9:25pm Apr 18 2010
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ooc; East likes, Orange and green.. Hence Jadewing's colours.
9:28pm Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 9:28pm Apr 18 2010)
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ooc; Om noms double post
9:28pm Apr 18 2010
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Quickly Timberfur wipped his head around so that his and Echovoices noses where touching his fur bristling and snarled. "Echovoice! Don't you Ever die on me when you tell me you're expecting kits. Don't you die on me Period! I want to become an elder with you!"
9:31pm Apr 18 2010
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((OK!~ Thanks Lameil-chan!))
Just call me Siri.
9:32pm Apr 18 2010
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Echovoice looked into her ates eyes and said, "I'm not dying... and I don't plan on dying anytime soon, but I am having kits"
9:45pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 779
Timberfur raised his head eyes shocked and he looked down at her. "I...I'm a...dad? I'm a dad. All of Iceclan I'm gonna be a dad! And my kits are with the most beautiful cat in the whole world." He purred proudly and licked his mates cheek. Lostfoot stared in shock at Timberfur and Echovoice. His Uncle was mates with Echovoice and his uncle was Very grouchy. He soon left shock as he saw his other uncle Fireeyes walk over to them knowing there was trouble. Fireeyes walked over to Timberfur and stared at him emotiolessly and stated loud enough for the clan to hear. "You'll make a terrible father."
9:48pm Apr 18 2010
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It took all er self-constraint for Echovoice not to lash out at Fireeyes. Her blue-green eyes blazed with fury as she looked at the gray tom. Promptly turning away she smiled and Timberfur and mewed, "You aer too dramatic"
9:55pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 779
All of Timberfur's happiness had vanished as he glared ferociously at his brother. He was trying all his might Not to lash at Fireeyes for what he had said to him. Tail swaying harshly from side to side he glared and clawed the ground continuously it seemed he would have made a hole in the ground. Lostfoot stood there shocked. Fireeyes had said something he never thought he'd see or hear. He was speechless.
5:26pm Apr 19 2010
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Laughing at Redpaw's enthusiasm, Falconwing slapped her tail over his mouth to stop the steady stream of words. "One at a time, i'm not near as young as I used to be and all your words are muddling my brain." She teased, flicking her tail away before it got bit. At least he's interested in clan life, thats more then I could have ever hoped for. He's changed my views on rouge born cats, perhaps some of them do have a chance to make it in clan-life. "Fourtree's is a special place where all the clans can meet together on the full moon in peace. There is a large rock in the middle where the leaders sit, and we all stand around it, listening to them talk. It got it's name because of the four huge oak tree's that surround the clearing." She stopped to catch her breath. "The place is special because it's where generations upon generations of warriors, back all the way to the first leaders, have gathered. It's a place of peace and friendship, yet also a place of much blood shed." She meowed tensely. "It's where Starclan spoke to the cats to create four clans after a battle that killed so many." She stopped and prayed for those poor lost souls, head bowed slightly. "We cannot attack any cat there because there is a sacred truce, created by our warrior ancestors. We all know this, and respect their wishes because they are wise and powerful in their own ways." Chuckling slightly once ore, she looked down at him with gentle green eyes, almost as a queen would her kit. In a way I do look at him as a son, seeing as he has no mother now and seems almost bitter about her. Perhaps that is the reason he looks down upon she-cats. Oh well, I'll do what I can to change that. "No cat rules Fourtree's; it belongs to all cats of the forest."

9:48pm Apr 19 2010
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(( Electro, I have a post with Shatteredpaw.. ;P )) "Yes," meowed Rainfeather as is she read Crimson's thoughts, "I have two brothers, in this clan. "See you latter.." she meowed quietly when he left. Remembering her sister blackfang, I wish she was allive... and not evil... she thought to herself quietly. Shatteredpaw ran into the forest after her short nap, I want to get away from Poisonpaw! She hates me! She sprinted as fast as she could an collapsed on her side. " I Hate having this stupid paw..." she meowed Sadly, "I wish I could just be.. normal.." "sure.." muttered Featherkit still not convinced. "Yes! Tell us please!" meowed Rosekit excitedly. she padded around the den until she found a comfortable spot and lay down. When Featherkit came and lay beside her, Rosekit moved over beside Larkkit.
9:54pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 779
Crimson padded away and layed down falling into a light sleep. Lostfoot followed Shatteredpaw wondering where she was going. He padded up to her when she fell. "Are you alright?" He asked concerned. "Do yo want a little help?"
10:05pm Apr 19 2010
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Shatteredpaw heard his voice and wide-eyed, she turned around. "W-who are you?" she asked nervously. His scent. It smelt different, "and I am okay..." she murmured. Shatteredpaw got to her feet and looked at him. "You don't have a front paw ether?" she meowed looking at his paw then hers. He smells of herbs.... "Are you a medicine cat?" she meowed.
10:17pm Apr 19 2010
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Lostfoot looked at her paw and nodded. "Yes I was born without a paw. I am Lostfoot. I was once Medicine cat of Caveclan but I left. What is you're name?" He remained calm.
10:19pm Apr 19 2010
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"Shatteredpaw, my mother named me that because I was 'Shattered' by a fox when it attacked me.." she meowed sadly. "And my sisters get angry at me easily, like Poisonpaw freaks out on me for nothing, and Nightpaw is blind so she acts somehow superior to me..."
10:24pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 779
Lostfoot looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that. At least yo know you're mother and father. My mother left me out in the cold. But thankfully Firefeather found me. Come now. Let us head back to camp." He got up and turned around walking but stopped to wait to see if she would come.
5:47pm Apr 20 2010
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ooc; Bumpo
8:08pm Apr 20 2010
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"I have no clue who my real parents are ether," meowed Shatteredpaw, looking at her good paw. " I don't know my mother or my father, I was raised by a cat named Jayflight, and she was killed before I became an apprentice, Blackfang, Rainfeather's sister and the old Fireclan deputy, killed her. I don't have any clue who's kit I am! I could be a rouge !." meowed Shatteredpaw, I can't believe I am telling him this! "I am sorry for continual blabbing... " she finished.
8:13pm Apr 20 2010
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" Echovoice!" Can I talk to you?" meowed Emeraldrain, "Uhh.. it is about...." well just come here." Emeraldrain pulled Echovoice from Timberfur and sat her down, "Listen, I am expecting kits.... And I don't know if I should tell Raveneyes!"
8:14pm Apr 20 2010
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Hearing this Echovoice stalked over and purred , "Congratulations!" the confusion in the other she-cats emerald eyes worried her, "Of course you should tell hhim. Why would you not?"
9:06pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 779
Lostfoot nodded. "It's quite alright. I can see we both have unknown parents. I am sorry to hear about Jayflight." He landed his tail across her shoulders comfortingly. Fireeyes walked away feeling better that he made his brother feel miserable.