.
4:33pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((not nightkit White. the other Nightkit was just made a apprentice so their would be two Nightpaws at once. Change her name and you can))
8:26pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 42
is Darkkit ok?
9:27pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Blue called out Gray and Reds' name, hoping to hear an answer. Nothing. After much walking, she listened to sounds. She heard crickets, birds, and..... pawsteps! She rushed towards them. She saw a large tom and a smaller one. "RED!" She screetched, purring."I found you! Have you found Gray? And who's..... him?" She shrinked slightly.
9:39pm Mar 6 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((Someone? Can you give me an Idea to wright about? I have a block in mai brain....))
10:06pm Mar 6 2010
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