7:19pm Mar 8 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Ahfoot was CaveClan was he not?))
((Gray)) Gray of Night scrambled around the territory. The scent of badger hung in the air. It was stale, but he felt unsafe. Tha daark catyowled as he tripped in rabbit hole after gopher hole.He scented some cats and ran straight towards the smell, yowling `Where am ?
7:21pm Mar 8 2010
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7:24pm Mar 8 2010 (last edited on 7:30pm Mar 9 2010)
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Just call me Siri.
8:18am Mar 9 2010
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"Fernseed!" meowed Nightpaw happily, "I had my first dream from Starclan!" she meowed excitedly. "This cat named Spottedtail came to me! And I understood it too!" she meowed. "Too bad the dream was about something bad...." she murmured to gentlepaw.
8:22am Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 8:25am Mar 9 2010)
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(( Aww! Poor Ashfoot, I feel bad for him... and Whoever is the caveclan leader, can you make him realize that Sunstripe, a cave clan warriors, is in Iceclan and take him back. And who all has cats named after colours again, siri east and full moon?))
2:37pm Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Correct. And, if we could make them special and part of a prophecy, I have one. ;D My prophecies usually -FAIL- but, we could use this one..... ))
2:43pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 2:44pm Mar 9 2010)
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Here it is!: The three Colours, all made bold, will give the Clan many fortunes untold. Meet at the Blue Half Moons old home land, to see where The Gray of Night, he may stand. By the Red of Dawn,the deed is done, and the sarcifice unknown must be given, To the Yellow of The Sun. (I'm Yellow, who of which is not known by anybody.)
2:52pm Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((Sorry to interupt, but full, want to join my new warriors rp? :D what about you easteh :D))
5:44pm Mar 9 2010 (last edited on 8:23am Mar 10 2010)
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(( Teh colours are Red, blue, Grey, and yellow..... Who is blue? feel clueless... ooooooooOOOOOOHHHHhhhh.... So me and stray don't get a prophecy cat.. Well don't fell bad for us. We will just sit in the corner of non prophecy cat's and give you angry and sad looks like this l( . And we will throw cabbage at you guys when you aren't looking. Then when you realize it was us that threw it we will send an angry hamster to destroy your spleens..... LOL Just kiddin, I don't like making ppl feel bad. hahaha lol I am just kidding... lol... LOL.))
7:04pm Mar 9 2010
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((I'm confused. I'm Red of Dawn...not Blue, Fullmoon is Blue. And Eklipse, if you like, you could have Red. I don't need a prophecy cat. ^.^ Oh, and East is Gray~))
Just call me Siri.
7:10pm Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Wait! I thought Hawktalon was leader of FireClan! -fails- I'm going to change all of Ashfoots posts, so that he was deputy of CaveClan because I wanted to have that feud with Hawktalon. I hope East doesn't mind.))
Just call me Siri.
9:42pm Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((No prblemo :D))
12:13am Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 12:18am Mar 10 2010)
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In the distance, Ashfoot though he heard something. His ears pricked forward while his eyes stayed closed. With a great yawn, he stretched his front paws far ahead of him, got to his paw, and arched his back, flicking his tail in delight. I wonder what that was. Leaping down from his perch on the Basking Rocks, Ashfoot wandered aimlessly through the woods. Soft soil cushioned his paws, vibrant greenery stroked his fur, and the air itself seemed languid. “Hello?” he yowled, pausing to listen for a returning call. Is it another kit? Thinking about the two kits that had just come into camp when Ashfoot was just leaving he pondered the idea of another still lost out here. With a grimace, Ashfoot hoped that it wasn’t Hawktalon coming to fulfill his revenge. Jumping a bit, Fernseed stammered, “Wha-What?” StarClan has not only given her a dream, but they gave her a dream before I even got to take her to the Moonstone! “Tell me,” she meowed encouragingly.
Just call me Siri.
8:15am Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Gray padded a little bit farther alonog, tail dragging behind him He walked until he saw a large rock and a cat sitting uppon them, "Wh-who are you?" he asked the large sandy tom.
12:14pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 4:38pm Mar 10 2010)
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(( No it is ok siri, I was just jokeing ;) )) Nightpaw breathed in before explaining, "I can normaly see in my dreams, but this time everything was black, then I stepped forward, i was at the caveclan border, the huge clif was dark and black but two white pelts were at the bottom, one of them seemed to be greeving for the other that was dead, Cinderstar was the greeving cat, I reconized the white cat... the cat is in our clan.... I just don't know who. ." she explaned. "Then a flame tortise shell cat appeared, she said her name is Spottedtail.. she showed me there were dogs at the bottom of the cliff too. they were dead... Then spottedtail took me to show me what may have happened, the 3 dogs were destroying the camp, Then one cat distracted them, it was Rainfeather..... But Spottedtail told me that she wasn't the one that was dead earlier.." Nightpaw finished, If that cat at the bottom of the border wasn't Rainfeather.. Who could it be? Rainfeather starred at Raveneyes, "I can't have a mate! I can never have a mate!" she hissed, "That deep scratch is Minor!" she looked at the ground, It can't be. I am not meant to have a mate.. she thought," now Leave me, I have to talk to Eaglestar." she meowed then Ran into the den Eaglestar was in, "Eaglestar, Tigerfang says that Ivynose is gone."
1:07pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Is it alright East if I change Whisperwind to a tom and call him Sunflare? If thats to much trouble or will get confusing then she can stay as she is. I dont want to stress Siri out by changing it on the character sheet (:))
4:12pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((I dont have a problem with it Sray :D))
4:46pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm Mar 10 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
((Thanks! I'll post a new bio for him. You can just delete Whisperwind and change her to Sunflare so we dont have to give Poisonpaw a new mentor or anything.)) Name: Sunflare Gender: Tom Age: 42 Moons Clan/Rank: Iceclan / Warrior Personality: Sunflare is a easy-going cat, enjoying to just laze around or hunt with his clanmates. He loves to play around with kits, and watch them grow. He might be kind and sweet when not threatened, but he does have claws and knows how to use them. Threaten his clan and prepare for a fight. Looks:  Mate/Kits: None History: Nothing much or importance, was born in Iceclan and was raised there Apprentice: Poisonpaw Other: Nothing or importance
4:48pm Mar 10 2010
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Raveneyes yowled silently rge filling his mind. Eaglestar jumped up at the news, "Gone? Where is she?"
4:51pm Mar 10 2010
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"Tigerfang probably doesn't know. I havn't seen Ivynose since thwe day after you had your kits." Rainfeather meowed, "What should we do?" she asked. Then drew attention to Featherkit who was beating up on Rosekit. heh... I remember doing that to redstorm and sunstripe.