9:47pm Mar 22 2010
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Raveneyes looked at her so full of sorrow. "How could someone not miss you?" he spoke softly pushing eher away from the ledge, "You are loved." he touched his nose to her ear and waited for her to calm down.
9:51pm Mar 22 2010
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10:40pm Mar 22 2010
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((-pokes Full even harder- Make your banner smaller!!!!...please.))
Just call me Siri.
11:28pm Mar 22 2010
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ooc; bumpo
3:53pm Mar 23 2010
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Falconwing nodded and glanced at the new orange tom curiously. "Of course Raveneye's." She muttered as the other tom hurried off. Wonder where he's going? Shaking her thoughts away, she padded off towards camp and breathed a slight sigh of releif as the camp came into view. "Follow me, but keep close." She told the two of them, then pushed into camp. Glancing around, she finally spotted Leopardheart. Quickly trotting up to the deputy she dipped her head slightly. "Me and Raveneye'as found a rouge each in the forest that once belong to a clan. They would like to join Iceclan, but needed to speak to you first. The she-cat is Blazewing(?) and the tom is..." The tom nodded in greeting, but what was up with the odd look in his eyes, almost longing. "Im Copperfire." He spoke, then stepped back. Looking at Leopardheart, his heart constricted. He forgot how much he missed his former mentor, and seeing him now was like being alive once more.
5:23pm Mar 23 2010
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Emeraldrain's tone softened. "...name one.." she meowed. She glanced over her shoulder, a silver pelt flashed behind. Hmm... who would that be? Rainfeather stood at the edge of the trees, just covered by a bush. Her heart felt as if it was torn in half. Remember this was your fault, your words cat do more damage than your claws sometimes. This is what you wanted. she though. Rainfeather looked at them through the branches. the branches moved and covered up her sight. Rainfeather looked at her paws. This is your fault... those words echoed in her head, sadness tore at her. Rainfeather turned accepting that Raveneyes is with Emeraldrain. She took one last glance at them then vanished into the forest. Forget about it. You have to be at the warriors ceremony for your apprentice. The thought of that made her almost forget about the sight she had just seen; but Rainfeather's mind would not let her accept that Raveneyes, liked another cat so quickly.
8:08pm Mar 23 2010
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Glancing up, Leopardheart felt his face soften when he saw Falconwing. She is such a lovely she-cat; brave warrior, loyal mate, and wonderful mother. Taking a step forward, he was about to purr a greeting when he saw the two behind her. Leopardheart stared at them. More rogues? As he listened to Falconwing, Leopardheart nodded. “There is no need for them to speak.” He meowed, “In their eyes, I see a common desire. They will be loyal to our clan.” With a rare grin, Leopardheart purred, “Welcome to IceClan. Being that you have your warrior names, I shall not have to name you.” Dipping his head, Leopardheart mewed, “Blazewing, Copperfire, enjoy your evening.” Turning to Falconwing, he meowed, “Bring them to Eaglestar. She should know of them, and after that they can do as the please.” With a flick of his tail, Leopardheart walked away from the group. I hope that my judgment was pure, and I’m not just trusting strange cats for nothing. Though, Leopardheart knew that it wasn’t something to fret about. The two cats had honorable eyes, his instincts insisted. As he padded along, Leopardheart soon found himself standing over his kits; Birdpaw, Duskpaw, and Ravenpaw. “My kits,” he purred affectionately. “Clean your fur well for tonight I am going to give you a warrior’s name.” Tears of pride threaten Leopardheart, Jadewing would be proud.
Just call me Siri.
8:39pm Mar 23 2010
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Raveneyes looked into Emeraldrains deep green eyes, "me" Jadewing could hardly speka as they walked into the camp. The sight of her mate and kits made her long to be back in her old body. To show love to the cats she loved. What could she do to hint at them, that she was not some strange rogue, but a cat they had oved. A faithful mate, a caring Queen, and a loyal warrior. Padding into Eaglestar's den she had to stop herself before she cooed at the kits her leader had only been pregnant with at the time of her death. "Hello Eaglestar" she mewed in a calm voice, dipping her head. A formal way of showing she was once a cat of the clans. Her paws itchedwith nervousness as she looked over at Silentheart. She had to tell him, they had to seem comfortable with eachother. They were from the same clan after all. Eaglestar looked at the two strange cats who walked into her den followed by Falconwing. "Hello friendly warrior" she mewed. Knowing this was a cat of the clans by the head-dip she smiled and purred. "Now where are you two from?" Duskpaw nearly yowled with delight at the news. Nuzzling her sisters and father she purred then stopped. "I wish Jade- I mean mom was here"
8:45pm Mar 23 2010 (last edited on 9:06pm Mar 23 2010)
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Quailfoot looked forward at leopardheart, I wonder what it is like to have your own kits become warriors and you getting to name them.. She padded over to the warriors den, "Emeraldrain?" meowed Quailfoot into the den, there was no call back, How odd, Emeraldrain loves watching Warrior Ceremonies... Quailfoot saw Rainfeather enter the camp, she was cleaning her fur slowly, she didn't seem to have to much emotion. Quailfoot turned and sat by herself and wondered, Where is Ivynose now? this question tore at her heart. She new that Ivynose had gone missing, before Tigerfang even noticed. Quailfoot shook her head to get the thought out of her head, she didn't want to be in a bad or distracted mood when the ceremony was going on. But she couldn't help but thinking why her mother would have gone missing or what cat would make her disappear. Rosekit played with Eaglestar's tail. She looked around the den for something other to do but nothing came to her mind. She looked up at her mother. Eaglestar seemed to be distracted. Rosekit couldn't understand why but she felt that this thing that was bothering Eaglestar would affect her. Redstorm walked though the woods back to the camp, after trying to be his own medicine cat, he discovered that he wouldn't be helping himself, after eating a couple of juniper berries it just made his throat hurt more. I guess I have to go to Fernseed.... Stupid cough.. Redstorm walked into the camp and padded for the medicine cat den. He poked his head into the den, "Hello?" he rasped, his voice cracked and burned his throat. "Fernseed I need something for this cough... It won't go away.." he Coughed. "Redstorm," meowed Nightpaw, " you can step inside, this isn't a badger den." nightpaw flicked her Tail at him, she could hear his voice from the outside of the den. I hope he will be alright, If Eaglestar has him get sick she will be depressed. thought Nightpaw, her sightless blue eyes shawn in the light, she had never Treated a cough before. "Berrypool, when does the ceremony start?" meowed Shatteredpaw as she walked behind her mentor. Shatteredpaw sensed faint worry and sadness coming from Berrypool. "Is something wrong?" meowed Shatteredpaw, Berrypool may be experiencing home sickness. I hope it won't effect my training.. thought Shatteredpaw, she leaped onto a stone, then flinched because she hit her dumb paw. "I feel so much bigger up here." she meowed Happily trying to make Berrypool feel better. Poisonpaw was climbing a tree, You mouse brained squirrel, you won't get away from me! Poisonpaw sprang at the russet colored animal. She missed and lost her balance but refused to give up. She sprang again and missed the squirrel seemed to mock her and began to run slower. Poisonpaw's muscular shoulders gave power to her as she sprang. Poisonpaw dug her claws into the wood. Poisonpaw gave a final leap and sprang forward and dug her teeth into the Squirrel. The branch snapped and she plummeted to the ground the branch falling after her seemed larger than it really was, panic took over her and she clung to the branch, she hit the ground. The branch landed on her leg, Poisonpaw let out a loud Yowl of pain and let the squirrel fall out of her jaws.
8:48pm Mar 23 2010
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Emeraldrain starred at Raveneyes in surprise. "You like me? " she meowed, then Realized she meowed That out loud. "Thank you.." meowed Emeraldrain trying to hide her happiness. "I love- I mean Like you to..." Wonderful job mouse brain!
8:56pm Mar 23 2010
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((Eklipse: I think it's Berrypool not Berrynose...))
Just call me Siri.
9:05pm Mar 23 2010
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(( lol..... My mind is wandering...... I shall change it thanks ;P ))
10:21pm Mar 23 2010
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Raveneyes smiled at Emeraldrain and mewed, "Come on, lets get back to camp. Duskpaw and his sisters are being made warriors." breathing a deep sigh of relief he motioned for ger to follow him. Berypool smiled at ger apprentice, "Come on Shatteredpaw. The ceremony will start soon." Flicking her blue tal she headedtowards thew rock. ooc; Birdwave, Ravenblaze, Duskfire
4:10pm Mar 24 2010
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Sunflare's eyes widened with alarm as he watched his apprentice fell, paws already scrambling over to her. Skidding to a halt, his heart churning with horror and guilt he took in the scene. "Poisonpaw!?" He yowled sinking his claws into the branch and tugged wit all his might. Feeling a claw rip out, he did not take notice or care, not when hs apprentice was hurt. Getting better grip, he tugged again, feeling his muscles strain as the branc finally slid off. Looking at the damage, he *censored*essed the situation, trying to keep his calm. Im so stupid, letting her go after that squirrel when the tree looked weak. Is something is wrong with her i'l nver forgive my self! Nosing her fur, he prayed she was still awake. "Can you feel your leg?" He asked gently, soothingly so it seemed he was talking to a kit. He knew she probably would get annoyed at him for treating her so young but he could not think of anything better to do. Silentheart nodded towards Leopardheart in respect and followed Blazewing. He felt Falconwing pad up beside him and was instantly guilty, not telling her who he was yet. Please forgive me. He thought, looking over at his foster mother. Hearing Eaglestar speak, he felt his fur flush because he stil had not come up with a story. Smooth Silentheart. He thought sarcastically. "Im from another clan a few moons distance away from here, called Cometclan." He meowed steadily. "I came here seeking a clan because mine kicked me out because they accused me of killing a kit. I would never hara kit." He told her honestly.

8:36pm Mar 24 2010
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Jadewing swallowed nervously, "I am his former clanmate." she looked him deeply in the eyes, trying ot show Silentheart it was her, Jadewing, not some random rogue, "Copperfire is a truly innocent cat. As am I. Once he left our clan was destroyed from the inside." With a sad look outside the den she sughed and hung her head. ooc; Jadewing has this thing. She flexes her claws then flicks her paw. Its a kind of twitch. Ravenfeather padded up to Fernseed, "Can we speak now? I tired earlier but you were busy. Which of course is fine"
9:14pm Mar 24 2010
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Cheetahwind waited for Midnightpaw to speak. "Squirrel got your tongue?" He joked.
3:51pm Mar 25 2010
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Copperfire tried to get Blazewing's meaning, not sure why she would lie like him. Looking deeper, it suddenly hit him. It's Jadewing! She came back like I did! Suddenly feeling less alone in his scheme to re-enter the clan, he nodded very slightly to her, letting her knew he knew. "What she say's it true, she was at one time my clanmate."
4:59pm Mar 25 2010
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Jadewing was about to purr but stopped herself. She saw his realization and it made her joyous. Coming back to a new life was hard, but worth it to see and speak to her clanmates again. Waiting for Eaglestar;s answer she thought about how great it would be to speak to her daughters and mate about evryything, that is if they figure it out. Eaglestar smiled at the two cats, "Then welcome to IceClan. We have taken in many new and trustworthy cats. I'm sure you'll be welcomed here." Looking deep into the two cats eyes she noticed as neither flinched away ffrom her crimson stare like most new cats would. There's something familiar about both of them.
11:24pm Mar 25 2010
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9:07am Mar 26 2010
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