11:09pm Mar 20 2010
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((bumper cars.))
11:10pm Mar 20 2010
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9:47am Mar 21 2010
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(( Warriors ceremony for duskpaw Ravenpaw and Birdpaw?))
10:36am Mar 21 2010
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Jadewing awoke from a small nap she had and stumbled around IceClan territory, hoping to find some cat she had known. Curious to find out what she looked like she dashed over to a smallpuddle where she caught the scent of Raveneyes and some other cat,who from her memory, not scent, she knew to be Silentheart. Peering into the puddle she was shocked to see brilliiant blazing orange fur and ice blue eyes with gray flecks. She had chosen her name well, sshe based it upon her paws which she had seen before were a darker almost red orange. Laying down again she waited for some cat to find her.
11:56am Mar 21 2010
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((Sure! What are Birdpaw, Ravenpaw, and Duskpaw to be named?))
Just call me Siri.
3:39pm Mar 21 2010
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((Jadewing couldn't know that was Silentheart!!!!! He looks diffrent, doesn't he, and that's sort of unfair..))
4:07pm Mar 21 2010
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ooc; Full she saw him before she was alive again.... ooc; Birdpaw - Birdwave Ravenpaw -Ravenblaze Duskpaw- Dusksoul
4:14pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 4:16pm Mar 21 2010)
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((Well, Jadewing might know what Silentheart looks like because she came back after him so she could have seen him while she was in Starclan. But i'm just guessing.)) ~ Shadowpaw was glad Patchpelt seemed to lose some of the sadness in her eyes as he spoke to her. He was not sure what was wrong and hating to see another cat in pain he did not know how to help. "Shalle we head back to camp?" He asked, itching to tell his littermates about the day and hear about theirs. ~ Falconwing was about to pad back into camp with a bird in her jaws when a new scent, rouge scent, hit her. Bristling slightly, she wondered who decided to ruin her day by tresp*censored*ing, perticurally on the first time she had come out of camp. Slinking into a small clearing, she buried her kill and padded forward, spotting a orange she-cat laying there. "Excuse me, may I ask who you are?" She asked the other she-cat, having never been a cat to instantly jump to conclusions. ~ As Silentheart followed Raveneye, he could not help but wonder what life would be like now. I must tell Falconwing, since thats one thing Shimmerpool said I could do. That might smooth things over a little bit to have some cat know. He hissed uncver his breath as he stepped on a thorn, forgetting that objects could hurt him now. It will be good to see Falconwing's kits as well, to see how much they have grown. He purred slightly at the thought of the kits, and flushed, hopinh Raveneyes did not hear him purring at nothing. That would be a good way to start things, a warrior thinking i'm crazy. Now I just have to try and act normal around Patchpelt, not easy.

4:23pm Mar 21 2010
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"Hello" Jadewing spoke calmly as she stood up, "My name is Blazewing. I come from a clan." tracing a circle in the gr*censored* with her toe she mewd softly, "From a long ways off, past those mountains." trying to make herself seem homesick, which in a way she was, she sighed, "My clan was destroyed after one cat was wrongly exiled. I hope you can help me." Raveneyes hearda strang noise and murmured, "What was that?" not realizing it was Silentheart, or as he would know him this time, copperfire purring.
4:30pm Mar 21 2010
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Falconwing smiled kindly and nodded. "Of course I can help, why dont you follow me to my clan, Iceclan." She turned and took a few steps towards the camp. "Leopardheart, our temporary leader, is a kind cat he should take pity on you." She meowed. "Im Falconwing by the way, nice to meet you." Silentheart flushed redder and looked down. "Nothing, just err something caught in my throat." He lied, looking away. "How far from camp?" He asked.
5:08pm Mar 21 2010
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Raveneyes looked at the tom, "Not much farther" looking over his dark gigner coat, "Your name suits your fur, but I'm not sure your personailty." "Th-thank you Falconwing" Jadewing murmured, "I'm sure Leopardheart is a nice cat"nshe wanted to kick herself for being so stupid. It's hard to pretend you don't know someone you love she thought to herself. How will I accomplish it? "You said temporary leader, I'm osorry to inruse but migt I ask where is the real leader?"lookingat the sweet calico's face she mewed, "I'm sorry I just need some clan information, it's hard being a rogue after being a clan cat for so long"
5:36pm Mar 21 2010
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Silentheart blinked in surprise, wondering what the other tom meant. "Err, I guess thats why my mother gave me that name, because of my fur." He felt the tears weel up in his eyes and blinked them away. I should have named myself something else. Silentkit was given to me because of my personality, yet this one because of my fur. Oh well. "Perhaps she could have called me pricklekit, seeing as I have a prickly personality." Falconwing looked at Blazewing, a bit curious at why she suddenly seemed so curious. She did say it was because she once belonged to a clan. "Our leader is Eaglestar, she is busy in her den with kits. But she'll be ready to come back to duty soon." She meowed happily.
5:38pm Mar 21 2010
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Jadewing apologized again, "I'm erally sorry if I'm intruding. This is IceClan you said? How much farther til the camp?"
7:12pm Mar 21 2010
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(( I have no clue what to write....... ;( ))
9:18pm Mar 21 2010
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((Oh. XD I is stupid.))
11:48pm Mar 21 2010
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((-pokes Full- No you are not.)) ((Ps. I'm going to wait until Blazewing, and Copperfire are at camp. Leopardheart will accept each into the clan then he will name the three apprentices. >.>)) ((Pss. Sorry, I can't post. I'm so busy at the moment, and I'm having writers block. >.<))
Just call me Siri.
5:30pm Mar 22 2010
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ooc; bumpedy bump bump
5:44pm Mar 22 2010 (last edited on 5:47pm Mar 22 2010)
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Emeraldrain walked out of the camp, towards the cliff where the caveclan border is. She padded silently through the gras.s, leaving a sent trail behind. I will do this... I have to... I have no reason to be here and I don't help the clan. she thought. The endless seeming trees stopped and broke off into a gras.sy clearing, not far ahead was the border. Emeraldrain padded up to the edge of the cliff, she sat about one tail length away from it. "Know one will notice me being gone..." she meowed softly. "I have no reason to be here." she murmured then stepped forward, her emerald eyes clouded with sadness. "I loved Dingofang... but he loved Rainfeather and he died.... I loved Dovefire and he ran away.. to some place.." meowed Emeraldrain sadly. "I have no purpose here.... I will never belong here.. and now.... I will have a place." she stepped forward once again, closer to the border. (( East! Post!! ))
7:18pm Mar 22 2010
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ooc; umm,Raveneyes aint back yet. Whatev. Seeing Falconwing and a bright orange she cat wwlaking towards the camp he dashed towards themwith Copperfire at his sied. He mewed quickly to Falconwing, "Can you take him back to the camp. I see someone who need help more than him" He followed a scent trail left by Emeraldrain and dashed towards where she was sitting on the edge, poised to leap. He yowled before thinking, "Stop Emeraldrain! Stop! You can't do this. I'll miss you"
9:34pm Mar 22 2010
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Emeraldrain paused. Fear, gilt and sadness, clawed at her as she turned to see Raveneyes. "Why would you care?" Spat Emeraldrain, anger overcame her forone moment. "Why would you miss me?" she murmured quietly. I don't understand! Emeraldrain turned back to the huge cliff ahead of her. Confusion flooded her mind, no one ever loved me..