3:31pm Apr 2 2010
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"Okay.." meowed Nightpaw, I hope he will actually be al right Eaglestar must feel sad.. Nightpaw looked at the ground, "Yes.. but Honey only works for the throat...." meowed Nightpaw, "Cat mint should work... I think.. Right Gentlepaw?" (( After 7:00 I can not be on res until.. Monday or Tuesday.. Sorry :( sadness....... lol))
3:31pm Apr 2 2010
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(( bump))
3:38pm Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 6:48pm Apr 2 2010)
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Cheetahwind slowly approached Patchpelt. H was too imbarr@ssed to speak, so he just sat beside her, purring ever so softly. He finally decided to say something. "I'm sorry, I just- I don't know- ever since that tom stepped in camp, I've been thinking he's odd, and being overly protective of you. I feel that I'd just-" He gulped, and looked away. "Like, crush myself if you went and left me," He broke off, not wanting to finish his sentence. ....for another tom. He leaned closer to Patchpelt, but still looked away. Tears were flowing down his cheeks, and he didn't want her to see them.
6:31pm Apr 2 2010
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(( Sadness... that post is so sad.. I am depressed. *Patchpelt.....pick Cheetahwind...* ))
6:51pm Apr 2 2010
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((I think that Cheetahwind is the only character that has so much emotion I put into him.))
7:08pm Apr 2 2010
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((That was a sad post, makes me a little guilty that Silentheart has feeling for her as well. But, a little healthy competition never killed any cat, and Silentheart came back for her...so Patchpelt must pick.))
2:13am Apr 3 2010
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(( -tear- … -goes to reply- )) Purring with praise, Fernseed mewed encouragingly, “Cat mint would be perfect, Nightpaw,” the silver she-cat hotly glanced at Redstorm, “but this tom is a picky eater and doesn’t like Cat mint.” I’ve never seen a cat have such distaste for cat mint, its so mouth wateringly good that I just can’t believe it. “So which do you think we should give him feverfew or juniper berries?” she asked her apprentices. Both will work, but they have bitter tastes. I wonder if either one of them will add lavender to the mix, with its sweet, soft scent it would blend well with both. It would also create a delicious aftertaste. Sitting before her two apprentices, Fernseed wrapped her spotted silver tail around her forepaws. Don’t turn away from me, cried Patchpelt’s heart. I’ve been there for you whenever you needed me most! Her emerald eyes were filled with concern, hurt, and longing. The she-cat was concerned about Cheetahwind. She feared for their friendship and for his well being with every hair on her pelt. I would never forgive myself if I hurt him. He deserves to be happy. Patchpelt also felt hurt because Cheetahwind could be so easily swayed by a flare of her temper. I can’t change who I am, I have always been vocal with my opinions and I don’t always think rationally before I speak. Could I cripple this part of me to create a more solid foundation for our bond? But she knew the answer and it made her long to be the docile she-cat that Cheetahwind would prefer. Patchpelt longed to organize the chaotic mess that her emotions had become. She longed to feel the peace that had wrapped her in tranquility as an innocent kit. “Cheetahwind,” she began, trying to peer into his somber amber eyes. With a mew of shock, Patchpelt watched a tear streaked down his cheek. “Did I do this to you?” she asked hesitantly. Already knowing that she had, and that the question was only to buy her time, Patchpelt did the only thing she could think of. Leaning forward she gently lick a tear, that was just beginning its journey down his cheek, tasting the salty sorrow, listening to the deep rumbled purr he offered to her, and let her own broken sob turn into a melodic purr. Oh StarClan, I don’t want to hurt any cat, especially not Gillian. Closing her eyes tightly, Patchpelt felt her own tears coming and couldn’t stop them. Another heart wrenching cry escaped her mouth as she curled closer to Cheetahwind. Blinking into the tuffs of rich golden fur, as spotted as she was patched, she couldn’t help but feel loved. He is easily hurt by my words because they mean so much to hi. But…Cursing that little voice in her mind as it echoed but he should be strong enough to love every part of you. Only Silentheart had bee. Sure we fought, but we accepted each other for who we were. Denying her mind, what felt like her soul, Patchpelt shrieked to herself, forget about him! He has gone to StarClan, and let him rest in peace. With aching emptiness, Patchpelt closed her eyes in defeat. Snuggling closer yet to Cheetahwind, she whispered faintly, “Just hold me…just love me…even if it’s only for this moment.”
Just call me Siri.
2:28am Apr 3 2010
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(Meanwhile) Leopardheart huffed at his apprentice and went in search of the three loner kits. I should give them apprentice names and mentors. Looking around he spotted a mixture of flaming red, coal black, snow white, and stormy grey. Trotting over to them, Leopardheart nudged to red tom, the closest one, with his forepaw. “If you would awaken, I might tell you that you three will be getting your apprentice names today.” He mewed, “Make your fur shine, for I will announce your names at sun high.” There are plenty of warriors to choice from, but what pairs would be best for these new kits…Glancing at the apprentice den, Leopardheart felt guilty. She just vanishes whenever I am ready to train her. At least we got some hunting in, and she did very well with that. Looking at the fresh kill, Leopardheart grimaced. A downside to having so many warriors was all the mouths to feed. I will have Cheetahwind, Midnightpaw, and Littlepaw come with me on a hunt. I can even get a bit of battle training in with Midnightpaw and Littlepaw. Pleased with his thinking, Leopardheart went to find Falconwing, Kestrelheart, and Emeraldrain. Spotting them, Leopardheart was glad to see them together. “Greetings warriors,” he meowed. “I would like to ask you if becoming a mentor sounds pleasing. I would like you three to mentor the loners; not only teaching them battle techniques, and hunting, but also the warriors code. They know some, but I want them to know all.” Gazing into their eyes he noted excitement, “What do you say?”
Just call me Siri.
10:09am Apr 3 2010
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Silentheart tried hard to sleep, but his mind was torn in so many directions. Falconwing wont look at me now, I messed things up again. Rolling over in the nest once more, he looked worriedly out the den. Am I messing things up worse then they were mother? He asked, suddenly wishing Shimmerpool could comfort him again. You told me to tell her, and I thought she would believe me, her being normally docile. Finally he got up and padded out of the den, looking for his foster mother. Spotting her with her son, he flinched miserably. Their lucky, her kits, she is a wonderful mother. Padding from the camp, he hoped to clear his mind. Not paying any attention to where he was going, he suddenly heard Patchpelt's voice and followed it. But when Cheetahwind's scent mixed, he hid in a hollow of thorns. Just hold me…just love me…even if it’s only for this moment.” Watching, he bowed his head slightly and sank his claws into the ground. I should have known. He thought bitterly. Guess Cheetahwind is a better choice, he's strong, he has a personality that complements her own. And what am I? Dead thats what. Looking up at the sky, he closed his eyes and swallowed a wail. "I should not have come back." He muttered, shutting his eyes tightly to stop the tears. "I swore I would not cry again, not over my own petty problems when my clan is more important." Letting out a shaky breath, he forced a pained smile. "I cannot be someone I am not, not while watching everything I ever loved and even died for being stripped away and taking my already shattered heart with it." Finally opening his eyes again, he noticed a puddle not far away and looked into it, horrified to see blue eyes staring back when they should have been amber. Finally he let the tears flow, tears of frustration and anger. Unsheathing his claws, he swiped the water, ripping the reflection around, shattering the illusion. "That's not me!" He yowled, not caring who saw, or who heard. "I want to be me again, I want to be Silentheart." Grimacing, he looked to the sky again. "You were right father, I dont think this is worth it."

11:14am Apr 3 2010
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Kestrelheart nearly jumped with joy at being a mentor again, "Oh thank you Leopardheart!" he exclaimed excitedly. Gray stood up groggily as Leopardheart walked away. He poked Red with his paw and asked,"What's happening?"
2:21pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 2:22pm Apr 3 2010)
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Cheetahwind let her words sink deep into his heart and his soul. "I will... I will..." He murmured. Even if this wasn't his future, he would remember this moment all his life. I love you.... so much. Because of you, I tried my hardest, just to make you happy. And when you got injured, all I wanted was to stay with you, just protect you. I didn't care about my training, I would've left it if you hadn't gotten better. He looked her in the eyes. "You can do what you want, Patchpelt. I don't control you. But whatever you do, I will still love you." His voice choked with emotion. "You are a blessing to me." He suddenly heard a voice, "That's not me! I want to be Silentheart again!" He followed the voice, hoping Patchpelt would follow. "S-Silentheart?"
2:46pm Apr 3 2010
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Bristling in worry and annoyance, he whirled around to spot Cheetahwind. "Wha?" He muttered, then realized, eyes widening with horror. He waited for everything to grow dark and for him to re-appear in Starclan. He had told, well more like yowled, his secret. Why am I still here? Is it because Cheetahwind does not know, he only thinks? Suddenly he did not care anymore, he wanted someone, anyone, to know. "Yes." He muttered, "You know your good for her, better then most toms ever could be." He whispered. He laughed harshly. "You don't know what it's like, outside looking in when you used to be in." He looked into the other toms eyes. "You've taken my place in the clan, and I think you do it better then I ever did or ever could." He meowed truthfully, turning around and starting off into the forest. Stopping once, he looked sadly over his shoulder, unsure weather to walk away, or stay and meet the consequences.
8:09pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 8:13pm Apr 3 2010)
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Her paw steps were light as she followed Cheetahwind, curiosity snatching her control. Though, as her curiosity was satisfied, Patchpelt only felt distressed. Silentheart…it’s him? In his alien body, Silentheart blazed like his foreign pelt while his eyes turned bitterly cold. They kept her frozen in place, horrified. “You've taken my place in the clan, and I think you do it better then I ever did or ever could.” Silentheart, Copperfire, spat gravely. Terror gripped her like sharpened claws, he can’t leave. Not again! With a desperate cry, Patchpelt rushed to Copperfire, no Silentheart. Her eyes were a startling sage-green as tears filled them again because she knew. Patchpelt knew that this was Silentheart, her soul had told her but her mind didn’t comprehend. It did now. “Don’t leave!” She pleaded, “Please don’t leave me again. I don’t think my heart could take it.” Tail curled under her stomach which was clenched in fear. Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, please don’t leave me, she fairly chanted in her mind. Please, what would make him stay… “Enough,” mewed a jaded voice. For the first time Patchpelt was overjoyed to see her rival. “Mistpaw,” she whispered with understanding. I never held Silentheart’s soul the way Mistpaw did. He seems full whenever he is with the she-cat. Emerging from the trees as if forming from the wet vapor of her name, Mistsoul appeared. She was no longer the small docile, nieve apprentice, but a lean she-cat that held knowledge and judgment. With a grin, Mistsoul informed them, “My name is now the Soul of the Forest’s Mist, but to the warriors it is Mistsoul.” Her pale topaz eyes stared into Patchpelt’s deep emerald ones, and the two she-cats sighed with understanding. We can share, but only so far. If it makes him stay, I don’t care. “Silentheart, I am a medicine cat and I speak with StarClan.” Mewed Mistsoul, “They understand your longing and frustrations. If these two cats speak nothing to the others about your true identity, the clan of silverpelt will let you stay.” I would never betray you, Silentheart. With a suddenly sad look in her eyes, Mistsoul told them, “The Tribe I was sent to help needed me no further. I know that I am replaced in IceClan and it saddens me, but…” She let the last part fall away as she gazed into pale opal eyes that were held within fire. “It is up to you, Silentheart. Will you stay with us, or go back?” If he leaves, I won’t go back. The clan is strong enough without me. Patchpelt knew that if she asked Cheetahwind to never speak of Copperfire’s true identity the tom would hold his tongue. Shivering slightly, Patchpelt silently bagged Silentheart to stay. Now that Mistsoul isn’t bound her promises of a medicine cat, she can love him freely. The spark of hope blazed to light at the thought of loving Cheetahwind, but also keeping Silentheart. I am a greedy cat, I don’t deserve either of them.
Just call me Siri.
8:12pm Apr 3 2010
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((-hopes that this is enough to keep Silentheart!- I don't know why I love that tom so much but I couldn't let him go, I just had to try everything to get him to stay. Stray, I will sadly understand if you want him to go, so I left it up to you. =3 Mistsoul was named a medicine cat, so even though she isn't name one by clan, she still has dreams and talks with StarClan.))
Just call me Siri.
8:31pm Apr 3 2010
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Red of Dawn cuffed his brother, Gray of Night, over the head. “If you would only wake up enough, you would of heard that we are going to be named as apprentices!” he meowed excitedly. What is my warrior name going to be! Well, I guess I have to pa.ss my apprenticeship first, but I know that will be easy. Another thought came to his mind, which of these strange cats is going to be my mentor? Eager to find out, and fascinated by the hustling cats around camp, Red of Dawn padded away from his “annoying” siblings. His mother had often informed him that he was the middle kit. So I don’t have the responsibility of looking out for the younger sib, or being the defenseless runt. I get to explore. His tan, sharp kit-claws raked through the sand as he wandered around. What’s this over here? Red of Dawn felt his eyes widen as he took in the high expanse of rock in the center of the camp. These are the Highrocks that mother told us stories of? With a mischievous smirk, Red of Dawn wiggled his tail, bunched his haunches, and leapt with all his might. Claws extended, he reached for the top of a boulder, and scrambled for purchase. Finally digging the claws of one forepaw into a crack, Red of Dawn found himself only halfway up the rocks. “Wow,” was all he could chirp in astonishment. Turning around he could see over the protecting walls to the surrounding forest, after a moment he turned her gaze to the camp. He spotted the red tom, Crimson, carrying a kit. Who is she? With a moments hesitation, Red of Dawn leapt down and dashed over to the towering tom. “Hey,” he mewed, “who is that you’re carrying? Is she weak or something?” This tom is strong, powerful, and big! I want to be just like him when I become a warrior. Leopardheart smiled at Kestrelheart, pleased with the toms reaction. Then he waited for Emeraldrain and Falconwings responce.
Just call me Siri.
10:07pm Apr 3 2010
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Blue padded up to Red. She nudged him. "Clan can't aren't weak, even if they look like it." She whispered to him. -Fail post-
10:12pm Apr 3 2010
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((I almost cried when I read your post Siri, I was so glad. I felt really bad for Cheetahwind, thats the reason I was thinking about making Silentheart leave again, because he was better for Patchpelt. I never thought we'd truly see Mistsoul like this again, so seeing her back. He's my favorite character so letting him stay and perhaps be happy is wonderful! So of course he'll stay.)) Silentheart gazed at Mistsoul with surprise and delight, having never thought of seeing her again. After she left, he thought about keeping track of her in Starclan because she was special as well, though at the time he was not sure how. Now, seeing her standing there once more it was like being ducked in a pool of cold water. "I'm..i'm not sure what to say." He whispered. "After you left Iceclan, I wanted to keep up with you, how everything was going. But the other's ancestors, the tribes would not let me." He took a few timid steps towards the she-cat, but stopped as if he got to close she would evaporate as quick as she appeared. "I'v missed you." He looked over his shoulder at Patchpelt, heart felt like it would be torn in heart if he truly had to pick. Would I be able to stand seeing Patchpelt happy with Cheetahwind? He asked himself. He saw the simple look Patchpelt gave the tom, relieved, happy. Forcing himself to look away, he suddenly knew that no matter how hard he tried to worm his way into her heart, it would always be to filled with Cheetahwind. Suddenly a weight he did not know was on his heart was lifted. "Cheetahwind?" He called, taking in a deep breath, not knowing how he was going to say this. "Take care of her, she deserves it." He told the other tom, forcing a pained smile. No matter how much he loved Patchpelt, there was another cat who also had a piece of his heart. He had thought he gave up on her thought after she disappeared. He looked back at Mistsoul. "So your returning to Iceclan?" He asked softly, wondering if it was to good to be true.

10:21pm Apr 3 2010
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(( Just to tell you, it's too good to be true, not to good to be true. Anyway, I nearly cried over that. I felt bad for Siletnheart, being in that position. The battle between Cheetahwind and Silentheart are probably the most filled-with-feeling posts ever.))
1:17am Apr 4 2010
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((-is overfilled with emotions!- I'm so happy/sad/everything right now that I can't post. Full, it's so true that Cheetahwind, Silentheart, and Patchpelt all create emotional chaos in every post they are together. -dances with joy- Everycat is happy, in some shape or form at the moment!))
Just call me Siri.
3:36pm Apr 4 2010
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~Bump up~