6:50pm Mar 29 2010
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((sitritachi1: Oh ok. Thank you for telling me, I will take that as a note to remember. Oh and to awnser you're preveious question, which I am sorry for not replying to yet, is yes. Again thank you for the note.))
7:25pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Mar 29 2010)
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A flush tickled her cheeks as Patchpelt shyly mewed, “Oh, sorry! It’s nice meeting you, Copperfire.” With a dip of her patched head, she answered, “I’m Patchpelt, a proud warrior of IceClan.” Her emerald eyes sparkled with delight, as she gazed into Copperfire’s expressive opal eyes. Something about them tugged on her heart, but she couldn’t understand why. Patchpelt loved to meet new cats, but when she met Copperfire, it seemed as though they already knew each other. Her tummy acted as though she had eaten a butterfly. At the thought of food, her stomach grumbled with hunger. “Oh Fourtrees, I feel like I could eat a whole fox!” she mewed, “Would you like some fresh-kill before we rest?” The night was still young, and the new warriors were quietly sitting vigil. It’s great that our clan is so large, but I haven’t been eating as much. I would hate to have a kit starve, or take food from a better warrior. The image of Larkkit appeared in her mind. Looking over at Copperfire, Patchpelt meowed in an adoring tone, “I have to show you Eaglestar’s kits tomorrow. They are the loveliest kits that have ever graced any clan.” Picking up a slight mouse from the fresh-kill pile, Patchpelt took petite bites and savored each one. Her ginger patched tail flicked back and forth out of habit. “Where did you come from? I haven’t seen you at any Gatherings.” She meowed gently. Some cats don’t like to talk about their origins…like me. I don’t even know where, or who I really am. Fernseed shrieked in horror, as Ravenfeather leapt onto the burgundy tom. “Stop!” she hissed, but was too afraid to get near. A clan is nothing without their medicine cat. That is why I am to never get into fights, or clan rivalries. Her silky, sleek pelt shimmered in the night. Being that the next night was a full moon; the brilliant orb was large and cast large shadows onto the ground. When Rainfeather spoke to the tom, it sounded as though she knew him. “Make them stop!” she called out again, her voice quivering. Foolish toms! Always throwing themselves into fights! Fernseed’s golden eyes filled with tears as the crimson tom bit into Ravenfeather’s tail. Turning on her hind feet she pivoted away, hoping to find another warrior that could help. As she dashed madly for the camp, Fernseed nearly collided with Swiftdarkness. Even with light shafting through the trees, Fernseed hadn’t seen the dark warrior coming. “What’s wrong, Fernseed?” he asked quickly. “It’s a rogue!” She cried, “Ravenfeather attacked him, but he’s talking about killing Rainfeather!” She watched as Swiftdarkness’s sapphire eyes turned a hard obsidian-blue. “Don’t worry, I will stop them.” He fairly hissed. Curious, Fernseed followed the tom as he scented the ground. In a matter of moments they were back to the others. What a quick warrior. He found them so fast, and without my direction. Swiftdarkness took in the scene. “Ravenfeather, get back.” He yowled. Swiftdarkness felt his back fur rise and didn’t try to stop it, his eyes flashed menace, and a feral hiss escaped his lips. I’ve heard of a crimson rogue. Some say his pelt is red because of all the kills he has made. “Let us be at peace…” Swiftdarkness meowed calmly. If peace is what we should call it. “I want no death this night.” Looking between the two, he added, “Let us be civil and talk this over with my leader, Eaglestar. She will judge your trespa.ssing.” Fernseed felt like her pelt was going to crawl off her skin as she waited to see if the two toms would listen to Swiftdarkness. I can only hope...
Just call me Siri.
7:30pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Electro: Not a problem. =) I enjoy reading, so I like to see large posts. That is also why I do mine so large too. Well, that and I like to write! I hope you have fun~ And thank you for answering my question.))
Just call me Siri.
7:36pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:38pm Mar 29 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
Ravenfather tried to back off as the red tom kept lunging at him. Feeling like he was the source of all the problems he looked over at the wretched rogue and snarled under his breath, "Murderer" before bending over to lick his leg and tail.
7:46pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 7:49pm Mar 29 2010)
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Cheetahwind padded over to Patchpelt. "Oh, hey Patchpelt!" He purred,rubbing her in a friendly way. He looked up, and saw a rogue. Two of them. He felt a recognition for both, but mostly the tom. When he looked at him, a fire in his belly started to burn, as if.... they'd fought of something, or someone in the past. He nodded his head at the tom. "You must be the two rougues, Copperfire and Blazewing. I've heard murmurs around camp about two rougues here, so I wanted to check it out." He then looked at Patchpelt. She was staring at Copperfire strangely, a spark of recongnition, like him, but a different type. Cheetahwind disliked the look. This tom seems very fimiliar..... where have I seen him before? A border patrol? naw, I would have recognised him by now. Suddenly a picture flashed through his brain. He shook it off. That would be impossible. Littlepaw stretched out. She glanced at the fresh-kill pile longingly. But she hadn't caught any prey yet, or even for that matter, trained. She growled in frustration. She felt like crying. Her mentor was basically ignoring her, all the other apprentices were up and about, and she didn't have enough gut to talk to one of the warriors. So, she slinked into the apprentices den, and cried. She couldn't even fall asleep. She felt like a failure. Finally, after soaking her moss bed and having red ,puffy eyes, she fell alseep. Littlepaw dreamed that she was a rabbit, hopping happily around. All of a sudden, a group of cats came out of nowhere; Eaglestar, Leopardheart, some of the other apprentices, and Patchpelt. She ran madly, as fast as she could. But she was no match, and they rounded up on her, giving her a swift bite to the neck.
7:48pm Mar 29 2010
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Jadewing twitched as Cheetahwind called her a rogue. She was very temoted to yowl out at him that it was her. Mother of the new warriors, amte of temporar leader, "I am Blazewing." she mewed solidly, "I come from a clan a long way from here. I am no rogue."
7:50pm Mar 29 2010
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((No, Easteh, I actually couldn'tremember. XD))
7:53pm Mar 29 2010
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"Oh, sorry, yes, you both came from a different Clan. What was that Clans name?" He asked, hopinng to spark a memory in his mind. Maybe when he was a kittypet, he saw them, or maybe another thing. "Do you catch anything different then us?" He told them what they caught in IceClan.
7:57pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 8:01pm Mar 29 2010)
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Crimsonfang looked at the new member of the group and quickly let go. "Oh DEAR. It appears I have been out numbered. I shall follow you and you're party back to camp. Though...would you PLEASE get this fat thing off me?" He spoke rather sarcastically with a sly smirk hidden within hi voice. 'Hmmmm I guess that pregnant she cat took some of my strength.' He looked none too happy and was proud to have cleaned the blood off enough that none of the cats were noticing. He smirked evily at the thought of the she cats mate seeing her dead body. He could still feel and taste the she cats blood. 'Such a shame too. She was very beautiful for a young she cat.' He pushed from underneath the tom he was quessing was Ravenfeather. "HEY. You old geezer get off me." He was obviously starting to get pissed off. "Hey beautiful", He looked at Fernseed, "Mind helping? I promise I wont hurt you."
8:05pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 8:18pm Mar 29 2010)
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"CometClan" she sighed, "We don't catch much other. But we catch fish, or rather, some of us did. Most went for land and air prey" she said, hpoing this was a hint. She knew that she was one of the few IceClan cats who could catch fish. Her orange paws itached with anticipation to tell somecat who she was.
8:08pm Mar 29 2010
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Ravenfeather snarled again and looked Crimsonfang deep into his scorching eyes. Brown met red. Ravenfeather had to use all his strength not to pin him and kill him then, but he knew it was wrong. He wuold not kill out of cold blood or revneg like the cat that took his mate. He would wait, and if the cat proved his loyalty to the clan, if he so chooses to join, he would leave him alone. His large ears heard everything, and as Crimsonfang called him fat he spoke, "Look who's calling someone fat. Murderer."
8:16pm Mar 29 2010
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"Hmm, fish.. you remind me of somecat named Jadewing..... maybe she had a sister? No, probably not..." He zoned back. "sorry for my babbling. Would you like a piece of prey?" He offered her the mouse that had origonally been for Patchpelt, but thought the two would enjoy some food. "How long did it take you to travel?"
8:20pm Mar 29 2010
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Jadewing mumbled, "Perhaps" as Cheetahwind spoke of her, "she did. I do not know of this Jadewing. Sorry. Was she born in or brought into the clan?" ooc; Jadewing was an aboandoned kit :P
8:24pm Mar 29 2010
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Rainfeather walked into the camp without the creepy red tom then seen him back in the camp. Rainfeather seen Ravenfeather on The creepy red cat. ",Murderer?" meowed Rainfeather catching the last few words that came from Ravenfeather's mouth. "Who are you?" hissed Rainfeather to the creepy red cat (crimsonfang). Rainfeather fought the urge to unsheathe her claws. "Why are you here?"
8:25pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( East can you update me on what is happenin' with Crimsonfang? I am a little confused..))
8:28pm Mar 29 2010
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Cheetahwind about knocked Patchpelt over when he greeted her with a cheek to head rub. With a purr of laughter, Patchpelt mewed, “Hello to you too, Cheetahwind.” When she looked at him, she saw that he was intently looking at Copperfire then at her. Confusion swamped her, what was that look? She wondered, possessive or protective? When Cheetahwind briskly talked with the new cats, Patchpelt found she fascinated. The two seemed like any other cats, but looks can be deceiving. Patchpelt was curious about Blazewing, but she looked to Copperfire. “Is that where you come from as well?” It would be so exciting to explore all of the territories. She felt bad that Blazewing’s story bored her, but she wanted to know about Copperfire. The sun-kissed tom with emotion filled eyes.
Just call me Siri.
8:30pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( ooh my... Last time I was on the rp it was on the last page..... lol))
8:37pm Mar 29 2010
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Swiftdarkness entered the camp with Fernseed in front and the rogue behind. I would rather not have this tom behind me, but I don’t want him anywhere near Fernseed. Swiftdarkness had watched the silver she-cat shiver when the burgundy tom asked for her a.ssistance, while Ravenfeather pinned him. It’s odd that Ravenfeather attacked. He is normally a calm and collected tom, and what was he saying about the tom…murderer? Of who, who did he kill? Swiftdarkness nodded to the new warriors, telling them to stay at their posts. He walked into the camp as mornings dawn touched the sky. In a couple of hours the new warriors will be able to talk again, but Swiftdarkness didn’t need them. He went straight to Eaglestar. “Eaglestar, there is a rogue here that you should talk with.” He yowled into her den.
Just call me Siri.
8:44pm Mar 29 2010
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Featherkit looked up at Swiftdarkness, I am going to be a warrior like that some day.. she thought to herself, then Realized how out of Character that was for her to think that so calmly. Waiting for her mother's reply, she examined the out-side world. It seemed so bright, I bet It will take a while to get out there.. she thought then padded forward and examined Swiftdarkness. He looked so tall. You may as well take a long look at him it will take a long time for you to be like that.
8:49pm Mar 29 2010
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Eaglestar sighed and got up. "Can you watch my kits for a while. I will speak to him in here." She picked up Jadekit and Featherkit and set them down outside by Swiftdarkness. he was a goodd cat and a good father, she trusted him with her kits. Dashing back up to get the other two she noticed Larkkit was staring blankly.. Ignoring that just for the moment she broguht Crimsonfang and Ravenfather into her den, leaving Fernseed with the ebony tom and her kits. "Who are you and why are you here?" she asked Crimsonfang sharply, scarlet eyes metting scarlet. Turning back to Rvaenfather she meowed, "Why did you attack him when he came." Rvaenfather ooked at the ginger and black cat, "Because. He is a murderer"