10:59am Mar 28 2010
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A tom was watching her from the trees. He smirked as he saw her attack without thinking it must of been her friend. 'A very amusing she cat. Very amusing indeed.' He licked his fangs thinking of her blood leaking into his very own mouth. 'A pity too. For a beautiful cat to die at my claws and fangs...she would of probably made a perfect mother. Oh well life is life. And I haven't had a decent kill. He jumped out of the tree and landed near her. "Hello there." He said with a smirk. ((Crimsonfang is the cat but I'm starting him out as a loner.))
5:20pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 11:01pm Mar 28 2010)
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After burring Blackpaw, Patchpelt and Shadowpaw ran back to camp. The day had been long and very eventful. I hope we get back in time to see the new warriors named. With a glance at Shadowpaw, she added; then he can also brag about his catches. She carried his mouse while he carried the plumb robin. Slowing their pace as the came near the entrance, Patchpelt like Shadowpaw go in first. Her pelt was warm with pride as her apprentice walked in proudly holding his catch. After dropping the mouse by the other fresh kill Patchpelt scented new cats. That’s odd. I wonder who they are. Peering around her, Patchpelt spotted an orange she-cat and a handsome tom. Patchpelt couldn’t seem to take her emerald eyes off of him. His pelt was a deep, rich brown and as the fading sun glimmered off of it she saw hues of burgundy. When their eyes met it was like the earth meeting sky. The silver-blue was captivating and Patchpelt found herself walking over to him instinctively. Whiskers trembling, Patchpelt mewed, “Hello.” She was about to continue when she spotted Leopardheart leap onto the great Highrock. Fernseed looked over at Ravenfeather. The tom looked a little agitated and she wondered if he had an upset stomache. Blinking her pale gold eyes, she meowed, “Sure. What is it you need?” I hope nothing is wrong, so many of the warriors are getting sick. Glancing over at her two apprentices, she thought, tomorrow we won’t be going to the gathering. We will begin the trek to the Moonstone tomorrow morning. Coming out of her thoughts, Fernseed looked up at Ravenfeather waiting for him to respond, but they were interrupted again by Leopardheart’s call from the Highrock. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting.” Leopardheart called out, his powerful voice reaching every corner of the camp. He was shaking slightly, and hoped that no-cat would notice. I get to name my own kits, what an honor Eaglestar had given me. He watched as all the cats gathered around. He noted Ashfoot near the back, while Patchpelt sat beside Copperfire, and Swiftdarkness lounged with his mate. Patchpelt hopped that it was alright that she was sitting by this new warrior. The other clan mates weren’t being cold to him, so she knew that he was a new member. He looks like a strong warrior. I wonder what his name is. Continuing Leopardheart meowed, “Everycat in the clan knows that Birdpaw, Duskpaw, and Ravenpaw are all ready to receive their warrior names.” He paused to look at his lovely kits. “Birdpaw, please come forward.” Looking over to Redstorm, Leopardheart purred, “Redstorm, are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Yes, she is ready;” Redstorm rasped. With a nod, Leopardheart began, “I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.” With a pause he meowed, “Birdpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” He asked. Birdpaw responded confidently, “I do.” With a meow that boomed through IceClan, Leopardheart meowed, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Birdpaw, from this moment you will be known as Birdwave. StarClan honors your courage and independence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Resting his muzzle on the Birdwaves’ head, Leopardheart felt her lick his shoulder. Turning to face the clan once again, Leopardheart motioned for Duskpaw to come forward as he called out, “Raveneyes, are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Duskpaw is ready, Leopardheart.” Raveneyes yowled. Grinning with pride, Leopardheart turned to Duskpaw, “I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Duskpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” He asked. Duskpaw yowled with pride, “I do.” Leopardheart called out proudly, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Duskpaw, from this moment you will be known as Duskfire. StarClan honors your valor and liberty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Resting his muzzle on the Duskfires’ head, Leopardheart felt her lick his shoulder. Turning to face the clan for the final time, Leopardheart smiled as Ravenpaw stepped forward, “Rainfeather,” he meowed hastily, “are you satisfied that this apprentice is ready to become a warrior?” "Yes, she is ready;” Rainfeather called out. “I, Leopardheart, temporary leader of IceClan,” he thundered, “call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.” With a pause he meowed, “Ravenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” He asked. Ravenpaw shifted nervously and meowed, “I do.” With an encouraging smile, Leopardheart yowled, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Ravenpaw, from this moment you will be known as Ravenblaze. StarClan honors your ideas and independence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of IceClan.” Resting his muzzle on the Ravenblazes’ head, Leopardheart felt her lick his shoulder. Pride welled up, and he desperately wished that his mate was here. “IceClan!” he yowled, “I give you new warriors!” The chanting began, “Birdwave! Duskfire! Ravenblaze!”
Just call me Siri.
5:21pm Mar 28 2010
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((Oops, should I not have Ravenpaw get named because Rainfeather is busy?))
Just call me Siri.
5:33pm Mar 28 2010
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((Sorroweyes, and Firefeather are not going to be played, right? I mean they are in (not from, but in) CaveClan...-ish confused-))
Just call me Siri.
7:26pm Mar 28 2010
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ooc; just have someone fill in for Rainfeather. Ravenfeather started to speak to Fernseed but was cut off by Leopardheart. After showing his pride and support for the three she cats he turned back to Fernseed. "I just need to speak with you. Come with me" he flicked his tail and headed towards camp exit. Birdwave, Duskfire and Ravvenblaze nearly yowled with joy, but caught themselves as they remembered the rule; All new warriros must sit vigil while guarding the camp. Padding out of the den they sat down and watched for any intruders.
7:35pm Mar 28 2010
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OOc: Well they will be played but rarely. Like I will play them at meetings battles or just talking to the other clan from borders. But they will rarely be played.))
11:14pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 11:27pm Mar 28 2010)
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((Electro, ok! I was just wondering. If we began to play all four clans I would get sooo confused. x3 But your characters are a lot like Hawkstar, yes? Played only at Gatherings, boarder meetings, and attacks?)) Leopardheart had jumped off of the Highrock and licked each of his kits in turn. He congratulated each on their accomplishments, and told them how proud he was. I finally feel like a father. I have raised my kits into warriors. He rumbled a purr for all of them to hear, if not the whole clan, and meowed, "Guard us well." With a lick on each ear, again, Leopardheart left them. Leopardheart eyes the new ginger-red she-cat before heading to the warriors den for some rest. Blazewing may ring like Jadewing, but the two look nothing alike. With a sigh, Leopardheart also admitted, Jadewing rests in StarClan now. Grief and pride pulled on his heart that night, as sleep pulled him under with no mercy. Fernseed had yowled loudly for the new warriors, so much so that she could hardly meow. So she merely nodded at Ravenfeather when he demanded her presence. I wonder what he wants. He doesn't seem to be sick, and he's been trying to talk with me for almost a week now. Her silver paws made no noise as she padded into the dense forest. Glancing behind her, into the camp, Fernseed had the feeling she wouldn't be going back in there the same. He's going to tell me something that will change my life, but is it for the better or the worse? As they came to a stop, Fernseed took a deep breath and scented strangers, but she knew that it could wait. Ravenfeather needed to speak with her. "What is it you need to tell me?" she mewed with hesitation.
Just call me Siri.
11:17pm Mar 28 2010
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ooc; Ravenfeather not eyes Ravenfeather sighed deeply, "There's something I need to tell you. I've wanted to tell you this for a while, butI've had no courage nor words to do so." He looked over her mottled pelt, to his own spotted, "I'm your father"
11:36pm Mar 28 2010
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Fernseed looked at the tom in shock. "Really?" she mewed in a sarcastic tone, "Who do you think I am? I'm no kit to be fooled!" Her neck fur bristled, "Everycat in the clan knows that I have wanted to know my heritage, but no cat has ever spoken up. Why now? Are you trying to make a mouse-brain out of me!" Her ivory claws slid from their sheaths, as she hissed. Fernseed thought, how could he! Somecat would have slipped up by now. StarClan should have told me, or maybe they can tell me whether or not he's lying. Claws sinking into the earth, she imagined as Ravenfeather's spotted face, Fernseed hissed, "How can you prove it?" About to spit more nasty words at him, Fernseed caught herself. Instead of saying harsh things and regretting them later, the she-cat decided to storm off. Muttering to herself the whole time, she didn't even notice that a strange voice was talking not far off. In her anger, Fernseed burst through the trees to find Rainfeather staring at a huge tom. Oh, StarClan! He's huge! Her anger disappeared instantly and was replaced by fear. Swallowing slowly, Fernseed backed away. "Huh, Rainfeather, you are needed back at camp..." she stammered, hoping to distract the tom.
Just call me Siri.
9:10am Mar 29 2010
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Dashing after Fernseed Ravenfeather stumbled uupon the large tom and Rainfeather, "Rainfeather, who is this?" he asked his voice bold, yet with a slight tone of misery. He hung his head, his black claws sliding in and out, and thought to himself, I'm useless.
9:30am Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 5:30pm Mar 29 2010)
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The tom looked at Fernseed and Ravenfeather and smirked. "More cats for the kill? Hmmm this must be my lucky day. Though you look to be a waste of my time." He liked his jaws while giving Ravenfeather a bored ex pression.
4:25pm Mar 29 2010
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Silentheart was about to pad up to Falconwing when another scent wafted through his nose, sending a shock wave thought his fur. Glancing towards the scent, his eyes widened slightly at the sight of emerald eyes that had haunted him, yet comforted him since the day of the fox attack. Swollowing thickly, he was surprised that Patchpelt looked even more stunning now that she could see him. But another thought crushed that sense of delight, horror. She did not, nor could know, who he was unless she figured it out. But it did not dampen the happiness at seeing his clanmate once more. Hearing her voice when she greeted him seemed to make the rest of the world dissapear, only the two of them in it. Smiling shyly, he was about to reply when Leopardheart spoke up, indecating the start of the warrior ceramony. Seeing the three apprentices get their warrior name, pride filled him at how strong Iceclan truly was with so many great warriors. He yowled the new warriors names along with the rest, glad to be once more apart of the clan. Glancing over at Patchpelt as the ceramony ended, he dipped his head slightly in greeting, trying to act out the role of the newcomer. "Greetings, I did not catch your name before" He meowed softly, looking her in the eyes, wondering, hoping that perhaps she would see past the discuise, even though he knew it would not happen. "Im Copperfire."

5:49pm Mar 29 2010
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Ravenfeather looked over at Fernseed desperatly, and launched himseslf onto the russet tom digging his claws into the rogues pelt. Ravenfeather's large size was always an advantage and a disadvantage in battle. It would help him fight large cats but small carts could easily get to his belly from under his long legs. Is large ears twitched as he saw Rainfeather just sit ther and he yowled, "Help! We must get this cat either out or back to camp with us. He will destroy us without help." his black paws battered the toms back. Ravenfeather turned to Fernseed and yowled, "Get help from the clan!"
5:54pm Mar 29 2010
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(( lolz)) "Oh its you.." meowed Rainfeather, Why is he talking to me? She thought, then stepped one pace away from him He is kind of creepy... she thought and stepped one pace away from him again. "What do you want with me? I don't have a future with You." she meowed then sat down. Rainfeather unsheathed her claws then shealthed them quickly again, I really hope he didn't see that.. "Why are you here?"
6:13pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 6:28pm Mar 29 2010)
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He crouched down and bit Ravenfeather's tail pulling harshly.
6:15pm Mar 29 2010
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(( buuump.... Who were u just rping? Electro?))
6:17pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 6:17pm Mar 29 2010)
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XD Crimsonfang but he's not in the clans yet.)
6:23pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 6:23pm Mar 29 2010)
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ooc; Electro. Ravenfeather is a savannah cat with a bit more savannah than cat. His father was a serval and his mother was a savannah cat. picture below. Hes bigger than Crimsonfang,
6:25pm Mar 29 2010
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OOC: ...I missed that then. O,O;;; FAIL.))
6:38pm Mar 29 2010
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((Electro: I know you are new, so I want to tell you this. Please post at least a paragraph. That is five or six healthy sentences. If you need an example I have one. As a matter of fact, this is six sentences long. So, as you can see, it isn't that hard, and it really helps the other Role players. ^.^ )) -post coming-
Just call me Siri.