6:37pm Apr 5 2010
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Fireeyes followed Rainfeather and smirked. "I like a she cat that can take control." He was being his regular self...though it wasn't hard. Crimson looked back at Featherkit. "Oh calm down and that I'll ignore that remark." He looked back forward and stalked off not even glancing back. When he got outside he looked around the camp and sat down. Ugh I'm so bored. Where's the second in command? I need Something to do. Ill do anything.
6:49pm Apr 5 2010
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6:54pm Apr 5 2010
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((Siri: You'll be the first to read it! ;D))
7:52pm Apr 5 2010
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Feeling as restless as his ancestors, Leopardheart decided to name the apprentices. Then I will talk with Eaglestar about who shall come to the Gathering. Trotting up to the Highrock, Leopardheart was overcome by pride. I have named so many apprentices, and warriors alike, as well as elders…His own bones were becoming weary. Now that his kits had become warriors and his mate, Jadewing, had gone to StarClan, Leopardheart knew that he would have to back down someday. Though, in this moment, he felt like he a young warrior again. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting.” The sun was at its highest and cast golden rays into the camp. Warriors, queens, kits, elders, and apprentices gathered around. Scanning for his necessary cats, Leopardheart thought he spotted Mistsoul trotting into camp with Cheetahwind, Copperfire, and Patchpelt. That can’t be, he thought as he shook his head clear. Motioning for Blue to come forward, he called out, “This is a proud day for IceClan, by naming apprentices we show IceClan will survive and remain strong. Blue the Half-moon, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Bluepaw.” Looking at Kestrelheart, Leopardheart smiled as the tom leapt forward in excitement. “Kestrelheart, you are ready for an apprentice, you will be Bluepaw’s mentor. I know you will pa.ss on your strength and wisdom to Bluepaw, and teach her the skills that will make her a brave warrior of IceClan.” Leopardheart paused as the pair touched noses before motioning Red to come forward. “Red of Dawn, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Redpaw.” Leopardheart motioned for Falconwing to come forward, “Falconwing, you are ready for an apprentice, you will be Redpaw’s mentor. I know you will pa.ss on your intellect and loyalty to Redpaw, and teach him the skills that will make him a brave warrior of IceClan.” The two also touched noses. “Gray of Night, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Graypaw.” Looming above the gray tom he continued, “Emeraldrain, you are ready for an apprentice, you will be Graypaw’s mentor. I know you will pa.ss on your endurance and bravery to Graypaw, and teach him the skill that will make him a brave warrior of IceClan.” The two touched noses and the clan started to chant the new names and congratulate the warriors.
Just call me Siri.
8:09pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimson even though he wasn't part of the clans or known the new apprentices well he called out each of their names but he called out Redpaws with more enthusiasm. He was proud that the three had made it long enough to become apprentices when most of his own litter mates died. After being with Redpaw he saw him more like a little brother he had never had. Timberfur spotted Crimson and walked up to him. "Who're you? A tresp*censored*er pr a prisoner?" He snarled. He didn't know why but he didn't trust this cat much.
10:01pm Apr 5 2010
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"shut up.." she tensely muttered under her breath. This in never going to work out, thankfully... "Where are we going to go.." she meowed trying to sound the least bit interested. Rainfeather turned Fireeyes was still following behind her, "Mouse!" she hissed to get him to stop walking, "I will get the mouse.." she lied. Then plunged into the undergrowth and Raced back to the camp, leaving Fireeyes. Featherkit growled at Crimson and backed away, "I will get you.." she hissed. My own apprentice! thought Emeraldrain. "Would you like to explore the Territory now Grey? OPr would you like to hunt?" Meowed Emeraldrain.
10:55pm Apr 5 2010
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Graypaw looked at Emeraldrain, "I would like to learn to hunt better. I know a bit, travelling here was not easy so I had to learn things" He spoke with wisdom much beyond his age, "I know this territory well."
12:48am Apr 6 2010 (last edited on 4:06pm Apr 6 2010)
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Looking up at the blazing sun, it was slightly past its peak, Leopardheart decided to go find Eaglestar. It’s time we talk about what cat is coming with us to the Gathering. Padding over to her den, Leopardheart called out his presence before entering, and dipped his head in respectful greeting. “Eaglestar,” he started, “I think we should talk about which cats to take to the Gathering.” Sitting before the creamy, white she-cat, Leopardheart felt colorful compared to her; his black spots, dusk pelt, and tawny underbelly contrasted her to pale white. Only her startling scarlet eyes shone defiantly. “I think it would be wise to bring Ravenfeather, being that he is temporary deputy; Kestrelheart, Cheetahwind, Emeraldrain, Quailfoot, Patchpelt, Falconwing, Birdwave, Duskfire, Ravenblaze, Fireeyes, Timberfur, Shadowpaw, Midnightpaw, and Littlepaw. Being that Poisonpaw and Shatteredpaw have their…vulnerabilities, I think they should stay in camp. We haven’t been to a Gathering in what seems like a full season, and TreeClan seems to be more aggressive at our boarders. I thought that Ashfoot, Swiftdarkness, Redstorm, Rainfeather, Grayheart, Mintleaf, and Embersky are enough loyal warriors to keep the camp in order, whether the new members’ revolt or another clan attacks.” There were a lot of names and Leopardheart knew that it was a lot to take in, but each time they went to a Gathering, he thought that the camp should be left with enough warriors to be safe. “Oh,” he mewed, “will you be joining us, or are you going to watch over your kits?” As he asked the question a faint scent of jasmine and lavender filled the air. “I can watch them,” a sweet voice whispered. Turning around, Leopardheart thought he was being delusional. Is that really Mistsoul? My kit? Padding closer Leopardheart knew that it was turn, this was his kit. Overcome with joy he purred mightily and licked her cheek. “When did you get here?” he demanded more than questioned. A smile lighting her face, she mewed, “Just as the ceremony started. I want to take my place in this clan again. I understand that there is a medicine cat already, but I would like to join as a warrior.” I hope Eaglestar understands that I chose to be a medicine cat at a young age, and though I don’t regret it, I am relieved to be relinquished of the burden. She will understand, whispered her companion. “Eaglestar, as a start, I would be glad to watch over your kits.” She mewed happily. Mistsoul knew of their arrival, and even their names, but StarClan had not given her a glimmer of them. Oh, they are beautiful!
Just call me Siri.
12:50am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 1,771
((Eklipse and Fullmoon, could we have Fernseed, Nightpaw, and Gentlepaw already traveling to the Mother Rock. -being that they should have done this at the half-moon- There they will have a dream from StarClan, correct? I read this off the internet because I have only read the first series.))
Just call me Siri.
10:37am Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc;That is correct Siri. As Leopardheart walked in Eaglestar listened well. She took in all of the names at his rapid speed and mewed, "Sounds perfect". He then asked if she was coming, just as she was about to answer Mistpaw, rather Mistsoul, appeared in her den. Featherkit had just arived back in her careand she mewed to Mistsoul, "It's great to have you back. I know I can trust you with my kits. While you were... away, did you learn to fight or hunt well?" She purred and her crimson eyes glowed, "As you can see, our clan has gotten rather large."
11:17am Apr 6 2010
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(( Siri, That would be great I was wondering the other day when they were going to do that.. )) "Really? I wish I could say that on the first day I was apprenticed..." meowed Emeraldrain, " lets go hunt now then. " by the Fireclan Border... and I will see if he can sent it too. Emeraldrain led Gray to the border and stopped. "Can you sent anything different?" Quailfoot looked toward the light sky that was beginning to darken. "Gathering tonight.. " _____________________________________________________________ ooc: You know East, I was thinkin' that I have no absolute clue what some of these Characters look like.. So, I am going to post all the websites here (down) So that everyone can see what my characters look like : http://dandelionsflowers.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/cat-in-gra.ss.jpg ok That one up there is Shatteredpaw ^^ and right there it says gra.ss.... but take out the period between the gra and the ss and the site should work. http://smbhwarriors.webs.com/Fawnspots.jpg This cat Is Emeraldrain ^^ 
That cat is Poisonpaw ^^ 
Rainfeather ^^ 
Featherkit ^^  Nightpaw ^^ (( I will add Redstorm Ivynose and Quailfoot to this later...))
4:05pm Apr 6 2010 (last edited on 4:07pm Apr 6 2010)
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Dipping her head up and down, Mistsoul mewed, "I am proud to say that I am a great hunter like..." Her ears flickering back with a nervous swallow, "Like my mother." Her eyes shimmered a bit paler than her fathers, but still a stunning gold. "Though, I don't fight well. I can defend myself, but I don't attack." she stated. She was a narrow, lean cat that could have been a great fighter, but that wasn't what StarClan had in mind for her. You could always let me guide your body. I know, but I don't want to hurt another cat let alone kill one. -Sigh- You can be so innocent at times. I often forget how young you really are. Well, don't forget and we won't have a problem. So stubborn- Just like my father- If only you fought like him. With an inner hiss, Mistsoul closed off the conversation and left her companion bickering about what she could have been. What I could have been? Why not love what I am now..."Eaglestar," she continued as she came back to the solid world, "I will tell you that I am faithful to you and this clan, and you won't regret taking me back. Prey is tight, I know this, but I can find my own and even bring back more." Mistsould tried blinking her tension away but ended up sinking her claws into the soft moss. ((Ok, so the hidden companion is a secret that will be found out later on, but for now if Mistsoul is thinking in color but it's not italicized that means she is talking with her companion. If it is italicized then she is thinking to herself. East, I hope this is ok with you. I could send you a spoiler Rmail if you like. ^.^))
Just call me Siri.
4:43pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Eaglestar purred, "Of course you can come back! How can someone not let the former medicine cat back? You are much loved by every cat in the clan." Her cream tail wrapped around her paws as she said, "I've missed you."
10:40am Apr 7 2010
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(( bump, I don't know what to wright..))
11:07am Apr 7 2010
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Following closely behind Emeraldrain to the FireClan border he ewed, "A different group lives here" hissing under his breath he added, "They smell disgusting." His charcoal fur stood on end as he took a large breath to scent anything else. He caught the faint scent of something that made his mouth water and he exclaimed, "Mouse!" following the scent he dropped into a hunters crouch, lept and just missed the small peice of prey.
1:17pm Apr 7 2010
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Falconwing smiled as her new apprentice was given to her, throwing her own confused emotions into the back of her head again so she could look after Redpaw without worry. Padding up to the smaller tom, she touched his nose with her own, fur tingling to know that after so much she was now able to train her own apprentice. "I will do my best to train you in the way of the clan and I know you will become a great warrior." She murmured gently, and looked around to see what the other new mentors were up to. "Would you like to get to know the territory better? The borders, the best places to hunt, all-in-all the works." She asked. ~ Shadowpaw had watched as his mentor tore out of the den after Cheetahwind, his heart twisting in worry. He could almost see the agonized look in her eyes as she followed the tom, but kept his paws rooted firmly to the ground. He waited for what felt like moons, wondering if she was alright and what had happened between the two warriors. Finally giving up on any sort of training or figuring out what had happened, he sat at the back of the group as Redpaw, Bluepaw, and Greypaw were given their warrior names. Pride filled him as he watched his mother was given her first apprentice, knowing she would be as good a mentor as she was a mother. ~ Silentheart padded back into camp beside Mistsoul, feeling like he belonged more then he had before. I'll make the best of what i'v got now, not that it will be easy. He watched the apprentices named, an called out their names loudly, remembering when he was given his own mentor, or well both of them. His eyes evaluated Leopardheart as he called upon the clan and pride filled him to be looking on his former mentor who now lead the clan, even if it was only for a few moons. He deserves to lead Iceclan for a bit, he'd have made a excellent leader under different circumstances. Once the meeting was over and the apprentices getting to know their mentors, he padded over to the fresh-kill pile to eat a small something. Silentheart decided to hunt after he was finished, to clear his head a bit and hopefully think. Watching as Mistsoul entered Eaglestar's den, he suddenly worried that the leader would not allow her to return and she would be forced to leave this time. Please let Eaglestar see that this is her home, she belongs here as much as any cat does.

7:25pm Apr 7 2010
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Kestelheart looked down at Bluepaw and asked her, "Would you like to explore the territory now?" with a smile. He flicked his gray tipped tail and his brown eyes gleamed.
7:27pm Apr 7 2010
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"Oh yes!" Bluepaw's eyes lit up. "I know it by heart, but if you show me, I'll know the places names, and where the borders are!" She wiggled with exitement.
7:58pm Apr 7 2010
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Kestrelheart purred at his apprentices excitement, "Then if you'll follow me" he spoke, "We can begin your training" He padded out of the camp and to the Shelter Tree, a rather low hanging and well protected weeping willow, "This is the first thing my mentor showed me when I becaeme an apprentice, its called the Shelter Tree"
9:53pm Apr 7 2010
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"Oh, I've seen this place before." Bluepaw said. "although I can't remember when...."