6:14pm Apr 17 2010
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The ebony tom dipped his head in respect, showing that he accepted her order. As Eaglestar walked away, Swiftdarkness went to find Falconwing and wish her a safe return. When he spotted his mate Swiftdarkness watched her radiate with pride as Redpaw placed a plumb, little mouse in the fresh kill pile. I am glad that she finally has an apprentice. Thank you, Leopardheart, for understanding that it was her time. Gliding up to Falconwing as if his paws were shadows themselves, Swiftdarkness purred, “I will not be joining you at the gathering, so promise me you will return safely.” A flash of the previous gathering hit him hard. His noble leader coming in weary and defeated while the warriors bared claw marks and horrified glances. Starclan let it be safer. Affectionately licking Falconwing from cheek to ear, he mewed, “It looks like Eaglestar is gathering the chosen warriors by the entrance. Show your apprentice what it’s like to be a proud Iceclan cat.” ~ Leopardheart felt uncomfortable when he heard that Blazewing would be joining them. I would prefer that all the new rogues stay behind, but I trust Eaglestar’s judgment. He looked up when the fiery she-cat came forward. “That I am, and I remember you from the moment you came in. I know I show my seasons as a warrior, but my mind is still sharp as a raven’s claw.” Deep in his stomach a knot clenched, but he fought the cough. I forgot to look for honey. Shifting his paws anxiously, Leopardheart wondered why this she-cat made him so uneasy. When Eaglestar finished her talk with Mistsoul it was a relief for Leopardheart. “Eaglestar is gathering the warriors and apprentices that will be traveling to Fourtrees; I need to join her in the front.” He mewed quickly. Trotting over to his scarlet eyed leader, Leopardheart stood proud and regal next to her. There is no place I would rather be than beside Eaglestar. She is a great leader, and I will follow her until my death. ~ “You are a grumpy kit aren’t you?” Mistsoul mewed in Featherkit’s direction. That kit is the reason why I never took a mate. I don’t know what I would do if I had one like that, so full of self-loathing. Don’t be such a bitter old she-cat. Featherkit is just having a hard time figuring her true self out. I think she is harsh, malicious, and vengeful. I, for one, would never want her as an apprentice. For I know she won’t listen to a word that comes out of a mentors mouth. Well then, it’s a good thing you aren’t here now because I might get her. The thought pleased Mistsoul. She could have an apprentice now. Even if she wasn’t a great fighter she still knew defense well, and another warrior could help with the attack moves. Watch your thoughts young one because the future is always uncertain and changing, but if you speak or do something without care it sets it in motion. You are such a cynical she-cat, you know that? Of course I do! I am who I am. Now watch those kits, Rosekit is going to choke Larkkit if you don’t pay attention! With a purr of withheld laughter, Mistsoul went to the two kits, so different in color, and separated them. “Easy, or else the restless fox will get you both!” Mistsoul mewed playfully. Even though in the back of her mind her companion warned, revenge is a confession of pain. ((Midnightpaw, Patchpelt, and Redpaw coming!~))
Just call me Siri.
6:14pm Apr 17 2010
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Just call me Siri.
10:51pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 10:51pm Apr 17 2010)
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"No! I have no sisters left!" spat Featherkit. She couldn't deny the deep sadness growing in her. "I hate this.." she murmured; and padded away from Mistsoul, into the corner of the nursery. "I belong here... not disrupting anything.." it's always 'Larkkit your so pretty' or 'Rosekit you look brave like Rosestar,' or 'Jadekit you have Jadewings eyes..' And then they look at me, and think 'I wouldn't want her as an apprentice'. I hate those cats! Featherkit snorted at the thought of those two faced cats. Cowards! She thought They don't have the skill to take me on! Felling a little better about herself, she rested her head on the stone wall, I wish I could not be me.. and look as pretty as Larkkit, and as brave as Rosekit, and as rememberable as Larkkit.. Rosekit got off Larkkit and padded away and straitened her back, "Hello!" she meowed. "uh.. Who are you?" she asked.
12:44am Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 12:44am Apr 18 2010)
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Ducking into the apprentice den, Midnightpaw hoped to be left alone. I don’t want to go to the gathering. There will be too many cats, and I will certainly get in trouble for something. Pulling her moss bedding up she hid underneath it. Though she knew it was a mouse-brained hiding place, Midnightpaw prayed to Starclan that it would be too simpleminded for any cat to look. Even if they find me, I will refuse to go! I just won’t go. ~ Sitting back, Mistsoul twitched one whisker. I forgot that they don’t know me. Don’t feel bad, little one. In time they will come to love and trust you. This is not only a gift, but a curse. Friend, I would never think of this as a curse. Ah, but you are too kind of a heart. This is a great burden… Yowling cats, scent of blood, howling dogs. With a shiver, Mistsoul lowered her honey colored eyes and shook her head trying to shake the remnants of what is to come away from her mind. It is true that, at times, I find it hard to keep my jowls shut. I feel so helpless. You should know better than any cat that Starclan has plans for each cat. Some things just can’t be changed. With a sad sigh, Mistsoul knew that her companion told the truth. Will you ever tell me how- Not now. You have work to do. With a mental nudge of affection, Mistsoul mewed, “I am Mistsoul. I was a former apprentice to this clan before your mother had any of you.” Sitting beside Jadekit, who slumbered soundly, she continued, “I was the medicine cat apprentice, but Starclan had very different plans for me. So I left the clan.” Looking at Jadekit with open fondness she mewed softly, “My mother was Jadewing, and my father is Leopardheart.” Looking at Jadekit again, then Larkkit, and Rosekit, Mistsoul purred. “You will have great paws to fill. The warrior, or leader for you Rosekit, you are named after left a great impression on the senior warriors. You will have to strive hard to receive their praise.” Flicking an ear behind her, Mistsoul heard, "I belong here... not disrupting anything...” Swiftly turning on her haunches, Mistsoul leapt at Featherkit, and tumbled to the sandy floor of the den. “As for you and I, we get to create a name for ourselves. What do you say to that?” Mistsoul mewed, “Hmm. Should we become the greatest fight of the clan? No, too many toms will argue their superior strength. Even if we all know it’s the she-cats who are the strongest. So I think we should become the most impressive hunters. With our spotted pelts we could hide anywhere. What do you say to that, Featherkit?” ~ Patchpelt fairly tripped over her own paws. I get to show off my apprentice! Every clan cat will be jealous. Trotting up to Shadowpaw, she mewed, “Ready? I’m sure you will have a lot of fun.” Her emerald eyes shimmered with hardly suppressed excitement. Her calico pelt shone in the setting sun. It turned her mild ginger patches into blazing red ones, while the black and white contrasted immensely. Looking down at the tom, she smiled at his calico spots. Though, he was simply stunning with the black and white markings. His eyes are so handsome. Much like his father, but they hold his mothers kindness.
Just call me Siri.
9:48am Apr 18 2010
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Shatteredpaw walked into the apprentice den, the sighed and curled up in her nest. I go to visit Poisonpaw and she attacks me! Trying to push her troubles away. Oh well you aren't going to the gathering for other cats to make fun of your dumb paw... Shatteredpaw tried to close her eyes but couldn't think why her sister acts like that. Shatteredpaw was happy her sent was stale in the nest beside her. I wish her and other cats would just treat me normal for once. Shatteredpaw couldn't sleep, she just lay there staring forward. Featherkit felt a small surge of joy. No cat has spoken to her like that. Ever. "But.. I don't even know how to hunt. . ." meowed Featherkit looking up her. Then she looked down at her tiny paws. No cat has ever spoken to me like that......... "I think Larkkit said she would be the best hunter.." Rosekit heard Mistsoul's words, they felt warm around her. She puffed up her chest, Hear that Featherkit? A great leader!
10:47am Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 10:49am Apr 18 2010)
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Falconwing knew what her mate was worried over, and in truth she worried about it to. Such brutality that day, and we lost one of our loyal warriors. Please Starclan forbid it to happen on this day. Not letting her inner fears show, she licked his ear in comfort. "We will all return safe, I promise. It's you i'm also concerned about." She meowed softly. "How can a couple of warriors, no matter how good they are, deal with dogs?" She asked, lowering her head and voice. Knowing Redpaw's thoughts on the weakness of she-cats, she straightened up and smiled brightly. "Let's not worry our fur out over it, what happens will happen and we will deal with it then." Glancing over to where Midnightpaw slunk into the apprentice's den, a sad look on her face, Falconwing itched to go see what was wrong with her kit. But Eaglestar was gathering warriors so she looked to Swiftdarkness. "Is something the matter with our kit?" She asked, twining her tail with his in goodbye. Leaping over to to Eaglestar's patrol,m she beckoned Redpaw to follow. Shadowpaw was literally jumping around like a kit, tail fluffed up in delight and eyes shining. He was not good with the deep thoughts of others, him being quite dense, so the look Patchpelt gave him was nothing more then laughter to him. "Of course i'm ready!" he meowed, stopping his jumping and trying to act like a warrior, but it was hard because he felt like his paws were alight with energy. "I get to meet other apprentice and perhaps spy on other clan." He grinned at the thought. Silentheart was watching the clan gathering, and figured he had a minute to speak with a certain cat. Slinking into the apprentices den, he flinched in horror at the sight of Shatteredpaw's look. I forgot all about my promise to Shatteredpaw to train her! I'm so stupid! Padding up to her, he flicked her ear with his tail to gain her attention. "I saw you training today with your mentor. From what I saw you'll be a great warrior." He meowed softly, remembering her sadness at the thought of never being a warrior because of her paw.

12:42pm Apr 18 2010
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Follwing after Leopardheart, Jadewing caught up with the clan, "You say the place we are headed is Fourtrees? We had a place much like that back in CometClan. I miss it very much." Really what she missed wasn't CometClan but getting to lay down, rest or play with her mate or kits. Sighing she breathed out quietly, "I don't know who to tell."
3:03pm Apr 18 2010
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Crimson purred at her comment but soon it faltered when he heard her about not getting much kindness like what he had done. "Why? Every cat needs kindness." Then he realized she had said Brother. B-b-b-brother? Oh boy. This might be hard if he acts like a dad then...I might have to try to impress him but first her. He got up thinking that she might of felt awkward with him just sitting there watching. "Well...I should probably let you eat. See you around." With that he left with only a nod. Fireeyes watched with fury as Rainfeather and the tom spoke. How Dare he takes her from me. I have to find a way to destroy him and get rid of the competition. But how? He snuck back into the shadows and went towards the warriors den. Lostfoot sat beside Timberfur talking about Sorroweyes. "I'm sorry Timberfur. Maybe it would of been better if I had not left. I could have saved mothers life then." he held his head down, "Nonsense Lostfoot. Sorroweyes would not wish for you to stay within Caveclan to be thrown into danger. She would wish for you're safety more then hers. I know she was you're mother and she is my sister but we have to let it go now. There is nothing we can do." said his uncle, Timberfur. Timberfur laid his tail on his adopted nephews shoulders to try and comfort him. He had lost his sister and his nephew was blaming himself for not being there to help. "I am sorry..but she's gone now Lostfoot. There is nothing we can do. She hunts with Starclan now."
4:38pm Apr 18 2010
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Echovoice padded up to Lostfoot and Timberfur and mewed to the brown and gray tom, "Poor Sorroweyes. She was way too young to die." Resting against Timberfur she murmured softly, so only he could hear, "It will be okay"
4:51pm Apr 18 2010
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Timberfur stiffened and twitched his ears in embar*censored*ment. He licked her between the ears and whisper. "I know. But it's Lostfoot I'm worried about...she was his mother she took him in and cared for him even though he was born without a paw." Lostfoot walked away leaving them alone. It was weird to look at his uncle be so kind when he was usually so grumpy it made no sense to him. Unless he likes her or they were kit hood friends.
6:31pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 6:33pm Apr 18 2010)
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Pondering what his mate had said, Swiftdarkness watched the clan form a protective group around Eaglestar. The others, who would stay behind, meandered peacefully through camp. Will there be enough warriors? Shaking his head, Swiftdarkness knew that only Starclan could tell. Deciding that nothing of importance would happen for a while the black tom walked over to the apprentices’ den. Shatteredpaw sat in the corner talking to Copperfire. I didn’t notice that they had bonded. As his gazed swept the rest of the mossy enclosure, Swiftdarkness chuckled. Midnightpaw had hidden under her moss bedding, but her little black tail peaked out. Setting his paw on it lightly Swiftdarkness was rewarded with an annoyed yowl. “You can’t make me!” Midnightpaw mewed defiantly. Puzzled beyond belief, Swiftdarkness meowed, “Why don’t you want to go?” He was extremely concerned. Midnightpaw was a bit rambunctious at times, but was normally quite sociable. Going to her first gathering should be the greatest thing to ever happen. I know I was like a kit that found catmint the day I heard that I was to attend a gathering. Pulling her out from under the moss, Swiftdarkness licked the top of her head, and rasped lovingly. “Dad!” she yowled delightedly, “Stop, please. I’m not a kit. I just don’t want to go. Not yet…it’s too soon.” Her normally radiant eyes were filled with worry and hurt. She still blames herself for Cheetahwind’s injuries. “Well, if you insist.” Swiftdarkness mewed, “But don’t blame me if Shadowpaw comes back with stories that rival the elders.” For the last comment, Swiftdarkness got cuffed lightly on the nose. “Don’t make me change my mind.” She meowed determinedly. “Thank you for talking to be…” “Anytime my beautiful kit.” He purred full heartedly. “Now where is your sister, Littlepaw? I haven’t sent her around, and she is to go to the gathering as well.” “I don’t know.” Midnigtpaw mewed, “I haven’t seen her much lately either.” Dipping his head in farewell, Swiftdarkness went to go order a short patrol. I will stay in camp, but Ashfoot and Grayheart can lead the dual patrol. They are both quick cats, so the will stay safe. Glancing around the clearing from the apprentice den, Swiftdarkness spotted Ashfoot. Though, there was no sight of Grayheart. Padding up to the ginger-red warrior, he mewed, “Could you find either Grayheart or Rainfeather because I would like the pair of you to scout the area.” “Of course I can.” Ashfoot mewed, “I will get right to it.” With a nod to Swiftdarkness he was off looking for Grayheart. ~ A bit of nerves ran through Redpaw when he heard the rumor about dogs coming. These cats talk as if they can see the future, and communicate with the dead cats. What badger-brained ideas. But he still shivered with apprehension. “Falconwing, do clans normally have so many deaths?” he asked with worry, “I have heard of many warriors dieing, and I have not been here but a few sunsets.” He walked forward with Falconwing as the group began departure, filing through the narrow tunnel single file or slightly built pairs. ~ Patchpelt mrrowed with laughter at Shadowpaw, he is so like his father. I mean, spy on another clan? As her laugher died, Patchpelt remembered her first gathering. Well, I guess spying is a word for it. “Shadowpaw, if you want to spy on another clan, the best thing to do is talk.” She mewed, “Though, don’t talk about the clan, but about how well you are coming along with your training. You see, this gets them jealous and they will try to compete.” With a wink she added, “I found out that Caveclan was going to attack us, but Fernseed went to their medicine cat and changed their minds.” Her emerald eyes sparkling with mischief, Patchpelt suddenly couldn’t wait. She had made some friends with other clan members and missed them. Patchpelt swished her tail-tip with barely contained excitement, as she waited to get out of the camp. “Oh, and Shadowpaw, I’m really proud of you.” She purred with a lick on the calico tom’s ear. ~ Leopardheart rushed out of camp, right beside Eaglestar, but Blazewing was persistent. When he immerged, the fire-red she-cat was right beside him again. Starclan, why have you done this to me? Did I anger you? I’m so confused whenever this she-cat is near. She reminds me of what I have lost… “I don’t know who to tell…” “Pardon?” he mewed, did I hear her correctly? “Tell who what?” he asked. Suddenly curious, Leopardheart walked next to the she-cats shoulder. His spotted ears pricked forward. He was curious as to what she had to tell, and what it might be about. Cometclan seemed a bit similar to Iceclan, but Leopardheart knew that some things where not as they seemed. ~ Mistsoul flicked her tail on Featherkits shoulder. “I know that,” she mewed. “You are a kit, and you should act like one because all too soon you will have to find your own prey and fight battles.” There was wistfulness in Mistsoul’s voice as she said this. “I wish that times were as simple as they were when I was a kit.” Now there are so many demanding responsibilities, I don’t even know if I can do it. Mistsoul walked over to the moss bed, laid down, and then mewed, “Would all of you like to hear about my journey to the Tribe?”
Just call me Siri.
6:42pm Apr 18 2010
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Flicking her ears at Redpaw's words, she contemplated on what to say so she would not frighten him away from clan-life. "Well, the life of a warrior is dangerous and sometimes unforgiving." She started. "We live to take care of our clan, and die for it as well. As for this many deaths so quick in unison?" She sighed bitterly at the picture of her mangled sons form, dying right beside her with his goal unfulfilled. "Yes and no. It's better some seasons and even worse during others. It depends on how well we work together as a clan, and with each other. We must trust one another no matter what kind of rivalries we share and know that everyone has everyone else's back. If not, then we can easily die." Great Starclan it's confusing to explain all of this to a apprentice, and a young rouge born one at that!
8:21pm Apr 18 2010
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Cursing for saying it out loud she muttered to him, "I don't know." Jadewing sighed deeply her now Ice blue eys full of longing and hurt. tyaking a deep breath she said something to him, wanting him to know, "I miss my mate and kits." This was one true thing she had said al the time she had been back, "it hurts so much to..." She broke off and finished her sentence in her head. Have them not know I'm their mother.
8:39pm Apr 18 2010
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Quiet for the moment, Redpaw contemplated what his mentor said. She is surprisingly honest. I thought she might try to sweeten the bitter reality. I’m fearful of this truth, though I will never speak of my fears, but I respect her greatly for it. His paws looked dainty next to hers as they followed Eaglestar and he came from his thoughts. “So,” he started, “we are going to fourtrees. What is that place? Why is it so special? Why don’t the clans just attack each other when you’re all there? Does it have to be a full moon to go? Does any one clan rule this place?” Redpaw knew that he asked a lot of questions, but he couldn’t help himself. Falconwing was turning out to be better than he thought, and he didn’t like that. Redpaw wanted to keep thinking of she-cats as nothing more than dirt. I mean look at my mother. She couldn’t even saver herself. Though, as he gazed up at Falconwing, he knew better. Clan she-cats were something a tom, clan or not, didn’t want to mess with. They knew how to use their minds, they knew how to fight, and they still had a mothering nature. To think, I realized this in less than three sunsets in this clan. Shaking his head in disbelief, Redpaw patiently waited for Falconwing’s answers. ~ Leopardheart looked intently at Blazewing. The she-cat truly did look miserable. I miss my mate as well, but at least my kits are still with me. Glancing back he spotted Birdwave, Duskfire, and Ravenblaze with ease. He was beyond proud of his kits. They all remind me of Jadewing too. Better physical traits and personality, all of them show signs of their mother. “I miss my mate as well,” he mewed softly. “Though, she hunts in Starclan now, and may she rest in peace. For when my time comes, I will hunt with her, Starclan will it.”
Just call me Siri.
8:55pm Apr 18 2010
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Turning to look at Leopardheart Jadewing sighed, "I've heard." Foxdung! You stupid she-cat! She cursed herself inwardly. Eaglestar had told her only about Jadewing dying, not that she was his mate. Eaglestar overheard Leopardheart and Blazewing speaking,and thought to herself. There's something oddly familiar about her.
9:10pm Apr 18 2010
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Timber looked at his nephew then something had struck him like an acorn falling from a branch into the water. What if Echovoice was pregnant and she died after telling ME? He sat there in place wideeyed.
9:12pm Apr 18 2010
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Nuzzling Timberfur, Echovoice mewed, "it's going to be fine"
9:17pm Apr 18 2010
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Timberfur remained silent still staring off into space. He was starting to over worry over her the one he loved dearly. No I wont let it happen I Refuse to let it happen I will protect her with my life.
9:20pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 9:26pm Apr 18 2010)
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"Whats wrong?" she asked Timberfur seeing theworry and anger in his euyes. "Timberfur." she called. "Timberfur!" she yowled a little louder, "TIMBERFUR!"
9:22pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 9:23pm Apr 18 2010)
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((What are East's favorite colors?))
Just call me Siri.