9:43pm Apr 1 2010
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"No, but I've Definately met Copperfire." Should I tell her? No. "How are the kits? as mischevieose as ever?"
9:43pm Apr 1 2010
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9:46pm Apr 1 2010
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Quickly Crimson jolted up and checked his wounds. He started licking them and hid his embar*censored*ment. "Well now...that was a bad approach. He pricked his ears up and called out. "By the way! My name is Crimson!" Timberfur only looked the other way. "I-*Ahem* It's our sister. Sh-...she's dead. She was murdered near the border marking our territory and Caveclans. That's all you need to know." With that he walked right past her and into the warriors den. Fireeyes though looked at Eachovoice and just padded across the clearing to Rainfeather smilling pervertedly. "Well hell~ look if you ever need a mate why not try me for chances?"
9:47pm Apr 1 2010
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Featherkit looked up at Cheetahwind, "Of course!" she snorted angrily. I can speak?
9:52pm Apr 1 2010
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Rainfeather caught the last words of the rouge that have been called to her His name is Crimson? Looking up when she heard another voice directed at her she noticed it was just Fireeyes."Why would I try you, if you have not seen What I did to that Rouge over there, I would lover to show you." Meowed Rainfeather angrily, I am now frustrated!!
10:00pm Apr 1 2010
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Eaglestar glared down at Featherkit and snapped, "Don't be rude" before looking back at Cheetahwind, "I wish I could say no" with a soft chuckle. Larkkit scented the new cat,she recognized him. Stumbling over to him she mewed, "Who are uo?"
10:03pm Apr 1 2010
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Featherkit looked up "Larkkit you are a stupid mouse brain! "spat Featherkit and she scratched Larkkit. Then padded off before she got hit by her mother.
10:07pm Apr 1 2010
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Crimson glared at the tom and yowled. "Do you not know how to Respect a she cat you mouse brain?!" He was clearly mad at that and didn't want to tolerate the rude behavior. Flexing hi claws and heaving with rage he tried to restrain from attacking the tom. Fireeyes looked at him and glared. "And Who are you? And I infact Do know how to treat a she cat. All she cats Admire a tom who act perverted and likes to have fun. They don't like the gentlemen like cats who waste their time trying to get her to like him back." Both toms glared at eachother amber met red and they were not about to back down from one another. Crimson bared his fangs angrilly. Darn tom. How Dare him to speak like that. Especially to a she cat such as her. How I would Love to rip him to shreds. He was tempted but seeing Rainfeather he refrained. No. You can't bear to make her scared of you. It's not worth it. She obviously doesn't like him. "I wont fight you. She clearly does not like you though I will tell you that." He went to walk away but the other tom had barreled right into him challenging him obviously mad. "Augh!!"
10:11pm Apr 1 2010
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"Crimson and you would know how to treat a She cat any better? You called me a Mutt, and no Fireeyes She cats do not like toms that act like that." meowed Rainfeather angrily. "So if you both want to have a mate, you will have to learn a lot better that that especially if you like me." The tip of Rainfeather's tail twitched in annoyance. Tom cats, never know how to act.
10:17pm Apr 1 2010
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Fireeyes only huffed and got off of the rouge as he walked up to Rainfeather. "I'm sorry bout that. Just needed to show the mousebrain his rightful place. You know. And to show him that you're Mine and not His." Crimson got up and walked around camp hearing the sound of a kit he padded to where he heard the youngling. "Hello there. My names Crimson. Shouldn't you be with your mother?"
10:24pm Apr 1 2010
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Featherkit tipped her head, "Uh no.." she meowed. "I don't like her, she punishes me because I attack the other kits." Featherkit looked up at him , "You smell funny." Rainfeather looked at Fireeyes offended, "I am not yours nor am I his, I am me and you have no wright to call me yours, If you treat me like that you will find out what the definition of 'Pain' is."
10:30pm Apr 1 2010
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"Well thats harsh. You shouldn't attack the other kits then. And you're mother loves you more then you know. You should give her more respect. I smell funny cause I'm new here. I'm a rouge wanting to be a warrior. Now go back to your mom or I'll carry you back." Crimson was not pleased to hear that kit would dislike their mother for doing a little thing called discipline. And he was Not about to be told off by a kit if she refused to go back to her mother. Fireeyes smirked, "Well you mine as well be mine seeings as I'm the only one who really loves you." He kept padding beside her ignoring her remark.
10:38pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:10am Apr 2 2010)
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"no." meowed Featherkit and she walked away. Realizing that he said 'or I will cary you back' she began to sprint into the medicine cat den. "Featherkit!" Hissed Nightpaw, "Get out." Realizing where she was Featherkit sprinted out of the medicine cat den and hid behind the apprentices den. The comment that came from Fireeyes stung Rainfeather. 'only one who loves you', those words echoed in her head. Raveneyes.... she shook that memory out of her head. "If you are the only one who loves me I will still reject you, I rather be alone."
10:44pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 10:46pm Apr 1 2010)
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Crimson watched and walked over to the kit and picked her up. "Come on off to mommy." He walked towards the clearing and looked around and found a she cat (Echovoice) walking over to her he asked "Hey do know who's kit this is? I think she should be with her mom." Fireeyes looked at Rainfeather. "You say that but inside you truly feel more lonely then ever. So come on. Give me a try. Please?" He smiled at her sweetly.
11:04pm Apr 1 2010
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ooc; Raveneyes eklipse not feather... :P
11:51pm Apr 1 2010
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((Electro: Would you mind not swearing and using the Lords name in vain? I don't mind the cat-speak, but I find the others offensive. I hope I'm not offending you in any way, but it just makes me uncomfortable.)) Fernseed looked over at Nightpaw and Gentlepaw. "You haven't gone to get Redstorm yet?" she asked. They were here to see that? The silver she-cat shivered. I hope they don't think less of me. Turning back to Sunflare, she mewed, “I will need you to keep her still for a week or two. That should be enough time for the leg to set.” Looking down at Poisonpaw, Fernseed added, “I need her to sleep deeply tonight, and have plenty of prey filled with daisy leaves, goldenrod, and comfrey.” That should help heal her quickly with the least amount of pain. Hustling around the medicine den, Fernseed gathered some stored moss and propped Poisonpaw’s foot to be sure it wouldn’t be jostled. Looking at her handy work, Fernseed decided that Poisonpaw would recover. “Sunflare,” she mewed encouragingly, “if you look there, where the brake is, you will see that there isn’t much swelling. This means that the muscle wasn’t damaged, so she will be able to fight as a warrior when her training begins again.” Thank you, Mistsoul. Her fur tingled when Copperfire laid his tail upon her shoulder. Casting the flame colored tom a curious glance, Patchpelt ducked out of his simple embrace. I feel comfortable with Copperfire, but I don’t know him that well. As she stepped away, Patchpelt felt her heart cry out for the toms close comfort again. Why do I feel this way? Her mind and emotions now warring with each other, Patchpelt decided that she couldn’t sleep. “Grayheart, this is Copperfire.” She introduced, “Copperfire, this is a fellow warrior named Grayheart.” Shifting her weight from one forepaw to another, Patchpelt meowed, “I have to relieve myself, but please don’t fight.” Dashing from the den Patchpelt immediately went looking for Cheetahwind. There is no excuse as to why I behaved that way. I need to apologize to him. Following her instinct, Patchpelt went to the kits. She glanced at Featherkit with interest when she saw the kit speaking with the red rogue. Though, her attention was stolen when she saw Eaglestar’s tear streaked face and Cheetahwind beside her with the kits. Dipping her head to Eaglestar, Patchpelt mewed quietly, “Hello.” Blinking at the kits in turn, Patchpelt looked to Cheetahwind lastly. Stepping closer, not wanting to distress Eaglestar more, Patchpelt whispered into this ear, “I’m so sorry, Cheetahwind.” Her emerald eyes closed as she rested her head on his cheek. “I was so frightened when I heard shouting.” She mumbled, “I didn’t know if foxes where attacking again or what, but I saw you glaring at Copperfire and I couldn’t stand it.” With a nervous glance to Eaglestar, Patchpelt whispered, “If you want to talk with me then I will be at the Basking Rocks.” Stepping back, Patchpelt never turned away from Cheetahwind. When she finally turned away, Patchpelt took off running. She wasn’t the fastest cat in the clan, but running was always a wonderful feeling. Her shoulder was a constant reminder that she was still fragile in a way, always making her remember that horrifying day. I wish I could fade back into those days. I wish that I could hold my innocence tightly, and not hold this weariness and mistrust. With a broken sigh, Patchpelt leapt onto the warm, smooth rocks. Collapsing there, the calico she-cat stared up into the light blue sky. “Why is life not simple?” she asked aloud, know that there would be no response.
Just call me Siri.
8:09am Apr 2 2010
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"Redstorm was here minuets ago.." meowed Nightpaw, "But I will get him now." she padded off and went to get Redstorm. Surely no one will be sleeping in the warriors den at this time. "Redstorm!" called Nightpaw as she looked into the warriors den. "Yes?" a raspy voice came from the back of the shadowy den. "Redstorm come with me please." Meowed nightpaw. He is way worse than before.. As Redstorm made his way out of the warriors den, Nightpaw walked beside him. "When did you start coughing?" meowed Nightpaw. It took time fro Redstorm to reply. "2 or 3 days ago.." he rasped, and then began to cough. "You should have came to Fernseed soon, you could have been better by now." meowed Nightpaw. They approached the medicine cat den. The smell of herbs flooded Nightpaw's nose, "Come inside, Fernseed will be with you right away." Nightpaw turned her blind blue gaze to Redstorm. "I am sure you will be fine." Poisonpaw looked at Nightpaw, she looks so happy...I wish I could boss warriors around like that.. She couldn't help but slightly envying her. Poisonpaw didn't bother asking questions, and ate the herb filled Prey Fernseed asked her to. The pain quickly went away, and Poisonpaw began to feel tired.
8:14am Apr 2 2010
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Rainfeather looked at Fireeyes. he is really trying hard to get me to like him... "If I come will you stop annoying me?" she meowed harshly. I don't think I will ever like this cat.. Rainfeather stood up to him, "and If you try any tricks," she continued. "You will be thrown into the warriors den."
8:20am Apr 2 2010
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Silentheart suddenly felt a bit stupid for his gesture, remembering now that only close cats were technically supposed to do that. I know I was probably stepping over the boundaries a bit, but I do not regret it. He looked over at Grayheart and smiled warmly, not wanting every cat in the clan to see him as odd. "I'm sorry if I seem a bit weird, your clan and customs are different then my own." He dipped his head apologetically. I know Patchpelt was lying, she's going to apologize to Cheetahwind. Not that I can blame her but it seems to lonely without her strong presence. He slunk from the warriors den, knowing his next task at hand, and one he was looking forward to. Spotting Falconwing eating quietly in a corner, he approaching. I wish I was back in the nursery, when everything was simple and I did not have to lie and act like a idiot. "Falconwing, may I speak to you?" He asked, seeing the surprise in the she-cats eye. "It's important." He watched as she cautiously followed him into the forest, green eyes scanning the darkness for a attack. Finally stopping, he turned to face her. Please believe me, this is so hard to do without anyone to talk to. "I have something to tell you, and please trust me on this." He took in a shaky breath, looking sadly into her comforting eyes. "My names not truly Copperfire, and I don't come from a different clan, this is my birth-clan." Blinking back the sudden tears, he felt Falconwing's anxiety and confusion, but she kept silent to his relief. "My true name is Silentheart." He flinched from her suddenly aggressive and cold look. "Silentheart is dead! How dare you call yourself my son and bring back those painful memories." She yowled, and he hoped no other cat heard her. "I dont know who you are or how you know him, but speak like that again and I will make sure you dont last long in our clan." Swallowing back a wail of horror, he wondered how this talk had back-fired. She really loved me as a kit. "Please Falconwing, listen to me." He jumped up and followed her, but the she-cat had already disappeared into camp, fur prickling and her own eyes flowing with tears. ~ How can that fur-ball know my son, he is nothing like Silentheart. Looking around camp, she tried to stay in the shadows so no cat could see the awoken pain on her face. How dare he? She could remember Shimmerpool's words, but right now they meant nothing to her, only the thought of ridding herself of the pain. Suddenly a black shadow exited the apprentices den and she padded swiftly over to Shadowpaw and curled around him like he was once more a kit, ignoring his muffled meows of protest.

2:39pm Apr 2 2010
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Gentlepaw looked at Nightpaw worriedly. "He's going to be fine... I think." She stared at Nightpaw. It was sad to think her companion couldn't look at her, being blind. "Should we give him some honey?" Gentlepaw asked Fernseed. "...or should we give him something that cures colds?"