4:51pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm Mar 10 2010)
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Sunflare was about to go find his apprentice, wanting to take her out to teach her how to catch a mouse when a yowl stopped him. Pricking his ears, he padded slowly over towards Eaglestar's den and sat beside it, wondering what was going on. He was a bit surprised when he heard Eaglestar yowl gone. Who's gone? He thought, somewhat fearfully. Listening to Rainfeather's words, he itched to stick his head in and ask if there was anything he could do. But common sense won out, and he decided to keep his whiskers and stay still.
4:52pm Mar 10 2010
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((Page Lag?))
5:06pm Mar 10 2010
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((huh? K should I make Rainfeather notice him? She has a very good sence of smell.))
5:16pm Mar 10 2010
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((Stray: Tis not a problem at all!~ I just freak out when people add like five cats because one is bound to go missing then. I like the name Sunflare, he sounds handsome. I wish I could see the picture. =( It doesn't show up on my 'puter.))
Just call me Siri.
5:22pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( Same here Siri, I can't see his picture Eather...))
5:22pm Mar 10 2010
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Eaglestar hissed under her breath. First my brother leaves. Now my sister is missing. She sighed as she saw her kits fighting and pulled them apart, Whats next. Dogs? More foxes?
5:25pm Mar 10 2010
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Rainfeather noticed that featherkit had claws like hers used to be. "I did that to Redstorm.. Maybe he told you about it." she meowed, trying to divert Eaglestar away from Ivynose Going missing. I hope she is ok.......
5:30pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Sure Eklipse, she can notice him.
Thanks Siri ^^ The picture I had of him was really handsome, i'll post a link instead.))
Sunflare pricked his ears again at the swift change of subject. Poor Eaglestar, everything seems to go wrong and she's got to deal with it. And what did Rainfeather do to Redstorm?" He wondered curiously.
5:35pm Mar 10 2010
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(9 lolz stray, Rainfeather attacked Redstorm savagly when he was a kit, just like Featherkit is doing to Rosekit)) Rainfeather pricked her ears, a twig snapped........and I smell 'Sunflare come out, I can smell your sent." she meowed, "Have you seen Ivynose?" Meowed the silver warrior.
5:39pm Mar 10 2010
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Eaglestar nodded, her mind still half on her sisters dissapearance. "He did" she chuckled half-heartedly.
5:40pm Mar 10 2010
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((Hah! Finally found a link that would not strech the page. Now lets see if it works... http://fotosa.ru/stock_photo/Photodisc/p_1123483.jpg )) Flinching as Rainfeather called him name, he called himself as many names as he could think of. Poking his head into the den, he smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I did not mean to ease drop." He faced Rainfeather, worry in his eyes as he thought about the elder. "No im sorry. I have not seen her."
5:44pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 5:45pm Mar 10 2010)
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"heh, I thought he would have," she meowed, as Featherkit leaped over Eaglestar's paws and hurdled at her sister nocking her off her feet. This kit has lots of strength... she will be a great warrior." so what do you need Sunflare?" she meowed, her Ice blue eyes shinning.
5:46pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 5:46pm Mar 10 2010)
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(( Just incase you haven't seen this Stray, is Rainfeather's revamp. ;) ))
5:49pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 5:49pm Mar 10 2010)
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Flushing at not knowing and them teasing about it, he shuffled his paws and grinned down at the kits, not wanting to look either she-cat in the eye. "Er, nothing really. I just over-heard you talking about Ivynose and was wondering if I could help." He shrugged. "But I can go, seeing as im no help." He started out of the den, glancing once into Rainfeather's ice eyes once to show he was sorry for the lack of information, and started away. ((She really pretty Eklipse!))
5:54pm Mar 10 2010
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"No it is fine," meowed Rainfeather, "you could help look around for Ivynose when there is a patroll arranged." she meowed, I hope she is found soon.. (( Ok when I bring the dogs to the camp, know one interfere with how the dogs die.... I have a plan, but you cat can fight them 4 a while)) (( here this is what featherkit looks like http://bengal-cat.net/BENGAL289.jpg ))
6:42pm Mar 10 2010
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Eaglestar picked Featherkit up by the scruff and set her back on the other side of ther body. Holding the kits tail lightly underneath her paw.
6:42pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((-ish waiting for Fullmoon to post- >.> Or maybe I should have Leopardheart just lead the two kits to Eaglestar...-shurgs- And Stray, he is so handsome indeed!))
Just call me Siri.
6:45pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Gray talked to Ahsfoot...))
7:01pm Mar 10 2010
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Ashfoot paused when he heard a timid meow, “Wh-Who are you?” His head swiveled around to spy a little gray tom (‘tis a he, correct?). Scenting the breeze, Ashfoot wrinkled his nose in distaste. When was the last time he bathed? Taking a more leisurely look, Ashfoot realized that the tom looked worn from a long trip. “I am Ashfoot.” He meowed deeply, “Where do you come from?” Then he shock his head, “Wait, I will talk with you later. Right now, you look haft starved and weary from travel.” Flicking his tail, Ashfoot motioned for the gray tom to follow. “Come, I will feed you, find you something to drink, and then we can talk.” As he walked away Ashfoot scented the air. It’s a good thing I wasn’t hunger and saved that mouse. Brushing aside some dirt, Ashfoot picked up the mouse after locating it. Setting it before the kit, he meowed, “Can you still travel? A creek is just north of here.”
Just call me Siri.
7:12pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Correct. Is a he)) "I am Gray of Night" said gray hoarsley. He heard Ahsfoot ask, 'Can you still travel?' and he noded and mewed, "But not for much longer. My paws a re driopping off." he scented the air and headed north a short distance and found the stream. His paw pads were bleeding and calloused so he dipped them in the water for relief after drinking his fill. Once his paws wer cooled enough he dashed back to AShfoot and ate the mouse before speaking to the large tom, "i come from a faraway place with my brother Red of Dawn and sister, Blue." he swallowed nervously, "have you s3en them? I lost them. We got seperated."