8:54pm Mar 29 2010
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Rainfeather starred in astonishment, A murderer?! she thought, and I talked to him?! she backed away from the redish tom. She couldn't speak, He seemed interested in me though... What does he want? Featherkit cuffed Larkkit upside the head. She turned and padded off acting like everything was Larkit's fault.
8:54pm Mar 29 2010
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(( Bump))
9:09pm Mar 29 2010
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Swiftdarkness had often watched Featherkit torment her sibs, so he in turn cuffed her over the head. His sapphire eyes snapped with expectance, “Don’t do that again.” I have never seen such an aggressive kit before. Shadowpaw was kind to his sisters and Midnightpaw never went too far in play-fights with Littlepaw. He wrapped his forepaw around Larkkit and pulled her close when she began to wander around aimlessly. “Watch where you are going kit,” he mewed. “Don’t want you to get lost now.” Flicking his tail at Rosekit, Swiftdarkness didn’t mind her sharp claws and teeth. Quick little thing, he thought. Spying Jadekit, Swiftdarkness whipped his tail around to entertain both kits. Leopardheart groaned in his sleep. His dreams made him restless, and his thoughts were confused. Blinking his topaz eyes clear, Leopardheart got up as the rosy pink hue in the horizon announced sunrise. Today I will teach Littlepaw how to hunt even if I start to cough. I shouldn’t let this lousy thing stop me from teaching her. She is bright, and I’m sure she will do well today. Getting to his paws, Leopardheart excited the warriors den. It was crowded even though many warriors still lingered outside. He spotted Swiftdarkness watching over Eaglestar’s kits and wondered what she was up to. Deciding that he would find out later, Leopardheart padded over to the apprentice den. “Littlepaw,” he called. “Get up! It’s time to hunt.”
Just call me Siri.
9:41pm Mar 29 2010
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After getting cuffed, Featherkit let out a loud hiss and padded into the corner of the den, she watched Rosekit and Jadekit walk over to Swiftdarkness. I don't need them! thought Featherkit. She made a nest and began to drift off into sleep. Featherkit woke to a loud mewling noise, Rosekit was complaining about something,I don't care.. thought Featherkit. She is being a mouse brain and trying to suck up all the attention If she does it again she will be shredded.
9:42pm Mar 29 2010 (last edited on 10:29am Mar 30 2010)
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OOC Sorry I haven't replied was doing somethings.)) Crimsonfang sat up straight. "So says the one who attacked ME. I was simply traveling. And MURDERER? HA! I think not. Why I wouldn't hurt a kit." He said looking at Eaglestar straight in the eyes. "But I must say traveling is getting QUITE boring...You know a strange question has popped in my head. If it's not to much to ask...but may I Crimson join you're people?" He looked more serious then ever. 'Hmhmhm if she lets me join then all I'll have to do is gain the clans trust and sooner or later I will destroy this clan one by one. From the smallest kit to the oldest geezer.' He sat there awaiting her awnser.
9:49pm Mar 29 2010
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Eaglestar glanced from one to to the other and sghed eeply, "We will see." she mewed simply to Crimsonfang, "You must prove your loyalty" Turning to Ravenfeather she asked, "Why are you hurling accusations like that around." she snapped, "I would expect better of my senior warriors." Ravenfeather nodded as he snarled, "He killed Evera." Eaglestar looked, "You mean your mate? Who was murdured before she could join the clan..?" The spotted tom nodded solemnly, mellifluous words being spoken, "Yes, the light calico she cat who looked much like your Larkkit. He killed her. I remember. That's why I attacked him"
10:06pm Mar 29 2010
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Crimsonfang nodded. "I understand. And you speak of my father I presume? I hate him more then I hate accusers. Don't you EVER accuse me of my fathers crimes you old tom." He snarled at Ravenfeather warningly. Crimsonfang looked at Eaglestar and nodded "I can *censored*ume you are tired. If you wish me gone I shall leave." He got up and looked at her expecting the awnser to be gone. 'This seems trickier then I thought. I'll have to show that I'm NOT a MURDERER to the cats. Maybe if I acted kindly towards the kits I could earn some trust and fight when these fools are in trouble. Hmhmhm Crimsonfang you sly tom.' He stood there waiting for Eaglestar's response.
10:20pm Mar 29 2010
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"I believe she was an abandoned kit," Cheetahwind said. "But ask Patchpelt, I joined this Clan as a kittypet."
11:15pm Mar 29 2010
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((Electro: I hope you don't mind another helpful hint, but it you italize, bold, or underline it is easier for the reader. At least for me, I find caps distracting...though everything is distracting for me~ x3 )) Patchpelt looked away from Copperfire. "Yes, she was." She mewed quietly, "I remember the elders telling me a story about finding her. It is very possible, but I've never heard her speak of kin." Though, maybe she didn't ever get to meet them. Or she might have been too young to remember them...like me. With a yawn, Patchpelt looked up at the sun as it broke through the night. "I think I'm going to get some sleep before sunhigh." Flicking her black patched ear toward Copperfire, she wondered if he was going to sleep as well. No, I should sleep by Kestrelheart like I normally do. "Goodnight, err, I mean morning!" she purred before heading off for some sleep.
Just call me Siri.
9:24am Mar 30 2010
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"Fernseed." whispered Rainfeather as she padded into the medicine cat den. "Who is this strange cat?"And Is he a murderer? Rainfeather pushed back that part of the question. "He acted... odd around me......" she meowed Quietly. Rainfeather swept her long feathery white tail over her paws. "Do you have any Idea why he is here?" she meowed worried.
9:32am Mar 30 2010
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Ravenfeather looked at the tm and snarled, "Unless you are him ou are a murderer. I remember that day. Its was the day Fernseed was brought to the camp as a kit." He flicked his tail angrily, dipped his head to Eaglestar politely and left. Eaglestar meowed in a harsh tone, "I do not want to make you leave if I have no evidence, but if you wis to join you will be just in the camp proving your loyalty by watching the ways of our life. What is your name rogue?"
10:27am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsonfang growled at Ravenfeather then nodded to Eaglestar. "My name is Crimson. I thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself. I shall take my leave." With that he got up nodding and left the leader to be alone and walked into the clearing looking around. Hmmmm not bad of a place. It's rather cosy. He went towards a secluded place and layed down with a thump. Er so much walking and thinking. I might as well rest for a few moments then plan out how the hell Im going to do this. With that he fell into a light sleep tail tip touching his nose. ((OOC: Thank you for the advice. XD And trust me I'm also easily distracted.))
2:00pm Mar 30 2010
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Rainfeather looked into the camp after talking to Fernseed, That rouge is there.. she thought. Since my apprentice is now a warrior I may as well sun myself of this rock I have nothing better to do.. she padded over to the grey/black rock and lay down Rainfeather hadn't felt this warm for Moons. The sun warmed her pelt as she though about the redish Rouge. Did Eaglestar let him join the clan?
4:09pm Mar 30 2010
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Silentheart watched as Patchpelt walked away, a bit annoyed at himself for not being able to answer any of her questions. Mentally calling himself a mouse-brain for not enjoying the time to speak, his eyes turned and found Cheetahwind. His heart burned with slight fury at the toms advances on Patchepelt. Im being stupid, she does not know who I am, and she seems to like Cheetahwind, and Kestelheart. He flinched at the thought of competing with both strong toms, both if which had everyone elses aproval of. But it's up to her. He met Cheetahwind's eyes as best he could, letting all of his past fury light them. He was never on good terms with the other tom, and now this only seemed to make him hate the warrior more. Finally he whipped around and followed Patchpelt, delighted to see a spot large enought for a nest some-what beside her. Gathering moss quickly, he smiled slightly. "Would it be alright if I sleep here?" He asked quietly, afraid that if he was away to long he would wake up once more and this all be a dream. "As for your questions from earlier, perhaps you could show me some of the territory tommorow and i'll tell you then?" He asked, hoping he did not sound to forth-coming. Falconwing was pacing around slightly in front of the warriors den, the dream from her nap haunting her. Closing her green eyes she recalled what had happened. Sitting in a small meadow, the one her and her sister had found as apprentices, she could remember another scent mengling with the scent of pine. A shiver of shock raced through her and she was suddenly facing the sister she had lost so many seasons ago. "Shimmerpool!" She had yowled, and raced up to meet her sister, who purred with delight. But her happinmess was quickly died when she saw the pain and longing on her sister beautiful face. "Look for the one who blazes under the shadow of the wing, and another who lights up a fire with a amber hue." Falconwing stared at her with worry, not understanding any of it. "What do you mean?" She asked, touching her sister nose with her own. "I cannot tell you, but tell no other cat, for they shall dissapear once more." Her sister then dissapeared with a eerie glow of silver and Falconwing yowled in greif after her. Seeing Swiftdarkness pad into camp, then into Eaglestar's den with a rouge, she waited outside the den until both leader and rouge were out. Slinking in to stand beside her mate, she purred in happiness at the sight of the kits. I love my kits, all five of them, but I dont want to return to the nursery for a long while, if ever. The clan is getting full now anyway. "Their beautiful." She whispered. Sunflare sighed as Poisonpaw's attitude won out her pain, and she cursed the squirrel. "Do not apologize to me, it was my fault for not noticing the tree's weakness." He murmured softly, licking her ear in comfort. His eyes scanned the hit leg, heart cinching at the thought of it being broken and her being permanetly lame. She needs to see Fernseed before it become that way. He thought, and picked up the apprentice by the scruff, hoping to not jiggle the leg. He lowered her gently to the ground, going to see i she could support herself or not. "Can you stand?" He asked, worry in his eyes.

6:59pm Mar 30 2010 (last edited on 7:00pm Mar 30 2010)
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Poisonpaw looked at him. Then struggled to stand her leg shot ferious pain to her body then she instantly collapsed to the ground. "It is no use!" she meowed, "It won't work!" disappointment flooded her mind. What is I can not use this leg again!? I don't want to be like Cinderpelt! she though. Fear swept over her like night does to day. "How am I going to get to camp?" she meowed.
7:57pm Mar 30 2010
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(( bump))
8:25pm Mar 30 2010
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Sunflare looked kindly down at his apprentice, seeing the look of horror in her eyes. Licking her ear gently, he then grabbed a hold of her scruff gently, glad he was fairly tall, though not as tall as Ravenfeather or Leopardheart. Starting forward at a somewhat limp gate and trying not to hit her leg, he mumbled between a mouthful of fur. "Exactly like this." He was not about to let her become a ripple, and if that leg became useless, then he would still train her to the best of his ability and make sure she became a warrior. Don't worry Poisonpaw, you'll become a great warrior, not matter how much this sets you back.
12:41am Mar 31 2010
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Swiftdarkness beamed up at his mate. Her closeness comforted him. As he gazed at the kits before him, Swiftdarkness thought about his kits. They grow so quickly. Though, as they grew, the need to protect them didn’t disappear, as a matter of fact, the need grew. Everyday I worry about simple tasks and the ways they could go horribly wrong. What would I do if my kit couldn’t become a warrior? How could I heal a broken soul? He knew that he was just over thinking, but he couldn’t help himself. His kits are his pride and joy, his clan is his heart, and his mate is his soul. Without them I wouldn’t be whole. The thought made his chest rumble with a loving purr. Leaning close to Falconwing, Swiftdarkness nuzzled her gently then licked her cheek, “My love.” Hazed in sleep deprivation, Patchpelt lifted her calico head toward the voice. For a moment, Patchpelt thought it was Silentheart, but she shook her mind clear of the grogginess. That was odd, I didn’t notice before how similar Copperfire and Silentheart talked. “Of course you may sleep here,” she mewed in a think purr. With a yawn she stretched on forefoot and bonked a slumbering warrior, who mumbled a sleepy yowl. As Copperfire collected his moss, Patchpelt watched his muscles bunch and flex. He’s not solid like Leopardheart or Ravenfeather, nor is he strapping like Swiftdarkness. Copperfire is more lean and lethal. The same odd spark tickled Patchpelt’s belly, like the one she got when around Cheetahwind or Kestrelheart, but she ignored it. When Copperfire seemed pleased with his nest he lay down. “As for your questions from earlier, perhaps you could show me some of the territory tomorrow and I’ll tell you then?" he asked. “That sounds wonderful,” she mewed. “I’ll see if I could stay in camp while the other warriors go to the Gathering. Leopardheart won’t mind.” The idea of staying in camp with Copperfire was exciting. Gatherings are normally the most thrilling thing, but this new warrior and Blazewing are enough for me. I can be as curious as I please, and not worry about slipping up on any clan affairs, being that they are now a part of them as well. With another yawn, that was so big she feared for her jaw, Patchpelt stood and circled her moss bed until she found a softer spot. Lying down, she was instantly swamped by her exhaustion from the previous day. Turning to Copperfire with a shy grin, she mewed, “I mew in my sleep at times, so if I get too loud just give me a nudge.”
Just call me Siri.
9:21am Mar 31 2010
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Rainfeather padded around the camp nervously. Had I really talked to that 'murderer'? she thought in worry. Rainfeather looked up at the sky, it didn't seem to be so far away. "Starclan why did you send this cat here?" she murmured. Rainfeather padded into the warriors den I may as well get some rest.. she thought, and she lie down in her nest, it seemed to small for her because of her long legs. Then she got settled for rest. "Fernseed," meowed Nightpaw, "Redstorm Says that his cough wont go away." she shuffled her paws uncomfortably. "I hope Eaglestar will be ok.. Knowing he has a cough..." Even though she was speaking those words her mind was on something else. When will these dogs attack? Starclan give me a sign! Nightpaw p*censored*ed around in the medicine Cat den. And who is this white cat that will die? Poisonpaw? Quailfoot? Eaglestar herself? Nightpaw stood still. And this is going to be very hard on Eaglestar, loosing a clan cat, her sister is still missing, and Redstorm has Green cough! Once Poisonpaw got back to camp she noticed the fresh-kill pile seemed a little empty. Tipping her head to one side, "Where is all the fresh kill?" she meowed Echoing her thoughts.
4:34pm Mar 31 2010
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Falconwing smiled back at her mate and licked his cheek gently, delighted to have a cat in the clan that loved her for who she was. "And I always will be." She meowed back, content to just breath in his scent mixed slightly with kits, the perfect combination. How was I lucky enough to capture such a wonderful toms heart? But I'm not complaining, him and my kits are everything. Another thought crossed into her hazy mind, the whispering words of Shimmerpool. She threw them to the back of her mind, ready to deal with them later. Silentheart lay down after a little squirming in the nest, facing forward with his head tipped slightly to the side so he could watch over Patchpelt. It seemed normal, since he had spent so much of his time in Starclan doing just that. But sleep caught up with him and he lay his head on his paws. "That would be great, but I don't want you to miss anything at the gathering." He meowed groggily, blinking a few times then letting his eyes close for good for the night. "And don't worry about talking in your sleep, i'm used to it seeing as you've done it for so long." He cringed. I just said that! Practically saying I know her. Cursing himself, he hoped she was asleep. Please don't let her find out! I don't want to return. Sunflare shrugged and drug her into the medicine cats den, looking around for Fernseed. "Fernseed, Poisnpaw fell from a tree limb and hurt her leg. Is there anything you can do?" He asked, curling his tail over his apprentice shoulders in comfort, even though he knew she hated being shown affection, even from her mentor.
