3:37pm Apr 4 2010
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((You know what, I might make a story with those three characters, if you don't mind.))
3:37pm Apr 4 2010
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5:37pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 5:40pm Apr 4 2010)
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"So you’re returning to Iceclan?" Silentheart asked softly. Shifting her paws nervously, Mistsoul thought about that question seriously. Starclan had given her two options, blinking at her hazy companion, Mistsoul looked at her quizzically. Have you any thoughts on whether or not I should stay? Is it safe? There will be troubles and joys, hardships and glories, but it is up to you. With a smile between the two, Mistsoul understood that her companion was speaking true. There will be struggles in Iceclan, but Silentheart will keep me happy. “Copperfire,” she mewed, trying to get used to saying his alias, “I will return to Iceclan if they accept me. Though, if they are too full, I will go find Silverthaw and her camp.” Her heart begged to be accepted because for so long she had lived in a Tribe, and they loved her, but she was never one of them. The air had the gentle musk scent that was held in this forest and she breathed it in greedily. The soil was moist and fertile under her feet, until the sparse, stiff territory of her Tribe. Finally it dawned on the silver she-cat that she was home. Mistsoul was really home, she was in her birth home and the feeling of completeness filled her. Gazing at Silentheart happily, tears prickled her eyes, as she whispered, “I would really like to go home now.” Peeping up, Patchpelt mewed, “I remember Leoaprdheart saying that the three kits, the ones that came in two days ago, were to get there apprentice names.” Looking at Cheetahwind, Silentheat, -er Copperfire, and Mistsoul, “If we run, we might make it back in time to see the ceremony!” Going into a jog Patchpelt longingly flicked her tail across Silentheart's cheek, before dashing off to camp.
Just call me Siri.
5:43pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 5:43pm Apr 4 2010)
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((-huggles Patchpelt close- Umm, I kinda like the way I role play her. You could make a replica of her, same personality, but different name, color, and dynamics. I hope you understand that this has nothing to do with you, but I just feel protective of my characters.))
Just call me Siri.
6:07pm Apr 4 2010
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((That's what I mean. I'll keep Cheetahwind the same -huggles- but the other characters- different.))
9:53pm Apr 4 2010
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OOC: Sorry I wasn't on for two days spent time with my famfam. And Siri I am sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable. )) Crimson looked at Red and shook his head. "No she has be with her mother. But sad l being new to this camp I do not know where nor who her mother is. And I don't know her name." He looked down at the tom and found it strange that this cat did not know who the kit was. Thats odd. For being in the clans I thought he would of known. Fireeyes felt proud that Rainfeather was giving him a chance and nodded to happy to speak. He straightened up with pride and smiled down at her. "Great!"
10:30pm Apr 4 2010
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((Full, go right ahead! ^.^ You just gotta let me read it <3
Electro, it's ok. I hope you don't mind my calling you out like that, it just, well, makes me feel awkward. But go right ahead with the mouse-brain, cat-dung~ ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
10:34pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Siri: It's quite alright. It gives me ideas on what is alright with others and I respect that you speak your oppinions. They give me guidelines which I seem to need. Alot. ^^;))
10:36pm Apr 4 2010
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Red of Dawn looked at Blue, "I know that." Lifting his head proudly, Red mewed, "She's just being carried and what not. I thought she was either lazy or weak, but I guess she just can't find her own mom." She-cat's, they are such mouse-brains. "I am Red of Dawn," he meowed to Crimson, "and I have been in camp for a sunset and sun high. So I don’t know who she is, or who her mother is.” Flexing his tan claws, Red purred, “I could find out who her mother is for you, a strong tom like you shouldn’t have to do such petty work.”
Just call me Siri.
10:37pm Apr 4 2010
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((Electro, ok. If I ever make you uncomfortable, just let me know. =3 -giggles at Red- He is so rude to she-cats. I kinda don't like my own character! xD ))
Just call me Siri.
10:51pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimson purred in amusement. "It's alright. I don't mind searching for her mother but you can help if you'd like. Also my name is Crimson." That's why he doesn't know this kit. He smiled down at Red even though Featherkit was in the way.
11:01pm Apr 4 2010
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Merrowing with laughter, Red chirped, “That was a funny face!” Bounding ahead of the burgundy tom he called over his shoulder, “Let’s look over here!” This is so cool! I get to help him, and he’s so nice. I mean, helping that silly kit. Pausing in front of a den he wondered where it went. “Hello?” he yowled. “Is there any cat here?” Turning to Crimson, he informed, “I don’t think this is the den.” Dashing back he looked at him patiently. “Where to next?” he asked, “There is a den over there, should we try that?” Ashfoot padded up to Fireeyes and Rainfeather. The silver, spotted she-cat looked a bit uncomfortable. I wonder if something is wrong. About to go pester Fireeyes, Ashfoot stopped when he noted that they were going to go hunting. Deciding that Rainfeather shouldn’t be alone with the perverted tom, Ashfoot called out, “Mind if I join you two in hunting?”
Just call me Siri.
11:15pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 11:15pm Apr 4 2010)
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~Updated!~ Desired Name: Mistsoul Position: Medicine Cat Apprentice/ Medicine Cat of a Tribe/ Loner/ (Warrior?) Family: Father, Leopardheart; Mother, Jadewing, may she rest in peace; Littermates Duskpaw, Ravenpaw, and Birdpaw. Mate: -Open- Crush: Copperfire, (Silentheart) Age: 12 moons Additional Info: Has yet to have StarClan visit her dreams, since her apprenticeship. Finally had her dream from StarClan, it was to leave the clan and help a Tribe clan. Gender: She-cat Appearance: Striking yellow-gold eyes, not green. (Silver Bengal Cat) 
Personality: Mistpaw is a bit like her name; hushed, gentle, and mystifying. Mistpaw loves all her Clan and has made an absolute decision at a very young age, she will never have kits. Or take a mate. This burdens her from time to time but she brushes it off because nothing makes her happier than being with herbs and helping her Clan. Having left the Clan life for others in need, Mistpaw is now named Mistsoul. StarClan had sent a dream to her about helping some Tribe cats, so she went to them. Finished with her task from StarClan, Mistsoul is hoping to return to IceClan. Though she has become a bit more ornery, Mistsoul is still gentle, and mysterious. Ever since she helped the Tribe, Mistsoul has obtained a companion, though she won’t tell who it is in fear of more grievances from the other cats. This companion is a member of StarClan, so Mistsoul is in constant contact with the clan of silverpelt and knows all that the medicine cats do.
Just call me Siri.
11:31pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimson smiled with amusement and followed. "Good idea Red. I'll check this one while you check that one." He said well more like mumbled to Red while nodding to the warriors den and headed towards it. "Hello!?" He looked in to find that no one was there much to his dismay and walked out. Hmhmhm I like that tom. He's energetic and not to mention very use full. He looked at Red hoping that he had found where the kits were whislt thinking of where else the kits would of been held.
Fireeyes looked none to happy at Ashfoot. "We'll be perfectly Fine Ashfoot." He wasn't in the slightest happy with this.
11:59pm Apr 4 2010
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Giving Fireeyes a dull looked but mewed, “If you say so.” Padding away he thought, sorry Rainfeather. I hope he respects your wishes. Deciding that the clan really did need more prey, Ashfoot went hunting on his own. Skirting a bit too close to TreeClan, he caught a robin. The bird was plumb, perfect for Eaglestar. Trotting away from TreeClan boarder, Ashfoot suddenly scented one of their patrols. Fox-brain! Why did I get so close to their boarder, I’m all alone! Sprinting away at full speed, Ashfoot distantly heard, “Can you scent that? Yeah, but who is it?” That was too close, and it’s a good thing I don’t smell like IceClan yet. Cursing himself for getting so distracted with hunting, Ashfoot hastily went back to camp. Spotting Crimson, Featherkit, and Red he wondered what they were doing. Dropping his prey down, he asked, “What are you up to? And why are you carrying Featherkit?” “Featherkit needs to get back to her mom, but we don’t know who that is,” Red informed quickly. “Oh,” Ashfoot mewed, “I can help you with that. Eaglestar is her mother.” Looking at the robin he added, “I was going to give this to her, so you can follow me.” Picking the bird up Ashfoot lead the way to Eaglestar’s den.
Just call me Siri.
12:06am Apr 5 2010
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12:13am Apr 5 2010
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Fireeyes smirked as Ashfoot walked off. "Well shall we?" He asked looking at Rainfeather. Crimson nodded at Ashfoot and followed. "Thank you. Come on Red." He flicked his tail for Red to follow them. Well...that was very useful. He walked up to Eaglestar when they got to the nursery and set Featherkit down. "I hear she belongs to you." He nodded and walked back out.
12:34am Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 12:35am Apr 5 2010)
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~Recap!~ Fernseed has straightened Posionpaw's leg. Though, Redstorm doesn't seem to be getting better from her herbs because he is still coughing. Patchpelt went to sleep, but was frightened awake by Cheetahwind and Copperfire. Ending up in a fight, all of them distressed and angry, Patchpelt and Cheetahwind made up, but Silentheart (Copperfire) got angry and vented about how he wanted to be Silentheart again. Both Cheetahwind and Patchpelt heard and when Patchpelt thought that Silentheart wouldn't stay, Mistsoul suddenly appeared! Having the complications resolved, all of those cats are happy at the moment. Mistsoul is coming back to the clan, if Eaglestar and Leopardheart say it is alright, though everyone knows what Leopardheart is going to say. Meanwhile, Crimson is trying to find out who is Featherkit's mom, so Red of Dawn tries to help. Though, it took Ashfoot's help as well, for he told the pair that Eaglestar was Featherkit's mother and where to find her. -sighs as her speedy fingers take a rest- How is that? xD
Just call me Siri.
12:39am Apr 5 2010
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Grinning at Crimson’s display of kindness, Ashfoot drops the robin before Eaglestar and asks, “Who is coming to the Gathering, or has Leopardheart not talked with you yet?” I hope I don’t sound rude, but I would rather be absent. I don’t think going to the Gathering would be the best be for me at the moment. Looking at his smoky colored paws, Ashfoot hoped that Eaglestar wouldn’t ask him to join the select few to join Leopardheart in going to the Gathering. He chuckled when Red strolled right into the den and peered at each kit in turn. “Something is wrong with this one,” he yowled boldly. “She keeps squinting at me.”
Just call me Siri.
11:06am Apr 5 2010
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Nightpaw looked at Fernseed, "uh.. Feverfew?" she meowed awkwardly. "What do you think Gentlepaw?" Nightpaw stood up. "Redstorm is a picky one... I didn't catch that about him.." rainfeather rolled her eyes at the toms Kit-like behavior. "Yea.." she muttered, "great.." When Rainfeather herd Ashfoot's voice she was flooded with relief. "Yes! or.. Yes, you can come.." meowed Rainfeather. Thank StarClan! When Rainfeather herd Fireeyes' response and decline to Ashfoot, her hope shrunk. A prick of annoyance hit her side. "Fine." she growled. Rainfeather walked in front of Fireeyes. There is no way that I am going to let him lead me! Rainfeather quickened her pace. Featherkit struggled to break free of Crimson's grasp. "Let me go you oversized fox dung!!" she snarled .