5:37pm Mar 31 2010
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Nightpaw turned her light blue gaze to Sunflare. "I can take a look if you would like." she meowed happily. "I can take care of myself!" snapped Poisonpaw angrily. I shouldn't have snapped at her.. "Well what are you waiting for Nightpaw? Get to it!" Confused Nightpaw waled over to her litter mate and pressed her paw on Poisonpaw's leg. "Where does it hurt?" she asked. Then Poisonpaw motioned her tail toward a certain part of her leg, evern though Nightpaw couldn't see Poisonpaw's tail she could hear her tail swish. Nightpaw sniffed her leg and then looked at Poisonpaw. "I think your leg may be broken....I am not truly sure though; I will get Fernseed to Take a look." I hope it isn't broken, even though I felt a crack in the bone....
5:37pm Mar 31 2010
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(( Bump to the new page!!))
7:58pm Mar 31 2010 (last edited on 7:59pm Mar 31 2010)
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Not wanting Patchpelt to be alone, he raced to follow them. Cheetahwind just got in the warriors' den to hear the new warrior say"And don't worry about talking in your sleep, I'm used to it seeing as you've done it for so long." Cheetahwind stiffened. Had he been spying on Patchpelt? No, impossible. There are no holes in the warriors' den, and it would be hard to get into camp to do it. "What did you say??!" He growled. He wanted to to cut the cat in the nose, but patchpelt would hate him if he did.
10:18pm Mar 31 2010
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ooc; I dunno what to post, so heres my fail Jadewing stretched and looked up at Shimmerpool and Fallenwind and asked, "Can I not tell one cat? Silentheart can tell Falconwingto whom may I reveal my secret?"
11:54pm Mar 31 2010
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Lurching awake, Patchpelt had all her fur sticking up in every direction. Her moment of sleep had been interrupted by a yowled, “What did you say?" Her usually sparkling emerald eyes were an ominous deep black-green because of her fear. A rogue! As she spotted Cheetahwind, glaring with menace at Copperfire, she pinned her ears, bared her fangs, and swished her tail. “Have you no respect.” she whispered, but with such feeling that it didn’t need to be yowled. “There are warriors sleeping so that they might later protect their leader and Clan at the Gathering.” Stepping toward Cheetahwind she continued, “What if they couldn’t do their duty,” she spat, “because some tom kept them from their much needed rest.” When Patchpelt finished there was only a whisker length between their faces. Her snapping greens meeting his confused and hurt amber. What have I done! No cat should ever say such hurtful words. Fernseed looked up at Nightpaw from her nap. Dear StarClan, can I not have one nights rest? But Fernseed knew that she was doing what she loved. Stretching to her paws, the silver she-cat walked over to Poisonpaw, but asked Nightpaw, “You said Redstrom’s cough is still with him, correct? Maybe I’m not doing enough for him.” Her gold eyes glazed over with insecurity, am I not good enough? “Could you and Gentlepaw go fetch him while I look at Poisonpaw.” She mewed it like an order more than a question. I’ll have that tom sit still for a while. Being that he has no apprentice now, it should be a bit easier keeping him still. Giving Sunflare a comforting glance, Fernseed went to work. “Poisonpaw, can you move your leg at all?” As the answer became clear, a moment of hesitation then no movement, Fernseed gently probed the wound. “Poisonpaw, I’m going to need you to be strong like a warrior for a moment.” Trotting off to the herb den Fernseed came back with two poppy seeds, spider web, and a stiff stick. “Sunflare, stay strong as well.” With a nervous shiver, Fernseed stared down at the crippled leg. Only Halfmask, medicine cat of TreeClan, has tried this…and it didn’t work. Shaking her head, Fernseed decided to risk it all. Determination filled her fierce eyes. “Eat these,” she mewed, “because they will hinder the pain.” Setting the spider webs beside her, along with the stick, Fernseed grasped Poisonpaw’s injured leg in her mouth. A moment went by with her doing nothing then she gave a great yank. -snap!-The sound of broken bones cracking alongside each other was sickening, but the bones were straight again. Fernseed knew that there was noise and chaos around her but a buzzing had filled her ears. I am with you, whispered Mistsoul. I can hold the break straight while you place the necessary items upon it. This will work, Fernseed, I know it will. Not wanting to see the pain filled look Poisonpaw surly gave her, Fernseed placed the stiff stick, a perfect guiding line, onto the leg and wrapped it in all the cobwebs she had. With everything done, the feeling of blissfulness had disappeared and she heard the wailing sound of Poisonpaw’s screams. StarClan, help me. Did I do the right thing? Leopardheart stamped his foot in a rare flare of impatience. What is taking that apprentice so long? I saw her in there, what could she possibly be doing? About to call for her again, Leopardheart suddenly got swamped by a coughing fit. Rushing away to a secluded corner, he coughed long and hard. When the fit ceased Leopardheart tasted blood in his mouth. White cough! I thought it was going away, not getting worse. His topaz eyes steeled into cold determination, I will be strong, and I will fight this sickness. I will talk with Fernseed after I train my apprentice, or after the Gathering. I have too much to worry about at the moment to be slowed down by this cough. Licking his lips clean, Leopardheart walked over to Ashfoot, “Would you mind going on a patrol with Swiftdarkness? Just the two of you,” he asked, “or you can take an apprentice.” "Sure,” Ashfoot replied. “I will go get Swiftdarkness right away, and I think we will keep it to two of us, so we can catch some prey.” The cinnamon tom looked around the camp, “There are so many cats to feed, it’s a wonder we’re surviving as it is.” “StarClan is blessing us,” Leopardheart mewed as he ignored his empty belly’s protest. Turning back, Leopardheart went to call for Littlepaw again. “Littlepaw! Where are you, you silly apprentice,” he yowled.
Just call me Siri.
4:21pm Apr 1 2010
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Shimmerpool looked at her mate with a determined question on her face, eyes slitted in pleading. "No Shimmerpool, you know this is delicate as it is, if many more cats find out we can do this then the forest will be over run." He muttered, hating to hurt his mate. "Please Fallenwind, you know as well as I do Jadewing is a loyal cat, and so is all of her family." She meowed softly, pressing her nose into her mates fur, hoping to console his worry. "I would not doubt it, but we do not rule Starclan nor were we supposed to let them go back in the first place. We could be exiled into the Dark Forest if other cats fin out." He licked her ear sadly. "I cannot stand to be parted from you again and knowing your somewhere in that horrid place." He voice cracked with slight grief. "She cannot tell any cat." He meowed firmly, being forced to look away from her sad blue eyes. "Please?" She asked, flattening her ears and grimacing, knowing this was her last shot. "No. "He growled and dissipated, leaving a angry looking she-cat. Why cant he see beyond his nose? We sent them back so they could be happy, but Jadewing will not be unless she can tell one cat. Getting to her paws where she had been sitting with her tail protectively around a small black bundle, she smiled down at Swiftkit. She had adopted Falconwing's dead daughter who Falconwing had later called Swiftkit after her father. "I'm going to help her anyway. I don't care if Fallenwind gets angry or not." Sighing and tipping her head back to think where she wanted to go, she felt her paws grow slightly cold and tingle. Take me to Jadewing. She thought, and watched as stars swirled around her and everything was beautiful silver, shinning at every corner. Suddenly she was outside Iceclan camp, her body see-through and paws not skimming the ground. Entering the camp, she by-past all the cats and stopped in front of Jadewing. Don't worry Jadewing, I wont let you live a second life in unhappiness. Pressing her nose gently against the other she-cats ear she laughed softly. "My mate might not like it, but you may tell one cat who you are. Only one and make sure they do not tell any cat. We risk being sent to the Dark Forest. ~ Sunflare cringed as Poisonpaw's bone snapped back into place, trying to calm his suddenly queasy stomach. I hope the herbs dulled the pain some, because that sounded painful. Bending over the new work, he purred with a smile at Fernseed. "Thank you, I don't think any cat could have done better." He meowed softly, sitting beside his apprentice. Licking one front paw that had gathered a bit of blood on it where he tore the claws, his mind went back to the scene, wondering how he did not notice the rotten state of the tree. "Will she be alright?" He asked. ~ Curling his lips back slightly as Cheetahwind spoke, about to tell him to shut his mouth and they could take it outside so the others would not wake up and duel it out. He stared at Patchpelt in surprise as she jumped from her nest and snarled at the other warrior for all she was worth. Way to go Patchpelt, you tell him! He cheered in his mind. He walked up and lay his tail soothingly on Patchpelt's shoulder, ice blue eyes meeting Cheetahwind's own challengingly. "She's right some warriors are trying to sleep after a long day. If you have a problem with me, then I will gladly go outside of camp and you can yowl at me all you want."

5:04pm Apr 1 2010
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Jadewing was shocked at Shimmerpools answer, "One cat?" she asked herself silently, "One cat. Whom shall I speak to?" She took a deep breath. Looking down at her paws she was no longer her completely ginger cat she had been as Blazewing but her normal self every time she dreamt. "One cat" she murmured again as she was woken up by something poking her. Kestrelheart stood over the new she-cat and asked, "One cat what?" His gray tipped tail flicked and he asked again, "One cat what?" Looking up at Kestrelheart she mewed quietly, "Nothing. I must tell someone something." Dashing out of the den she looked at Leopardheart who was callin impatiently for his apprentice, Eaglestar with her kits, some cats leaving for patrol aand her daughters coming back in from guarding. She padded over to where Eaglestar lay in the moss with her four kits. She cooed when she saw them and asked, this time actually not knowing, "What are their names?" she hadn't much time in StarClan so with that she didn't pay much attention to the kitsut to the grave danger that awaited a white she-cat whom she couldnt name. Looking up at the blazing shecat Eaglestar mewed happily, "This is Featherkit" pointing to the snow bengal, "These are Rosekit and Larkkit. Named after my mother and one cat who died, or rather was killed by foxes, while I had my kits." She sighed deeply, and spoke again her voice wavering, "This" she said her eyes beginning to fill with tears, "Is Jadekit. Named for a rather brave she-cat who sacrificed herself, once again for me, and my kits, safety. Her ktis are the new warriors." She didn't really notice as Jadewing flinched while Ealestar mentioned foxes or when Jadewing turned away quickly to hde a tear, "She watcheds from StarClan onw. She must be proud"
6:09pm Apr 1 2010
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Poisonpaw's eyes were filled with shock. She let out a loud yowl. Poisonpaw couldn't bring herself to say anything, nor think anything she just sat there. "Yes Fernseed Redstorm's cough is still with him," meowed Nightpaw." I could fetch him if you would like." Nightpaw waited for Fernseed's response and sat quietly.
8:45pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimsons sleep had been startled as soon as he had heard the yowl of a young she cat in pain. What the devil was that?! He looked up and looked towards the source. Somehow he felt...oddly...not wanting to go in there. He didn't know what laid within that den and nor did want to go find out. "Whatever it was...it didn't sound nice. *Sigh* Minus as well get up." with that Crimson got up and looked around. You know...I could get used to this. It's better then running murdering random cats. He was about to get up and walk when two toms came running into the camp...well more like one came running the other walking in a grumpy manner. They seemed sad. Ok then who's the emo and the crazy? Timberfur and Fireeyes had come back to camp after seeing Firefeather leading his patrol around with very disatrous news about their sister Sorroweyes. Everything Firefeather said was running through his mind like a broken record. I'm sorry to tell you this...but...I know Sorroweyes was your guys' sister...I only thought it right to tell you. We found Sorroweyes' body dead in the territory near here. I'm sorry...she's gone. Timberfur knew that Firefeather was her mate and he approved but Fireeyes hadn't. Fireeyes hated Firefeather and his sister for both her choice and the fact Firefeather was from a different clan. But now...all the two tom could think of was their dead sister. Timberfur walked into the camp clearing and headed to the warriors den more moody then usual. He didn't want to show his sadness in front of his clan.
8:50pm Apr 1 2010
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Rainfeather looked at The odd red rouge, "Why are you here?" she asked half waiting for an unpleasant Reply. "Are you, what they say, a Murderer?" hissed Rainfeather as she looked at the tom. Talking to him could lead to something unpleasant.. Possibly a fight. But something attracted Rainfeather to him. She just couldn't figure it out.
9:00pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:08pm Apr 1 2010)
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Crimson looked at Rainfeather and nodded in respect. "I was. But only because of my father. I stopped killing. Don't worry. I'm not going to harm anyone." He looked very calm and serious. I don't think I could ever harm you. You're beautiful. He looked her straight in the eyes not daring to tear away. He knew she was uneasy around him and he wanted to prove he was trustworthy. I can't believe I wanted to kill everyone here. Well there's still that Ravenfeather bozo. Accusing me for murdering the she cat my father murdered. He looked at Rainfeather and saw her claws "What are you part MUTT?"
9:07pm Apr 1 2010
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"uuhh.." Rainfeather shuffled her paws uncomfortably. "My name is Rainfeather.." she meowed, she moved her Tail over her paws hoping that the Tom wouldn't notice her claws that were shealthed but really, to everyone else, were shealthed. I wish I could sheath my claws in all the way instead of looking like I always want to battle.... "And your name is?" I am not sure If I can trust him yet... Though he did say he murdered his Own Father... Waiting for his answer she turned her Ice blue gaze on him.
9:15pm Apr 1 2010
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Echovoice saw Timberfur and Fireeyes walk into the camp looking sallow and sad. Dashing over to the two toms she asked, "Whats wrong?". Looking Timberfur in the eyes she asked, "Did something happen?"
9:16pm Apr 1 2010
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Rainfeather slowly unsheathed her Claws, "You Are calling Me a mutt?!" she hissed, Rainfeather felt the fur on her neck rise. Rainfeather jumped on him and dug her claws into his back, making sure he felt what these mutt Claws felt like. She hissed at him flipping him over so she could easily pin him down, "One more comment like that and you will feel what its like for these claws to go through your shoulder!" she hissed, I am going to Rip your throat out!!! She dug her claws into his front legs. "Never say that again!" she snarled.
9:23pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimson yowled in pain and kicked her with his hind legs. "Ow lord women!! OK I'm sorry! Ow. Now get off me." Needless to say he wasn't happy. Jesus. ...Wait...she Beat me? Me...the strongest kit from my litter? Wow. Sis would be laughing her tail off. But I have to say...hot damn I met the girl of my dreams! Quickly changing back to reality he looked around the clearing hoping no one aw that a he cat beat a huge tom like himself.
9:26pm Apr 1 2010
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((DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just made a huge post, that made me choke up, about Cheetahwind, and I accidentally presse the 'back' button! GRAHHHHHHH!))
9:35pm Apr 1 2010
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"Uh-uh I-I'm sorry." Cheetahwind stared in shock at Patchpelt. Had it really been that loud? It had only meant to be at meowing volume. He looked at Copperfire. His eyes were smirking. He then saw Copperfire touch Patchpelt's shoulder with is tail-tip. That is not what you do to somebody you just met.He looked at Patchpelt with confusion and hurt, then back to Copperfire. He didn't want to show any emotion. He just gave him a hard, cold stare. "Really -Patchpelt- I'm sorry. I won't bother you again." With that, he fled the warriors den. His feet were trembling, and his mind was stinging like it had been stung by a wasp a few times. Her words kept repeating in his mind. Have you no respect. No respect...... His heart was cracked. A dark thought had seeped into it. I'm gunna kill 'im. I'm gunna kill 'im. He needed to get away, something to calm him down. Several tears had fallen down his cheek. I know! I'll visit Eaglestar's kits! He rushed to her den, his mind still hurting. "Eaglestar? Do you mind?" He went over to her, and looked at her kits. They calmed him, and made him stop breathing hard. Let's hope Eaglestar doesn't notice anything about what I do, or maybe the scent of tears.....
9:36pm Apr 1 2010
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(( Full!! lol, I have done that before... lolz )) "Don't think I can't do that again." Spat Rainfeather as she got off of him, "And if I need to I will." Rainfeather began to walk away; her long legs felt good after that. That was needed.. she angrily though. But Rainfeather thought for a moment Grr.. stupid rouge.... I may be skinny and tall but I can fight back as good as a cat with nine lives. But...................for some reason....... I want to talk to him.. and be near him some more..
9:41pm Apr 1 2010
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ooc; oooohhhh fulleh I hate doing that D; Eaglestar looked up at Cheetahwind the tears flowing down her cheeks, as Blazewing sat beside her, "Of course not Cheetahwind. Have you officially met Blazewing? I don't think you have" She continued babbling on, rather than face the thoughts of two cats laying down their lives for her. Her. The cat with nine lives. Well, seven now. No cat knew she hadn't all her lives.
9:41pm Apr 1 2010
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Grayheart was woke by sudden mewling. "Dear lord, all of you!" He meowed, glaring at the unfamiliar face and Patchpelt.Cheetahwind was just leaving. "Would you please be quiet?" He then saw Cheetahwind tail whisk out of them room, and he squinted at Patchpelt. "Okay, what happened, no lying." He then noticed the new warrior. "What's your name?"