11:55pm Apr 20 2010
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((::Waits for Eaglestar to arrive at the gathering:: o.o I didn't think you wanted Leopardheart to lead, but so far he's the one pushing for her to get to the gathering. =X ?)) Mistsoul huddled close to the kits. She described how the quest was long and challenging. She told them about the difference in prey and surrounding. Though, Mistsoul didn't speak of the cats or why Starclan had sent her there. Hold your heart tightly, little one. The great misfortune is coming. Hush, I know. Mistsoul had slept little on her travel back to Iceclan. Her dreams were plagued by death, but none of the cats could be identified. Starclan had also made her swear secrecy of her new companion and the fact that she still maintained her gift of hearing Starclan. Why can't I tell the others? Starclan is so beyond me. Watching the kits, she saw sparks of excitement and awe.
Just call me Siri.
11:56pm Apr 20 2010
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((LP)) -just wondering how many cats can be in a clan because we have a lot-
Just call me Siri.
9:08am Apr 21 2010
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ooc; Yeah... I don't know. I guess it's all fine as long as they have enough room. Theres about this many, maybe a little less in the Fourth Apprentice in ThunderClan Eaglestar pushed the voice of Blazewing away and dashed into the clearing. Normally a clan leader would do no such thing, but the freedom, the wind in her fur after a mooon of being cnonfined to the cam, was amazing. Leaping up to the top of the Great Rock she yowled for all the cats tobe quiet so they could share their news and be off.
9:12am Apr 21 2010
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Larkkit looked to Mistsoul, listening in awe to her story. Her creamy splotched fur stood on end as she listened to how different the world is and she mewed, "I can't see, but I know these two rocks are different" her pink nose sniffed, "They smell different"
5:58pm Apr 21 2010
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" I am scarred...." Emeraldrain replied softly, "he might have not wanted them... and.." Emeraldrain's voice trailed off. "I don't want the kits to have a Father that doesn't care, thats all." Emeraldrain shuffled her paws uncomfortably. Shatteredpaw looked up, " Jayflight...... never treated me the same as Poisonpaw. She favored her, and still all the other clan cats do too, she is the only one that has nothing wrong with her.." Shatteredpaw looked at the gra.ss, "Anyways........ I should be going back to the camp, I have to bring prey to Poisonpaw..." If she is so smart why didn't she move away from the falling tree branch! "Why do you act like that?" meowed Quailfoot to Fireeyes, "You, of all cats should be happy for him. " Quailfoot leapt down from the tree. Her brown spotted white pelt shook as she landed and her white spotted black underbelly brushed on the gra.ss under her. "I bet Timberfur would be happy for you If you ever have kits." Quailfoot barred her teeth in a snarl, her Crimson eyes blazed as she looked at him. He is too arrogant. "If making him feel like that makes you feel better, I wouldn't come back to the camp for a very long time." Quailfoot continued. "Now, I have to go to the gathering." she hissed and staled off. Toms! They always think they seem stronger when they insult each other but I see that they are weak!
6:24pm Apr 21 2010
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Lostfoot nodded and followed her. "I am sorry to hear that." He walked beside her. Fireeyes narrowed his eyes at her. "I'll make sure You become crowfood someday." He snarled at her. "Go to the gathering you aren't wanted." Glaring as she walked away he clawed the earth beneath him.
9:50pm Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 9:50pm Apr 21 2010)
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Hearing Fireeyes yowling harsh words at Quailfoot, Echovoice padded over and cuffed him hard over the head.
10:32pm Apr 21 2010
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Fireeyes hissed at her and glared. "What?" Lashing his tail and clawing the earth. "Watch it or I'll scratch you bad enough you'll be stuck in the medicine cats den for moons."
12:19am Apr 22 2010
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Lonestar watched Eaglestar as she bolted through the underbrush with all her warriors and apprentices in tow. Peering down from his spot on the high rocks by Phoenixstar, he spied his deputy sitting beside the rock gazing up at Leopardheart. The two of them looked so similar that Lonestar knew they were kin some how. When Eaglestar leapt onto the high rocks, the only spot left was beside Hawkstar. I don’t like that tom, thought Lonestar. He reeks of evil. When Eaglestar called the gathering to a start, Lonestar listened to her announce the new warriors and apprentices. He was saddened by the news of so many pa.ssings. When his turn came, Lonestar’s meow echoed through the clearing. “Cats of all clans, listen well. There have been many bests moving into our forest. Foxes are digging more burrows than normal, badgers are lumbering around during the daylight, and twolegs are getting careless of their dogs. Treeclan has not lost any cat yet, though an apprentice was injured. Twigstripe also fought off a rogue. She has shown much bravery, so she now has an apprentice, our clans only new apprentice.” Lonestar paused, remembering the litter of kits and was dismayed that only one made it to apprenticeship. “Welcome Firpaw!” As Firpaw was announced Twigstripe yowled with joy. Her clan wasn’t suffering from shortage of prey, but of attacks and illness. We have become more hostile at the boarders because of all the rogues, foxes, and badgers. What clan can blame us; we lost three warriors to white cough while our medicine cat was gone. Twigstripe was glad that Lonestar hadn’t mentioned that, and she was going to stick close to her apprentice to be sure he didn’t talk too much. Our clan is becoming weary. I hope there is peace soon, or those twoleggers will drive us from the forest. With that solemn thought, Twigstripe padded closer to Leopardheart. The spotted tom and her had always gotten along. “How do you fair,” she asked Leopardheart. "Well,” he replied simply. Twigstripe eyes him with curiosity. “Do you have a cough?” she mewed gently. Twigstripe didn’t want to worry him from the topic. “Only lately,” he mewed. “It will be gone soon enough.” “Starclan’s will,” she mewed respectfully. Twigstripe knew that she would have followed Leopardheart if there had been different circumstances. He is wise and noble. Though, he is also very humble. With a dip of her head, Twigstripe went back to listening to the other learders, Phoenixstar and Hawkstar. ~ Meanwhile, Patchpelt shimmered with excitement. Looking at Shadowpaw every so often. I can't believe that I have an apprentice!
Just call me Siri.
7:32pm Apr 22 2010
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Shatteredpaw walked.. or limped back to camp, her side aching from the fall she had earlier. As she and Lostfoot padded into the camp she picked up a vole and gave gave it to Poisonpaw in the medicine den. "Here is your vole." mumbled Shatteredpaw as she dropped the vole at Poisonpaw feet. "About time runt, now go, or when my leg heals you are going to wish you hadn't." sneered Poisonpaw. Ignoring Fireeyes retort , Quailfoot padded back to camp and caught up with the gathering patrol. "Watch it Fireeyes." snapped Rainfeather as she leaped out of the tree easily pinning him down. "Or you won't leave this patch of gras.s." Pheonixstar stepped forward. "As Fireclan has mourned the unknown loss of our deputy, Blackfang, we have moved on. Our new deputy is Sevenstripe." Murmurs of happiness rose. "Otherwise," Phoenixstar continued, "The pray has been Running well and we have welcomed Two new warriors." She paused. "Flamewhisked and Thorneyes." as Fireclan warriors cheered, the murmurers of happiness died down. Pheonixstar stepped back and motioned with her black and orange tail for Hawkstar to make his announcement. I don't trust Hawkstar, and he kind or looks like he is about to reveal something..
7:51pm Apr 22 2010
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ooc; Who mentors Littlepaw? I checked the charrie list... she has no mentor :S
8:16pm Apr 22 2010
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((East, Leopardheart does. O.o ::goes to fix:: Should I have another list update?))
Just call me Siri.
8:19pm Apr 22 2010
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((East: O.o you must have missed it because Littlepaw is right behind Leopardheart. I didn't even have to edit it. x3 Oppsy!~))
Just call me Siri.
8:26pm Apr 22 2010
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ooc; If you want. btw Jadewing said something to Leopardheart before :P Whatever. They can talk after :P Eaglestar yowled out from the top of the rock, announcing what had happened in the past moon, "I am sad to announce we have lost a few warriros since the last Gathering" hearing murmurs she stopped and silenced the cats before continuing, "We have been attacked by foxes, but not weakened in any way" She glared at Hawkstar his ivory claws and fangs glinting in the moonlight, "But on another, more positive note, we have thre new warriors and many new apprentices. Littlepaw, mentored by my deputy Leopardheart, Shadowpaw mentored by one of our new warriors Patchpelt, Midnightpaw mentored by Cheetahwind, another of our new warriors, Gentlepaw and Nightpaw, our medicine Cat apprentices mentored by Fernseed." That shocked many cats Two medicine cat apprentices? How odd. "Shatteredpaw mentored by Berrypool, formerly Stella, and Poisonpaw mentored by Sunflare" Taking a deep breath she finished, "I am also proud to announce that Ravenpaw, Birdpaw, and Duskpaw are now Ravenblaze, Birdwave and Duskfire. Mistsoul has alos returned to the clan. That is all." Beckoning with her tail she mewe more quietly this tiime, "Hawkstar" The large sleek, brown and orange tom stepped forward with a sneer, "CaveClan is well. Prey is running good, we have little problems with such pests as you" he added in his head The weaker clans, "Although we are sad to announce we have lost a strong warrior, Sorroweyes was attacked and killed by a rogue on our territory" Dipping his almost ebony head he murmured, "That's all"
8:27pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 8:28pm Apr 22 2010)
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((You didn't notice her 'cause Littlepaw is so small. XD An' who's at the gathering?))
8:27pm Apr 22 2010
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ooc; Ohwow. There she is :P
8:30pm Apr 22 2010
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((Yes, I have magically appeared from the depths of the real world. :p))
9:02pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 9:02pm Apr 22 2010)
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Shadowpaw watched from beside his mentor, his curiosity suddenly daunted by the sheer number of cats in the clearing. Most of the cats were very large and muscular, or lithe and quick all of them ready to turn and fight to the death if it called for it. I feel completely useless, not talking to any of the other apprentices. But if something happens, I'd rather be right here beside my mentor. He looked up at Patchpelt adoringly, wondering how she kept so calm in the face of this danger. "I don't like Hawkstar, something is...odd about him." He muttered lowly.
9:07pm Apr 22 2010
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Fireeyes snarled at Rainfeather. "Why should You care? You Ditched me when hunting. Tells me that you Don't care." Lostfoot looked at poisonpaw unamused. Well She seemed rather proud. With that he padded away and sat down. Timberfur padded up to Echovoice and licked her cheek purring lovingly.
11:23pm Apr 22 2010
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((Fullmoon, if you look at the other page, or two ago, Leopardheart told Eaglestar. Then Eaglestar told the clan in a clan meeting.)) ::Hey, I'm sorry but I can't Role play this weekend. I have to work tomorrow, a school dance on Saturday, then a project due on Monday. I will try to write on Sunday, but I don't really know. Also, I can't really post with all the mini-posts and the Gathering isn't in its social part, or ended. So..yeah. I will try to post though!::
Just call me Siri.