7:50pm Nov 25 2009
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Surprised by his question Eaglestar blurted out, "What? You want to join the clan? That could possibly be arranged." thinking out loud shee spoke again "You could do some serious damage if the other clans decided to attack" Looking thoughtfully on into the distance she asked him"Can youi hunt or fight?
7:53pm Nov 25 2009
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"Oh, I can hunt." He reasurred the leader. "But I'm not that good at fighting. I mean, if you have your own moves, I probably have different ones, comparing our size."
7:57pm Nov 25 2009
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Patchpaw swiped the tom on the nose, "You keep your space! I'm not afraid of you!" Nearly hissing she added, "And I've got time to grow. I'll be as big as you." At least I hope that I can get that big. It would be so cool and Eaglestar would be proud. Rubbing against Silentpaw to show that she like having her friend by her side. I hope that he can join our Clan. Looking at Eaglestar, seeing that her leader was thinking rapidly. Swiftdarkness thought about the tom, he could be a great addition to the Clan but he doesn't have a clue about the warrior code. I bet he would be a handful, being that he could use his size against some other the cats. Glancing over at Patchpaw, well not that one at least. Cougarclaw walked slowly over to the edge of the circle that had formed around the new comer. Gillian, was that what he called himself? He looks more like Swiftstrike or Cheetahpelt being that he looks just like the ancestors from CheetahClan.
Just call me Siri.
8:00pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 8:02pm Nov 25 2009)
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(((Late post epic fail, I have to go eat. Have fun, I'll be on tomorrow.)))
Just call me Siri.
8:06pm Nov 25 2009
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"Weelcome to the Clan Gillian, when we get back to the camp we will teach you the warrior code, and tomorrow you will recieve your apprentice name" Nshe said and indicated with her tail for her clan to follow her.
8:08pm Nov 25 2009
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Gillian's eyes glimmered as he spoke. "I know all about the warrior code. He was once a warrior, but he rejected the life of a warrior and went to live as a kitty-pet. Oh, and don't think, he's just lying. I'm not. Does any of you know a warrior named Spotclaw?" A nevouse voice rang through the gathering. It was a warrior from the other Clan. "He was my mentor once." She mewed. "But then, he just dissapeared and I got a new mentor."
12:57pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 12:58pm Nov 26 2009)
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Patchpaw looked over to Silentpaw asking, "Did he say he's had a mentor? And Eaglestar said, Welcome to the Clan?" Not believing her ears, Patchpaw shock her head vigorously. Maybe I’m not hearing right, I mean with not test at all this Gillian is part of our clan? He would be a nice addition but how do we know he’ll be loyal. Sitting back Patchpaw waited to see how Eaglestar would respond to the news. Looking at Eaglestar, Patchpaw was proud because one of the biggest toms in the Clan was there, Swiftdarkness, though he wasn’t as big as Gillian. I’ll bet Leopardheart will be just as big and we can see that when we get home. He’s just so quiet that you forget how large he is, but when he stands for his leader he can make any cat cower. I don’t know if I like this Eaglestar. I don’t think I like this at all. Keeping this to himself, Swiftdarkness didn’t want to deny his leader in front of the other Clans. Who would in turn think it meant an unstable home. But we are strong, even without this kittypet. “Why do you tell us that an exiled cat was your mentor? If he was no longer with his Clan then he is no more than a loner or a rogue. If he wanted to become a kittypet then it’s even worse to me.” Standing firm Swiftdarkness added, “He has committed treachery by teaching a kittypet the ways of the warriors, when it has no Clan to protect. And what would a kittypet need to protect? It’s two-legger?” Still in a relaxed position that could go into a fight at any given moment he purred, “Or did this Spotclaw promise you his position in the Clan?” Cougarclaw watched as Swiftdarkness keep spitting questions. I think we know what Swiftdarkness thinks of this cat. Creeping closer to the semi-circle, Cougarclaw peered over to see Gillian and Swiftdarkness shooting claws at each other through their glares. I don’t know who I admire more for their bravery; a warrior trying to protect his leader against a giant or the kittypet who can’t even comprehend the damage that one tom can do. Whispering to Fallenwind, “I think it’s time we head home. You should tell Eaglestar to signal for the go because everyone is close by. We can talk about this at home.” Stealing a peek at Hawkstar, Cougarclaw knew he was savoring every word Swiftdarkness said. He almost looks proud of Swiftdarkness. Would he welcome him into his Clan for not agreeing to have Gillian join? Shivering at the thought Cougarclaw butted Fallenwind on the shoulder, hoping he would get the point and hurry. (((Sorry for another long one. But I wanted everyone to see that Swift doesn’t like the idea while Patchpaw likes it and Cougarclaw is uncertain.)))
Just call me Siri.
2:32pm Nov 26 2009
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Fallenwind turnd and nodded to Cougarclaw. "Good idea, I think if this keeps going th other clans wl start notcing our clan is bickering among themselves. Not a good thing with Hawkstar sneerin vr he." Grummbling, he hurried forward and flicked Eaglestars shoulder with his tail. "Can we discuse this back at the camp? The her clans are listening in." He murured to her, glaring hatully at Hawstar. Falconwin watched the kittypet and Swiftdarknes, surprised by hs harsh words yet calm exterier. "I agree with Fallenwind we need to go. The other cats might need to hear all of this as well." She murmured in his ear. Silentpaw glared a tGillian, wondering why Patchpaw seemed so eager to accept this kittypet. He could kill her with one swipe of his paw.
4:56pm Nov 26 2009
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(Back at Camp) Leopardheart was curled up with his kits, purring with delight. How lucky am I. These kits are so beautiful, strong, healthy and brave. They all look so much like their mother but I don’t mind. Hearing silent paw steps of a single cat Leopardheart instantly went on alert. Leaving the sleeping kits in the nursery, he crept out of the den. Seeing that it was Echosong, Leopardheart relaxed. Oh, I wonder were she’s going so late tonight. About to call out to her Leopardheart heard her whisper “Is it really my time to leave?” Watching with shock Leopardheart was frozen in place. “I will always love you my Clan. I have left you with a bright apprentice." The she-cat said silently to herself, or so she thought. Leopardheart continued watching as she took one last glance and never looked back as she left. Stunned he only stood there, watching the she-cat leave. Surprised at the small voice that said, “Will she come back, daddy?” Looking down to see Mistykit staring into his eyes seeking the truth Leopardheart replied, “I don’t think so but StarClan willing it she might.” Seeing Duskkit behind Mistykit, Leopardheart ushered them back into the den. “Let’s get to bed now.” How much time did those kits spend with her? They seem like they will miss her deeply.
Just call me Siri.
5:09pm Nov 26 2009
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Eaglestar commented, "It is true that he taught a kittypet, but he was a good warrior. Enough of this argueing, time to go back to the camp"
5:15pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 5:16pm Nov 26 2009)
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Swiftdarkness got up and smoothly walked next to Eaglestar, still not letting the kittypet get too close to his leader. About time we head home, now we get to figure out who gets to mentor this kittypet. “Eaglestar, would you mind if I go ahead to warn Leopardheart. I wouldn’t want our new Clan member to get attacked.” Patchpaw and Cougarclaw trotted close together. Patchpaw whispered to her, “Do you like the new cat…Gillian?” Glancing over at him Patchpaw twitched her tail. I think I might like him. He seems so brave for a former kittypet.
Just call me Siri.
5:20pm Nov 26 2009
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((Oh! Patchpaw and Gillian!)) Gillian fell in step with Patchpaw. "Is Clan life really great? I mean, do you really eat fresh-kill every day?" Gillian was bubbling over with questions. He blushed slightly. "I'm sorry." He said. "But it's just, my dream is finally here!" His eyes burned with fire.
5:20pm Nov 26 2009
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Eaglestar nodded, "Good idea Swiftdarkness, go ahead." she lowered her voice and said, "You know, you don't need to protect me." Flameridge overheard this and yowled with laughteer, Eaglestar silenced him with a glare. ((I has no ideas for this now so sorry for short posts))
5:21pm Nov 26 2009
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((Don't forget, Gillian's aprentice name will be Cheetahpaw.))
5:23pm Nov 26 2009
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Silentpaw stared after Patchpaw and Gillian, ears flat. Looking around, he searched fo rFalconwing, not wanting to be alone. But when he started toward her, she was watching Swiftdarknss with a look of pain an something else. Great, now his foster mohter was mooning over Swiftdarkness. Stopping, he waited fr everyon ele to p*censored* by and padded ater them in the back.
5:24pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 5:28pm Nov 26 2009)
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Swiftdarkness took off for the camp. Rushing in, Leopardheart nearly jumped out of his pelt, “What is it?” The tom demanded. Swiftdarkness said, “We have a new member coming home with us. So be warned and don’t attack him. He’s quiet large so don’t be too surprised.”
Just call me Siri.
5:27pm Nov 26 2009
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Desired Name: Graypaw Position: Aprentice Family: None Mate: Too young to go into the afairs of love. Crush:None Age: (not needed) Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance: (Gray one) tle="firestar and graystripe - warrior-cat fan art" width="300" height="320" /> Personality: You'll see?
5:27pm Nov 26 2009
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Patchpaw looked over at Silentpaw after her breif chat with Cougarclaw. Seeing him all alone she held back until she was next to him. "Do you like Cougarclaw? She's a really nice cat. A little too quiet kind of like you!" Purring with laughter she flicked her tail at his ears and said, "Brighten up, we have a new warrior."
Just call me Siri.
5:29pm Nov 26 2009
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((Apentice. Cheetahpaw is going to be an aprentice.))
5:32pm Nov 26 2009
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((Fullmoon, I requested to be your pal so I can msg you about the Rp. And we got the Cheetahpaw apprentice.))
Just call me Siri.