5:34pm Mar 14 2010
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((Oh.... -Flushes- NVM. XD))
5:40pm Mar 14 2010
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7:52pm Mar 14 2010
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Ravenfeather pulled Featherkit away from Rosekit and mewed sternly, "Now why are you doing that?" his tone hard, yet melting when he saw Larkkit stumbling around. He swept his tail across her back and led her to the others. Eaglestar was shocked at the nwes, snarling under her breath her crimson eyes blared. Upon realizing who it could e she murmured, "Dovefire? But no, he's left." she sgied, "Ivynose. Cuold it be her?"
9:35pm Mar 14 2010
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"Remember Eaglestar, we don't know where she is... she could be..." Nightpaw Paused, Dead. "I am sure it won't happen until the next gathering is over because at the beginning of the dream everything was dark." nightpaw meowed Trying to make Eaglestar feel better. Featherkit snarled at Ravenfeather, "RARA!" she hissed which meant ' She is stupid.'
9:42pm Mar 14 2010
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Ravenfeather was startled by the young she-kits ferocity, Well she is certainly like her mother and grnadmother. He thought to himself.
9:25am Mar 15 2010
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Featherkit scraped her claw on ravenfeather's pad. Stupid cat trying to boss me around she padded forward and flicked her Tail frustratedly. Her back faced Ravenfeather, Well I am not gonna look at your ugly face.
5:01pm Mar 15 2010
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((hoh what a mean girl)) Rzavenfeather hissed as Featherkit swiped at his paw. He laid his paw gently on her back making her lay down and calm down.
5:19pm Mar 15 2010
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Shadowpaw saw the odd look in his mentors eyes, the sadness and loss. He itched to comfort her, hating to see any cat in pain or grief. But he did not know wat was wrong, or what to do so he looked around and spotted a small mouse in the brush. Remembering her words, he stalked up to it and pounced, one paw catching on some bramble so his landing was awkward. But he regained his composure and killed the mouse. Purring in satisfaction, he dropped it beside the robin, waiting for Patchpelt to tell him what to do next. Sunflare twitched his whiskers in mock humor at his apprentice, then nodded towards the kill pile. "Hurry up or you wont get any practice at all today." He told her, scanning the clearing for any sign of Ivynose. He has respected the elder and wrred over her well-being. But he had to concentrate on training Poisonpaw.
7:33pm Mar 15 2010
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"Fine!" muttered Poisonpaw, she padded toward the fresh kill pile and began devouring a mouse. Grr... Shatteredpaw make's me angry..... I wish she would stop annoying me..
8:05pm Mar 15 2010
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Blackpaw raced after the rabbit, enjoying the thrill of the hunt. He purred happily. Suddenly, a blur of a cat charged at him. He screamed as the cat bit him in the shoulder. "Help! Help!" He screetched. The cat scratched his face. Blackpaw had managed to injure the cat, and he was creeping awy, but Blackpaw had lost too much blood, and was already decending to StarClan.
11:08pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 11:04am Mar 16 2010)
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Fernseed looked between Eaglestar and Nightpaw in distress. StarClan had given her no warning of this event, so she didn’t know what to say. What if the darkness is merely an evil veil over the killer? Cloaking him or her in mystery, Fernseed kept that thought to herself. Shifting from one paw to the other, Fernseed decided to leave Nightpaw to discuss her dream with Eaglestar alone. Walking over to Ravenfeather, she meowed, “What was it you wanted? Is something bothering you?” Leopardheart muffled a hiss of impatience. I would like to train Littlepaw but I need to get these kits situated first. He kneaded the ground with his ivory claws as he gazed at the threesome; coal gray, fire red, and polar opposite black to white. Each was slight of build, but they were young in the face which meant time will let them grow. The red tom has large paws; he will grow to be strong and powerful. Looking up at Eaglestar, Leopardheart gave in. With a glance over his shoulder he motioned for the three of them to follow. Walking over to Eaglestar he meowed, “I’m sorry to interrupt, Eaglestar, but these kits are tired, and I would like for them to rest.” With a pause he drew a breath, “I would like to have them become apprentices to our clan. They will grow to be strong-” “I will be the most loyal and strong of us all,” interrupted the blazing tom. His amber eyes turned a hot orange as they filled with enthusiasm. Leopardheart chuckled at the tom, but knew that only they could tell Eaglestar what she wanted. He was merely an escort; they would have to convince the white she-cat. Meanwhile, Patchpelt purred with pleasure as Shadowpaw caught a mouse. “Wonderful!” she chirped. Brushing her tail over his shoulder, she informed, “Tomorrow, before the gathering, I will take you to the training hollow. I think it would be perfect to fight a bit.” With a mischievous wink, Patchpelt bounded up about a fox-length and leapt into the air to swat at a falling leaf. Her calico pelt glittering in the sunlight that snuck through the gaps in the canopy, Patchpelt knew that this was the first time in a while that she felt free. Oh, Silentheart, this feels wonderful. Her paws seemed to float as she pranced back to camp. Looking back and seeing Shadowpaw walking awkwardly, with his two kills dangling from his jowls, she dashed over to grab one. Patchpelt let his carry the plump robin, hoping he was as proud as she was. He will be a great warrior. Suddenly a shrill cry echoed through the woods. Her eyes wide with fright, Patchpelt stared into Shadowpaws eyes. Dropping the catch, she didn’t bother to cover it as she yowled, “Go to camp, I will see what is going on.” Sprinting away, Patchpelt let her mouth hang open to scent the air as she dashed madly towards the area where the call for help came from. Her emerald eyes shimmered with fear. A rustic scent reached her moments before she burst into a little clearing. Her mouth gaped in horror. Blackpaw lay crippled on the ground, his breaths were shallow, and his blood coated the ground like a sickened blanket of snow. Cautiously walking forward, Patchpelt hovered over him. “Be at ease young one,” she meowed, “I’m here for you.” Licking his battered brow, Patchpelt whispered to him softly. She knew not what she was saying, but knew that they were words of comfort, maybe promises of peace. “StarClan calls for you.” She meowed heavily. “Relax, and know that comfort awaits you.” I wish that I knew herbs. I might have been able to save him. Patchpelt hung her patched head, in her heart she knew that this was not true; the tom was lost from the moment she arrived. Ashfoot milled around the camp. The gathering was coming, and he was fearful of attending. He desperately wanted to confine in a cat, any cat, about his origins. Maybe then I won’t get in trouble. I need to find a companion that won’t attack me if I were to tell them where I came from. His hazel eyes momentarily widened before his could hide his surprise, right before him Sunstripe walked around camp. Though his body betrayed nothing, Ashfoots was dealing with inner turmoil’s. When did he come here? Did they accept him? Should I speak with him? Blinking dazedly, Ashfoot padded over to the other tom. “What are you doing here?” he questioned.
Just call me Siri.
9:01am Mar 16 2010
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((It was Ravenfeathernot Raveneyes. -confusing-)) Eaglestar lookeda at the three kits. The two toms and one she cat looked to be great warriors as adults. "Of course you may stay." she mewed, "I won't turn down a cat in need" ((I'll pot Ravenfeather later))
4:29pm Mar 16 2010
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Shadowpaw's pelt bristled in alarm and he bolted back towards camp, running for all he was worth. Seeing the camp, his saftey, up ahead he kept going and barreled into the clearing. HGasilty making his way into Fernseed's den, he felt a buit bad for interuptting her, but that yowl sounded bad. "Fernseed, er, a cat has been hurt in the forest, Patchpelt went after him." He meowed awkwardly, already backing out. Silentheart sighed as he watched Blackpaw drift towards Starclan, hating not being able to do anything, to help anyone. I hate this place! Always able to watch my clanmates but never truly be with them. He sat beside Patchpelt, choked up with emotion. I'd do anything to be able to be back with them, most of all to be with Patchpelt again, like old times. Forcing away the tears that built up, and regretted acting so angry with her the last days of his life, and would have loved to tell her sorry, to tell her he loved her. Bowing his head, a small whisper beside him made the tom growl, knowing the call of his mother when she wanted to see him. "Dont worry Patchpelt, we'll take care if him." He murmured, then let himself drift off into the starlight. Opening his eyes, he looked into his mother and Fallenwind's own and saw the grief in them. "Silentheart," Fallenwind started. "You really hate it here, we all can tell that. Starclan is supposed to be a place of peace and happiness, not make you miserable." Shimmerpool padded up to him and her scent seemed to be everywhere. "We'd like to give you a second chance, but on one condition." Now Fallenwind cleared his throat, and Silentheart had never seen so much sterness in his father's eyes since he had rejoined Shimmerpool. "You cannot tell a cat who you truly are, nor give them any hints. They may figure it out on their own, thats fine. But you tell a soul and you will return here with us." Shimmerpool purred comfortingly. "We want you to be happy, and among Iceclan seems to be that place." He stared in her ice blue eyes as she faced him. "Only you may tell my sister, she deserves to know." He stared at the two of them, they were going to give them the life he had lost? How was that possible. What was worse that no cat could know, he would not be able to have the special bonds he had once shared. Suddenly he felt torn, his father who he had barley gotten to know or Falconwing, the queen who treated him like her own. The starclan cats, or Leopardheart who taught him everything and was a father figure. Shimmerpool, the mother he had lost or Patchpelt, the only cat who seemed to accept him for who he was, who he loved. "We will send you back as a grown rouge, there you may rejoin." Fallenwind meowed, amber eyes soft. "I..." ((I left his response open because I'd like to know if this is allowed. I miss Silentheart and have been thinking of doing this for a while, but with so many new cats I decided not to, until now.))

5:00pm Mar 16 2010
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(( I like the iea Stray)) Ravenfeather hissed under his breath at being torn away from cat he needed to speak to but he understood her duty. The injured cat was first priority and with that he hung his head.
5:16pm Mar 16 2010
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Ha ha, stupid cat, Though Featherkit when Ravenfeather let her go, I hate it when the bigger cats try to calm me down.... (( Featherkit is a mean little cat haha))
5:23pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 5:26pm Mar 16 2010)
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Littleppaw looked around for her mentor. "I just want some training.... Sheesh." She finally spotted him. "Leapordheart?" She said, trying not to whine. "When will we go out to train?" ((..... Who's Shimmerpools sister? I think the idea is fine, but StarClan does not have any power to do that. Just saying. And wouldn't there be slight suspicion that a rogue knows all about the Clans, and how will he try not to say names that he hasn't learned yet? (Sorry for my questions))
6:12pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 6:13pm Mar 16 2010)
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((Fullmoon, I think it is no different than Tigerstar, and all the other cats with inside mentors. It reminds me of reincarnation. A new cat, body but the same soul type of thing. Stray, is he going to look the same? Or is he going to look different?))
Just call me Siri.
7:24pm Mar 16 2010
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Fernseed gave Ravenfeather a pleading look. Her eyes asked him to forgive her as she dashed away. Looking for Shadowpaw, Fernseed meowed, “Where is the cat?” I don’t know what to bring! I can’t have Nightpaw come, she would slow us down, but the pair needs to learn…No. Not today. Fernseed had an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach. She trusted her instincts with her life at times, so she wasn’t about to deny them now. This was not the time to take two inexperienced apprentices out. “Was there rogues?” she asked timidly. It would be heartbreaking to lose my apprentices to rogues. The pads on her paws tingled a bit as the pair ran into the forest. What an odd feeling… Cheetahwind hates me! Midnightpaw thought with a soft sob. Slashing her ivory claws at her moss bed, attempting to rid the ache in her heart. I was the one that was impatient, I was the one who wasn’t strong enough, I was the one who hid in fear. Sniffling, Midnightpaw felt big, wet tears streak her face. Licking her lips she tasted the tangy, salty taste of tears. Her delicate ears lay back in self-hatred, her belly was clenched with shame, and her paws quaked in trepidation. I never want to be a warrior. I will never be a warrior. My heart isn’t true, I am not courageous like my brother or sister, I have no stealth like my mother, I have no swift movements like my father. Her aquamarine eyes shut tightly, Midnightpaw felt another sob coming. Shaking her head angrily, the little black she-cat dashed from the apprentice den to the hideout that she had often used as a kit. All she wanted was to be alone. Nestling into the prickly branches, Midnightpaw knew that no cat could find her. The damp moss that had not been changed in a while tickled her fur, but she didn’t mind. Her aqua eyes were half open as she lay there thinking about nothing, thinking about everything. Would the clan miss me? Leopardheart dipped his head to Eaglestar, in thanks. Turning back to the kits, he mewed, “I will give you names soon, but is the winds were to pick up, I fear you would blow away.” His topaz eyes glittered with humor, “Eat from the pile of kill over there, then sleep there.” He pointed his tail to the elders den. The apprentices might be a bit rough on them at first, so one nights sleep in the elders den will be an advantage to them. Satisfied with his orders, Leopardheart murmured absently, “If you need anything, or have a question ask any cat around camp. They should all treat you kindly.” With a light sigh, he turned on her heels heading for Littlepaw. "I just want some training.... Sheesh.” He heard Littlepaw mew. When she spotted him, Littlepaw meowed, "Leopardheart? When will we go out to train?” He stared at her intently. Was it my fault this young kit didn’t wake at dawn this morning? Was I not the one who tried to get her attention earlier? With another sigh, Leopardheart meowed, “We train now.” Lifting his spotted paw, Leopardheart easily pushed her over. With a low rumble, Leopardheart mewed, “You stand too tall. You are a small cat, don’t try to change this.” Stalking around her, knowing that they were in the center of camp, Leopardheart informed, “You could easily dodge my attacks, use the other cats as obstacles, and, most importantly, escape this fight. Never, never attack a cat that is much larger than yourself.” Stepping a bit away from her, he purred, “Their reach is double yours, their strength could be tenfold, and they won’t hesitate to kill you.” He knew it sounded harsh, but it was necessary.
Just call me Siri.
7:47pm Mar 16 2010
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((In my opinion, he should look different so that nobody knows.))
7:55pm Mar 16 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Mar 16 2010)
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Cheetahwind looked all around for Midnightpaw. "Midnightpaw? Where are you?" He finally spotted her, in a corner, sobbing. "Midnightpaw? What's wrong?" I knew it! This proves I'm not ready to have an aprentice! "It's okay," He soothed, hoping to at least stop her crying, as it broke his own heart. Poor cat. After what happened to me, she's probably thinking that it's all her fault! "What is it? If it's about the accident? It's not your fault, it was mine, not looking up to check the time. I was too exited to finlly have an apprentice of my own..." He trailed off. Littlepaw understood what Leopardheart was saying. As a kit, she climbed onto her mothers back, pretending she was flattening an enemy. Not waiting for Leopardheart to say anything, she crawled under him, popped on the other side, did a few slashes, claws sheathed, and jumped on his back, putting her full weight on his shoulders, giving him no choice but to drop down. "Hows that?"