7:32pm Mar 10 2010
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((Thanks Siri.)) Sunflare nodded towards Rainfeather, hoping that was okay with Eaglestar. He did not need the leader upset with him for any reason. Slinking into the camp, he stopped by the fresh-kill pile to pick up a small mouse to eat then sat under a shady bush. Munching on his meal, he wondered what he should teach Poisonpaw, how to catch a rabbit or a mouse. Shadowpaw slunk up on the squirrel Patchpelt pointed out, trying to remember to keep his tail up and paws light. But he was slightly tembeling at the thought of catching the squirrel that his ears brushed a low hanging branch. The squirrel darted off with a loud chatter. Ears burning in shame, he hung his head. "Im worthless as a hunter. "He grumbled, sure Littlepaw and Midnightpaw were already boosting about their kills. "Sorry Patchpelt." He whispered, eyes dowcast.
7:33pm Mar 10 2010
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11:23pm Mar 10 2010
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((Siri, who'm I supposed to post with? P.S.: Like my new avvie? ;D))
11:45pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 11:48pm Mar 10 2010)
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((Fullmoon, if you peek back about two pages, Leopardheart is asking Blue what her name is while they walk to Eaglestar’s den. ^.^)) Ashfoot stared down at the deep gray tom. "Yes, Red and Blue are back at the camp," he meowed. "I've never heard of such names, they are odd." Turning about, Ashfoot began the short walk back to camp. Glancing back to be sure that the tom was keeping up, Ashfoot scented the air for other intruders. It's strange that I could get into their territory unnoticed, but three kits? In one day, now that's just unacceptable. I wonder what is keeping their deputy, Leopardheart, from setting more consistent patrols. Ducking under a branch, Ashfoot heard, faintly, “I’m a worthless hunter…sorry Patchpelt.” With a gentle smile, Ashfoot fondly remembered his apprenticeship; always wanting to please the mentor. Looking back at the struggling tom, Ashfoot offered, “I could carry you. Though, the camp isn’t much further, and then you can rest.” Patchpelt’s emerald eyes sparked angrily, “Shadowpaw,” she cried. “Have faith! Do you truly expect to catch every prey you scent?” Patchpelt closed her eyes and shock her head side to side. “I miss some too,” she explained, “Hunting is a precious skill that can only be learned through much practice.” Her ex pression softened with a warm smile, “Trust me when I say you will get better.” I remember when Silentheart was offering support to me when I gave up fighting. Her heart trembled; he caught on so fast I was afraid he would leave me behind, but he stayed, and he praised my awkward stages until I could fight. Taking a deep breath, Patchpelt meowed, “Calm your senses. I true warrior doesn’t rely totally on his or her sight, close them, listen to the forest. Smell the different aromas, but go beyond that, scent the life.” Closing her own eyes, which had gone deep jaded with concentration, she continued, “Feel. Let the earth guide you.” When she opened her eyes again, Patchpelt knew where another mouse was hiding before her sight caught motion. She knew that a robin sat in the branches above them, silently watching. With a shiver, Patchpelt quietly purred, “Try again, but let nature lead you.”
Just call me Siri.
7:37am Mar 11 2010
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(( east how many moons are Birdpaw and Ravenpaw?)) Shatteredpaw burst out of the apprentice den Trying to run as fast as she could, she was struggling because of her dumb foot. Poisonpaw shot out just behind her, Shatteredpaw stumbled falling to her paws, "No!" she spat, just as Poisonpaw bit her tail and dug her claws into her side, It is like the fox attack all over again.... Shatteredpaw thought sadly, trying to Remove Poisonpaw, "Get off!" Shatteredpaw spat, "No! That was my peice of prey and you scarred it off!" Poisonpaw hissed. (( Easteh, 2 days till the gathering!!))
9:52am Mar 11 2010
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((Birdpaw Ravenpaw and Duskpaw can be warriors soon :D)) Gray looked up at Ashfoot, "Really?" he asked his voice quivering along with his legs. HIs small body and walked and ran all day. His amber eyes gleamed and he nodded politely and said, "Yes please. Thank you"
10:39am Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 10:40am Mar 11 2010)
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(( HOH! I will make Rainfeather take Ravenpaw for an hunting as.sessment! )) Rainfeather walked out of the den, and padded through the soft gras.s. "Ravenpaw!" meowed Rainfeather happily, "It is time for your hunting As.sessment!" Rainfeather meowed, a glimmer of pride shawn in her eyes. Finally, she will become a warrior. Redstorm herd Rainfeather's words then walked over to the apprentice den and stood beside her. "Birdpaw, time for your As.sessment too!" he yowled into the den.
10:45am Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 10:45am Mar 11 2010)
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"Fernseed, what should we do?" meowed Nightpaw. "One cat in our clan will die.. One with a white pelt.." she meowed. It is one thing to have a dream from starclan but another to understand it.. she thought.
10:59am Mar 11 2010
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Birdpaw and Ravenpaw looked at eachother and smiled, "Coming Rianfeather!" yowlwed Rainfeather just as her sister yowled 'coming Redstorm' to her mentor. Duskpaw sat and watched as her sisters went away on their as.sessments so she walked up to Raveneyes and saw the rage in his eyes and asked shyly, "Can I have my as.sessmaent too?" Thegray tom just stood up, nodded and flicked his tail. he quickly explained what she had to do. Duskpaw nodded and dashed after her sisters into the forest. ((time lapse hour or so later)) ((after as.sessment)) Duskpaw's orange pelt bristled with excitement as she walked back to the camp with her mentor and her sisters and their mentors. Raveneyes walked up to Leopardheart who was walking with a (or two) small cat(s). He motioned for him to come over, "I think your kits are ready to be warriors"
4:06pm Mar 11 2010
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Shadowpaw saw Patchpelt's odd look and wondered what she was thinking, clearly something that pained her. Flicking his tail in slight annoyance at the unsurness of his skills, he forced his heart to slow and listen as she told him. At first he heard nothing except the wind through the leaves, the beating of Patchpelts heart, and his own fluffing fur. Suddenly other sounds intruded his senses, those of prey and cat. Opening his eyes, he followed the sound of a robin nearby, letting his paws guide him. Eyes watching the bird on a low branch, his body unconciously moved like it was supposed to, paws light, tail held high. But the wind suddenly changed and the bird took flight. But he was faster, finishing the few paces betrween him and the prey with two bounds and leap high into the air, claws sinking themselves into the soft downy of the bird. Landing in a awkward huddle he flinched as the birds sharp beak pecked his nose making his eyes water. Finally, after one more peak and being buffeted by wings, he was able to sink his teeth into its throat and he finished it off. Standing, he blinked tears from his eyes and licked his sore nose, glad he only tasted a small drop of blood. Suddenly it dawned on him he killed his first prey and his painfully muzzle meant nothing. Almost jumping with joy he smiled brightly at his mentor. "Finally!" He purred. Sunflare sighed as he hear the scuffle between his apprentice and Shatteredpaw. Padding over, he fixed both if them with a hard stare." I dont know who's prey it was, but if this keep up I know where its going, to the nursery." He told them, trying to hide his slight smile. He could never stay to stern with the apprentices. "Poisonpaw, we're about to go battle train a bit, why dont you let your sistyer have the kill and you get a new peice." He told her, winking kindly at Shatteredpaw.

7:33pm Mar 11 2010
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Shatteredpaw smiled politely back at him, just noticing Poisonpaw's furious look. "I will get you for this.." muttered Poisonpaw as she padded away. Why is Poisonpaw like this? She used to be so nice.. "Ok Ravenpaw and Birdpaw," meowed Rainfeather, "You catch as much prey as posable and bring it back to camp in separate piles. " she meowed, "Yea, thanks but I can teach my own apprentice," meowed Redstorm. "Whatever you like Redkit." meowed Rainfeather, Not waiting for a sharp reply from Redstorm she meowed final words to the apprentices until the as.sessment was over. "We will be watching your every move, and then tomorrow, comes your hunting As.sessment." she meowed, "Now, Ready? Begin!" Yowled Rainfeather, then she bounded into the trees, Ravenpaw you will be a great warrior.
11:37pm Mar 11 2010 (last edited on 11:37pm Mar 11 2010)
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((-hopes she understood East’s post-)) Ashfoot gave a meek smile, as he padded over to Gray of Night. Gently grasping him by the scuff, Ashfoot continued to walk back to camp, the little gray tom swaying softly. Each sure step he took, Ashfoot wondered how this clan survived. Eaglestar seems to claim all cats that come by, but how does the prey last? All the cats seem to eat their fill each morning and eve. Shadows engulfed the pair as Ashfoot carried the little gray tom through the entrance. As he padded into camp, Ashfoot spotted Leopardheart talking with the two other kits. I suppose those are Blue and Red, remembering Gray asking about them. Placing the slate-gray kit on the ground, Ashfoot motioned toward the others. “I believe that is your brother and sister.” He meowed, “Go and be together again.” With a dip of his head, Ashfoot walked off to lounge in the sun again. There were plenty of apprentices to do work, why should I hunt for a clan that might not welcome me after the gathering. I can hunt for myself until Eaglestar shuns me out. The last thought made Ashfoot gloomy, and he realized that he didn’t want to leave. Fernseed looked at Nightpaw in fright. “I have to talk to Eaglestar about this,” she meowed, “And you need to come with. I want you to repeat this to her.” I hope that this is nothing serious. The clan has overcome so much already, can we really last if another attack comes? With a groan that announced all the dread in her body, Fernseed laid her tail over Nightpaw’s shoulder, motioned for Gentlepaw to come with, and then headed for Eaglestar’s den. As the left the den, Fernseed spotted three young cats. They were no longer kits, but not yet adult cats either. What clan are these apprentices from? The look like they will be strong fighters. Patchpelt yowled with joy, “Great job!” Bounding over to her apprentice, Patchpelt licked between his ears with a purr of delight. “Do you understand?” she asked. “Hunting is a virtue. Only time and patience will create a great hunter.” I think tomorrow I will teach him some fighting styles. Her fur fluffed with adrenalin, Patchpelt pranced around Shadowpaw. “Let’s get back to camp,” she mewed. Looking down at the robin, she purred, “You can boast to the other apprentices about how big your first catch is.” Swiftdarkness will be so proud! He is a wonderful father. Starting her way back to camp, Patchpelt wondered as she trotted. When I take a mate, I wonder what he will be like…A loving father? A loyal warrior? A great hunter? She imagined Silentheart; her soul ached to talk with him. He was so kind to me, she though dejectedly. I will never know what kind of father he would make. But she knew that he would have been a great one, imperfect but just the way Patchpelt would love. Suddenly, Kestrelheart came to mind. She had been thinking about the tom a lot lately; sending shy glances at him, but not knowing her true feelings. Cheetahwind…He too was a brave and loyal warrior already. Shaking her head, Patchpelt expelled the thoughts from her mind. It will be many moons before I commit myself to any tom. Leopardheart looked at Raveneyes and nodded. My kits have come so far, he thought proudly. A part of his heart ached to have Mistpaw back. He missed his silver-gray she-kit. Though, deep down Leopardheart understood what it meant to Mistpaw for her to leave the camp. She knew what she was doing. Standing taller, his eyes shining with pride, Leopardheart mewed, “I will name them tomorrow. Then they will be able to attend the gathering as warriors.” His whiskers twitched with pleasure. His kits were to be warriors. Jadewing, our kits have come so far. Looking down at Blue and Red, Leopardheart motioned for them to follow as he walked toward Eaglestar’s den. “Let us see if our leader will take you in as apprentices.” He meowed. Gazing into midnight-blue eyes, amber-red eyes, Leopardheart noticed a gray tom kit coming toward them; his eyes were startling gold, much like his own. Pausing, Leopardheart waited for the kit to catch up. Instincts told him that his tom-kit was a brother. These three were kin, and he knew that Eaglestar would accept them. Even if she didn't, I would pull my authority and have them taken in. They will be fine warriors; loyal and brave.
Just call me Siri.
8:20am Mar 12 2010
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"Yes fernseed." meowed Nightpaw. Then she followed the sound of paw steps out of the den into Eaglestar's. A dog attack... one white cat dies... which one will it be?
11:06am Mar 12 2010
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Gray nodded and smiled enthusiastically as he saw his siblings again. Nuzzling each of them he mewed, “Where were you?” his tone worried and sad, “I thought I wuoldn’t ever see you” Eaglestar watched as Fernseed and Nightpaw headed up t her den, with Leopardheart and three different kits following behind. She mewed to Fernseed quickly, “Can you help me bring the kits down? They need some good fresh air.” She grabbed Larkkit and headed down the rocks. Ravenfeather shifted his weight nervously from one paw to the other. His large spotted body shaking as he watched all the cats enter his leaders den. Not wanting to wait any longer he dashed up there and helped the leader and the medicine cat take the kits down. His large size and great strength allowed him to take both Rosekit and Featherkit down at the same time. After doing such he mewed quickly to Fernseed, the creamy brown speckled she cat, “I need to speak with you after”
3:36pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 3:36pm Mar 12 2010)
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Fernseed blinked dazedly at Ravenfeather. He took both Rosekit and Featherkit, not the brightest combination, and bounded away before she could answer him. Well, that was odd. Turning to Jadekit, Fernseed smiled warmly. The kit was just adorable, and she wished that Mistsoul was still here to see her. Gently grabbing the kit by the scuff, Fernseed trotted after Eaglestar and Ravenfeather, trusting Gentlepaw to guide Nightpaw. They are not spending as much time together as I had hoped, but that might change. At least, I hope it does. If the two were ever at conflict the clan would go into chaos. The medicine cat was apart from the clan, yet the center of the clan. Without them, pointless wars would break out, or disease would ravage them. I can only hope that these two will become one medicine cat. Setting Jadekit down, Fernseed meowed, “Nightpaw has had a vision from StarClan.” She paused briefly before mewing, “It does not bring joy.” Looking at her two apprentices, Fernseed encouraged, “Tell her Nightpaw.” Leopardheart knew better than to intrude when a medicine cat was talking with the leader. It was often serious. Glancing down at the kits, Leopardheart noted that each had a different pelt color: fiery-red, slate-gray, and black with white calico. I wonder what their heritage was. “How old are you?” he asked quietly, distracting them from their wait. They all looked exhausted. “We are seven summers,” mewed the fiery tom. Leopardheart shivered as another cough crept up his throat, but he kept it at bay. “You are old enough to become apprentices.” Leopardheart murmured thoughtfully. He was already listing cat that would be good mentors for each kit.
Just call me Siri.
5:42pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 5:42pm Mar 12 2010)
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Nightpaw breathed in before telling her leader the story, "Everything in my dream was black, I think that meant because this will append.. or end at night." Explained Nightpaw.I looked at the bottom of a cliff, it was the caveclan border and 2 cats with white pelts were down there, one was Cinderstar, I couldn't recognize the other one, but Cinderstar was grieving for the dead one.. Spottedtail showed me there were more than cats down there, 3 dogs lay dead beside them. she showed me how 3 dogs will attack the clan, the dogs were chasing Rainfeather after they attacked the clan camp and were probley drawn to Rainfeather because of her silvery pelt, but spottedtail told me that Rainfeather is not the one who will die, but a white cat from our clan will...Quailfoot is white.. but so are you Eaglestar.. I can't think of any other cat...." a muted silence came to the den. This will be horrible when it happens. while Ravenfeather was carrying featherkit and rosekit Featherkit scratched and clawed Rosekit, rosekit let out a loud yelp and tried to get loose of Ravenfeather's grasp.
8:49am Mar 13 2010
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9:21am Mar 14 2010
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((Short time lapse for mai charrie)) Rainfeather padded up to her apprentice," you have done very well in this hunting as.sessment, tomorrow is your fighting as.sessment, you will need a very good rest for that so why don't you start it now? It is starting to get dark outside." meowed Rainfeather, "and the gathering is tomorrow so you need to be rested for that too." she meowed, "Now go, tomorrow your warrior's ceremony awaits." Those last few words.. my mentor spoke on the day my hunting as.sessment was on.... that was the day right before she died..... and I couldn't believe that my mentor died on the day before the ceremony..
4:21pm Mar 14 2010
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"Oh, uh," Blue had been totally zoned out. "My name is Blue the Halfmoon, but everybody just calls me Blue." She looked straight foreward, staring at the heavy brambles. (I'm correct?) "W-we're going through those?" She squeaked. "How?"
5:23pm Mar 14 2010
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((Full, -giggles- We already did.))
Just call me Siri.