1:02am Apr 8 2010
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Red of Dawn was glad that his pelt was so bright because his cheeks felt like the blazed brighter than the sun while he blushed. I was almost disappointed when I found out that I was getting a she-cat for a mentor, but she seems so nice. Maybe it will work out better than I thought. Thinking about how lost he had been coming in, Redpaw meowed, “I would like for you to show me the territory.” Never again shall I be lost in these lands. With a restless grumble his tummy announced his hungry. “Well,” he began with a coy grin, “could we stop by those great hunting spots you mentioned? I feel like I haven’t eaten in a moon.” With a relieved sigh, Mistsoul blinked gratefully at Eaglestar. “Thank you so much,” she mewed, “and I missed you too.” Getting to her paws, Mistsoul affectionately rubbed her cheek along Eaglestar’s. “I better go tell Patchpelt,” that was close, I almost said Silentheart, “and that others that I’m staying. They were all worried.” Gazing into Eaglestar’s scarlet eyes, Mistsoul added, “You are a great leader.” The silver she-cat slipped out of the den with a loving tail brush to her father. She knew that he would understand her friends worry, and he knew that she was staying so they would have plenty of time to talk. With a quick look around, Mistsoul spotted the blazing pelt of Copperfire. “Hello there,” she purred. “Looks like I get to stay.” Lifting her head proudly, Mistsoul soaked in the sunlight and absorbed the clan life once again. “Want to go hunting?” she asked. With her tummy’s rumble she added unnecessarily, “I’m hungry.” Finally feeling that her emotional turmoil had come to an end, Patchpelt looked for her apprentice. She wanted to spend time with Cheetahwind, but her apprentice had to come first. I’m not a good mentor at all. I’ve only taught him how to hunt. Shadowpaw deserves to learn fighting techniques. Spotting the handsome little tom, Patchpelt dashed over to him. “Shadowpaw,” she meowed, “Would you like to learn some fighting moves?” Even as she spoke she was going for the entrance, obviously heading for the training hollows.
Just call me Siri.
12:06pm Apr 8 2010
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"Perhaps from when you travelled here?" Kestrelheart asked Bluepaw curiously, "I wish I could have known this before I came an apprentice"
2:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Falconwing chuckled and started off towards the entrance, flicking her tail for him to follow. "Of course, don't want you training during do we?" She asked in a amused tone. Spotting Mistsoul with Copperfire, Falconwing bristled slightly. Why would such a nice she-cat be hanging around that liar? She wondered briefly, forcing her fur to lie flat and ears to prick as if nothing was the matter. Well, i'm just glad she's back, the place seemed so...odd with her missing, and Fernseed seemed lost. Byp*censored*ing Patchpelt and Shadowpaw, she grinned down at the mischievous tom. "Don't be giving her any problem's Shadowpaw, me and your father taught you how to respect your elders." Giving Patchpelt a friendly flick of the shoulder to show she was only teasing, Falconwing suddenly felt like she was a apprentice again herself. Full of energy and ready to get moving, it was a good thing she had a apprentice to take care of now. I noticed Redpaw speaking a little harshly about she-cat's, and I hope that I can change that view for him. He's now lead by a she-cat, and one that will claw his ears if he disrespects her because she's female. Entering a tiny clearing, she scented the air for prey and was instantly alarmed. Normally this place is teeming with prey, but I don't scent near as much as usual. Looking back to make sure Redpaw was following, she motioned for him to scent the air himself. "Alright, I want to see what you can do first, then I can critique your hunting methods." She told him, half sternly. Perhaps what the others are saying about so many cats in Iceclan is causing prey ti disappear is true. She flinched at the nest thought that went through her mind. If we cannot feed ourselves, then will Leopardheart and Eaglestar decide to invade another's territory. Shaking her head furiously, she knew the two of them would never do that unless it was truly necessary. ~ Shadowpaw instantly bounced to his paws, giving his mother a half evil, half amused glare as she p*censored*ed by. Sighing as he started to follow Patchpelt, he asked if they could stop once out of hearing range of the camp. "Patchpelt, I want to know the truth, please." He asked, eyes suddenly serious. "Do you truly want to mentor me?" She almost always gone, or when she's training me she's so distant. It's awkward to know that she's got other, more important things on her mind then to try and train a bumbling apprentice like me. Straightening up, he met her eyes boldly. "Your a great mentor, and a powerful warrior, and i'm honored to be your apprentice, really." He paused, trying to think of his next words. "But other things are on your mind, and I think you need to figure them out. Your always so sad it seems, or distant and I don't want to add to your troubles." He flicked her shoulder with his tail in a friendly gesture. "And Eaglestar's kits will be ready for mentor's soon, you seem attached to them. "He stopped and looked off into the forest. "But it's your choice." He shrugged. "And for the record, i'd love to stay being your apprentice, but..." He stopped again. ~ Purring softly at the news, Silentheart nodded, noticing how small the fresh-kill pile seemed. Getting to his paws, he was still a bit annoyed to see the soft red paws where they should have been brown. This is such a pain, not even knowing your own paws! "Let's see how much you've learned in the tribe 'oh wise medicine cat.'" He teased. Staring off into the forest, he turned to head in the opposite direction of Patchpelt and Shadowpaw. "Where do you want to hunt at?" He asked over his shoulder. This is so weird. One moment i'm in Starclan, then back in the forest ready to leave the clans behind, then the next hunting beside Mistsoul who I never thought i'd see again. What next?

4:54pm Apr 8 2010
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Cheetahwind stacked down midnightpaw. "Would you like to do some training?" He purred.He flicked his tail,telling her to follow. She saw Patchpelt with her apprentice. "Hey guys! May we join you?"
5:13pm Apr 8 2010
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Emeraldrain looked at Greypaw, "Next time, There is plenty of prey in this forest." she meowed happily. "Come, here....... do you smell that?" meowed Emeraldrain as she padded farther away from the border. (( East I have Omen of the stars book 2!!!! lol ))
6:26pm Apr 8 2010
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Watching his mentor’s moods, Redpaw was curisous as to why she had looked so frightened for a moment. Figure, only she-cats think too much. They should be more like toms. "Alright, I want to see what you can do first. Then I can critique your hunting methods," meowed Falconwing. With a quick nod, Redpaw scented the air. Closing his eyes so that his sense of smell and hearing would increase, Redpaw wondered what it would be like for a blind cat. The moment of thought drifted away when he scented a vole. Slinking low to the ground, Redpaw felt the new growth of gra.ss tickle his tummy fur. His ginger-red pelt glimmered in the spots of sunlight that had snuck through all the shady branches. Ears pricked forward in anticipation, each paw step planned, Redpaw could almost taste the prey. -Crack!- A twig snapped off to the right and the vole darted from its hiding place. Leaping into motion Redpaw swiped at the speedy little thing, but it had gotten away. Shoulder fur slightly bristled, Redpaw turned grudgingly to Falconwing. I wanted to show her that I was smart and brave, but I guess that’s not going to happen. Piece of fox-dung, vole should have been my dinner. “What made that noise?” he asked with a menacing undertone. ~ Patchpelt was shocked by what she heard her apprentice say. Shadowpaw, how could he be a burden to me? I am the one that is being irresponsible. “Now, Shadowpaw, listen well.” The calico she-cat mewed, “It is true that these last few days have been emotionally challenging to me, but they have nothing to do with you. I need to learn to prioritize. You need to have my full attention.” Blinking her emerald eyes, she continued quickly before he could interrupt, “True, I love kits, but they will grow to be just as rambunctious and,” with an affectionate lick to Shadowpaw’s cheek, “loveable as you.” Straightening her shoulders and lifting her head proudly, Patchpelt purred, “I have not been the type of mentor StarClan has wanted, but I will change. From now on, I will teach you to the best of my ability.” Gazing into her apprentices’ eyes she mewed, “I wouldn’t want any other kit to be my first apprentice Shadowpaw.” Letting all the truth she felt fill her eyes, Patchpelt suddenly heard, “Hey guys! May we join you?” Noting that Cheetahwind had Midnightpaw beside him, Patchpelt mewed, “Sure. I was hoping to work on some fighting techniques.” ~ Trotting along side Cheetahwind, Midnightpaw groaned when she heard that she was to fight Shadowpaw. He’s only a bit bigger, but he’s so much faster than me. Looking up at her mentor the little black she-cat suddenly wished that she had been a tom. They are so much stronger...but they know that, and they forget that she-cats are more agile. Pleased to remember the times that Falconwing had evaded Swiftdarkenss’s playful attacks, Midnightpaw decided to try a few of her tricks. ~ Silver pelt splotched with black rosettes, Mistsoul agreed to Silentheart’s challenge. Dashing ahead of the blazing tom the she-cat took them to the streambed. Each paw step Mistsoul took sank into the gritty, tan sand. Stopping when her forepaws were only a whisker length from the waters edge, she waited. Ivory claws unsheathed, Mistsoul’s gold eyes caught a shimmer of scales in the water. Lifting her left forepaw she held in over the water for a moment. Then with the speed of a striking snake, Mistsoul flung the fish from the water and pounced on it. Slipping from her paws Mistsoul yowled and leapt after it again. This time she captured it securely enough to deliver a killing blow. Thank you StarClan for this meal, she quickly prayed. Giving Silentheart a coy smile, she asked, “How is that for a ‘Tribe cat’?”
Just call me Siri.
7:58pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:59pm Apr 8 2010)
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Stifling a purr of amusement at her apprentices out-put, furious look Falconwing padded over to where the twig snapped. Looking down at the small, almost minuscule paw print, she flicked at it with her tail. "I believe your paw caused it." His persistence is amazing, but he needs to work on looking where he's going and not just keeping his eyes on the prey. Sniffing the air, she pointed with her nose where a small mouse scuttled. "Alright, mice can feel the vibration from your paws when you walk, so spread your weight more evenly. I notice you put most of it on your right side." She demonstrated the move, taking a few steps then straightening up. "But i'm impressed you remembered to keep your tail from dragging, most new apprentices forget." She flicked her ears to make sure the mouse was still there, it was. "Soon you'll be a great hunter, but I have a feeling you'll be a better fighter." She told him gently. He's like most toms, built a bit larger with more muscle to throw around, making it a bit more difficult to hunt, but what he lacks in speed he'll make up for in power. "Try that mouse of there now." ~ Blinking in delight at his mentor, he bounded to his paws and made a few little hop-skipping motions, yowling softly. He remembered at the last second some patrols were hunting. "Thank you, thank you!" He meowed. I was not sure what her answer would be, but I wanted her to be happy above anything else. Mother said that she was special to her older son, what was his name...? Silentheart, that was it. By the way she speaks of Patchpelt, she practically feels like a sister. Seeing his sister, he saw the challenging look in his sisters eyes and playfully cuffed at her. "You ready to get beaten?" He asked, crouching with his trail waving dramatically in the air. He felt like he was running on star-shine, ready to beat any enemy and do just about anything anyone told him to. ~ Jaw gaping in surprise, Silentheart stared at the she-cat like she had grown a second head. He'd heard that cats could fish, but seeing it done so gracefully and...well right there was something different altogether. Snapping his bottom jaw shut with a slight snap, he padded over and sniffed the slimy silver creature. "I'v never seen it done before, and have no idea how you stand getting your fur wet." Looking into the water, his fur fluffed up slightly at the thought of touching the wet stuff. Those Tribe cats must really be something, if they don't mind doing this and was even able to train one of our warriors to do the same. "How was that for a tribe cat?" He repeated her question, and looked up from the captivating swirls to the silver cat. "Probably excellent, but for a clan-cat, it was amazing."

8:07pm Apr 8 2010
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Jadewing walked out of the camp and saw Silentheart and Mistsoul sitting by the edge of the river. Upon Mistsoul catching the fish the breath left Jadewing's chest so quickly she almost pas.sed out. Walking slowly to sit next to Mistsoul she mewed, "Hello, what's your name?" and it waas one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do. Talking to her own daughter as if she didn't know her. Birdwave smiled as she saw her sister walk into the camp. She dashed back out of the camp after her yowling in pure joy, "Mistpaw!" for she did not know her sister's new name. Her light tabby fur was fluffed up as she dashed afterthe silver she cat, "I've missed you!" Her yowling was loud and scarcely odd as she was often one of the calm, relaxed and reseved of the four sisters.
10:31pm Apr 8 2010
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10:25pm Apr 10 2010
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Emeraldrain tasted the air, No.. It can't be... she padded toward the sent, "Greypaw, can you smell that?" she meowed worried. Dog.. I can't deny it... "That is the sent of a dog, Greypaw we have to report this to the camp right away, the sent is a little stale but only by a few sun rises. " Emeraldrain stood there, "Lets go," she murmured, and padded toward the camp with Greypaw. When they reached the camp Emeraldrain looked there was a scarce amount of warriors and Apprentices in the camp. Oh no.. "I need a warrior, " Emeraldrain ran toward the warriors den, "Leopardheart? There is a new.. well stale..ish.. sent of dog by the FireClan border.. We need to check this out." Nightpaw stood there in shock, "My dream is coming true.."
9:31am Apr 11 2010
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11:23am Apr 11 2010
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((Eklipse: It's been bothering me lately so I'm going to tell you. Sent is like, "I sent you some tu." While scent is, "scent of dog by FireClan boarder." I just couldn't help myself.))
Just call me Siri.
6:29pm Apr 11 2010
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Running up behind his mentor, Graypaw's long ,lean legs carried him almost as fast as her. HIs meium length ash coloured fur blew behind him as he ran at his top speed slightly pas.sing Emeraldrain. Once he stopped he sat by Leopardheart with his mentor and ooked around worried, "That was dog? I thought dogs smelled worse."
11:24pm Apr 11 2010
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Leopardheart’s fur bristled. “Dog?” he asked. What is a dog doing around here, he wondered. He meowed, “I will go talk to Eaglestar and see if I should leave more warriors.” Dipping his head to Emeraldrain and Graypaw he added, “Thank you for telling me.” Trotting off to find Eaglestar, he noted that the sky was starting to darken into dusk. Entering Eaglestar’s den, Leopardheart mewed, “Sorry for intruding, but Emeraldrain told me that she scented dog on her training expedition with Graypaw. So, Eaglestar, should we leave more warriors in camp?” ~ Bashfully casting her black lashes over her pale topaz eyes, Mistsoul soaked up Silentheart’s praise. The Tribe was right, it feels good to be back in the clan. Don’t get too comfortable, Mistsoul, her companion cautioned. All alone she turns to stone, while holding her breath half to death, terrified of what’s inside to save her life. I don’t understand…what does that mean? Who are you talking about? Her happy mood dribbling down with her new quizzical message from StarClan, Mistsoul was about to suggest heading back to camp with their catch when the bright she-cat appeared. “Oh, hello!” she mewed, “I’m Mistsoul.” Her whiskers shivered with an odd sensation. Nudging her catch, Mistsoul only opened her mouth to speak again when her kin came running. “Birdwave!” she cried happily. Pouncing onto the light tabby she-cat, “Little kit,” Mistsoul purred as the tumbled, “They call me Mistsoul now.” Rolling to a stop, Mistsoul was under Birdwave and she rubbed her cheek along her sisters. “I have missed you so.” Crawling from underneath Birdwave, she meowed, “We should head back to camp. I’m sure that we’re going to be heading to the Gathering soon.” ~ “I’m leaning too much to the right…” Redpaw mewed more to himself than Falconwing. Whispering, so not to spook the mouse, Redpaw said, “I will try my best.” Ears swiveling forward, paw steps light and more balanced Redpaw spotted the molted little prey scuttling around for seeds. His amber colored eyes disappeared as the black pupil dilated to dominate all of his eyes. Unsheathing his claw, Redpaw paused before a powerful leap. Grasping the mouse in his jowls he quickly killed it. Dropping it on the ground Redpaw spun around with a large grin on his face. “Falconwing, I did it!” he yowled gleefully. That she-cat is smarter than she seems, and a bit funny too. “What do we do next?” he asked with eagerness. He hardly noted that the sun was setting.
Just call me Siri.
4:13pm Apr 12 2010
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Silentheart watched as Mistsoul greeted her sibling, wondering for a second what it was like to share the same blood as other, to be litter-mates. His thoughts brought him back to his mother in Starclan, and he hoped, not for the first time, that he was doing her proud. Casting such things away, he noted for a second the odd look cast in the former medicine cats eyes. But it was gone as soon as it appeared. Deciding it was a trick of the light across her eyes, he ignored it. "That might be a good idea, see who's going tonight." ~ Falconwing smiled at the tom's enthusiasm, and padded over on light paws to inspect the kill. "That was fantastic, you took what I told you in and used it." Looking towards the setting sun, she wondered who was going to the gathering. "Your going to end up being one of the best apprentices a mentor could have, listening and not complaining." She twitched her whiskers slightly. "At least until it comes to cleaning the elders den." Green eyes twinkling with hidden mirth, she jerked her head towards the camp. "Grab your prey and lets head back. It's almost time to go to the gathering and I want to brag about my apprentices work." Flicking her fluffy plume of a tail, she started off.

7:52pm Apr 12 2010
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Eaglestar nearly spat she was so angry. Dogs? Another attack? Losing her anger, and happiness fading she mewed, "Yes I suppose so. I will come to the Gathering, Mistsoul will stay with my kits. I will adress the clans as IceClans leader." Nearly jumping at the thought of heading out of amp she mewed, "I hope Mistsoul will be okay with Featherkit though. Shes not as gentle as she looks"
7:53pm Apr 12 2010
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Birdwave narly yowled with excitement at seeing her sister again, walkiung over to her sister, a glint in her amber eyes she mewed, "Well Mistsoul how have you beem?"
9:26pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 9:45pm Apr 12 2010)
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(( curses vocab never will be goo at it lol... Okay, sorreh Siri ;P Thanks.)) Emeraldrain dipped her head to Leopardheart and padded toward the fresh-kill pile, "lets get something to eat, then we can go out and hunt some more.." meowed Emeraldrain to Greypaw, "Sorry we didn't really get to hunt, we can after we eat okay?" The thought of the other day when Rainfeather scratched Emeraldrain clung to her mind, I am not sure if I like Rainfeather.. She tried to shake the thought of that out of her head. "Mother, you have ruined my life." meowed Featherkit and she turned and shunned her mother. Why does she always have to leave? I hate being watched by other cats.. "Rosekit you should die." meowed Featherkit angrily, "I hate you." she turned away from her sister. "Well then I hate you too." meowed Rosekit, "You are dumb; and I am not your sister anymore.... Starting.... now."How is that even possible? "Go away." meowed Featherkit and she padded away from Rosekit. "Hi Larkkit.. Do you want to be Fireclan? and I will Be Iceclan... or I could be Fireclan and you could be Iceclan.." meowed Rosekit. "and Featherkit isn't my sister anymore... she shouldn't be your sister ether. "
10:04pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 10:07pm Apr 12 2010)
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"Hi Rosekit" mewed Larkkit shakily. She was smaller than her sisters and not near as ferocous. She couldn't see ehr scarlet sister approach but she could smell her. She smalled sweeter, like floewrs rather than like anger, "She won't be mine either" Lifting her lightly coloured tail she padded away from Featherkit, of whome she was terrified, "Can I be TreeClan instead? Uncle Sunstripe was from there" She didn't know who Sunstripe was or how she knew that fact. Their was somethings she just knew. Eaglestar chuckled at her kits, pulling the four of them in close she noticed that Jadekit slept alot more than the others. Pushing the thought away she nuzzled them, "You three are sisters and will be forever. You don't know how lucky you are to have siblings" Pausing to look at Larkkit she asked softly to the cream calico, "How did you know Sunstripe came from there?"
12:40am Apr 13 2010
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((Eklipse: No! Don't give up. I have mild dyslexia, so my hopes of becoming a writer are slim. Though, I don't stop trying to learn and remember the spelling and grammar. ^.^ With practice anything is possible.)) -doesn't want to do a fail post- ~Bump ((I will post later, but I need to study for a test.))
Just call me Siri.