10:09pm Mar 6 2010
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(( an East I wrote a summary for you... lol))
11:29pm Mar 6 2010
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Blinking sleep away, Patchpelt opened her eyes and looked down at Cheetahwind in shock. What is this? she thought madly, but then memories of what happened came flooding back. He seems to be sleeping soundly now. Gently slipping away from Cheetahwind, Patchpelt knew she was forgetting something. It’s like a feisty mouse that is just out of my reach. What am I supposed to be doing? Licking the black patch on her left shoulder she let her mind wonder. Cheetahwind was taking his apprentice out to explore…”Oh no!” she yowled fur prickling and her eyes wide. Jumping to her paws she grimaced and peeked at Cheetahwind. He was still in deep sleep unaffected by her abrupt shout. Dipping her head, Patchpelt felt a flush sneak up her fur when Fernseed gave her a curious look. Turning about, she left the den. Trotting through the clearing Patchpelt looked for her apprentice. I’m such a mouse brain, why didn’t I remember Shadowpaw? He’s such a wonderful tom. Spotting the black calico tom Patchpelt dashed up to him, her limp nearly gone. “Let’s go hunting!” she mewed excitedly. “I’m sure I could convince Leopardheart to come along, or would you like it to be the two of us?” I’m such a piece of fox dung, when does a mentor ask what an apprentice wants to do? Her demeanor crumbled and she felt like she was failing Shadowpaw already. “Never mind that,” she meowed hurriedly, “Let’s go hunting ourselves.” At least I can remember that Shadowpaw is built like Swiftdarkness and I know that he will be an easy fighter, but hunting will come with a challenge. Flicking a white ear, Patchpelt started for the entrance. StarClan give me guidance. I can only hope that Leopardheart was right, that I am ready for an apprentice. Red of Dawn almost jumped out of his fiery-red pelt when Blue called out to him. “Blue!” he meowed roughly. Turning away from the ebony warrior, Red of Dawn looked for the location that the voice came from. A moment later Blue raced out of the bushes and stopped beside him. "RED!" she screeched, purring. "I found you! Have you found Gray? And who's…him?" “This is Swiftdarkness; he is a warrior of IceClan.” Red of Dawn mewed, “He is taking me to their leader, Eaglestar.” Prancing in place he hurried, “Can you believe it sister, I found a clan cat!” Glancing up at Swiftdarkness he wondered, who will be my mentor? He hoped it could be the ebony warrior, but Red of Dawn would be happy no matter who would mentor him. “She can come can’t she?” he asked Swiftdarkness. “I don’t see why not,” the ebony warrior meowed while looking at Blue inquisitively before he turned back to the camp entrance. “Follow me closely,” he ordered. Obeying instantly, Red of Dawn rushed to the warrior’s side. He felt the brambles catch on his fur but said nothing. When the three of them entered the camp, Red of Dawn could only gasp as he took in all the cats. I’ve never seen so many cat’s all together before! Not even at barns! He jumped to the side when a sleek calico she-cat trotted by. Her eyes were a green so pure they reminded him of stones he once found. Blinking his eyes, he remembered gazing into a puddle and seeing the stunning amber-orange color gaze right back. I wonder if I will fit in here… After looking at Patchpelt, for her sudden cry, Fernseed yowled quietly, “Don’t act like a kit! You are a grown warrior.” Mumbling about how Redstorm was being over dramatic, Fernseed went to gather some more cat nip and snatching two juniper berries as well. Spoiled tom with his picky eating, she thought with fond amusement. Dropping the single leaf of cat nip, not daring to waste another two, and the two juniper berries, Fernseed meowed, “The berries will help with the flavor, though many cats would love to eat the cat nip alone.” Silly tom.
Just call me Siri.
11:44am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Cheetahwind woke up and let out a gaping yawn. He was about to stretch, but his legs felt as if thhe were made of stone. "Fernseed...? where's Patchpelt? and what about Midnightpaw? Is she okay, no damage done? Has she told Eaglestar about the badger yet?" He felt very flustered. He slowly got up. "Midnightpaw needs some hunting training! I told myself yesterday that we'd go out hunting..." Slight pain was still in his back legs, but he could at least move. "May I go, Fernseed?" (Lol)
8:01pm Mar 7 2010
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LP Redstorm starred at fernseed, "Fine," he spat and he swallowed the mixture of herbs, then Walked out of the medicine cat den She cats! Always have to be so bossy! He thought and padded over to the apprentice den I hope I can get some training in with Birdpaw... he thought, "Birdpaw, come out! Time for hunting!" he yowled his voice was sort of raspy, Maybe she won't notice....
10:04pm Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((I am Gray right?)) Desired Name: Gray of Night Position: Apprentice soon I guess? Family: Red, Bluee Mate:neh Crush: NU!
Age: young Additional Info Gender: not decided ;P Appearance: COMING Personality: Rp it out
12:22pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 6,296
2:45pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 42
Eastern can I join? look in the last page
4:05pm Mar 8 2010
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4:10pm Mar 8 2010
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Rainfeather breathed in then out, I have to tell Raveneyes that........we can't be more than friends... she thought nervously. She padded into the warriors den, Raveneyes was the only one there, Rainfeather shuffled her paws uncomfortably. "Raveneyes, I don't think we should be more than friends, I can't be more than that to any cat because....." she cut off, I shouldn't have done this; May as well go on with is and finish what I was going to say.... "I am too dangerous.." she murmured. Rainfeather starred into the night, I should maybe see Ivynose today..Maybe she doesn't hate me anymore....she thought and she walked to the elder den. "Ivyno-" she paused. Where is Ivynose? "Tigerfang? have you seen Ivynose?" (( East!!!!!!! LOOOKK!! THOse are the posts I have wrote, AND Rainfeather is talking to ur charries ))
4:14pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713

((Juuust in case everywone knowz..... Ivynose looks like that... but older.... and more white..... baceicly a white cat with grey stripes..... and has red eyes....))
4:16pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Shadowpaw smiled happily at his mentor ad bounded after her, not realizing her sudden change of plan. Im glad I got Patchpelt as a mentor, she seems not to mind my happy-go-lucky nature and does not belittle me for it! He thought, sniffing the air for any sort of prey. I'm not sue why she sems to think she wont train me right, am I really that difficult? Seeing a mouse nibbling on a small seed, he crouched down and crept up on it, but the mouse shot it head up and dissappeared into it burrow. "Mouse-dung!" He snapped, fur flushing in embarrasment.
4:17pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( annnnddd....... This pic will be needed for an upcomeing bio...  ))
4:18pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((That is such a pretty kitty!8D))
4:37pm Mar 8 2010
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Nightpaw layed down for a rest, I hope I have a nice rest.. she thought. She clossed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Black skies, flooded everything around Nightpaw, Everything was outlined in silver, Where am I? and I can see! She stepped forward a rock fell down a cliff, she realized she was standing right in front of the huge cliff That marked Caveclan territory from Iceclan's. The sun rose, everything glowed, Nightpaw tasted the air. A familiar yet different sent she hadn't smelled for a long time. She crouched on the ground planting her feet to the soil, then she looked over the edge, There is a white cat down there... Two white cats.. The cats' white pelt shone in the darkness, "Cinderstar?" she meowed. But he didn't hear her, the other cat lay limp on the ground, motionless. Cinderstar seemed sad, I can't put my finger on what cat that is lying there... she thought. "Good." a voice behind her meowed. "You are here, look more closely, and you will see more things down there." she meowed. There were dogs, many dogs . "What are you trying to tell me? she meowed to the strange cat, "You will see," she meowed as the ground disappeared,,Panic flooded over Nightpaw, "Don't be afraid, we are safe," The tall cat meowed. "Yea... Uh.. who are you?" meowed Nightpaw. "I am Spottedtail, I used to belong to Iceclan but died many, many moons before Rosestar was leader." You were alive before Rosestar? "Here!" Spottedtail meowed, she looked down, 3 dogs ran throught the Iceclan camp, "Rainfeather?" she meowed, The dogs began to chase Rainfeather to the border, "Yes, but she is not the cat you saw at the bottom of the cliff " she meowed Than began to fade, "Tell your clan, they need the warning.." she murmured then fadded away. Nightpaw gasped then opened her eyes. Just a dream...
4:40pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol. When I saw the picture of Ivynose I thought you were talking about Ivypaw and I was all like, IVYPAW HAS RED EYES!?! Well she does act kind of evil and I can see her with red eyes...XD))
5:28pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((lolz, yea... I lol at that. I have no clue what to wright about though.))
5:33pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Tigerfang was startled as Rainfeather burst into the den, "Why, no I haven't actually." Raveneyes looked at Rainfeather in shock, "You aren't dangerous. You just need to control yourself."
5:41pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713
"The problem Is I CAN'T... " she half hissed. "That is why I am dangerus! " she looked at him, I don't want to hurt you again....
6:58pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Raveneyes looked into Rainfeathers eyes. Ice blue blazed into black. His dark gray fur bristled. `You can Theres nothing wrong with you
7:09pm Mar 8 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm Mar 9 2010)
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Posts: 1,771
Patchpelt bounded close to Shadowpaw. Pushing lightly on his shoulder, she meowed, “You need to get lower, lift your tail up a bit to help with balance, and distribute the weight evenly. Mice have small feet, so they can sense the vibrations on the ground.” She crouched down near him, “Mimic me as best you can.” Creeping forward slowly, she glanced back and smiled. He’s so cute! Maybe Leopardheart was right. I am ready for an apprentice. With a purr, she announced, “Much better! You’re quick to learn!” Flaring her nose, Patchpelt caught the scent of a robin. “Can you smell that?” she asked. “Stalk it if you can.” Fernseed looked at Cheetahwind with concern. “I don’t think you should leave,” she meowed. “Though, I doubt you would sit still in here now that you’re awake, so go and talk with your apprentice. She is very upset, but no hunting or fighting.” With a glare she meowed, “If you work that leg too much you’ll be an elder before me.” Curtly nodding her head, Fernseed turned to see if Gentlepaw and Nightpaw were together. Leopardheart gave up on hunting with Blackheart and Deadpaw; they seemed occupied with other training. About to have Littlepaw show him her hunting crouch, Leopardheart noticed Swiftdarkness with two strange kits. Who are they? he wondered. “Littlepaw, if you could change the elders bedding, I have something I need to do.” He meowed, “I will be back soon, so that we might do some fight training.” Turning about, Leopardheart padded over to Swiftdarkness and the two kits. “What is this?” he meowed. “I found them in the forest,” Swiftdarkness replied, “They have no family to return to. I was hoping to ask Eaglestar if they could stay.” The slender red tom piped up, “You’re not Eaglestar?” Leopardheart gave the kit a hard stare, “No. I’m not.” When the fiery tom flinched, Leopardheart added, “I am Leopardheart, deputy of IceClan,” in a gentler tone. He watched the tom still under his stare. “You’re eyes are gold like the sun,” the fiery tom-kit meowed. “And you’re pelt is like fire with eyes of amber.” Leopardheart replied. “No,” the tom hissed, “I have a pelt like dawn. My name is Red of Dawn!” Leopardheart bared his fangs at Red of Dawn, “We don’t have names like that in clans. Where are you from?” Looking over at the other kit, Leopardheart asked, “What is your given name?” Feeling agitated, Ashfoot walked out of the camp. Tasting the air, he scented nothing but moist soil, plump prey, and the multitude of clan cat scents. Should I tell Eaglestar? She seems like a fair cat. Walking forward with heavy paws, Ashfoot thought about just leaving. I could go find my sister, but life with two-legers just doesn’t seem like it’s for me. With a great sigh, Ashfoot stopped by some large, flat rocks. Leaping up atop of them, he looked about. The stone beneath his paws was warm. Deciding to take a nap he lay down, sighed again, and thought some more. If she takes me to the gathering, which was in two days, I will be found out. CaveClan will try to kill me, and IceClan will want to kill me because I failed to state that I was a CaveClan cat; a CaveClan deputy. With a great sigh, Ashfoot closed his eyes and tried to still his tempest thoughts.
Just call me Siri.